The Rider on the Red Horse has gone out!

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Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
"And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see.
And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword." Rev. 6:3-4

Peace is taken from the world. Wars and rumors of wars...
Well, the Russian/Ukraine war has begun. What will NATO do? Biden is weak. Will he threaten Putin by taking him off his Christmas card list? Putin will be very upset.
But seriously, we were energy independant with Trump ... now we are not and today the price of oil is $104 /per barrel and rising - double what we saw in previous years. Now we buy 500k barrels/day from Russia AND Europe buys and is dependent on Russian oil - so their hands are tied. Will they do something that causes Putin to shut them off? Will we?
Biden shut down the Keystone XL pipeline that would be delivering 800k barrels/per day - What an idiot! $10/ gal. before Biden is gone is predicted - but that is the least of our problems. The economy will soon crash when more wars begin to escallate.
An EMP can dismantle this country fast- knock us back into the 19th century.
And all this of course is a spiritual war, with the Antichrist ( not yet revealed) at the helm empowered by Satan who will influence all the ungodly rulers to war as if he flicked a switch and they obeyed.
Evil that has been restrained by the Holy Spirit since the beginning will be unleashed - in the full. If this is really true, you will see many countries, like dominos escallate into wars against eachother and within. Lawlessness will abound. You will see brother against brother too, a world gone insane - the ultimate expression of evil.

Let's look at the conflicts exist and others that will soon ignite. We know in Revelation, many nations will come against Israel, a group of ten, a beast, likely all Islamic headed by Iran, who by now has nukes. Israel is well armed and protected. It is likely Iran won't be that stupid to fire a nuke at Israel. Israel can obliterate them. But a number of mini-nukes (suitcase sized) smuggled in may be their plan. Iran can do the same with the US. More than a million illegals have crossed our borders from sixty countries. How many of those are terrorists? Don't be surprised if we see another attack even worse than 9/11 soon. They have to distract us and keep us occupied while they attack Israel.
What else has already
been going on?
China/Taiwan - coming
Islamic terrorism throughout African countries causing civil wars within:
Yemen, Ethiopia, N & S Sudan,
Congo, Nigeria, Somalia, Mozambique, Chad, Libya.
Haiti is very destitute and unstable after the president's assassination.
Myanmar coup - civil unrest
N Korea/S. Korea is coming
Syria - unstable in an ongoing civil war.
India/Pakistan- coming

And the result, economic collapse throughout the world caused by the Pandemic and numerous wars which will leads inevitably to famine and death, Seals 3 and 4.
Hold onto your faith.
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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
"And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see.
And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword." Rev. 6:3-4

Peace is taken from the world. Wars and rumors of wars...
Well, the Russian/Ukraine war has begun. What will NATO do? Biden is weak. Will he threaten Putin by taking him off his Christmas card list? Putin will be very upset.
But seriously, we were energy independant with Trump ... now we are not and today the price of oil is $104 /per barrel and rising - double what we saw in previous years. Now we buy 500k barrels/day from Russia AND Europe buys and is dependent on Russian oil - so their hands are tied. Will they do something that causes Putin to shut them off? Will we?
Biden shut down the Keystone XL pipeline that would be delivering 800k barrels/per day - What an idiot! $10/ gal. before Biden is gone is predicted - but that is the least of our problems. The economy will soon crash when more wars begin to escallate.
An EMP can dismantle this country fast- knock us back into the 19th century.
And all this of course is a spiritual war, with the Antichrist ( not yet revealed) at the helm empowered by Satan who will influence all the ungodly rulers to war as if he flicked a switch and they obeyed.
Evil that has been restrained by the Holy Spirit since the beginning will be unleashed - in the full. If this is really true, you will see many countries, like dominos escallate into wars against eachother and within. Lawlessness will abound. You will see brother against brother too, a world gone insane - the ultimate expression of evil.

Let's look at the conflicts exist and others that will soon ignite. We know in Revelation, many nations will come against Israel, a group of ten, a beast, likely all Islamic headed by Iran, who by now has nukes. Israel is well armed and protected. It is likely Iran won't be that stupid to fire a nuke at Israel. Israel can obliterate them. But a number of mini-nukes (suitcase sized) smuggled in may be their plan. Iran can do the same with the US. More than a million illegals have crossed our borders from sixty countries. How many of those are terrorists? Don't be surprised if we see another attack even worse than 9/11 soon. They have to distract us and keep us occupied while they attack Israel.
What else has already
been going on?
China/Taiwan - coming
Islamic terrorism throughout African countries causing civil wars within:
Yemen, Ethiopia, N & S Sudan,
Congo, Nigeria, Somalia, Mozambique, Chad, Libya.
Haiti is very destitute and unstable after the president's assassination.
Myanmar coup - civil unrest
N Korea/S. Korea is coming
Syria - unstable in an ongoing civil war.
India/Pakistan- coming

And the result, economic collapse throughout the world caused by the Pandemic and numerous wars which will leads inevitably to famine and death, Seals 3 and 4.
Hold onto your faith.
You're such a cheerful fellow Ronald. Where did you get your crystal ball?
You are quick to call Biden an idiot yet if he's fulfilling what you consider prophecy don't you think that could be a good thing? or do you hope Jesus will delay his return by you determining what politicians should or shouldn't be doing?

Ronald D Milam

Active Member
Jan 12, 2022
United States
You're such a cheerful fellow Ronald. Where did you get your crystal ball?
You are quick to call Biden an idiot yet if he's fulfilling what you consider prophecy don't you think that could be a good thing? or do you hope Jesus will delay his return by you determining what politicians should or shouldn't be doing?
No, he's still an idiot, that is why God allowed him to steal the Election, its why God allowed Israel to have a King against His will. God foresees all of Satan's evil moves ahead of time, and he co-opts him. He still stole the Election, now he is appointing a commie to the Supreme Court, he is evil, as was Obama. As is the Dem Party leaders. And they will all be judged very very soon.

