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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola


Human nature, is the "flesh", this is the sin nature....The Adamic Nature. The Fallen Nature.
This sin nature is the "old man of sin, that is crucified with Christ"., if you are born again.
This old nature, is the "mind of the flesh". That is the "old man".....and Paul tells us to "reckon it dead".
So....If you are stuck here.....= sinning, confessing, repeat <<<<.........then what you are doing, is living in the old man's MIND. The mind of the Flesh.. And so because you are doing this....then that is the battle you are suffering to continue.
You are trying to keep putting new wine in old wine skins and it wont fit.
See, trying to exist as the born again "new creation in Christ" in the old carnal mind, .. and this is what you get.

"that which i would do, i can't, and that which i hate, i do".

See that?
That is the old mind trying to live Christianity.
That is the old mind of the flesh, trying to walk the walk of faith.
Reader.. Its a MISERY and a FAILURE.
And, condemnation, that a person feels who is trapped in the ... sin, confess, repeat, situation.......this condemnation activates the carnal mind.
Activates your lust to sin. = Empowers it.

So, what you have to do, is "reckon the old man dead"., As when you put the old man of the flesh back on the Cross, then sin consciousness goes with Him.

A person says....>"how can i be born again, when what i feel like doing is what i was enjoying before i was saved". ????

See that MIND?
That is a wrong mind......it has not been renewed. It does not understand that the old man of sin is crucified with Christ, and the new Creation is now the REAL YOU., that God sees.

So, here are some things.... to understand.

"The LAW is the power of sin..",... as Paul said that had he not known the law, then there is no issue, but the Law caused his sin to revive and empower his flesh.
So, "Jesus came to deliver us from the curse of the Law"....."Jesus has REDEEMED us from the CURSE OF THE LAW".

The Curse of the Law, is that it empowers your sinning and also defines you as a SINNER.

So.....Once you are "not under the law, but under Grace" = BORN AGAIN...then the Law can't define you ever again.

Your "old man of sin" that is now the dead man, who is crucified with Christ, and was under the law......is dead.
If you are born again, then you are spiritually raised in newness of Eternal life OUT Of that old man and here you are now..>" IN CHRIST"... "One with God".

Colossians 2:11

The Believer is NOW THE "NEW CREATION". "IN CHRIST"...= .this is to be Born again, and the born again are not under the law, but "under GRACE".
There is no old covenant Moses's law found there......there is only "no condemnation in Christ". = The born again are "made righteous"

See all this?
You have to SEE IT.

Being born again is to be "Freed from Sin"......."FREED FROM SIN"....
This is why Paul said that "Christ always gives me the VICTORY",... as to be "freed from SIN"<. is to have "VICTORY" over flesh, the world, and the devil,.

Saint, your "old man" was the sin problem, and by being born again, you are eternally separated from Him, having become a NEW CREATION< in Christ.
Get this renewed mind, that im showing you.... and find the walk of Faith as "as many as be Perfect".

Romans 6:18
Romans 6:18
Romans 6:18

Read it....Believe it, receive it, as its TRUE for all the born again.
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Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States


Human nature, is the "flesh", this is the sin nature....The Adamic Nature. The Fallen Nature.
This sin nature is the "old man of sin, that is crucified with Christ"., if you are born again.
This old nature, is the "mind of the flesh". That is the "old man".....and Paul tells us to "reckon it dead".
So....If you are stuck here.....= sinning, confessing, repeat <<<<.........then what you are doing, is living in the old man's MIND. The mind of the Flesh.. And so because you are doing this....then that is the battle you are suffering to continue.
You are trying to keep putting new wine in old wine skins and it wont fit.
See, trying to exist as the born again "new creation in Christ" in the old carnal mind, .. and this is what you get.

"that which i would do, i can't, and that which i hate, i do".

See that?
That is the old mind trying to live Christianity.
That is the old mind of the flesh, trying to walk the walk of faith.
Reader.. Its a MISERY and a FAILURE.
And, condemnation, that a person feels who is trapped in the ... sin, confess, repeat, situation.......this condemnation activates the carnal mind.
Activates your lust to sin. = Empowers it.

So, what you have to do, is "reckon the old man dead"., As when you put the old man of the flesh back on the Cross, then sin consciousness goes with Him.

A person says....>"how can i be born again, when what i feel like doing is what i was enjoying before i was saved". ????

See that MIND?
That is a wrong mind......it has not been renewed. It does not understand that the old man of sin is crucified with Christ, and the new Creation is now the REAL YOU., that God sees.

So, here are some things.... to understand.

"The LAW is the power of sin..",... as Paul said that had he not known the law, then there is no issue, but the Law caused his sin to revive and empower his flesh.
So, "Jesus came to deliver us from the curse of the Law"....."Jesus has REDEEMED us from the CURSE OF THE LAW".

