The Coming Global Mandates of Evildoers - Ready for the Harvest?!

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Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2020
The Midwest
United States
Anti-Christian hostility reaching 'unprecedented' levels in culture, government under Biden, observers warn

Their warnings come amid skyrocketing rates of church vandalism, legislation targeting church sacraments and the alleged weaponization of federal law enforcement against people of faith.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Anti-Christian hostility reaching 'unprecedented' levels in culture, government under Biden, observers warn

Their warnings come amid skyrocketing rates of church vandalism, legislation targeting church sacraments and the alleged weaponization of federal law enforcement against people of faith.
It's part of the play and plan to keep imploding civility of good order, law and order as a real high prize of evil works, to belittle and shame those of true faith in the Father and the Son of God and label them outcasts, hateful people that do not conform in the new society of the NWO.


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2020
The Midwest
United States
It's part of the play and plan to keep imploding civility of good order, law and order as a real high prize of evil works, to belittle and shame those of true faith in the Father and the Son of God and label them outcasts, hateful people that do not conform in the new society of the NWO.
On a different Christian forum that has been hijacked by liberals in the political threads, I posted that article and a typical liberal responded with this statement below:

How is this Biden's problem, exactly? Biden is a typical American Catholic, not particularly radical, and certainly not anti-Christian.

I almost fell out of my chair when I read that response! o_O


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
On a different Christian forum that has been hijacked by liberals in the political threads, I posted that article and a typical liberal responded with this statement below:

How is this Biden's problem, exactly? Biden is a typical American Catholic, not particularly radical, and certainly not anti-Christian.

I almost fell out of my chair when I read that response! o_O
Well you can guess how spirit-filled and pro-world spirit that individual is just from this type of comment....and others like him/her.

It is amazing....the chaff and the wheat are truly goring up side by side. It is so glaring to notice the differences these days...

Thanks for sharing this feedback MMDan


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
Matthew 24
21 For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be.
22 And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect's sake those days will be shortened.


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
On a different Christian forum that has been hijacked by liberals in the political threads, I posted that article and a typical liberal responded with this statement below:

How is this Biden's problem, exactly? Biden is a typical American Catholic, not particularly radical, and certainly not anti-Christian.

I almost fell out of my chair when I read that response! o_O
They preach their Liberal propaganda so much they start believing it themselves. Kind of like the Nazi's.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Boy if only Hitler had his hands on this crap back in the day, he could of dominated over the whole world.

Communism always wanted and wants to dominate over the whole world !

Why would anyone want a one world Government ? such a thing would dominate over all people and not for any real good. such will crash and fall for sure because such is degenerate.

Who could say that such a thing is for the good ? The Peoples vote will mean nothing and everything will be staged, that is happening now even ! we have lost our rights to our own Nation's.
We are being dominated by Trash that dictates to our Nations, not to mention one is not allowed to call such out !
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
As I see it today, the only way to get folks to become truly integrated under a real new world digital currency that will give no personal privacy and control is by sheer force and persecution in the end. There will be much bloodshed in the process.....

Can you imagine your savings and investments for your family or spouse in the event of your death and under a new global digital law these funds are now not theirs, not given to your survivors. Your survivors pension, life insurance monies and savings are now owned and in the hands of the global state...something to think about..
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Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2020
The Midwest
United States
Last edited:
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Scott Downey

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2021
New Brunswick
You know Klaus Schwab and his WEF desire to be the master of the world. Odd enough that any actually listen to the WEF seeing the things they say, except that the listeners also want to be masters of the world along with them. They are pushing a totalitarian technocracy where no private property exists and also no one has a right to privacy. Which means you have no right to refuse their rule. If they want to inject you with a vaccine, you have no right to refusal and will be forced to comply. Whatever they want from you, you must give to them, and if you do not comply, you have no utility for them since you are resisting and then no right to live any longer.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2020
The Midwest
United States
You know Klaus Schwab and his WEF desire to be the master of the world. Odd enough that any actually listen to the WEF seeing the things they say, except that the listeners also want to be masters of the world along with them. They are pushing a totalitarian technocracy where no private property exists and also no one has a right to privacy. Which means you have no right to refuse their rule. If they want to inject you with a vaccine, you have no right to refusal and will be forced to comply. Whatever they want from you, you must give to them, and if you do not comply, you have no utility for them since you are resisting and then no right to live any longer.
I would rather die on my feet fighting against tyranny than live on my knees to tyranny.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
April 18, 2023


(Obama and Michael Robinson, like the pedophile Biden, a raised middle finger to America)

Obama is a CIA Construct The CIA is an instrument of the CIA which serves the Communist Rothschild banking cartel. Why didn't Michelle come out as a tranny?
Is she transphobic?

Barack Obama’s Family Admit He’s NOT American and Michelle Is ‘Not What He Seems’

Obama's half-brother Malik has a history of dropping truth bombs about his family on Twitter. On Tuesday he posted a few highly incriminating documents from his brother’s Kenyan history, proving that the history we have been told about Obama is a total lie.

These are documents taken from the Obama family home in Kenya that the CIA agents who carefully crafted Obama’s identity are desperate for you not to see.

Malik Obama, who announced his support for Donald Trump during the 2016 presidential election, is estranged from his younger brother, complaining the he distanced himself from his family during his second term in office.

Since then Malik has used Twitter to support Trump and release embarrassing information about his younger brother; however the publication of Barack Obama’s alleged Kenyan birth certificate is by far the most damaging to date.