Don't conflate/confuse God's spiritual waring with Satan as meaning all evil people are just pawns in a bigger battle, if not for thugs like Biden this world would not have an evil overtone to it, we are living in a lying, thieving, immoral, evil world because of thugs who steal elections like him. He and Putin are two peas in a pod. Abortion is murder also.

P.S. about 50 percent of the RINOS are evil also. Else we wouldn't have abortion, homosexuality being pushed on our kids, a country with 30 trillion in debt etc.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2021
United States
No, he's still an idiot, that is why God allowed him to steal the Election, its why Gid allowed Israel to have a King against His will. God foresees all of Satan's evil moves ahead of time, and he co-opts him. He still stole the Election, now he is appointing a commie to the Supreme Court, he is evil, as was Obama. As is the Dem Party leaders. And they will all be judged very very soon.

Don't conflate/confuse God's spiritual waring with Satan as meaning all evil people are just pawns in a bigger battle, if not for thugs like Biden this world would not have an evil overtone to it, we are living in lying, thieving, immoral, evil world because of thugs who steal elections like him. He and Putin are two peas in a pod. Abortion is murder also.
Oh boy.
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Ronald D Milam

Active Member
Jan 12, 2022
United States
"And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see.
And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword." Rev. 6:3-4
This will only come at the midway point of the 70th week brother. The Gog and Magog War has to happen first, REMEMBER, Magog loses to God on the outskirts of Jerusalem but the Anti-Christ conquers Jerusalem. The Anti-Christs path is made straight, God puts a HOOK in Putin's, (Gog the prince) mouth for a reason, we have to have an E.U. Army in the end times. God allowed Biden to steal the Election for a reason, the USA had to be weak enough to entice Putin to make his move. He's going to keep doing this because no one will stop him. The USA is about to go broke also, mark my words, we cause a global crash of world economies. Europe sees they can't trust the USA to defend them (see what's going on now) and that will push the E.U. to build their own Standing Army, especially after the global crash. The global crash, IMHO, harms China, but not Russia so much, China is dependent on the USA's buying, that will vanish, people still need oil, so Russia is not harmed as much, and their peoples are more rugged than most anyway.

So, the E.U. builds up their Armies, Russia attacks Israel and God destroys them and their confederate armies of Iran, Turkey on the mount of God (with a few African nations). At about this time the Rapture will happen, just before this happens or just after this happens. That's when Israel will sign on to become a member of the European Union (that is the "COVENANT" or "Agreement" seen in Dan. 9:27)), Putin and Russia are what causes the E.U. to build up a Standing Army and to stop trusting in their USA sugar daddy. (This must needs come to pass)

Then, after the Rapture, and 2 or 3 years after this Gog and Magog War where Israel is driven into the arms of the E.U. and the coming Anti-Christ, there will be an Asteroid Impact (Rev. 8) that destroys 1/3 of the world, here is where we have to think, would God destroy the world close to where Jesus is going to reign for 1000 years and where all of these end time events are going to happen? No, He will destroy the Pacific realm and North & South America, both add up to 1/3, the Pacific Ocean has 1/3 of all the water on earth and the two Americas combined have 1/3 of all the Land Mass on this earth. I think the 1/3 is God telling us where its going to hit. This takes out an already weakened USA altogether, with the USA, Russia, Iran and Turkey out of the way its a go, go, go, go Zoom, Zoom, Zoom, as soon as this Asteroid Impact, Satan whispers into his mans (the Anti-Christ) ear, its "TIME TO GO FORTH CONQUERING" and thus the Rev. 8 Trump Judgment both kicks off God's Wrath, and the Anti-Christs Conquering White Horse which in Rev. 6 is only a Prophesy by Jesus, in Heaven amidst the raptured church, that in a few days, the White Horse will be released. He brings Wars (Red Horse) for 42 months, which brings the Black Horse of Famine for 42 months, which brings the Pale Horse of Death/Sickness/Grave for 42 months. It also brings this tyrants murdering the Christian Saints for 42 months (5th Seal Martyrs) while the Jewish Saints are SUPERNATURALLY PROTECTED by God Himself in the Petra/Bozrah area.

Evil that has been restrained by the Holy Spirit since the beginning will be unleashed - in the full. If this is really true, you will see many countries, like dominos escallate into wars against eachother and within. Lawlessness will abound. You will see brother against brother too, a world gone insane - the ultimate expression of evil.

Only after we are Raptured will the Anti-Christ be released at the Midway point. This is why I was saying in 2020, yes, Trump will win, but they are going to STEAL THE ELECTION, the Anti-Christs time is at hand. Russia took Crimea under the weak Obama, but it was TOO SOON, so God thwarted Satan's timing by placing Trump in the White House. Then He allowed the theft of the Election via an evil plan of Satan, the release of the COVID 19 Virus, and the theft of the election. IMHO, this has caused the USA's sleeping patriots to wake up, they saw what these liberals were teaching in the classrooms unto our kids, they saw the racist Critical Race Theory etc. etc. so IMHO, God is going to bring revival to the USA after our economy crashes. But, we had to do what John the Baptist did, we have to recede, the E.U. and Russian players will now take the stage. Mark my words.

Let's look at the conflicts exist and others that will soon ignite. We know in Revelation, many nations will come against Israel, a group of ten, a beast, likely all Islamic headed by Iran, who by now has nukes.

