The Global Drought Is Progressively Getting Worse, the Great Tribulation Has Begun and We are Now in the Final 3 and 1/2 Years

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Active Member
Oct 24, 2019
Medellin, Colombia
Tonight is the night of the full moon in the new moon of Av, in the Jewish calendar. The world has now entered a state of global drought. The lakes and rivers of the world are drying up. Droughts are being reported all over Europe and in Asia and in Africa and in the USA and in South America. And the world is now in severe heat, with the hottest temperatures ever recorded in the history of humanity. And crops all over the world are dying, and we are now seeing the beginnings of global food shortages. Remember that for many years I forewarned you that a global drought and global famine was coming? I knew this would happen not because I have any special revelation from God, but because the scriptures have declared that in the final years before the return of Yeshua there would be global drought and global famine. We only need to read the scriptures and believe to know what is going to happen. The scriptures are our lantern, giving us a glimpse into the future that is otherwise unknown to us. What the scriptures tell us about the future is difficult to accept, but it is the truth about what will happen, whether we like it or not. The year 6,000 is approaching in 2026 AD, which we know by adding the genealogies and timelines of the scriptures, which is the timing of the return of Yeshua, which is why the world is now in a state of global drought. Yet some incredulous people have asked me, "how are we in a state of global drought if where I am there is rain and flooding?" Although global drought is decreed to happen by the scriptures in the final years, we do not know exactly how it will manifest itself when it does happen. So far it is manifesting itself in a progressive way slowly getting worse day by day, yet also subtle, which is why many people are not realizing that the world is currently in a state of drought. They see rain and food in their local area, so they think nothing is happening collectively throughout the entire world. They are small minded. Which is in line with what I told you beforehand, that the drought would be progressive getting worse day by day globally, yet that eventually we would reach a point of zero rain in the world, by the power of the two witnesses of Revelation. And that people would not realize what has happened until it is too late, and there is no food left in the world, because people are incredulous and stubborn and do not want to obey the commands of God. The world is now indeed in a state of drought, even though the two witnesses have not appeared yet, so imagine how much worse the global drought will become when they do appear? It will be zero rain in the world no doubt, to fulfill what is written in the scriptures. It cannot be anything less, otherwise the "great tribulation" would not be the "great tribulation", which the scriptures describe as the worst events in human history that will never again happen, which the scriptures also declare will be a time of drought and famine. If the drought and famine were only localized the land of Israel, this would certainly not be a great enough tribulation to be marked as the worst events in human history, because local droughts have indeed happened ordinarily throughout time. But now a global drought, this indeed would be extraordinary and unprecedented and catastrophic and terrifying. The "great tribulation" is the "great tribulation" not because of some future antichrist that has not yet come nor some future microchip that is implanted on all humanity nor some future persecution of believers that are beheaded if they do not receive the microchip implant, because the antichrist has already come, they are the Roman popes, and the mark of the beast has already come, it is paper money and fiat currency, and the persecution of the believers already happened, with the inquisitions done by the Roman popes. Many believers are expecting events that are not going to happen, because these events already happened, because they do not understand these prophecies nor history. They will be taken by complete and utter shock by the events that are about to unfold, because everything is going to happen in ways they do not expect. It is called the "great tribulation" because of the global drought and global famine and global pandemic and global hyperinflation that will happen and is already happening, leading up to physical descension of Yeshua upon the clouds of the earth with all his armies of angels, which is the "second coming" of Yeshua. The appointed times of the Torah in the autumn and the Jewish Babylonian calendar lay down the precise days and order of events related to the second coming of Yeshua. In Tishri 1 according to the Jewish calendar his angels will then sound 7 loud trumpet blasts for 7 days that will be heard all over the world, each associated with a manifestation of power. It will rain fire upon the world, then a meteor will strike the seas and turn 1/3 of them into blood and 1/3 of the ships will be destroyed, then a comet will strike the rivers and springs of water and turn 1/3 of them into wormwood, then the sun and moon and stars will be darkened, then angels will be released to prevent humanity from committing suicide to force them to endure the 7 plagues of Revelation, then more angels will be released to kill 1/3 of humanity, then Yeshua will finally begin to rule the earth at the 7th and final trumpet blast on the 7th day. Then 8 days later in Tishri 15 according to the Jewish calendar the 7 plagues of Revelation will be poured on all humanity, for 7 days. All humanity will be struck with agonizing boils, then the seas of the entire world will be turned to blood, then the rivers and springs of water of the entire world will be turned to blood, then the sun will scorch all humanity with fire, then the entire world will be plunged into darkness, then the Euphrates River will be dried up to make way for the nations of the east to come wage war against Yeshua, then a global earthquake will cause the collapse of all the cities of the world and gigantic hailstones will fall on all humanity. And then all humanity will be captured by the armies of angels of Yeshua, and will be taken to Israel, to be judged. And all who refused to believe and obey will be thrown over lava like garbage, on the south side of ancient Jerusalem. And all these events compose the "great tribulation". Many do not understand what is going to happen, although the information of what is going to happen is readily available under their very noses, in the book that has been printed the most in all of humanity history and has been translated into almost every language existing on the earth, the Bible. The gospel of Yeshua has now been preached unto all the nations of the earth. And now the time for God to unleash his wrath upon all humanity that refused to believe and obey is quickly approaching.


Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
What utter hog wash.

For only a person such as you can miss the thrust of the prophetic word of God and get it wrong time after time.


Active Member
Jul 19, 2023
north america
[Mar 13:8 LSB] 8 "For nation will rise up against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; there will be earthquakes in various places; there will [also] be famines. These things are [merely] the beginning of birth pains.

Still in birth pain mode. Things are going to get a lot worse still. And also, much of what is reported is not at all what is going on and not as bad as they say.

Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
You will probably have to take off your KJV only blinders to find out.

Perhaps I should report you for your sarcasm, but that is not my style.

Now I use many translations and I have problems with them all including the Legacy Standard Bible translation. {By the way I had to google it to find out the answer, whereas you could have simply provided me with an answer to my enquiry.}

It is my understanding that wherever G:4578 is embedded in the six Greek words used in the NT, it is best to understand that the Greek words are speaking of "Great turmoil" and not of an earthquake as such. In Matthew 8:24, for example were G:4578 has been used in the verse, "seismos" is describing the turmoil of the waves on the surface of the lake and that waves were rising up such that they could swamp the boat itself and cause it to sink. That is the context of this verse as I see it. If as is suggested that the LSB is consistent in translating the same Greek words with the same English words, then from their philosophy of translating the original text into English, the verse should have read as, to be consistent throughout all of the NT.

And suddenly a great earthquake arose on the sea, so that the boat was covered with the waves. But He was asleep.​
Which suggests that it is possible to have an earthquake in a fluid.​

However, I would suggest that this verse should read as to be consistent with the context of what is happening around the boat: -
And suddenly great turmoil arose on the surface of the sea, such that the boat was covered with the waves. But He was asleep.​
This is the experience of many sailors on the sea when the winds blow strongly over a small lake and the reflected waves off of the shoreline cause standing waves to rise up such that the rise up above the gunwales of the boat and begin to fill the boat with water.

Or in Matthew 28:2, How does an Angel coming down out of heaven cause an earthquake? However, there would have been great turmoil in the guard at the tomb when they saw the Angel descending to roll away the stone that was covering the entrance of the tomb.

Like with water it is impossible to cause an earthquake in a fluid substance like the air we breathe.

You have come to talk at us and that is not received well in any circles. Even I get accused of doing just that. A conversation requires all parties to learn from each other.

There are some on this frum who are wiser than I am, and I appreciate learning from them.

However, you OP in the thread that was closed, was aggressive with hints of great pride mixed into it.

Perhaps we may be able to have a conversation on this forum. I hope so. As has been said to me many times, the greatest advancements in any field comes from people who do not live and breathe the vapours of that field.



Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2021
Birmingham, Al
United States
Move to Florida, it rains everyday there.
I loved Florida. Only place Lived where you are at a stop light, in the sunshine. look up and across the street to see the rains pelting the street and think……”Do I really want to go over there?”