The Curse of the Law, is that it empowers your sinning and also defines you as a SINNER.

So.....Once you are "not under the law, but under Grace" = BORN AGAIN...then the Law can't define you ever again.

Your "old man of sin" that is now the dead man, who is crucified with Christ, and was under the law......is dead.
If you are born again, then you are spiritually raised in newness of Eternal life OUT Of that old man and here you are now..>" IN CHRIST"... "One with God".

Colossians 2:11

The Believer is NOW THE "NEW CREATION". "IN CHRIST"...= .this is to be Born again, and the born again are not under the law, but "under GRACE".
There is no old covenant Moses's law found there......there is only "no condemnation in Christ". = The born again are "made righteous"

See all this?
That's the very simplified version of what has happened to the Believer, born again.

Being born again is to be "Freed from Sin"......."FREED FROM SIN"....
This is why Paul said that "Christ always gives me the VICTORY",... as to be "freed from SIN"<. is to have "VICTORY" over flesh, the world, and the devil,.

Saint, your "old man" was the sin problem, and by being born again, you are eternally separated from Him, having become a NEW CREATION< in Christ.
Get this renewed mind, that im showing you.... and find the walk of Faith as "as many as be Perfect".

Romans 6:18
Romans 6:18
Romans 6:18

Read it....Believe it, receive it, as its TRUE for all the born again.
Won't you be surprised when you find that untold millions will be in heaven that you falsely accused with you heretical doctrine.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Won't you be surprised when you find that untold millions will be in heaven that you falsely accused with you heretical doctrine.

I've helped so many people find a real walk of faith, that delivered them from your sinning and confessing issue, Ronald.

See, I only teach Paul's Doctrine that is "the Gospel of the GRACE of God".
This is "the preaching of the Cross" as this gospel is the "power of God, unto Salvation", and more.
If this sounds "heretical" to you, then that explains why you told us you sin and confess, and can't stop.

You've been saved a while......as i'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you are saved....... but, because you have learned nothing regarding Salvation Theology, as Paul's DOCTRINE.....then all you can do rant against the truth, and post nonsense.
Paul teaches that we are "freed from sin" Made free from it, by the Blood of Jesus...... and you teach that you aren't and so, noone is, according to RONALD.
This makes you a deceiver, and a Cross denier.

See, in the end, The Cross of Christ does more then just forgive sin.
You dont know anything about this, Ronald, and instead of trying to learn some good, sound, theology, you'd rather just keep sinning and confessing, and pretending that God saved you so that you could.
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St. Joseph

Apr 30, 2023
United States


Human nature, is the "flesh", this is the sin nature....The Adamic Nature. The Fallen Nature.
This sin nature is the "old man of sin, that is crucified with Christ"., if you are born again.
This old nature, is the "mind of the flesh". That is the "old man".....and Paul tells us to "reckon it dead".
So....If you are stuck here.....= sinning, confessing, repeat <<<<.........then what you are doing, is living in the old man's MIND. The mind of the Flesh.. And so because you are doing this....then that is the battle you are suffering to continue.
You are trying to keep putting new wine in old wine skins and it wont fit.
See, trying to exist as the born again "new creation in Christ" in the old carnal mind, .. and this is what you get.

"that which i would do, i can't, and that which i hate, i do".

See that?
That is the old mind trying to live Christianity.
That is the old mind of the flesh, trying to walk the walk of faith.
Reader.. Its a MISERY and a FAILURE.
And, condemnation, that a person feels who is trapped in the ... sin, confess, repeat, situation.......this condemnation activates the carnal mind.
Activates your lust to sin. = Empowers it.

So, what you have to do, is "reckon the old man dead"., As when you put the old man of the flesh back on the Cross, then sin consciousness goes with Him.

A person says....>"how can i be born again, when what i feel like doing is what i was enjoying before i was saved". ????

See that MIND?
That is a wrong mind......it has not been renewed. It does not understand that the old man of sin is crucified with Christ, and the new Creation is now the REAL YOU., that God sees.

So, here are some things.... to understand.

"The LAW is the power of sin..",... as Paul said that had he not known the law, then there is no issue, but the Law caused his sin to revive and empower his flesh.
So, "Jesus came to deliver us from the curse of the Law"....."Jesus has REDEEMED us from the CURSE OF THE LAW".

The Curse of the Law, is that it empowers your sinning and also defines you as a SINNER.

So.....Once you are "not under the law, but under Grace" = BORN AGAIN...then the Law can't define you ever again.

Your "old man of sin" that is now the dead man, who is crucified with Christ, and was under the law......is dead.
If you are born again, then you are spiritually raised in newness of Eternal life OUT Of that old man and here you are now..>" IN CHRIST"... "One with God".