You are conflating two different wars my brother. Iran, Turkey, a few African token nations and Russia gets defeated, the Anti-Christ and his E.U. Nations (10 means COMPLETION thus it may be 25 or 30 nations) defeat Israel and conquer Jerusalem. The Beast is an E.U. Horde of many nations(THE 10), that is why they come out of the Fourth Beasts Head.

China is not mentioned in End Time Prophesy imho, and neither is the USA. The 200 Million Man army in Rev. 9 is not even a real thing, people combine the Rev. 9 plagues brought by "200 million Angels" which is really just "10,000 x 10,000" which means the COMPLETE HOSTS of Heaven. The kings of the East are seen in Rev. 16, its not China there, its tells us its the Euphrates river area, and this is only metaphoric any way, modern armies do not need rivers to dry up in order to cross them, so what does it mean? It means God will simply put a STOP to His plagues long enough to where Satan can REGATHER his evil hordes who have been running scared from all of these plagues hitting them, so I am convinced Vial #6 is God stopping his plagues long enough to get the kings of the world to say, all of those plagues and those deaths which were brought forth by those two evil Jewish Men (Two-witnesses) praying has now stopped, COME, Lets us get our revenge on the rest of the Jews hiding in the wilderness (Big Mistake. LOL).

So, God pauses the plagues (DRIES UP THE WATER SO THEY CAN CROSS THE RIVER) and Satan via his Anti-Christ then goes out and raises up these kings of the whole world and says, lets go kill these Jews who caused all of this evil & carnage to come upon us, their God has now deserted them. Thus after a few days or weeks of NO PLAGUES, they are all emboldened once again to go kill the Jews, and we know the outcome of that battle don't we? Amen. Jesus shows up with us and the Angels.
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Well-Known Member
May 12, 2021
United States
United States
"And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see.
And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword." Rev. 6:3-4

Peace is taken from the world. Wars and rumors of wars...
Well, the Russian/Ukraine war has begun. What will NATO do? Biden is weak. Will he threaten Putin by taking him off his Christmas card list? Putin will be very upset.
But seriously, we were energy independant with Trump ... now we are not and today the price of oil is $104 /per barrel and rising - double what we saw in previous years. Now we buy 500k barrels/day from Russia AND Europe buys and is dependent on Russian oil - so their hands are tied. Will they do something that causes Putin to shut them off? Will we?
Biden shut down the Keystone XL pipeline that would be delivering 800k barrels/per day - What an idiot! $10/ gal. before Biden is gone is predicted - but that is the least of our problems. The economy will soon crash when more wars begin to escallate.
An EMP can dismantle this country fast- knock us back into the 19th century.
And all this of course is a spiritual war, with the Antichrist ( not yet revealed) at the helm empowered by Satan who will influence all the ungodly rulers to war as if he flicked a switch and they obeyed.
Evil that has been restrained by the Holy Spirit since the beginning will be unleashed - in the full. If this is really true, you will see many countries, like dominos escallate into wars against eachother and within. Lawlessness will abound. You will see brother against brother too, a world gone insane - the ultimate expression of evil.

Let's look at the conflicts exist and others that will soon ignite. We know in Revelation, many nations will come against Israel, a group of ten, a beast, likely all Islamic headed by Iran, who by now has nukes. Israel is well armed and protected. It is likely Iran won't be that stupid to fire a nuke at Israel. Israel can obliterate them. But a number of mini-nukes (suitcase sized) smuggled in may be their plan. Iran can do the same with the US. More than a million illegals have crossed our borders from sixty countries. How many of those are terrorists? Don't be surprised if we see another attack even worse than 9/11 soon. They have to distract us and keep us occupied while they attack Israel.
What else has already
been going on?
China/Taiwan - coming
Islamic terrorism throughout African countries causing civil wars within:
Yemen, Ethiopia, N & S Sudan,
Congo, Nigeria, Somalia, Mozambique, Chad, Libya.
Haiti is very destitute and unstable after the president's assassination.
Myanmar coup - civil unrest
N Korea/S. Korea is coming
Syria - unstable in an ongoing civil war.
India/Pakistan- coming

And the result, economic collapse throughout the world caused by the Pandemic and numerous wars which will leads inevitably to famine and death, Seals 3 and 4.
Hold onto your faith.
I think you may be right about this one, my friend.

God bless us all.

Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
The Anti-Christs path is made straight, God puts a HOOK in Putin's, (Gog the prince) mouth for a reason, we have to have an E.U. Army in the end times.
I always understood Gog as being a demon prince in control of thay area of the world, Magog.

So, the E.U. builds up their Armies, Russia attacks Israel and God destroys them and that confederate armies of Iran, Turkey on the mount of God (with a few African cohorts).
Russia has assisted Iran with their nuclear program since the 90's. They are allies of Syria too since they are helping Assad. It's seems to be about oil though, but I guess it could an excuse to set up a base there to so.eday control thr Middle East. But why would Russia attack Israel? Israel has nukes too. Iran is the #1 terrorist state and the enemy of Israel.

At about this time the Rapture will happen, just before this happens or just after this happens. That's when Israel will sign on to become a member of the European Union (that is the "COVENANT" or "Agreement" seen in Dan. 9:27)), Putin and Russia are what causes the E.U. to build up a Standing Army and to stop trusting in their USA sugar daddy. (This must needs come to pass
My view is that Daniel's70th week is history - about Christ's first coming.

