So, should Biden be burned at the stake with Trump?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
I wouldn’t have made claims that I couldn’t prove and when it became clear I had no chance in court I would have conceded.
I see. Proof is not in the man but in the pudding. Regarding voter fraud, other than:
  • More votes than registered voters
  • statistical impossibilities
  • videographic evidence
  • thousands of eye witnesses and affidavits
  • Democrats boarding up the rooms with plywood so election observing the vote counting could not happen.
  • Electronic fraud through internet connected machines swapping votes.
  • "Mail in" votes coming in at 3 AM after the election in violation of law by the 10,000's, mostly voting for Biden - and no down ballot candidates.
Claims of voter fraud could not be proven. There is a book called The Federal Mafia (America's Biggest Criminals Sit On The Federal Bench). I wonder why that book was written? I wouldn't have conceded. Recently, someone said lost causes are the only causes worth fighting for. (I considered myself a lost cause when God entered my life).

It's so funny, going back to media propaganda and hypocrisy. The media was full of praises for Stacy Abrams for not conceding - even though there was none of the fraud identified above. Where is all this praise in the media when Trump did not concede?

Then evidence came up just last week that the FBI staged the Jan 6 assault on the capital. The level of corruption makes me sick! Decades ago a socialist friend from MA, but I repeat myself, moved the goalposts. 1st, he was there was no voter fraud. Then I detailed incidents far less than above. 2nd, he then claimed there was not widespread voter fraud. He did not answer my question of how widespread the voter fraud had to be to conclude there was voter fraud.

The funniest thing of you claiming voter fraud could not be proven is for all of Trump's term in office, there was the ubiquitous RUSSIA! RUSSIA! RUSSIA! which formed the basis of claims that Trump's presidency was invalid. Yet, suddenly after the election of 2020, TPTB reversed themselves. They were apoplectic in response to and demonized those on the other side of the aisle saying what they've been saying everyday for 4 years. They suddenly asserted there is no way the election could have been tampered with - despite more evidence than there ever was regarding Russia.

It really goes to show the power of propaganda and indoctrination
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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
See "2000 Mules" and read the reports since November 2019 in certain conservative news sources detailing the fraud. Why did 17 states bring a lawsuit against election fraud to the Supreme Court and simply have it dismissed in a cavalier fashion? Because the Supreme Court was complicit in the coup against Trump. And TIME magazine actually crowed about the coup.
Regarding the lawsuit by the 17 States; I recall one pundit assert that EVEN IF their claims were true, it would still not change the election results. The arrogance and corruption by power is staggering to behold.

One other bit of evidence in response to the @Cassandra's of the world, is that Big Tech suppressed stories of voter fraud. To most gullible people nowadays, if it is not on the internet, it is not true.
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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
One other bit of evidence in response to the @Cassandra's of the world, is that Big Tech suppressed stories of voter fraud. To most gullible people nowadays, if it is not on the internet, it is not true.
Correct. Had the media been doing their job --which is HONEST AND FACTUAL REPORTING -- the whole world would have know about the waves of deception and fraud coming out of the Democrats (including the Russian Collusion Hoax, the Scamdemic Hoax, etc). And the fraudsters could not have succeeded.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
In response to that here is the truth:

1. 50% of the nation does NOT support the Democrats. 10-15% would be more accurate but the deceptive polls always try to make out as though the Democrats have a lot of support and election fraud gave the appearance of support for them.

2. It would not have mattered one iota what Democratic supporters wanted. Trump was LEGITIMATELY the president, and had there not been so much election fraud even at that time, his numbers would have been far greater.

3. Biden had no qualms about using the powers of the presidency to go after his political opponents the day he took office. And for the sake of the country, Trump should have been extremely tough on the traitors. There was hard evidence of the treason of Obama, Clinton, and Biden. And Trump simply let everything slide. But then he also surrounded himself with his own worst enemies and there was no excuse for that.
You know it's not the "supporters" who's votes count though. It's the Lobbyists, Big Corps, that fund the campaigns of the Representatives who's voices matter. Or should I say Money Matters.
If you want to get the traitors you have to go after wwho is funding them and supporting them. (See TwitterFiles) 3 letter agencies working with big tech to silence voices that oppose them.
How do you catch the big fish?
I used to enjoy fishing in my younger years. Get up early in the morning and dig for worms, grubs, nightcrawlers....
Have to make sure I have my tackle and gear, fishing line, hooks, bobbles...
The first 4 years was preperation to go fishing...
Biden had to become President so we could SEE the cesspool that we were fishing in.
The tide is turning brother, Hold the line.
It's beginning to rain and all the fish are starting to come to the top of the swamp.
It had to be this way.


