Seventh day Adventism

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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2014
South Africa
The story of my life has been simple.

I was a Seventh Day Adventist. I requested to be baptised to make my dear dad happy (I never really believed water-baptism). Otherwise I was a fervent Ellen White specialist. When I joined an Afrikaans splintered off group - what a fiasco - I was an authority on the 'spirit of prophesy' and preached 'sanctuary truth' sermons like some master for you. God saved my soul from it all. Since that sect died out NO SDA have ever even tried to visit me to speak to me about Salvation or Truth or Christ or whatever like prophesy or even morals. THEY FEARED ME AND TO THIS DAY YOU WILL NOT HEAR OR SEE MY NAME IN Seventh day Adventism. The academics deny my existence. The pastors hate me and taught their sheep to chase me like a wolf off SDA grounds and pastures. IT IS FORBIDDEN FOR AN ADVENTIST TO KEEP MY LITERATURE IN THEIR HOMES. I made a point of it to leave a book or so at every SDA I have visited through the years and when visiting again to ask about it, and THEY NEVER HAVE IT ANYMORE, in most homes more than once or twice. Their pastor must have told them. Poor souls. God have mercy on them.
But you big-shots SDAs, Your day is coming, Soon your church is going to fall apart completely. Like the WCs', your universities are going to close down and your academicians will find themselves on the street with the jobless. Your presidents and Jesuit bosses will prefer the conversation of hobos so embarrassed they are going to be in the company of their Catholic colleagues : JUST LIKE YOU HAVE been embarrassed because of me.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
The Bible says to judge justly. To do that requires study.

But you don't do that. Thus you defend cults.

Sure we are to pray, but God requires personal responsibility, study and diligence.

We are commanded to defend the gospel, not surrender and embrace those that do not teach it.
The Bible gives no command for all believers to "study" "cults."

And it seems that, when determining what Adventists teach and believe, anything and anyone is consulted, except Seventh-day Adventists themselves.

William Johnsson was a fine magazine editor and author, but he is no debater and I believe he had no idea what he was walking into, which was a railroading. The fact that he did not have charisma or a quick wit ensured his defeat. Which is exactly the kind of thing Ankerberg always salivated over. It couldn't have been better for him if it had been a legit set-up.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
The story of my life has been simple.

I was a Seventh Day Adventist. I requested to be baptised to make my dear dad happy (I never really believed water-baptism). Otherwise I was a fervent Ellen White specialist. When I joined an Afrikaans splintered off group - what a fiasco - I was an authority on the 'spirit of prophesy' and preached 'sanctuary truth' sermons like some master for you. God saved my soul from it all. Since that sect died out NO SDA have ever even tried to visit me to speak to me about Salvation or Truth or Christ or whatever like prophesy or even morals. THEY FEARED ME AND TO THIS DAY YOU WILL NOT HEAR OR SEE MY NAME IN Seventh day Adventism. The academics deny my existence. The pastors hate me and taught their sheep to chase me like a wolf off SDA grounds and pastures. IT IS FORBIDDEN FOR AN ADVENTIST TO KEEP MY LITERATURE IN THEIR HOMES. I made a point of it to leave a book or so at every SDA I have visited through the years and when visiting again to ask about it, and THEY NEVER HAVE IT ANYMORE, in most homes more than once or twice. Their pastor must have told them. Poor souls. God have mercy on them.
But you big-shots SDAs, Your day is coming, Soon your church is going to fall apart completely. Like the WCs', your universities are going to close down and your academicians will find themselves on the street with the jobless. Your presidents and Jesuit bosses will prefer the conversation of hobos so embarrassed they are going to be in the company of their Catholic colleagues : JUST LIKE YOU HAVE been embarrassed because of me.
I've never heard of you. I've been an Adventist for 30 years. Maybe I'm not enough of a "big shot." One thing is clear. You are your own biggest fan.

How am I supposed to know to fear you or dispose of your literature or chase you off if I've never heard of you?
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2014
South Africa
I've never heard of you. I've been an Adventist for 30 years. Maybe I'm not enough of a "big shot." One thing is clear. You are your own biggest fan.

How am I supposed to know to fear you or dispose of your literature or chase you off if I've never heard of you?

You would never have heard about me, Shows you how successful the regime rules. And absolutely correct, I am my own biggest fan. So help me God, here I stand; I cannot retract ONE TRUTH I EVER PROTESTED FOR. And like Namibia's Luther, I am standing today where I have stood in a dry and forlorn desert land for so many years, and pray the Lord may find me on the exact same spot at his coming again.

God bless, friend. Hope soon to be able to greet you as brother in Christ Jesus.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2020
United States
The seventh day rest was part of the first creation, the new covenant church is the new creation so we have a new day of rest and worship the Lords day of the resurrection of Jesus Christ and this is another novel false church, the one true was founded by Christ 2000 years ago Mt 16:18 and no man has authority to start a church


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
The seventh day rest was part of the first creation, the new covenant church is the new creation so we have a new day of rest and worship the Lords day of the resurrection of Jesus Christ and this is another novel false church, the one true was founded by Christ 2000 years ago Mt 16:18 and no man has authority to start a church
Where in the Bible does it say that the new covenant church is the new creation? If it is, then the old creation has to have been the Exodus and the establishment of Israel.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2020
United States
Hi Barney, I’m Ernest t. Bass on a golf forum!

2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

Revelation 21
And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. And I John saw the holy city, newJerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. ...

heavenly Jerusalem is our mother!
gal 4:26