Then, after the Rapture, and 2 or 3 years after this Gog and Magog War where Israel is driven into the arms of the E.U. and the coming Anti-Christ, there will be an Asteroid Impact (Rev. 8) that destroys 1/3 of the world, here is where we have to think, would God destroy the world close to where Jesus is going to reign for 1000 years and where all of these end time events are going to happen? No, He will destroy the Pacific realm and North and South America, both add up to 1/3, the Pacific Ocean has 1/3 of all the water on earth and the two Americas combined have 1/3 of the Land Mass on this earth. I think the 1/3 is God telling us where its going to hit. This takes out an already weakened USA altogether, with the USA, Russia, Iran and Turkey out of the way its a go, go, go, go Zoom, Zoom, Zoom, as soon as this Asteroid Impact, Satan whispers into his mans (Anti-Christ) ear, its "TIME TO GO FORTH CONQUERING" and thus the Rev. 8 Trump Judgment both kicks off God's Wrath, and the Anti-Christs Conquering White Horse which in Rev. 6 is only a Prophesy by Jesus, in Heaven amidst the raptured church, that in a few days, the White Horse will be released. He brings Wars (Red Horse) for 42 months, which brings the Black Horse of Famine for 42 months, which brings the Pale Horse of Death/Sickness/Grave for 42 months. It also brings this tyrants murdering the Christian Saints for 42 months (5th Seal Martyrs) while the Jewish Saints are SUPERNATURALLY PROTECTED by God Himself in the Petra/Bozrah area.
Sorry, the asteroid or super volcanic events happens during the second and third Trumpets. I believe that last trumpet is the 7th Trumpet. Therefore these events precede the rapture.

You are conflating two different wars my brother. Iran, Turkey, a few African token nations and Russia gets defeated, the Anti-Christ and his E.U. Nations (10 means COMPLETION thus it may be 25 or 30 nations) defeat Israel and conquer Jerusalem. The Beast is an E.U. Horde of many nations, that is why they come out of the Fourth Beasts Head.
You have taking much time to form your view - I just don 't agree with it.
But there are many views out there ... and they will unravel. Pre-Trib views are just about defeated with all that is going on.
The 200 Million Man army in Rev. 9 is not even a real thing, people combine the Rev. 9 plagues brought by 200 million Angels which is really just 10,000 x 10,000 which means the COMPLETE HOSTS of Heaven. The kings of the East are seen in Rev. 16, its not China there, its tells us its the Euphrates area, and this is only metaphoric any way, modern armies do not need rivers to be dry up in order to cross them, so what does it mean? It means God will simply put a STOP to the plagues where Satan can REGATHER his evil hordes who have been running scared from all of these plagues hitting them, so I am convinced Vial #6 is God stopping his plagues long enough to get the kings of the world to say, all of those plagues and those deaths brought forth by those two Jewish Men (Two-witnesses) praying has now stopped, COME, Lets us get our revenge on the rest of the Jews hiding in the wilderness (Big Mistake. LOL).
Actually, I take the demon locusts that come out of the Abyss and sting and torture mankind literally. They are demons, 200 million who have locked up and then later transform into horsemen. This is a spiritual view of horses only in our realm they possess man, who march and war against Israel. A ten nation confederation of Islam is who attack Israel and 200 million is easily conjured up. Remember they are killed and fill a valley 200 miles
long with blood up to the horses bridle.
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Ronald D Milam

Active Member
Jan 12, 2022
United States
I always understood Gog as being a demon prince in control of thay area of the world, Magog.
Gog is a human brother, the chief prince of Magog. Some places say Rosh, but it just means prince. i have a thread up of who these people are, the Scythians.

Russia has assisted Iran with their nuclear program since the 90's. They are allies of Syria too since they are helping Assad. It's seems to be about oil though, but I guess it could an excuse to set up a base there to so.eday control thr Middle East. But why would Russia attack Israel? Israel has nukes too. Iran is the #1 terrorist state and the enemy of Israel.

Here is the thing, once an Army surrounds a nation, then pounces real quickly, the Nuclear Weapons wouldn't be of any use. If they cross over in blitzkrieg like fashion, Israel would be using Nukes on their own peoples, in their own nation, unless they are willing to strike preemptively, rumor used to be Israel had a weapon that could melt the flesh off of humans and not harm buildings, I forget the nae of it. But, I think its God who defeats them. No nation with a COMMON BORDER with Israel is named as a participant in the Gog and Magog War. That is why the Abraham Accords via Trump was so important. The Psalm 83 War is over, that was all of the skirmishes that n one ever "WON OUTRIGHT" from 1948-2010ish, all of those nations mentioned are very close to Israel. After Iran's Nuclear Power grab came into focus, these other nations came to a peace understanding with Israel. Egypt, Jordan, Saudis all have a common enemy, that is why none of them are seen in the Gog Magog War, and that is why Ezekiel says Israel will at that time live in "UNWALLED VILLIAGES", its just a metaphor for she is at peace with ALL of her IMMEDIATE neighbors. Now, Syria could be under Russia and Iran's hands by that time, but if so that is how they will have access to Israel, then God will destroy their armies. We know the players.

They will attack, to gain riches and plunder, the bible says so. (SMILE)

Dan. 38:11 And thou shalt say, I will go up to the land of unwalled villages; I will go to them that are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates,

12 To take a spoil, and to take a prey; to turn thine hand upon the desolate places that are now inhabited, and upon the people that are gathered out of the nations, which have gotten cattle and goods, that dwell in the midst of the land.

15 And thou shalt come from thy place out of the north parts, thou, and many people with thee, all of them riding upon horses, a great company, and a mighty army: 16 And thou shalt come up against my people of Israel, as a cloud to cover the land; it shall be in the latter days, and I will bring thee against my land, that the heathen may know me, when I shall be sanctified in thee, O Gog, before their eyes.

17 Thus saith the Lord God; Art thou he(Gog) of whom I have spoken in old time by my servants the prophets of Israel, which prophesied in those days many years that I would bring thee against them?