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2021
Birmingham, Al
United States
There has been no evidence of that. If it happened, where is the evidence?
Four key swing states had Democrat Governors who used the COVID excuse to violate their state Constitution. That made those four state election results null and void. Immediately when the voter boards closed and concealed windows ....the game was on. Just because idiot lawyers did not file the correct challenges to those states ...does not dismiss the fraud. Instead of listening and regurgitating trash from CNN and MSNBC...try reading the US Constitution and each individual state Constitution as well ......Education will serve you better overall .....

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Maybe party lines are the illusion we're fed. When in truth they all, Biden , Trump, HRC, Obama who some say is the shadow president behind Joe B., are all playing a game. A soap opera, a reality series that spans generations.
And the storylines are meant to divide a people. Because a people divided are let to believe they need those who will lead them together.

It's all the same. Politics, or religion, which is also politics.

''A nation of sheep will be get a government of wolves.'' Edward R. Murrow
a house divided cannot stand and their one true goal IS THE NEW ORDER by which rich elites shall rule as kings .
THey know exactly what they are doing . And it works on those whose hopes are in men and govts and not in GOD ALONE .
its time for the peoples to return to the bibles and feast upon the lovely words of truth
and know and understand we have no kingdom here , but that we await one to come .
Men aint gonna save us , they are merely here to decieve and orcherstrate a lie .
The dragon sleeps not and has been working through both sides , through media , through religoins
through secular , through education to bring about the desired goal of an empire fit for the beast and a system
by which if one conforms not , they will be unable to function in society , unable to buy or sell
and be hunted down as dangerous and a threat to sie new humanity which is their god .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
You know it's not the "supporters" who's votes count though. It's the Lobbyists, Big Corps, that fund the campaigns of the Representatives who's voices matter. Or should I say Money Matters.
If you want to get the traitors you have to go after wwho is funding them and supporting them. (See TwitterFiles) 3 letter agencies working with big tech to silence voices that oppose them.
How do you catch the big fish?
I used to enjoy fishing in my younger years. Get up early in the morning and dig for worms, grubs, nightcrawlers....
Have to make sure I have my tackle and gear, fishing line, hooks, bobbles...
The first 4 years was preperation to go fishing...
Biden had to become President so we could SEE the cesspool that we were fishing in.
The tide is turning brother, Hold the line.
It's beginning to rain and all the fish are starting to come to the top of the swamp.
It had to be this way.
The ONLY TIDE and TIDES that are and that are coming IS JUDGMENT against an unrepentant world .
Try as many may to break the wooden yoke of the system off their backs , AN IRON ONE SHALL SLAM HOME .
all of this because repentance was not preached nor has it been done .
THE TIDE of great delusion has already risen up and its a judgment upon the ungodly
to recieve and believe a lie . Trump , biden , obama , romney , desantis , NONE Of them gonna save a thing .
The illusion to keep ones hopes in govt and far from biblical truth and the true message that should have been preached .
REPENT , REPENT . but that is a word that niether side desires to hear or do anymore .
PREPARE O WORLD of nations , JUDGMENT COMETH and ye shall not escape . THE ANSWER IS not found in men
BUT IN GOD . FOR had the peoples repented GOD would have repented of the destruction to come . WE must preach JESUS .
And we must preach all sound biblical doctrine and reminders and fast too . At least some might repent .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Correct. Had the media been doing their job --which is HONEST AND FACTUAL REPORTING -- the whole world would have know about the waves of deception and fraud coming out of the Democrats (including the Russian Collusion Hoax, the Scamdemic Hoax, etc). And the fraudsters could not have succeeded.
and yet has anyone asked themselves WHY all of this is being done .
And even as they did not like to retain GOD in their knoweldge , in their conscious
so GOD gave them over to a reprobate mind ...........
A delusion of great strength has arisen , preaching a false love , a false unity
to gather all as one right under the beast .
And the delusion has both sides . Each side clinging to its own and yet onward day by day the same
continues to grow and get worse . Tis truly like a reprobation of minds has clouded the world and her nations
and the religoins and even most all of christendom .
Its kinda like what the eyptiains once told pharoah , JUST LET THESE PEOPLE GO , CANT YOU SEE EYGPT IS DESTROYED .
only pharoah could not and hisheart grew only harder , TILL IN THE END EYGPT WAS DESTROYED .
REPENT YE , REPENT YE and come to the one true biblical JESUS , cant you see this world and its govts AINT GONNA MAKE IT
but both sides say and harden the heart , ALAS someone is gonna rise up and save us , . NO , it will decieve you
and rule the world . THEY cannot see this world is destroyed by delusions now and worse things keep getting.
ALL they can see is , GIVE US FREEDOM from this biblical GOD , give us our pronouns , give us our marriages
and silence these who speak truth . ITS ALL THEY DESIRE NOW .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
They have left off to be wise , they have abandoned all hope and trust in GOD
and seek for a savoir to save them which willl give them their hearts desires . AND COMETH IT SHALL
Even NOW is it here working behind the scenes . all whose hopes are in men are cursed . HOPE THOU IN GOD
and stand upon the STONE OF CHRIST or be washed away by the floods of deceptoin and of the lie which leadeth to perdition .


