The Giants

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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
Funny it mentions how tall the Anaks were, but never mentions how short the Israelites were..
your so grumpy..
I know what you need..

I get my hugs from The LORD Himself. But thanks anyway.

Your grumpiness interpretation is a misinterpretation of my righteous indignation. I have indignation for those who REFUSE to heed the simplicity of the written Word of God.

Like Apostle Peter said about Paul in 2 Peter 3, there are some things hard to be understood written in God's Word, and the serious Bible student who stays in His Word will eventually have those things revealed to him by The Holy Spirit, IF he listens and heeds the simplicity of the Scripture, and not man's theories. When the Bible student stays in The Word, they show themselves approved to God, and He will then BUILD upon their understanding as they discipline theirself. But heed man instead, and God will lead the student away from understanding in His Word and instead into man's chaos and confusion from Satan.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2012
Mobile, Al.
United States
Like Apostle Peter said about Paul in 2 Peter 3, there are some things hard to be understood written in God's Word
that was to understand Paul, not the bible. for he had some revelation from the Lord that many didn't understand from him. but the Holy Ghost will teach you in ALL THINGS.

101G The "Spiritual Saboteur"


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
YOU error greatly. listen the scripture that tells us who these Giants are.... listen, Genesis 6:4 "There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown."

Genesis 6 verse 4 directly tells us who these "GIANTS" are. "the same became MIGHTY MEN", which was of OLD, or before them, "men of renown"

what one need to do is look up "mighty men" and see what that means. and look up what "renown" means and one will have their answer.

now as for the sons of God in Job 38:7 when the morning stars sang together
and all the "sons of God" shouted for joy? THAT'S A METAPHOR for the the natural sun, moon, and the stares in the heavens. not angels.

101G The "Spiritual Saboteur"

Job 1:6-7
6 Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them.
7 And the LORD said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.

Job 2:1
2:1 Again there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them to present himself before the LORD.

The "sons of God" title refers to the heavenly image state like the angels. It points to our glorious body of the future when Jesus appears and gathers His Church to Himself.

1 John 3:2
2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.

But those who stay in their carnal fleshy thinking cannot understand this, as they do not understand the difference between the two separate dimensions taught in God's Holy Writ (John 3:6).


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
that was to understand Paul, not the bible. for he had some revelation from the Lord that many didn't understand from him. but the Holy Ghost will teach you in ALL THINGS.

101G The "Spiritual Saboteur"

Brethren, these men who act like they know, but really do not, don't even understand what it was that Apostle Peter in 2 Peter 3 was referring to within Paul's Epistles!

And The Holy Spirit will not teach a believer that heeds man's word over God's Holy Writ! It's silly to think that even possible.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
Again brethren, the above statement tries to apply simple reading comprehension in God's Word (like Genesis 6) as 'fundalmentalism. That's the old false 'fundalmentalist vs. pseudo-science' argument.
Thank you and that says it all.

That's what the evolutionists in the Scope's 'Monkey' trial called the fundalmentalist preacher who supported the law in place then that made it illegal to teach the theory of evolution in the public schools in Tennessee (USA). Anything that those on man's pseudo-science are against but cannot disprove they categorize as 'fundalmentalism'. It's an ignorant argument. Communists use that tool also...

Like I have said, I respect your beliefs. I am multi-denominational so most of the time I am standing and worshiping with fundamentalists. But it is best to keep it between the covers of the Bible, if you keep peaking over the fence, there is the temptation to try to explain science from the perspective of the Bible and it does not work out no matter which direction or branch of science you are trying to harmonize. I remember during the 2000 scare, preachers would hold up a computer chip and try to explain how it was going to cause the end of the word....not their cup of tea... so to speak.

The other factor is the "age" factor...the effects of growing up during the technical boom. Between 1879 to 1969 we went from candles to landing on the moon, and it did not stop there. So Christians learned to adapt to juggling their technical lives with the Bible. It developed into a pseudo reality with in their minds, where they can virtually accept parts of reality while denying other parts of reality. But when reality slaps them in the face they still have the ability to recognize reality. Survival instincts sit in a different part of the mind. This ability I call the Christian Matrix. For example....

The Christian Matrix can sustain the belief that according to Christian teachings, science does not know anything, they are all wrong about the world being billions of years old, they are wrong about evolution, and there is no such thing as dinosaurs and cavemen. They can get into their Ford pickup that has 32 processors and a Sirius satellite radio, and go to church and preach that science is bunk, without giving it a second thought. It is literally juggling reality.