Classmates of his Columbia ’83 Political Science graduating class are now admitting the former president did not attend the university, despite Obama’s official backstory stating that he earned his degree at the prestigious school.

Wayne Allyn Root, a Columbia graduate from that class, says he has asked his classmates if they have any memory of Barack, and none of them have a single memory of the future president during their four years at Columbia.

“I asked every classmate I met at our 30th reunion, many of them Political Science majors, if they ever met, or saw, or heard of Obama. The answer was a resounding NO from every one of them. I asked if they found this strange, or worried how this was possible? They all answered YES.
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
April 18, 2023


(Obama and Michael Robinson, like the pedophile Biden, a raised middle finger to America)

Obama is a CIA Construct The CIA is an instrument of the CIA which serves the Communist Rothschild banking cartel. Why didn't Michelle come out as a tranny?
Is she transphobic?

Barack Obama’s Family Admit He’s NOT American and Michelle Is ‘Not What He Seems’

Obama's half-brother Malik has a history of dropping truth bombs about his family on Twitter. On Tuesday he posted a few highly incriminating documents from his brother’s Kenyan history, proving that the history we have been told about Obama is a total lie.

These are documents taken from the Obama family home in Kenya that the CIA agents who carefully crafted Obama’s identity are desperate for you not to see.

Malik Obama, who announced his support for Donald Trump during the 2016 presidential election, is estranged from his younger brother, complaining the he distanced himself from his family during his second term in office.

Since then Malik has used Twitter to support Trump and release embarrassing information about his younger brother; however the publication of Barack Obama’s alleged Kenyan birth certificate is by far the most damaging to date.

Classmates of his Columbia ’83 Political Science graduating class are now admitting the former president did not attend the university, despite Obama’s official backstory stating that he earned his degree at the prestigious school.

Wayne Allyn Root, a Columbia graduate from that class, says he has asked his classmates if they have any memory of Barack, and none of them have a single memory of the future president during their four years at Columbia.

“I asked every classmate I met at our 30th reunion, many of them Political Science majors, if they ever met, or saw, or heard of Obama. The answer was a resounding NO from every one of them. I asked if they found this strange, or worried how this was possible? They all answered YES.
The Satanic Socialist do not believe in the Truth, they say such does not exist ?
They call or only claim such as relative ?
I learnt that, say 20 years ago from somewhere, but can not remember from what I read it from but having a debate with a socialist mate on the topic and he supported this deranged nonsense.

I believe such people are just only to gutless to stand up to the facts regarding the Truth, so they let such slide ! why ? well because they do not care !
For they do not give a rats for the Truth, because they can not handle the truth in fact !
That's the type of slime you are dealing with, one must understand that is the point regarding the matter.

Look at how Hitler got up into the position as Leader of the Nation, he did not get to such by himself, it was a creation that was set and planed by people in the shadows of power ? That make one look the part, for the majority of dupes ? now who questions such things ?

So we in such as these enlighten days o_O look and see how Obama was never questioned ? The MSM such was taboo in fact !
But Trump was given the fine tooth comb knit picking going over 24/7
And look at Joe Biden, where is the questioning of his dealings ? it just does not exist ! Like as with Hitler. now why is that such evil criminals can get away with so much ? Is it fear ! So that the Media fear to take on such ! not to mention government officials Judges etc you name it !
The Mob that worked to undermine Trumps 2ed election can be seen by their works, Huge corruption ! Massive Huge corruption is behind it all.

Hey Obama boy friend so called wife ? and that's why they had to go the adoption of them 2 kids that they have. Is that a Lie ? or is it true ! Now what if it is true ?
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Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2023
Michigan Saginaw
United States
April 18, 2023


(Obama and Michael Robinson, like the pedophile Biden, a raised middle finger to America)

Obama is a CIA Construct The CIA is an instrument of the CIA which serves the Communist Rothschild banking cartel. Why didn't Michelle come out as a tranny?
Is she transphobic?

Barack Obama’s Family Admit He’s NOT American and Michelle Is ‘Not What He Seems’

Obama's half-brother Malik has a history of dropping truth bombs about his family on Twitter. On Tuesday he posted a few highly incriminating documents from his brother’s Kenyan history, proving that the history we have been told about Obama is a total lie.

These are documents taken from the Obama family home in Kenya that the CIA agents who carefully crafted Obama’s identity are desperate for you not to see.

Malik Obama, who announced his support for Donald Trump during the 2016 presidential election, is estranged from his younger brother, complaining the he distanced himself from his family during his second term in office.

Since then Malik has used Twitter to support Trump and release embarrassing information about his younger brother; however the publication of Barack Obama’s alleged Kenyan birth certificate is by far the most damaging to date.

Classmates of his Columbia ’83 Political Science graduating class are now admitting the former president did not attend the university, despite Obama’s official backstory stating that he earned his degree at the prestigious school.

Wayne Allyn Root, a Columbia graduate from that class, says he has asked his classmates if they have any memory of Barack, and none of them have a single memory of the future president during their four years at Columbia.

“I asked every classmate I met at our 30th reunion, many of them Political Science majors, if they ever met, or saw, or heard of Obama. The answer was a resounding NO from every one of them. I asked if they found this strange, or worried how this was possible? They all answered YES.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States

Obama's certificate of Birth (copy)

Testimony from a Mombasa science teacher and the Mombasa Registrar of births that Obama's birth certificate from Mombasa is genuine. A copy of President Obama's birth certificate that Lucas Smith obtained through the help of a Kenyan Colonel who got it recently directly from the Coast General Hospital in Mombasa, Kenya .
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