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
I believe cutting 8 Billion $,$$$,$$$,$$$ a year for the next ten years is a good start in getting our fiscal house in order.
People looking at it from the employment side, that's 8,000 new (not replacements) bureucrats collecting our taxes to promote gender studies in countries where it's not wanted. Or funding more wars.
And not many realize that that is 8 Billion dollars on top of what they already have allocated in the budget.
So we're not cutting the IRS, we're cutting NEW Spending.

As to the topic, Should Biden be burned at the stake with Trump?
Remember: No One is above the Law.

The President has the power to declassify classified documents, the VP does not.
Trump's stash was held in a secure facility behind locked doors and guarded by Secret Service.
Trump did not steal documents in which he had full authority over and had been working with the Archive department and their subpeonas of documents. Trump turned over to the Archives what was explicitly noted in the subpeona and they wanted more.
They even inspected the documents Trump had in his possesion and required him to place an "extra" lock where they were being held.
And then they raided His house.
Biden's stash was located in an office closet which was funded by China, and in his unsecured garage which Hunter claims is his residence.
Documents include Ukraine, Iran, and the United Kingdom.
Ukraine has always been a corrupt country. Trump's phone call with Ukraine was to confirm that the new government under Zelensky would comply with the agreement to go after corruption according to an agreement made between US and Ukraine.
Iran, during Obama's administration was connected to the Iran deal and pallets of cash being dropped off to the Iranians.
The United Kingdom is involved with Christopher Steele as a British Spy collecting erroneous and fake information contained in the Steele Dossier which made the Russian Collusion Investigation possible with help from the FBI.
The documents that Biden had in his possesion were found by his lawyers cleaning out the closet days before the midterm election, and the people had no knowledge of this until a new congress was elected.
He also had them in his possesion for 6 years.

Why were Biden's "lawyers" cleaning out the office?

I say let's be patient and see what happens.
Remember: No one is above the law.



Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
The ONLY TIDE and TIDES that are and that are coming IS JUDGMENT against an unrepentant world .
Try as many may to break the wooden yoke of the system off their backs , AN IRON ONE SHALL SLAM HOME .
all of this because repentance was not preached nor has it been done .
THE TIDE of great delusion has already risen up and its a judgment upon the ungodly
to recieve and believe a lie . Trump , biden , obama , romney , desantis , NONE Of them gonna save a thing .
The illusion to keep ones hopes in govt and far from biblical truth and the true message that should have been preached .
REPENT , REPENT . but that is a word that niether side desires to hear or do anymore .
PREPARE O WORLD of nations , JUDGMENT COMETH and ye shall not escape . THE ANSWER IS not found in men
BUT IN GOD . FOR had the peoples repented GOD would have repented of the destruction to come . WE must preach JESUS .
And we must preach all sound biblical doctrine and reminders and fast too . At least some might repent .

But I say, Have they not heard? Yes verily, their sound went into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world.
But I say, Did not Israel know? First Moses saith, I will provoke you to jealousy by them that are no people, and by a foolish nation I will anger you.
But Esaias is very bold, and saith, I was found of them that sought me not; I was made manifest unto them that asked not after me.
But to Israel he saith, All day long I have stretched forth my hands unto a disobedient and gainsaying people.

Prayer is the only answer.


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2021
Birmingham, Al
United States
More documents found at the scene of the crime .......Why is Biden allowed at a crime scene? Biden flew there yesterday .....

This makes four collections now ....The White House is puzzeled. After all, the smurf (Pierre) failed to convince anyone that the Sergent Schutlz defense is working ....."I know nothing." Is not an excuse for this mess .....

However, there is a possibility ....... Hunter had keys and access to Biden Penn. Hunter lived in the Delaware Residence. He had keys and access as well. Hunter is the point man for the money from China and Ukraine. That puts the classified files in Hunter's possession.....

I predict the arrest of Hunter Biden as a sacrifical lamb. Hunter goes to prison. Biden will have to pardon Hunter right away.......Why? Biden can't risk dying in his sleep, then depending on Kamala to pardon Hunter .....

The oversite committee has already announced that the DOJ and the Department of Archieves is to produce all correspondence and orders about the Trump raid and the Biden hand over.....The DOJ and FBI is in trouble. Sorry Democrats ....this House is after donkey meat, fried ... the words of Colonel Jessup "You can't handle the truth!"

