The New Testament Priority

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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
What are the basics of Christianity, that we are to learn and live. ?????

Well, Hebrews 13:9 is the Key verse in the entire NT, that you are to thoroughly ingrain into the mentality and the spirituality of anyone who is a new believer, that God gives you to train, so that the cults dont get them and ruin them for life before they even get out of their Gospel cradle.
So, to teach it, you have TO BE IT. There is no other way...
That verse tells you to "establish your heart with Grace".... This is the mandated Pauline Theology, info, that Jesus Gave to Paul to give to the Body, that Paul alone originally delivered as what real believers understand as "the gospel of the Grace of God". , "The preaching of the cross", "justification by faith", "the free gift of Salvation".."the gift of Righteousness", "the imputed righteousness of Christ", "faith is counted as righteousness".
Do, you see all that?
Its all the same thing. Its all identical. Its Hebrews 13:9. Its the Blood Atonement as a VERSE. And you are to become one with that like its your NAME so that the cults and the liars and the bible twisters, and the zealot religious self savers, and the Grace haters, are not able to mentally trap you into their theological clutches and ruin not just your faith, but ruin any chance that God will ever actually use you in "real life", all your lifetime.

I kid you not. That verse, tells you how to start your Theological Journey, as it tells you that if you dont get so deeply grounded in the GRACE OF GOD as your firm theological foundation, early on, then you will be sucked into the void of every self saving heretic's trickery and their denomination,... and all your life you'll think that the Grace of God as taught by Paul, is a "license to sin". You'll actually end up at odds, in direct theological opposition to the finished work of Jesus, and will come to very much detest any idea that Christ keeps you saved without your SELF EFFORT.
So, that verse,....Its the main rudder that will keep your Gospel ship on the right Ocean and out of the crashing waves of heresy.
Really. !

Now let me explain Salvation in a way that someone who is simple like me, can get it, and then be able to teach it in Sunday School to a group of 12 yr olds who are just getting into being the "age of accountability" and need to get saved.

Here we go..

Man has a problem. And his universal problem is that because of the nature of Adam, which is fallen and has ultimately disconnected humanity from the Spirit of God, = We have NO Righteousness.
This can be defined as "born into sin". So, this sinful state that we find ourselves in, under the law, judged as "SINNER" by the law and commandments, reveals us to be UNRIGHTEOUS. = SINNERS, every one of us.
And so, thats a real issue, as we are going to die eventually, and as Heaven is only the home of the Righteous, and as we have none, then we dont get to stay there if we die, unrighteous.
So....Then.....GOD......... steps in, to resolves our unrighteousness by = Giving US HIS.
This IS Salvation.

How does He do it?
Well, He created himself a human body inside a Virgin's womb. God literally wrapped Himself in human FLESH, and this Flesh is birthed as Jesus THE Christ or "God with us".. "Emmanuel".
Next Sunday, this same JESUS, will be recognized around the world, potentially even more so, then perhaps since WWII, as right now, right outside your window is a Virus spreading that has created such a panic in this world, that these same are going to be finding that Blessed CROSS as their own Redemption in such a Harvest of Souls in the next month, as has not been recorded, possibly, since the Cross was raised.
That is the timing of God. He is bringing the Cross to take the harvest, that is being pushed to Him right now, by this worldwide Panic Attack.

God didn't cause the Virus, but He is using it to bring the Cross to save this World in an unprecedented way, in about a week. Some of you remember when "The Passion of the Christ" came out, and the impact this movie achieved Globally for quite a while. Well, this harvest of souls will be more intense and so very needed, as this world has become so spiritually darkened and so very Lost that it is truly crying out its need for the Blood of Jesus.

So, as i was saying... God became a man to resolve our problem of unrighteousness that is keeping us from being a part of His Family.
The solution, was for God to live a holy life as a manifested man, which fulfilled the law and would release US from the Law and allow us to have... "you are no longer under the law, but are under GRACE" as our new Law, WHEN we are born again. And so, to solve our sin issue, and to give us His righteousness, God as Christ did live a sinless life. And God shed the Blood of this Sinless Life on The Cross, so that by this Sacrifice, we could become the very "righteousness of Christ", by only doing what God said to do, .. just one thing..... so that He could give us this "gift of Righteousness" that we can't earn.

God said....>If you will give me your Faith In Christ, i will give you the Righteousness of Christ, and this Righteousness will become YOU.
You will become a "New birth", a "born again" spirit, and the Spirit that you become, is a HOLY Part of Me and my Son. You will become "ONE" with Me and Jesus, forever.
The Righteousness of Christ that i will GIVE YOU for FREE, for your FAITH, as "the Gift of Righteousness", will be your Eternal Identity. It will be "Christ in you" , reborn, as a "new Creation In Christ".
This is MY Salvation, saith God, and all who come to Jesus by Faith, will become the Righteousness of Jesus, because "the Gift of Righteousness" that I God impart to you, will BECOME YOU for all ETERNITY. = Born Again.
You will become a "Son fo God" - A SAINT - A BRIDE -and part of the Body of Christ because you have been redeemed from your sin and restored by my Righteousness, = INTO My very Righteousness.
