In the OT--YHWH said to my Lord(Jesus) proves he is not YHWH.
No worship ever goes to one who has a God, Jesus has a God( John 20:17, Rev 3:12)--That Greek word has 5 different meanings from Greek to English=Proskenaue--1) worship to God-2) obeisance toa king-3) honor toa judge-2 others-- Jesus=Gods appointed king-obeisance is the correct usage for him. Your translations are not only altered( removal of Gods name by satans will) but filled with errors to mislead, by satans will. Through his religion=2Thess 2:3=Catholicism. And her hundreds of protestant branches that used her translating.
Jesus is first and last in many things, but is not God. He is Gods son.
WHY does the Jehovah's Witnesses NWT render the Greek verb "προσκυνέω" ONLY in Hebrews 1:6, when it refers to Jesus Christ, as "obeisance", but, when for the Father as "worship"?
In John 20:28, Thomas says DIRECTLY to Jesus Christ in Address: "Ὁ κύριός μου καὶ ὁ θεός μου", which is correctly translated in English as "my Lord and my God". Even the Unitarian Greek scholar, Dr George Winer, admits that the words are “directed to Jesus (εἶπεν αὐτῷ)” (Treatise on the Grammar of New Testament Greek, p. 228)
“και παν κτισμα ο εστιν εν τω ουρανω και εν τη γη και υποκατω της γης και επι της θαλασσης α εστιν και τα εν αυτοις παντα ηκουσα λεγοντας τω καθημενω επι του θρονου και τω αρνιω η ευλογια και η τιμη και η δοξα και το κρατος εις τους αιωνας των αιωνων” (Revelation 5:13-14)
"And ALL of the Creation, which is in the heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and on the sea, and all things that are in them, heard I saying, to Him Who sits on the throne, and unto the Lamb, be ALL the blessing, and ALL the honour, and ALL the glory, and ALL the might, for ever and ever. And the four living creatures said, Amen. And the elders fell down and worshipped." (so emphasized in the Greek)
Note the words, “τω καθημενω επι του θρονου και τω αρνιω”, “to Him Who sits on the throne AND to the Lamb”, where the Greek conjunction, “και”, is used for “sameness”, with absolute equality.
John then goes on to say in verse 14, “And the elders fell down and WORSHIPPED”. This “worship” is here directed to BOTH, “to Him Who sits on the throne, AND unto the Lamb”, which further shows that Jesus Christ, post-Incarnation, is 100% COEQUAL, with God the Father, and in the Godhead, His Deity is no “less”, in any way, than the Father. The fact that BOTH are WORSHIPPED TOGETHER, can only be understood to Their being also COESSENTIAL. The SAME Greek verb used in Hebrews 1:6 for Jesus Christ, is here used in Revelation 5, for BOTH The Father and Jesus Christ, EQUALLY!
In Psalm 110:5, speaking of "My Lord" in verse 1, it goes on to say, "The Lord is at Your Right Hand". Interestingly, in about 20 Hebrews manuscripts of the Jews on this, the Hebrew is "Yahweh". "Your Right Hand", is the first "LORD" in verse 1, Who is also called "Yahweh". in this Psalm we have TWO Distinct Persons Who are YAHWEH. It is clear that the Jews corrupted this Psalm when they discovered that it refers to Jesus Christ! John 1:1 is also very clear, that there are TWO Distinct Persons Who are GOD, as in verse 18, in the Original text, which I see you ignore as it destroys what you believe!