The Christian Matrix can sustain the belief that science is all bunk! Yet the same mind that would teach this rubbish in Sunday school, when faced with a heart attack, will not drop to his knees and pray until it goes away, he will use that little witchy device that can call anyone in the world, and he will use it to call the technology wagon, otherwise called the ambulance. When it arrives he is not going to instruct the driver to take him to the nearest church, he will want to go to the nearest place of science, the hospital. Then when he gets to the hospital, he is not looking for a preacher, he is hoping that a man of medical science is there, and he hopes that the man believes in science, because if he is one of his Sunday school students, and all he does is pull out a Bible and reads scriptures to him for the next couple hours...... he is going to die!

Reality trumps non-truths, but he will go back to church preaching that science is all bunk! This man is not alone, most Christians know that science is real even though they are taught and tell others that science is bunk! But when they turn on their TV, they are confident they will see a signal transmitted by a satellite orbiting at thousands of miles above the Earth. Science works and is in the real world. God is real and exists in the real world. Any religion that denies reality is teaching lies and is no service to God.

Older people juggle this pretty well, but there is going to come a time when our children are not going to buy into something that seems to be a fantasy. There going to say, “If we are going to believe in fantasy, we would just a soon do the Lord of the Rings.” If we keep on preaching this we are driving the church bus to a dead end because the youth are not part of the Christian is embedded into their lives and proves itself everyday, while facing the deafening silence of God. The Smart Phone in their hand has more than 1000 times the power of the computers that put man on the moon. So ultimately we are shooting Christianity in the foot. It may make us feel better to thump the Bible and look like we are defending it, but it is not up to us to carry on the faith. We are counting on the youth to do that.

If we want them to know that God is the real thing, we need to teach the real thing! The Trinity is real, the blessing of God is real, and it all exists in the real world. It is not hard to understand that the Bible was written in ancient times and would have irregularities with history and science, but when you try to make it part of faith, that presents problems. You do not want them to think you are an old fogey that believe in superstitions. And it is happening now, you see it here on this forum and elsewhere with the millennials. Christians that believe in Christ and heaven and all that, but consider Christian morals as old fashioned. It is one of the reasons we have so many Christians doing drugs and supporting abortion and homosexuality.

But don't pay any attention to is back to fence....just remember to close the gate so that reality does not walk in.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2012
Mobile, Al.
United States
Job 1:6-7
6 Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them.
7 And the LORD said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.

Job 2:1
2:1 Again there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them to present himself before the LORD.

The "sons of God" title refers to the heavenly image state like the angels. It points to our glorious body of the future when Jesus appears and gathers His Church to Himself.

are you so sure? the term sons of God refere to men, and metaphorically to his creation as it was in Job 38. but here it is speaking of human men. supportive scripture, Job 1:1 "There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job; and that man was perfect and upright, and one that feared God, and eschewed evil."Job 1:2 "And there were born unto him seven sons and three daughters."Job 1:3 "His substance also was seven thousand sheep, and three thousand camels, and five hundred yoke of oxen, and five hundred she asses, and a very great household; so that this man was the greatest of all the men of the east."

do you know what the term "men here means? lets have a look see, it is the hebrew word,
H1121 בֵּן ben (bane) n-m.
בָּנִים baniym (ba-neem') [plural]
בְּנִי bniy (ben-ee') [possessive singular]
בָּנַי banay (baw-nah'ee) [possessive plural]
(used widely) a son (as a builder of the family name).
{in the widest sense of literal and figurative relationship, including grandson, subject, nation, quality or condition, etc., (like H1 H251, etc.).}

now where have seen this word at before? try Genesis 6:4,

now as for the suppose angels in Job chapter 38, it's a metaphor for the actual stars, in the heaven and the sun and the moon. lets understand, Follow and understand. James 1:17 "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning”. The almighty is called the “Father” of lights, and lights here lights is plural, and is the Greek word, G5457 φῶς phos (fōs') n. which means luminousness. Now hold that thought and go to Thayer's Greek Definitions and or the blue letter bible, look up G3962 πατήρ pater, (Father)
- Transliteration: Pater
- Phonetic: pat-ayr'
- Definition:
1. generator or male ancestor
a. either the nearest ancestor: father of the corporeal nature, natural fathers, both parents.