Colossians 2:11

The Believer is NOW THE "NEW CREATION". "IN CHRIST"...= .this is to be Born again, and the born again are not under the law, but "under GRACE".
There is no old covenant Moses's law found there......there is only "no condemnation in Christ". = The born again are "made righteous"

See all this?
You have to SEE IT.

Being born again is to be "Freed from Sin"......."FREED FROM SIN"....
This is why Paul said that "Christ always gives me the VICTORY",... as to be "freed from SIN"<. is to have "VICTORY" over flesh, the world, and the devil,.

Saint, your "old man" was the sin problem, and by being born again, you are eternally separated from Him, having become a NEW CREATION< in Christ.
Get this renewed mind, that im showing you.... and find the walk of Faith as "as many as be Perfect".

Romans 6:18
Romans 6:18
Romans 6:18

Read it....Believe it, receive it, as its TRUE for all the born again.
I am so glad to meet you. I have never known anyone perfect and without sin before. I,on the other hand, as John said, I do sin time to time,but i dont continue in it,or wallow in the mud like the lost that Peter spoke of.
But when i do fall short,I have an Advocate with the Father. I hate sin,but i wont become self righteous and a hypocrite by not recognizing sin in my life.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
I've helped so many people find a real walk of faith, that delivered them from your sinning and confessing issue, Ronald.

See, I only teach Paul's Doctrine that is "the Gospel of the GRACE of God".
This is "the preaching of the Cross" as this gospel is the "power of God, unto Salvation", and more.
If this sounds "heretical" to you, then that explains why you told us you sin and confess, and can't stop.

You've been saved a while......as i'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you are saved....... but, because you have learned nothing regarding Salvation Theology, all you can do rant against the truth.

See, in the end, The Cross of Christ does more then just forgive sin.
You dont know anything about this, Ronald, and instead of trying to learn some good, sound, theology, you'd rather just keep sinning and confessing, and pretending that God saved you so that you could.
I know far more than your arrogant false accusing soul could possibly imagine.

Once again I leave you with the Inspired Words of God:

1 John 1:8

King James Version

8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.

Because you lie and say this is not written about believers, you have changed the word of god! that places you in a very dangerous position.

And all these supposed people you have helped, you have just placed them in a bondage. They will be saved, but their burdens will be charged to their account.

I do have a sincere question for you if you choose to answer. Are you part of a local church and submitted under a bonafide biblical pastor/teacher?


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
I am so glad to meet you. I have never known anyone perfect and without sin before.

"perfect" in the sense of being "made righteous"......is what you meant to say.
So Then you've never met a real Christian before. ??

And im glad you've met me here, as you've spent all your time in a religious situation that will keep you sinning and confessing.
God would not want that for you, St Joseph, as God didnt save you so that you can live the same lifestyle as an unbeliever, and the only difference is, ... they enjoy sinning, and you feel guilty.

That's not Christianity.

Christianity is to be "in Christ", "made righteous"...having become "the righteousness of God in Christ".

There is no SIN found in RIGHTEOUSNESS, and every born again Christian has received the "Gift of Righteousness."

Can a person be joined to God and Christ, and have sin? And every born again person is "in Christ".... "one with God".... the "temple of the Holy Spirit."

Every born again Christian, is "seated in heavenly places", "in Christ". So, could that be true if they had SIN?



Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
I know far more than your arrogant false accusing soul could possibly imagine.


The reason that a believer goes to heaven is because they are born again.
That's the only reason......

You dont have to keep confessing sin, and living in that broken faith.
But that's up to you.

See I explained to you 50 posts ago, that you have to read 1 John 3:9.....as that verse is for the born again.
Read it.
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St. Joseph

Apr 30, 2023
United States
"perfect" in the sense of being "made righteous"......is what you meant to say.
So Then you've never met a real Christian before. ??

And im glad you've met me here, as you've spent all your time in a religious situation that will keep you sinning and confessing.
God would not want that for you, St Joseph, as God didnt save you so that you can live the same lifestyle as an unbeliever, and the only difference is, ... they enjoy sinning, and you feel guilty.

That's not Christianity.

Christianity is to be "in Christ", "made righteous"...having become "the righteousness of God in Christ".

There is no SIN found in RIGHTEOUSNESS, and every born again Christian has received the "Gift of Righteousness."

Can a person be joined to God and Christ, and have sin? And every born again person is "in Christ".... "one with God".... the "temple of the Holy Spirit."

Every born again Christian, is "seated in heavenly places", "in Christ". So, could that be true if they had SIN?