Why did Hitler hate the Jews? They are of this world and of Satan, so Satan sees his ONLY HOPE as destroying every last Jew, this God's a liar, and thus their can be no Kingdom Age where Christ rules for 1000 years on David's throne.

My view is that Daniel's70th week is history - about Christ's first coming.

And I have a detailed blog on that, the 70th week can not come to pass until Israel repents. Jesus dies after 69 weeks EXACTLYLY, not 69 1/2 weeks. That is just Satan adding in confusion.

Sorry, the asteroid or super volcanic events happens during the second and third Trumpets. I believe that last trumpet is the 7th Trumpet. Therefore these events precede the rapture.

The first four Trumpet Judgments are all ONE ASTEROID IMPACT brother. This is why the Seals are PROPHETIC (just like Joel 2:31's DOTL utterance was) in nature, Jesus has to open all 7 Seals from the Scroll before the Judgments can be read aloud and brought forth. If a King of old sent forth a Decree mandating X, Y & Z, then no one would hear this decree as the first seal on the letter was opened, nor the 2nd seal, but only when the 3rd seal was opened can the decree then be read aloud. The Seals are Jesus, just before the Judgment falls, Prophesying in Heaven in the midst of the pre trib raptured church as CLEARLY SEEN in Rev. 4:4 and 5:9-10, that this, this, this, this and this is about to befall mankind, as he open each seal he give his audience a preview of what is about to happen with this Asteroid hits the earth (God's Wrath or the DOTL).

All the first four Trumps are the Asteroid, the FIRE comes in first via an Asteroid, and in Trumpet #1 God hurls Fire down on the earth. In Trumpet #2 we see THE IMPACT. In Trumpet #3 we see the SAME ASTEROID, but God describes it as coming in HOT, He wants us to know thee will be some kind of Nuclear like fallout that poisons the waters, in the Asteroid impact that destroyed the Dinos, it was SULFUR that poisoned everything in site. Trumpet #4 is all of the FIRES of the trees homes, via 1/3 of the world set ablaze, the smoke gets in the jet-stream, and it goes all around the whole world, and it DARKNES the "Sun, Moon and Stars" by 1/3. They are all four the exact same event. Then the Three Last Woes are the Three Trumps, Revelation 8:13 says so.

Spring Feasts Jesus fulfilled

"The LAST TRUMP" Paul is speaking about has nothing to do with Revelation Trumpets, those are Judgments. The Last Trump always ended "The Summer Harvest" every year in Israel.The Seven Feasts were holy convocations (dress rehearsals) unto God. Jesus already fulfilled the first three, the 1.) Passover (his blood covers us) 2.) Unleavened Bread (Jesus knew no sin) 3.) The First fruits, (Jesus was the first-fruits of the Grave). So, the Spring Feasts are fulfilled, we are now in the Summer Harvest (of souls).

Summer Harvest we (Church) are fulfilling

4.) Feast of Weeks/Pentecost/The Summer Harvest was always alone on the calendar unto itself, just like the Church Age is, and as I previously stated, the LAST TRUMP ends the Summer Harvest in Israel every year, and it has to be done via the New Moon which ends one year and brings in a New Year, but seeing as Israel went by a Lunar Calendar, they could never know 100 percent what day it would fall in (thus the ole axiom, you can't know the Day nor the Hour). So, every year Israel had to send out two witnesses up to the mountain to spy out when the New Moon came in, as soon as they affirmed it was a New Moon they sent word back, and then Israel would blow the Trumps (Feast of Trumps) in 9 sets of 11, for a total of 99 trumpet blasts, then with the one LAST TRUMP, they would blow it LONGER & LOUDER than then other 99 and the Summer Harvest (think Church Age) would officially be over, and the New Year would start. So, the LAST TRUMP, is about the Feast of Trumps brother, thus we can turn to Rev. 4:1 and we see Jesus' voice is AS A TRUMP !! Jesus thus ends the Church Age by calling us home.

Fall Feasts yet to come

5.) The Trumpets ended the Harvest and everyone knew two more feasts were yet to come.

6.) The Feast of Atonement (remember I stated the Holy Convocations in Hebrew means Dress Rehearsals? Who needs to REPENT before the 70th week can end? Israel, and Zechariah 13:8-9 says they do just that and then the very next verse, Zechariah 14:1 says the Day of the Lord has arrived !! So, Israel ATONES after the Church Age Harvest !! And then Flee to the Mountains when they see the AoD set up in the temple. Then comes the last Feast of Tabernacles.)

7.) Feast of Tabernacles (To TABERNACLE with God means to DWELL with God, thus Jesus ruling from Jerusalem during the Kingdom Age for 1000 years "Qualifies" as God Dwelling with mankind in my opinion, SMILE. )

You have taking much time to form your view - I just don 't agree with it.
But there are many views out there ... and they will unravel. Pre-Trib views are just about defeated with all that is going on.

No, as the above pointed out, the LAST TRUMP is Jesus calling us home, ending the Church Age. The Gog and Magog War is NOT the Anti-Christ. We could say the bible is too long, but I enjoy reading all of it, I don't get tired of immersing myself in Hos holy word brother. Just of this sorry world's sordid state of affairs.

Actually, I take the demon locusts that come out of the Abyss and sting and torture mankind literally. They are demons, 200 million who have locked up and then later transform into horsemen. This is a spiritual view of horses only in our realm they possess man, who march and war against Israel. A ten nation confederation of Islam is who attack Israel and 200 million is easily conjured up. Remember they are killed and fill a valley 200 miles long with blood up to the horses bridle.