Hunter has 150 tags on suspicious deposits in bank accouts....
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Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2022
United States
I see. Proof is not in the man but in the pudding. Regarding voter fraud, other than:
  • More votes than registered voters
  • statistical impossibilities
  • videographic evidence
  • thousands of eye witnesses and affidavits
  • Democrats boarding up the rooms with plywood so election observing the vote counting could not happen.
  • Electronic fraud through internet connected machines swapping votes.
  • "Mail in" votes coming in at 3 AM after the election in violation of law by the 10,000's, mostly voting for Biden - and no down ballot candidates.
Claims of voter fraud could not be proven. There is a book called The Federal Mafia (America's Biggest Criminals Sit On The Federal Bench). I wonder why that book was written? I wouldn't have conceded. Recently, someone said lost causes are the only causes worth fighting for. (I considered myself a lost cause when God entered my life).

It's so funny, going back to media propaganda and hypocrisy. The media was full of praises for Stacy Abrams for not conceding - even though there was none of the fraud identified above. Where is all this praise in the media when Trump did not concede?

Then evidence came up just last week that the FBI staged the Jan 6 assault on the capital. The level of corruption makes me sick! Decades ago a socialist friend from MA, but I repeat myself, moved the goalposts. 1st, he was there was no voter fraud. Then I detailed incidents far less than above. 2nd, he then claimed there was not widespread voter fraud. He did not answer my question of how widespread the voter fraud had to be to conclude there was voter fraud.

The funniest thing of you claiming voter fraud could not be proven is for all of Trump's term in office, there was the ubiquitous RUSSIA! RUSSIA! RUSSIA! which formed the basis of claims that Trump's presidency was invalid. Yet, suddenly after the election of 2020, TPTB reversed themselves. They were apoplectic in response to and demonized those on the other side of the aisle saying what they've been saying everyday for 4 years. They suddenly asserted there is no way the election could have been tampered with - despite more evidence than there ever was regarding Russia.

It really goes to show the power of propaganda and indoctrination
Yes to believe the media and the Democrats the 2016 election was stolen but the 2020 election was the most secure in history. I agree with much of what you say but I don’t think Trump can win the general election. I may be wrong he wasn’t supposed to win in 2016. I think there will be a better candidate on the ballot in the primary but I will vote for the Republican nominee in the general regardless


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2021
Birmingham, Al
United States
I'm puzzeled ....The day of celebration of Martin Luther King's Birthday and the amount of lies told by the biggest racist bigot ever in the White House .....After all according to Joe, he went to Mass every day, then went to a black church ......that doesn't remember ever seeing him. Just to use a typical Catholic accusation aginst the church.....I wonder if that is where Joe got his sexual escapades from? Maybe sent Hunter there as well? If one were to use the stories told about the Priesthod ....maybe Joe was a favorite sex toy growing up ....No wonder he is one messed up individual .....
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Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2021
Birmingham, Al
United States
I am gonna take a guess that blue dragon didnt vote for biden .
I tend to stay away from liars and frauds ....Look at the time period that Joe was raised in the US. Then look at the lies ...He never marched in a Civil Rights march ....never ....He never went to a black church after going to mass each and every day .....The congregation knows nothing about him.

HIs best buddy was Byrd ....the last Grand Wizard in the chamber. You know Byrd ...... Hillary thought he was the greatest in the chamber.

Democrats are faking concern about classified and top secret documents that were not under lock and key for over five years before ......Biden sends his attorneys to clean out his office closet at Penn. Then sends his attorneys to serch his garage .....Yeah, right. I've got two attorneys ......ther is not a chance in this world that I would call to them or their staff search my closets and office. The only open access appears to be a crack head doing business with China ....

So, explain once more, why I would vote for a bunker dweller, even for dog catcher .....


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2021
Birmingham, Al
United States
I see the debt from this stance .....We need a person like Trump back in the White House .....IF

1. It's proven that China released the virus, either by accident or intentionally. Neither one matters.
2. Immediately close all level 4 research labs. There are far too many instances where the Chinese were using US University labs for illegal research. Close those labs and take away research capabilities of those US Universities involved .....then on to China.
3. Level three and four research ends immediately. China is buying our paper for our debt a penalty for being the source .....All paper is forgiven right now.

US debt is now zero. China has to rebuild their wealth ....that ends their global aspirations immediatley for the time being. Chinese citizens must leave the US as well. They can reapply under stricter guidelines for work permits and access to Universities.. .....maybe back to railroad building for a decade or so.


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2021
United States
Chinese citizens must leave the US as well. They can reapply under stricter guidelines for work permits and access to Universities.. .....maybe back to railroad building for a decade or so.

You cannot be serious?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Aug 10, 2012
The democrat politicians must look to their own criminal acts to decide what to accuse Trump about. Everything they have accused him of doing, they have done themselves.
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