Im sorry. You have no understanding of Scripture and distort them so.
God bless


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Im sorry. You have no understanding of Scripture and distort them so.
God bless

St Joseph,
I only teach Pauline Theology.
If you are going to get past the issue you have with your carnality, then you have to learn what that is, and listen to someone who can teach you how to understand the way out.

See, walking in perfected discipleship is not found in trying to be good, or by trying to be like Christ.
As that is self effort., and it will fail you, completely, as it keeps you separated from the Power of Christ so that you can "do nothing", Jesus teaches...
Real Christianity, the walk of faith.... is literally based on The Spirit of God and Revelation Knowledge = GAINED....., and you have to find someone who can teach it so that you can enter in.
Your church produced your sinning and confessing issue...., so you have to look outside those walls and find some Light.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
You dont have to keep confessing sin, and living in that broken faith.
You would have to be SINLESSLY PERFECT in order to avoid confessing sins. Is that your claim? Or do you simply love to misrepresent the Gospel is all your sketchy posts?
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
You would have to be SINLESSLY PERFECT in order to avoid confessing sins. Is that your claim? Or do you simply love to misrepresent the Gospel is all your sketchy posts?

The born again are "made righteous"..

Here is what God does.

As a previous sinning unbeliever, You come to the Cross, knowing you are a lost sinner.....hell bound.
Only JESUS SAVES.....and you have come to BELIEVE THIS..
You have heard the Good News.....that Jesus died for your sins and God wants you in His Heavenly family, for eternity.
So, you BELIEVE in Jesus......you give God your FAITH in Christ, and God takes that Faith, accepts it, and does 2 thing, instantly and forever.

1.) Forgives all your sin, for all time. This is the redemption of your sin. This is.... "God hath made Jesus to be SIN for us"... and "Jesus is the ONE TIME....ETERNAL sacrifice for sin".
See that?
If you are born again then all your sin is dealt with by Christ., 2000 yrs ago.
God has made you CLEAN., as if you'd never sinned. = "Made righteous"... having become "the righteousness of God in Christ'.

This is the Son/Daughter of God...... having eternal life, existing "in Christ"...>"one with God"....right now and forever.

Reader... Listen...

= God has to deal with your lifetime of sin first, because He is about to join Himself to you for eternity, and you can't have sin, and be joined to God.
Ask the Devil about that.
Ask Adam about that...
Ask every Christ rejector, never born again, who went to hell today, about that reality.

So, God has to deal with ALL your sin, and make you RIGHTEOUS.....for eternity.... FIRST.


2.) He can give you a Spiritual Birth, into Himself.......and that is to be """born again."""
Jesus said....>
"You must be born again"...
This is God's Holy Spirit, birthing your spirit into God, forever.

Welcome To : Salvation

Its a Gift


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
The born again are "made righteous"..
No. The righteousness of Christ is IMPUTED to the one who is justified by grace through faith. But is it possible for that person to sin? Absolutely. That is why Paul tells Christians to examine themselves. Can the sin nature have dominion over the genuine Christian? NO. But that does not mean that you cannot sin. And if you claim to be sinless yo are (a) deceiving yourself and (b) making God a liar.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
No. The righteousness of Christ is IMPUTED to the one who is justified by grace through faith. But is it possible for that person to sin?

"Where there is no law, there is no Transgression".

Its the LAW that defines you as a sinner.......... and where there is no Law, there is no definition of sin.

Notice...>The born again, are "not under the Law, but under Grace".

This is why Paul refers to carnal deeds as "works of the Flesh".....

The born again, exist "In Christ"......."One with God"......"Seated in Heavenly Places", and there is no sin found there.

Jesus is our "Sin Bearer", and all of our sin, has been redeemed on the Cross, 2000 yrs ago.

Let me show you 2 more..

Romans 6:22

""""""But NOW being made free from sin, and become servants to God, ye have your fruit unto holiness, and the end everlasting life."""""

Did you notice that the born again are NOW....made free from sin?
This "now" is understood like this...."for all time"... AS IN " RIGHT NOW."

The born again are "right now", made free from sin., having become "made righteous"., as "the righteousness of God, in Christ".


Why does a person who is saved believe they are a sinner?
Its because they do not understand what it means to HAVE BECOME...... a "new Creation in Christ".


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Are you too claiming to be sinless?

All the born again are "made righteous", having become "the righteousness of God in Christ".

Is there any "sin" in Christ?

All the born again are "in Christ".

If you have a bible, then read 2 Corinthians 5:19
It says that God does not charge sin to the born again.

If you can learn why He doesn't, then you'll understand "made righteous"... "in Christ".


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
Did Jesus desire to have us deceive ourselves and make God a liar?

“…sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee.” (John 5:14)

You could not answer the question HONESTLY so you reposted a verse. Which tells us that you too are self-deceived.
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