but we are interested in the 3rd definition, and here it is, listen.
3. God is called the Father
a. of the stars, the heavenly luminaries, because he is their creator, upholder, ruler

God is the Father of the “STARS”, and the heavenly luminaries. Yes, the literal stars in the sky. for Job said, morning “stars” not morning “star”. A star is a luminous sphere of plasma held together by its own gravity. The nearest star to Earth is the Sun. Many other stars are visible to the naked eye from Earth during the night, appearing as a multitude of fixed luminous points in the sky due to their immense distance from Earth. Again, the stars are the actual stars in the heavens. Now, go to, or the free dictionary, or any dictionary and look up luminaries in the plural a celestial body, as the sun or moon. (BINGO).

Now let’s see this sun and moon and the actual stars and what they did in Job 38:7. Remember the Almighty said that they sang and shouted for joy. Let’s see this metaphor clearly. Psalms 148:1 "Praise ye the LORD. Praise ye the LORD from the heavens: praise him in the heights. Verse 2 Praise ye him, all his angels: praise ye him, all his hosts. 3 Praise ye him, sun and moon: praise him, all ye stars of light. 4 Praise him, ye heavens of heavens, and ye waters that be above the heavens. 5 Let them praise the name of the LORD: for he commanded, and they were created”. Now what do the word praise mean here? It is the Hebrew word, H1984 הָלַל halal (haw-lal') v. which can be translated as “sing”, or “shine”. See the stars, the sun and the moon sang or praised God by shining their lights at the creation. One more, Psalms 65:13 "The pastures are clothed with flocks; the valleys also are covered over with corn; they shout for joy, they also sing”. BINGO, The pastures, and valleys also praising God? Yes, how? by shouting for joy and singing. It’s all a metaphor. Do we now understand.

Remember, Don't argue with 101G, argue with the scriptures, God Holy Word.

101G The "Spiritual Saboteur"


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2012
Mobile, Al.
United States
Brethren, these men who act like they know, but really do not, don't even understand what it was that Apostle Peter in 2 Peter 3 was referring to within Paul's Epistles!

And The Holy Spirit will not teach a believer that heeds man's word over God's Holy Writ! It's silly to think that even possible.
he was refering to HARD SAYING, just as I'm giving now unto YOU........ :D YIKES!.

Remember, Don't argue with 101G, argue with the scriptures, God Holy Word.

101G The "Spiritual Saboteur"


Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
YOU error greatly. listen the scripture that tells us who these Giants are.... listen, Genesis 6:4 "There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown."

Genesis 6 verse 4 directly tells us who these "GIANTS" are. "the same became MIGHTY MEN", which was of OLD, or before them, "men of renown"

what one need to do is look up "mighty men" and see what that means. and look up what "renown" means and one will have their answer.

now as for the sons of God in Job 38:7 when the morning stars sang together
and all the "sons of God" shouted for joy? THAT'S A METAPHOR for the the natural sun, moon, and the stares in the heavens. not angels.

101G The "Spiritual Saboteur"

Nope no error. Went step by step with Scripture.

I Don't use the excuse metaphor to try and prove Scriptural Truths.
"All sons of God"...--->
Holy Angel's, Fallen Angel's, spirits of Converted men...can never die.

God Bless,


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
I get my hugs from The LORD Himself. But thanks anyway.

Your grumpiness interpretation is a misinterpretation of my righteous indignation. I have indignation for those who REFUSE to heed the simplicity of the written Word of God.

Like Apostle Peter said about Paul in 2 Peter 3, there are some things hard to be understood written in God's Word, and the serious Bible student who stays in His Word will eventually have those things revealed to him by The Holy Spirit, IF he listens and heeds the simplicity of the Scripture, and not man's theories. When the Bible student stays in The Word, they show themselves approved to God, and He will then BUILD upon their understanding as they discipline theirself. But heed man instead, and God will lead the student away from understanding in His Word and instead into man's chaos and confusion from Satan.
The way I understand it is this way.
If it is in the OT you will be able to find a similarity in the NT.
If it is in the NT you will be able to find a similarity in the OT.
So far the giants I see in the NT are Pilate, Herod, even though Herod was just a Governor..
Caesar.. these be the "giants" in the NT.
And then in Acts I think Paul calls some of the Apostles.. pillars.. Pillars are pretty tall no?
Comparing scripture with scripture. I think that's what we're told to do.. let me check..
ok it says spiritual with spiritual. But God is spirit and all his words are spirit so you have to look at it from his point of view not ours.

