Human nature, is the "flesh", this is the sin nature....The Adamic Nature. The Fallen Nature.
This sin nature is the "old man of sin, that is crucified with Christ"., if you are born again.
This old nature, is the "mind of the flesh". That is the "old man".....and Paul tells us to "reckon it dead".
So....If you are stuck here.....= sinning, confessing, repeat <<<<.........then what you are doing, is living in the old man's MIND. The mind of the Flesh.. And so because you are doing this....then that is the battle you are suffering to continue.
You are trying to keep putting new wine in old wine skins and it wont fit.
See, trying to exist as the born again "new creation in Christ" in the old carnal mind, .. and this is what you get.
"that which i would do, i can't, and that which i hate, i do".
See that?
That is the old mind trying to live Christianity.
That is the old mind of the flesh, trying to walk the walk of faith.
Reader.. Its a MISERY and a FAILURE.
And, condemnation, that a person feels who is trapped in the ... sin, confess, repeat, situation.......this condemnation activates the carnal mind.
Activates your lust to sin. = Empowers it.
So, what you have to do, is "reckon the old man dead"., As when you put the old man of the flesh back on the Cross, then sin consciousness goes with Him.
A person says....>"how can i be born again, when what i feel like doing is what i was enjoying before i was saved". ????
See that MIND?
That is a wrong mind......it has not been renewed. It does not understand that the old man of sin is crucified with Christ, and the new Creation is now the REAL YOU., that God sees.
So, here are some things.... to understand.
"The LAW is the power of sin..",... as Paul said that had he not known the law, then there is no issue, but the Law caused his sin to revive and empower his flesh.
So, "Jesus came to deliver us from the curse of the Law"....."Jesus has REDEEMED us from the CURSE OF THE LAW".
The Curse of the Law, is that it empowers your sinning and also defines you as a SINNER.
So.....Once you are "not under the law, but under Grace" = BORN AGAIN...then the Law can't define you ever again.
Your "old man of sin" that is now the dead man, who is crucified with Christ, and was under the law......is dead.
If you are born again, then you are spiritually raised in newness of Eternal life OUT Of that old man and here you are now..>" IN CHRIST"... "One with God".
Colossians 2:11
The Believer is NOW THE "NEW CREATION". "IN CHRIST"...= .this is to be Born again, and the born again are not under the law, but "under GRACE".
There is no old covenant Moses's law found there......there is only "no condemnation in Christ". = The born again are "made righteous"
See all this?
You have to SEE IT.
Being born again is to be "Freed from Sin"......."FREED FROM SIN"....
This is why Paul said that "Christ always gives me the VICTORY",... as to be "freed from SIN"<. is to have "VICTORY" over flesh, the world, and the devil,.
Saint, your "old man" was the sin problem, and by being born again, you are eternally separated from Him, having become a NEW CREATION< in Christ.
Get this renewed mind, that im showing you.... and find the walk of Faith as "as many as be Perfect".
Romans 6:18
Romans 6:18
Romans 6:18
Read it....Believe it, receive it, as its TRUE for all the born again.
Human nature, is the "flesh", this is the sin nature....The Adamic Nature. The Fallen Nature.
This sin nature is the "old man of sin, that is crucified with Christ"., if you are born again.
This old nature, is the "mind of the flesh". That is the "old man".....and Paul tells us to "reckon it dead".
So....If you are stuck here.....= sinning, confessing, repeat <<<<.........then what you are doing, is living in the old man's MIND. The mind of the Flesh.. And so because you are doing this....then that is the battle you are suffering to continue.
You are trying to keep putting new wine in old wine skins and it wont fit.
See, trying to exist as the born again "new creation in Christ" in the old carnal mind, .. and this is what you get.
"that which i would do, i can't, and that which i hate, i do".
See that?
That is the old mind trying to live Christianity.
That is the old mind of the flesh, trying to walk the walk of faith.
Reader.. Its a MISERY and a FAILURE.
And, condemnation, that a person feels who is trapped in the ... sin, confess, repeat, situation.......this condemnation activates the carnal mind.
Activates your lust to sin. = Empowers it.
So, what you have to do, is "reckon the old man dead"., As when you put the old man of the flesh back on the Cross, then sin consciousness goes with Him.
A person says....>"how can i be born again, when what i feel like doing is what i was enjoying before i was saved". ????
See that MIND?
That is a wrong mind......it has not been renewed. It does not understand that the old man of sin is crucified with Christ, and the new Creation is now the REAL YOU., that God sees.
So, here are some things.... to understand.
"The LAW is the power of sin..",... as Paul said that had he not known the law, then there is no issue, but the Law caused his sin to revive and empower his flesh.
So, "Jesus came to deliver us from the curse of the Law"....."Jesus has REDEEMED us from the CURSE OF THE LAW".
The Curse of the Law, is that it empowers your sinning and also defines you as a SINNER.
So.....Once you are "not under the law, but under Grace" = BORN AGAIN...then the Law can't define you ever again.
Your "old man of sin" that is now the dead man, who is crucified with Christ, and was under the law......is dead.
If you are born again, then you are spiritually raised in newness of Eternal life OUT Of that old man and here you are now..>" IN CHRIST"... "One with God".
Colossians 2:11
The Believer is NOW THE "NEW CREATION". "IN CHRIST"...= .this is to be Born again, and the born again are not under the law, but "under GRACE".
There is no old covenant Moses's law found there......there is only "no condemnation in Christ". = The born again are "made righteous"
See all this?
You have to SEE IT.
Being born again is to be "Freed from Sin"......."FREED FROM SIN"....
This is why Paul said that "Christ always gives me the VICTORY",... as to be "freed from SIN"<. is to have "VICTORY" over flesh, the world, and the devil,.
Saint, your "old man" was the sin problem, and by being born again, you are eternally separated from Him, having become a NEW CREATION< in Christ.
Get this renewed mind, that im showing you.... and find the walk of Faith as "as many as be Perfect".
Romans 6:18
Romans 6:18
Romans 6:18
Read it....Believe it, receive it, as its TRUE for all the born again.
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