Two different Woes brother. One is a Demon Horde released by God, the other is 200 Million or 10,00 x 10,000 OR the whole hosts of Heaven bringing plagues onto men who have take the Mark of the Beast.

The bible states it is the E.U. and even says he born in Greece (Dan. 8:9.

God Bless....


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2021
United States
"And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see.
And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword." Rev. 6:3-4

Peace is taken from the world. Wars and rumors of wars...
Well, the Russian/Ukraine war has begun. What will NATO do? Biden is weak. Will he threaten Putin by taking him off his Christmas card list? Putin will be very upset.
But seriously, we were energy independant with Trump ... now we are not and today the price of oil is $104 /per barrel and rising - double what we saw in previous years. Now we buy 500k barrels/day from Russia AND Europe buys and is dependent on Russian oil - so their hands are tied. Will they do something that causes Putin to shut them off? Will we?
Biden shut down the Keystone XL pipeline that would be delivering 800k barrels/per day - What an idiot! $10/ gal. before Biden is gone is predicted - but that is the least of our problems. The economy will soon crash when more wars begin to escallate.
An EMP can dismantle this country fast- knock us back into the 19th century.
And all this of course is a spiritual war, with the Antichrist ( not yet revealed) at the helm empowered by Satan who will influence all the ungodly rulers to war as if he flicked a switch and they obeyed.
Evil that has been restrained by the Holy Spirit since the beginning will be unleashed - in the full. If this is really true, you will see many countries, like dominos escallate into wars against eachother and within. Lawlessness will abound. You will see brother against brother too, a world gone insane - the ultimate expression of evil.

Let's look at the conflicts exist and others that will soon ignite. We know in Revelation, many nations will come against Israel, a group of ten, a beast, likely all Islamic headed by Iran, who by now has nukes. Israel is well armed and protected. It is likely Iran won't be that stupid to fire a nuke at Israel. Israel can obliterate them. But a number of mini-nukes (suitcase sized) smuggled in may be their plan. Iran can do the same with the US. More than a million illegals have crossed our borders from sixty countries. How many of those are terrorists? Don't be surprised if we see another attack even worse than 9/11 soon. They have to distract us and keep us occupied while they attack Israel.
What else has already
been going on?
China/Taiwan - coming
Islamic terrorism throughout African countries causing civil wars within:
Yemen, Ethiopia, N & S Sudan,
Congo, Nigeria, Somalia, Mozambique, Chad, Libya.
Haiti is very destitute and unstable after the president's assassination.
Myanmar coup - civil unrest
N Korea/S. Korea is coming
Syria - unstable in an ongoing civil war.
India/Pakistan- coming

And the result, economic collapse throughout the world caused by the Pandemic and numerous wars which will leads inevitably to famine and death, Seals 3 and 4.
Hold onto your faith.
If that was true then the red horse rode already in world war 2,:when 85 million people were killed.
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Dave Watchman

Active Member
May 14, 2017
United States
Peace is taken from the world. Wars and rumors of wars...
Well, the Russian/Ukraine war has begun. What will NATO do? Biden is weak. Will he threaten Putin by taking him off his Christmas card list? Putin will be very upset.
But seriously, we were energy independant with Trump ... now we are not and today the price of oil is $104 /per barrel and rising - double what we saw in previous years. Now we buy 500k barrels/day from Russia AND Europe buys and is dependent on Russian oil - so their hands are tied. Will they do something that causes Putin to shut them off? Will we?
Biden shut down the Keystone XL pipeline that would be delivering 800k barrels/per day - What an idiot! $10/ gal. before Biden is gone is predicted - but that is the least of our problems. The economy will soon crash when more wars begin to escallate.

There sure is a lot going on.

I'm on a news forum where even the secular people suggest we may be in the Biblical end times.

Like Newton said, "let time be the interpreter.

I doubt the economy will crash, for as in the days BEFORE the flood, the people are not going to have any idea until the flood comes and takes them all away. Like on the very day that Lot left out from Sodom, sudden destruction, and they will not escape.

The seals are tricky. They're not what they all seem to be. The first three were opened a long time ago. They had to do with the Gospel message of Jesus, the printing and translation of the Bible, and Jesus starting the build on His Temple one brick at a time with restoring the sanctuary to it's rightful state.

I wouldn't worry about Biden being a stooge. Everything now is baked in the cake. This is how it's supposed to be. If Trump was in charge, something different would have happened by now. Trump got out there in the media, in his face, with "Rocket Man" and got some threats out there early on. That gave the guy pause, something to think about. Then the people of Taiwan were holding up signs supporting Trump because they could sleep in peace at night without missiles flying over their heads. Biden was silent all through the Ukraine escalation. It was like he let it happen. Until it became critical, and then he announced a meeting with some advisors or something. Sanctions? Castro died of old age while being sanctioned.

China vows cooperation with North Korea under an unspecified 'new situation': KCNA10:04 PM · Feb 25, 2022·Twitter for iPhone

Trade the chart, don't trade a story. This is like a pilot flying by the instruments, not by the gut during a time when vision is obscured. Our instruments are the 18 prophetic time periods in Daniel and Revelation. If we can identify where the middle of the 70th heptad is, then we should have our eyes wide open for what IS taking place, but not insisting on various stories, like a rebuilt temple, or Jerusalem to be destroyed again.

In 2019 I told the people on the unsealed forum to buy Crescent point energy. When covid-19 hit, WTI crude went negative on the June contract for the first time in history. The lockdowns caused demand destruction which resulted in oil tankers sitting in the Port of Shanghai with no space to unload their cargoes.

Five were wise and five were foolish. Right at the time when their Master was delayed. The wise told the foolish to go buy oil. Buy oil prior to meeting the Bridegroom.