1Co 2:12 Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.
1Co 2:13 Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.
1Co 2:14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

So if I'm doing what the bible says the way I should be doing it,
why are you getting indignant?

shake hands then if you rather.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2012
Mobile, Al.
United States
Nope no error. Went step by step with Scripture.

I Don't use the excuse metaphor to try and prove Scriptural Truths.
"All sons of God"...--->
Holy Angel's, Fallen Angel's, spirits of Converted men...can never die.

God Bless,
context, context, context......Job 38 explanation was on point as a metaphor. example right there in Job 38.
Listen to just some of the examples..... Job 38:8 "Or who shut up the sea with doors, when it brake forth, as if it had issued out of the womb?"
Taken, ..... are there any literal "doors" holding back the sea? you know better than that. or this,

Job 38:35 "Canst thou send lightnings, that they may go, and say unto thee, Here we are?"
walking and talking lighting? come on Taken, you're more intelligent than that. all this language in Job 38 is metaphorical.

Remember, Don't argue with 101G, argue with the scriptures, God Holy Word.

101G The "Spiritual Saboteur"


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
@Grailhunter "in those days" and "when" does not mean "before." If you think it does, provide dictionary definition to prove it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
@Grailhunter "in those days" and "when" does not mean "before." If you think it does, provide dictionary definition to prove it.
The Nephiim were on the earth in those days, and also after. In those other words, in the era or time period. There no part of this that indicates that Nephiim were born of the mating from the sons of God and women.

Then there is the distinction between the two...and they bore children to them. Those...those were of old, men of renown. Do you think the Bible has anything good to say about the Nephilim or any variant thereof.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Strong's H5303 - nephiyl
Hebrew: nephiyl

They wrote it so what did they say it meant??

properly, a feller, i.e. a bully or tyrant:—giant.

so they gave the giants a name. they called them nephiyl or nephilim and then described the word and it's meaning.

This same word is used here:
Gen 6:4
There were giants H5303 in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

And here:
Num 13:33
And there we saw the giants, H5303 the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: H5303 and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight.

Doesn't say anything about angels or aliens or ufos.. says tyrants and bullies..
They still exist today.. everywhere.. mm hmm.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2012
Mobile, Al.
United States
Strong's H5303 - nephiyl
Hebrew: nephiyl

They wrote it so what did they say it meant??

properly, a feller, i.e. a bully or tyrant:—giant.

so they gave the giants a name. they called them nephiyl or nephilim and then described the word and it's meaning.

This same word is used here:
Gen 6:4
There were giants H5303 in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

And here:
Num 13:33
And there we saw the giants, H5303 the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: H5303 and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight.

Doesn't say anything about angels or aliens or ufos.. says tyrants and bullies..
They still exist today.. everywhere.. mm hmm.
AMEN, another AMEN
properly, a feller, i.e. a bully or tyrant:—giant.
FELLER: An adult male person
meaning human men.

101G The "Spiritual Saboteur"


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
Strong's H5303 - nephiyl
Hebrew: nephiyl

They wrote it so what did they say it meant??

properly, a feller, i.e. a bully or tyrant:—giant.

so they gave the giants a name. they called them nephiyl or nephilim and then described the word and it's meaning.

This same word is used here:
Gen 6:4
There were giants H5303 in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

And here:
Num 13:33
And there we saw the giants, H5303 the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: H5303 and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight.

Doesn't say anything about angels or aliens or ufos.. says tyrants and bullies..
They still exist today.. everywhere.. mm hmm.
Not sure what your point is with the word study, but there is no question that there were giants...Some maybe larger than others. They have unearthed some pretty large skeletons and then you have the elongated skulls. As far as words go you have Nephilim or Rephaim or Anakins. Have a blast. When I started this conversion I pointed out that in Genesis you have very short statements that are significant that do not have details. The Nephilim or Rephaim or Anakins are mentioned through out the Old Testament but never linked to the sons of God.

Several questions arise from the verses in chapter 6 regarding the sons of God....people have been pondering what are or were the sons of God and what kind of heavenly beings have genitalia...most think of them as angels, but we do not have any description of angels with genitalia in the Bible or anything that links the sons of God to angels. Some think that it was around this time that some of the angels were cast out of fallen angels or that the sons of God were fallen angels...but there is no biblical support for that either.