Direct from the Mount called Olivet:

"And the foolish said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.’ But the wise answered, saying, ‘Since there will not be enough for us and for you, go rather to the dealers and buy for yourselves.’
Go to the dealers and buy for yourselves.

I bought BTE and CPG for my tax free trade account:

Baytex Energy Corp T.BTE
Alternate Symbol(s): BTEGF
Baytex Energy Corp is an oil and gas company. Geographically, the group operates in Canada and the United States. The company derives a majority of revenue from Canada. Its Canada segment includes the exploration, development, and production of crude oil and natural gas in Western Canada.
$5.710.71 | 14.20%Bid: 5.69 x 7400Ask: 5.71 x 5800Volume: 20,204,388
CADToronto Stock ExchangeDelayed PriceMarket ClosedFebruary 25, 2022 4:15 PMEST


Crescent Point Energy Corporation (Canada) T.CPG
Alternate Symbol(s): CPG
Crescent Point Energy is an independent exploration and production company. At the end of 2020, the company had proved reserves of 411 million barrels of oil equivalent. 2020 production was 122,200/boe per day, weighted approximately 78% crude oil.
$8.750.47 | 5.68%Bid: 8.74 x 1500Ask: 8.77 x 9800Volume: 7,640,806
CADToronto Stock ExchangeDelayed PriceMarket ClosedFebruary 25, 2022 4:00 PMEST


I'm not really bragging about an apocalypse trade. If we buy anything now, I wouldn't be planning on having it for long.

"Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
For the Lord is at hand.
Peaceful Sabbath.
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Well-Known Member
May 12, 2021
United States
United States
There sure is a lot going on.

I'm on a news forum where even the secular people suggest we may be in the Biblical end times.

Like Newton said, "let time be the interpreter.

I doubt the economy will crash, for as in the days BEFORE the flood, the people are not going to have any idea until the flood comes and takes them all away. Like on the very day that Lot left out from Sodom, sudden destruction, and they will not escape.

The seals are tricky. They're not what they all seem to be. The first three were opened a long time ago. They had to do with the Gospel message of Jesus, the printing and translation of the Bible, and Jesus starting the build on His Temple one brick at a time with restoring the sanctuary to it's rightful state.

I wouldn't worry about Biden being a stooge. Everything now is baked in the cake. This is how it's supposed to be. If Trump was in charge, something different would have happened by now. Trump got out there in the media, in his face, with "Rocket Man" and got some threats out there early on. That gave the guy pause, something to think about. Then the people of Taiwan were holding up signs supporting Trump because they could sleep in peace at night without missiles flying over their heads. Biden was silent all through the Ukraine escalation. It was like he let it happen. Until it became critical, and then he announced a meeting with some advisors or something. Sanctions? Castro died of old age while being sanctioned.

China vows cooperation with North Korea under an unspecified 'new situation': KCNA10:04 PM · Feb 25, 2022·Twitter for iPhone

Trade the chart, don't trade a story. This is like a pilot flying by the instruments, not by the gut during a time when vision is obscured. Our instruments are the 18 prophetic time periods in Daniel and Revelation. If we can identify where the middle of the 70th heptad is, then we should have our eyes wide open for what IS taking place, but not insisting on various stories, like a rebuilt temple, or Jerusalem to be destroyed again.

In 2019 I told the people on the unsealed forum to buy Crescent point energy. When covid-19 hit, WTI crude went negative on the June contract for the first time in history. The lockdowns caused demand destruction which resulted in oil tankers sitting in the Port of Shanghai with no space to unload their cargoes.

Five were wise and five were foolish. Right at the time when their Master was delayed. The wise told the foolish to go buy oil. Buy oil prior to meeting the Bridegroom.

Direct from the Mount called Olivet:

"And the foolish said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.’ But the wise answered, saying, ‘Since there will not be enough for us and for you, go rather to the dealers and buy for yourselves.’
Go to the dealers and buy for yourselves.

I bought BTE and CPG for my tax free trade account:

Baytex Energy Corp T.BTE
Alternate Symbol(s): BTEGF
Baytex Energy Corp is an oil and gas company. Geographically, the group operates in Canada and the United States. The company derives a majority of revenue from Canada. Its Canada segment includes the exploration, development, and production of crude oil and natural gas in Western Canada.
$5.710.71 | 14.20%Bid: 5.69 x 7400Ask: 5.71 x 5800Volume: 20,204,388
CADToronto Stock ExchangeDelayed PriceMarket ClosedFebruary 25, 2022 4:15 PMEST


Crescent Point Energy Corporation (Canada) T.CPG
Alternate Symbol(s): CPG
Crescent Point Energy is an independent exploration and production company. At the end of 2020, the company had proved reserves of 411 million barrels of oil equivalent. 2020 production was 122,200/boe per day, weighted approximately 78% crude oil.
$8.750.47 | 5.68%Bid: 8.74 x 1500Ask: 8.77 x 9800Volume: 7,640,806
CADToronto Stock ExchangeDelayed PriceMarket ClosedFebruary 25, 2022 4:00 PMEST


I'm not really bragging about an apocalypse trade. If we buy anything now, I wouldn't be planning on having it for long.

"Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
For the Lord is at hand.
Peaceful Sabbath.
When did you buy into those?

Did I miss that in your post?

I had to sell.


At this point, I'm glad I did.

Dave Watchman

Active Member
May 14, 2017
United States
When did you buy into those?

Little bits here and there starting in 2020 when I had the cash. I did it for experimental purposes. I can trade it in and out without a capital gain tax. I'm, limited in the amounts because of the tax free account they're in.

Did I miss that in your post?