It is a valid question as to why the Nephilim were mentioned during the discussion of the sons of God mating with women and the subsequent offspring. It is possible that the offspring of these matings may have produced large people just does not describe it as such, and the Nephilim or Rephaim or Anakins are not biblically inked to the event of the sons of God.

There is so much of this in the Old and New Testaments were early misunderstandings have carried foreword even to modern times. It is almost a point of humor...someone should have noticed this over the years...but once things become beliefs then they develop traditions and then they are set. We three kings of orient are....The actual scriptures call them Magi, never call them kings and never number them as three. Also if they were from the orient and saw the star in the east and followed it, they would be traveling in the wrong direction. Then the word Magi opens a can of worms. Many believe that the fruit eaten by Adam and Eve were apples, but the Bible does not designate them as such. then something as simple as the Ten Commandment get confused. The ten laws that God designated as commandments and Moses wrote on the tablets of the testimony occur later on in Exodus and they had some differences. There were 14 laws given at Mt. Sinai and they were a summary of laws that would appear later in detail in the 613 Mosaic laws. Lots and lots of this stuff.

As I progressed through my studies into the Bible and Christian beliefs I often liken it to that giant ball of twine that was made famous by Ripley's believe it or not. The twine in that ball is very entangled and it sat out in the weather so long that untangling it, is quite the chore. So many simple things that people got wrong.
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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
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United States
context, context, context......Job 38 explanation was on point as a metaphor. example right there in Job 38.
Listen to just some of the examples..... Job 38:8 "Or who shut up the sea with doors, when it brake forth, as if it had issued out of the womb?"
Taken, ..... are there any literal "doors" holding back the sea? you know better than that. or this,

Job 38:35 "Canst thou send lightnings, that they may go, and say unto thee, Here we are?"
walking and talking lighting? come on Taken, you're more intelligent than that. all this language in Job 38 is metaphorical.

Remember, Don't argue with 101G, argue with the scriptures, God Holy Word.

101G The "Spiritual Saboteur"

And so, how do you interpret ...

sons of God?

who shut up the sea with doors, ?

send lightnings, that they may go, and say unto thee, Here we are?"



Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Not sure what your point is with the word study, but there is no question that there were giants...Some maybe larger than others. They have unearthed some pretty large skeletons and then you have the elongated skulls. As far as words go you have Nephilim or Rephaim or Anakins. Have a blast. When I started this conversion I pointed out that in Genesis you have very short statements that are significant that do not have details. The Nephilim or Rephaim or Anakins are mentioned through out the Old Testament but never linked to the sons of God.

Several questions arise from the verses in chapter 6 regarding the sons of God....people have been pondering what are or were the sons of God and what kind of heavenly beings have genitalia...most think of them as angels, but we do not have any description of angels with genitalia in the Bible or anything that links the sons of God to angels. Some think that it was around this time that some of the angels were cast out of fallen angels or that the sons of God were fallen angels...but there is no biblical support for that either.

It is a valid question as to why the Nephilim were mentioned during the discussion of the sons of God mating with women and the subsequent offspring. It is possible that the offspring of these matings may have produced large people just does not describe it as such, and the Nephilim or Rephaim or Anakins are not biblically inked to the event of the sons of God.

There is so much of this in the Old and New Testaments were early misunderstandings have carried foreword even to modern times. It is almost a point of humor...someone should have noticed this over the years...but once things become beliefs then they develop traditions and then they are set. We three kings of orient are....The actual scriptures call them Magi, never call them kings and never number them as three. Also if they were from the orient and saw the star in the east and followed it, they would be traveling in the wrong direction. Then the word Magi opens a can of worms. Many believe that the fruit eaten by Adam and Eve were apples, but the Bible does not designate them as such. then something as simple as the Ten Commandment get confused. The ten laws that God designated as commandments and Moses wrote on the tablets of the testimony occur later on in Exodus and they had some differences. There were 14 laws given at Mt. Sinai and they were a summary of laws that would appear later in detail in the 613 Mosaic laws. Lots and lots of this stuff.

As I progressed through my studies into the Bible and Christian beliefs I often liken it to that giant ball of twine that was made famous by Ripley's believe it or not. The twine in that ball is very entangled and it sat out in the weather so long that untangling it, is quite the chore. So many simple things that people got wrong.
This is why I enjoy untangling the threads.
I used to celebrate christmas. And all those colored lights on a string every year would get so tangled, I would give up and just go buy new lights.
Oh, the bother..:rolleyes:
One day I picked up a ball of yarn and on the end of it, it said Giants. So I pulled on the thread a little and wondered how long it would be till I found the end of it. Because there are so many different threads wound together in this one ball of yarn. And So I started a thread. Giants, who are they? what are they? etc.
I start tugging and others come in and help tug on it too. Some pull this way, others pull that way. Some want to get the scissors and just cut it out.
Others, when you found the end of what you're looking for, want to keep pulling. And that's ok. Maybe they aren't satisfied that my end of the thread is what I am satisfied with. And to that I say tug away, I'm going to find a new thread to pull.
It's all good.
At the end of the thread I was pulling, and what I was satisfied with that that I found, was that the sons of God are those who follow God the creator of heaven and earth, the daughters of men are those who follow after pagan gods.
Such as when Israel was in the land of Shittim and there were women of Moab who followed Baal, And the Israelites (sons of God) went in and mingled with the Moabite women (daughters of men) and produced..if you want to call it a cross breed. Today we would call interacial marriages.
Now the children which were born to this interacial marriage, would reap the benefits or "claim" the benefits from Israel and their inheritances, land, livestock, etc.. with what the gentile nations possessed. And together they became like.. sodom and gomorrah.
Israel was following false gods and Gentiles was partaking in the blessings. Rich in goods but poor in faith.
Consider Dinah. Long story there. but the ultimate desire of the man's father who took her in the field, (I do believe he loved her) but his father wanted to strike a deal with I think Jacob.. I have to check.. was to inter marry and become rich together.
And Dinah's brothers slew them in the field even after they agreed to be circumsized.. you know the story.. anywho.
So I'm fairly satisfied with who I believe the Bible is talking about when discussing Giants.
And maybe there was some long lost civilization of giants and dinasours and teradactals and whatever pre-man existence there was.
I'm not disputing that. I just don't believe what happened before Man as we know him came into being is important to the thread I pulled on.
I don't even have a problem with some of darwins theory with man coming from a pond of galactic goo. Because ultimately the galactic goo had to come from somewhere.. and I will always believe God made it.

So thank you all for the fun it's been unravelling this piece of thread. And it's perfectly fine if you don't agree that my end of the thread really is the end. By all means keep pulling. And I'll keep checking on the progress. Because I miss things, I overlook things. And with everybody pulling, I learn new things every day.

Thank You


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2012
Mobile, Al.
United States
And so, how do you interpret ...

sons of God?

who shut up the sea with doors, ?

send lightnings, that they may go, and say unto thee, Here we are?"


2 Peter 1:20 "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation."
so knowing that, not my interpretation, but what the bible say.

#1. sons of God, which are a "TITLE". in Genesis chapter 6, these are the children who was, was Spiritually "ALIVE" unto God, until Adam fall. just as we today, christian, (a title), identifying those who follow after christ. are sons of God, because we have the Spirit in us. and the daughter of men are those ... without the Spirit, (not yet clean). so a christian and a sinner can marry but ..... without problems???????

so was it then.

#2. who shut up the sea with doors,? of course the MOST HIGH. he has set his decree for the sea and everything else.

#3. send lightnings, that they may go, and say unto thee, Here we are?" only God ,the LORD JESUS can send lighting, or he can send RAIN, or he can send wind, or anything else he wants. and each one can have a MESSAGE just for YOU, or a NATION, or for the WORLD.... :eek: YIKES!.

now to give you a good example of this, JUST ask pharaoh of Egypt, and see if he got the E-MAIL..... :D

aint GOD Good. see, there is nothing new unders the sun, God been using Facebook and tweeter way before those came along. and better yet to get personal, he'll even write you a message on your WALL. if you don't believe, just ask king Belteshazzar he gave him a direct message with his OWN FINGER. see, social media is nothing new with God....... he been communicating with man in may differend ways.... listen, Hebrews 1:1 "God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets," diverse here or manifol is many different ways. God is just doing it up on NATURAL SOCIAL MEDIA .......... :p HEY! Go God Go.

101G The "Spiritual Saboteur"


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Feb 6, 2018
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2 Peter 1:20 "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation."
so knowing that, not my interpretation, but what the bible say.


#1. sons of God, which are a "TITLE". in Genesis chapter 6, these are the children who was, was Spiritually "ALIVE" unto God, until Adam fall. just as we today,

No. A human man being a "son of God", did
Not come to pass until the NT. foretelling. Prophecy must come to pass, before it is Prophecy Manifested.

Nothing indicates faithful men were Foretold in Genesis Or Job...that men would be or were called sons of God.

christian, (a title), identifying those who follow after christ.

Christian- a single identifier of followers.
Following is NOT the important identifier...
Jesus established the Great difference between a mere Follower and A Convert, aka Converted Christian.

Both the unconverted And Converted call themselves and others call them Christians...
Not all Christians/Followers ARE Converted...
The unconverted...can walk away Any Time...even after being dipped in water...before other men...
The Converted, Baptized with the Holy Spirit can Never walk Away.

are sons of God, because we have the Spirit in us.

ARE...because it was Prophetically Offered in the NT...once Offered AND has come to pass.

It was Not prophetically Told or Offered men in the OT to become or BE sons of God.
•BEING sons of God in the OT only applied to Angles.

• It was not until men were offered, and accepted in NT...that Even Adam was Called a son of God. (Luke 3:38)

#2. who shut up the sea with doors,? of course the MOST HIGH. he has set his decree for the sea and everything else.

Job...The Seas were Opened and the Seas were God. His Power. <-- that had already come to pass...the parting of the Red Sea ... the Flooding of the land...(which while there was rain...a great deal of the Water came from "below the land." (which Job would have known), The flood waters were Assuage, swepted "back" beneath the Land, to under ground seas.)
Gen 7:11
Gen 8:1

Extremetech . com source 2014
Scientists discover an ocean 400 miles beneath our feet that could fill our oceans three times over

#3. send lightnings, that they may go, and say unto thee, Here we are?" only God ,the LORD JESUS can send lighting, or he can send RAIN, or he can send wind, or anything else he wants. and each one can have a MESSAGE just for YOU, or a NATION, or for the WORLD.... :eek: YIKES!.

Well sure. Not in dispute. God Controls the Weather.
Didn't require an example. Was NOT disputed.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2012
Mobile, Al.
United States
No. A human man being a "son of God", did
Not come to pass until the NT.
first ERROR of the day, Luke 3:38 "Which was the son of Enos, which was the son of Seth, which was the son of Adam, which was the son of God."
is Adam OT or NT? ... see your ERROR, and the children he had in the Garden before the fall was "sons of God". foretelling. Prophecy must come to pass, before it is Prophecy Manifested.
second ERROR of the DAY, Prophecy is not only foretelling, but also "PREACHING" or declaring the word of God in present times. and yes, prophets PREACH, and not just foretelling. READ YOUR BIBLE.

Nothing indicates faithful men were Foretold in Genesis Or Job...that men would be or were called sons of God.
third ERROR of the Day. Job 1:3 "His substance also was seven thousand sheep, and three thousand camels, and five hundred yoke of oxen, and five hundred she asses, and a very great household; so that this man was the greatest of all the men of the east." LOOK UP "MEN" and it's the same word that identified men, as sons of God in Genesis chapter 6:4

Christian- a single identifier of followers.
Following is NOT the important identifier...
Fourth ERROR of the DAY, 1 Corinthians 11:1 "Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ."

It was Not prophetically Told or Offered men in the OT to become or BE sons of God.
•BEING sons of God in the OT only applied to Angles.
FIFTH ERROR of the DAY. see my various post on this subject.

It was not until men were offered, and accepted in NT...that Even Adam was Called a son of God. (Luke 3:38)
Sixth ERROR of the DAY. after the fall it was offered. but see #1 and three above.

#2. who shut up the sea with doors,? of course the MOST HIGH. he has set his decree for the sea and everything else.
correct, and this is why Job 38 is metaphorical.

Well sure. Not in dispute. God Controls the Weather.
Didn't require an example. Was NOT disputed.
agreed, :D I knew in the end we can walk together on something.... (smile). I know I can be hard at times, but being here in the fourm 101G cannot make even the slightest mistake in wording. because there are many who are setting ready to jump at the opportunity to prove 101G in ERROR. I just refuse to give them that opportunity.... :D

be blessed.

101G The "Spiritual Saboteur"