No you did not.

I had to sell.

I can't say that you did wrong.

I felt kind of strange doing what I did when I was doing it.

Yesterday, even with crude weakening, these shares were exciting.

Now is the time to sell and lock in the gain, buy back in at a lower point.

But can i serve two masters?

"No man can serve two masters: for either he
will hate the one, and love the other; or else
he will hold to the one, and despise the other,
Ye cannot serve God and mammon.​

If you could see the car I drive and the place I live at, it is evident to all where I seek my treasure.

Like if I'm wrong about where I think we are in the prophetic time periods, and the apocalypse is 10 or 20 years away, I should have a nice chunk of dough to give to the poor and sustain myself through my sundowner years.

So my oil stock thing, in my view, is just a hedge against the apocalypse.


You will have treasure in heaven then. Come, follow me.”

At this point, I'm glad I did.

Especially if you have Canadian holdings and have given money to the trucker convoy.

Trudeau can seize you accounts and put you in jail with no parole.

"If anyone is to be taken captive, to captivity he goes;
if anyone is to be slain with the sword, with the sword must he be slain.​

Here is a call for the endurance and faith of the saints.

Peaceful Sabbath.
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Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
If that was true then the red horse rode already in world war 2,:when 85 million people were killed.
Historically, 20th century wars accounted for 1-2% dead of the population, not substantially equilvalent to what the Red Horse brings, which along with the pestilence and famine amount to 25 % = 2 billion.
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Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
Gog is a human brother, the chief prince of Magog. Some places say Rosh, but it just means prince. i have a thread up of who these people are, the Scythians.
In Ezek. 38:1-3, Gog is identified as the Chief Prince of Meshech and Tubal ( northern regions).
Magog was the grandson of Noah, and son of Japeth. His kingdom encompassed the region of the Black Sea.
Magog appears again in the end time scenario, during the Great Tribulation and after the Millennial Kingdom. Obviously it is not the same person who died 4000 years ago and then soon and once again in a 1000 years!
And who is Gog? A powerful prince who appears throughout history.
“It will come to pass in that day that I will give Gog a burial place there in Israel, the valley of those who pass by east of the sea; and it will obstruct travelers, because there they will bury Gog and all his multitude. Therefore they will call it the Valley of Hamon Gog." Ezek. 39:11
So, here, at the end of the Great Tribulation, Gog and his armies are buried. Yet Gog and Magog once again appear 1000 years later in Rev. 20:8. They are released with Satan who has been locked up. Are they humans resurrected to do battle again? Not likely. Then who are they?
I submit that Principalities, of angelic hierarchy, like Michael, only fallen angels, have power and influence over certain regions of the world, like Russia, China, India, etc. They are Satans generals if you will and Gog is one of them who controls that northern region where Magog once lived and ruled. Magogs decendants were Scythians and present day Russians.
Humans can be possesed by these Dark Princes and so it could be that Putin is influenced/possessed by Gog and will die and be buried. But 1000 years later Gog and Magog possess someone else.

Here is the thing, once an Army surrounds a nation, then pounces real quickly, the Nuclear Weapons wouldn't be of any use. If they cross over in blitzkrieg like fashion, Israel would be using Nukes on their own peoples, in their own nation, unless they are willing to strike preemptively, rumor used to be Israel had a weapon that could melt the flesh off of humans and not harm buildings, I forget the nae of it.
A neutron bomb dissolves the flesh/protein and leaves non-living things amd structures in tack. Here is what will happen to those nations who go against Israel:
"And this shall be the plague with which the Lord will strike all peoples rhat wage war against Jerusalem: their flesh will dissolve (rot, melt) while they are still standing in their feet, their eyes will dissolve in their sockets and theirbtongues will dissolve in their mouths." Zech. 14:12

This happens in a second _ while they are standing _ before they drop!
1/3 of the planet is on fire - likely the Middle East. A radius of 4000 miles drawn around Jerusalem would be 1/3.
Why did Hitler hate the Jews? They are of this world and of Satan, so Satan sees his ONLY HOPE as destroying every last Jew, this God's a liar, and thus their can be no Kingdom Age where Christ rules for 1000 years on David's throne.
The Jewish communities in Germany prospered like no ones business. They stuck to their own and were selfishly somewhat disconnected with Gentiles which is why Hitler hated them. They prided themselves as God's special chosen people. They were, but did not learn Christ's teaching of love, mercy and forgiveness towards all men. This is why we have Anti-Semitism today.

The first four Trumpet Judgments are all ONE ASTEROID IMPACT brother. This is why the Seals are PROPHETIC (just like Joel 2:31's DOTL utterance was) in nature, Jesus has to open all 7 Seals from the Scroll before the Judgments can be read aloud and brought forth.
1st Trumpet > Fire, hail and blood are released. 1/3 of the trees and grass on earth are burned. I would imagine 1/3 of the cities toast as well.
2nd Trumpet > Something like a huge mountain on fire gets thrown inti the sea ... This could be a super volcanic eruption and the whole area of the Great Syrian/African Rift that travels through the Galilee and Dead Sea diwn through the Red Sea to Mozambique has numerous dorment and some active volcanoes. Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed in this area. Demons were cast out into the pigs in this area, Satan tempted Jesus in this area, the area that could be split open giving entrance to the Abyss. Scripture says when Jesus returns a mountain will split and a fissure in the earth will form, possibly forming a lake of fire as in a volcano. The Dead Sea was also called the Devil's Sea, The Sea of Sodom, The Sea of Zoar, the Stinking Sea.
3rd Trumpet - Now this sounds like an asteroid.

"The LAST TRUMP" Paul is speaking about has nothing to do with Revelation Trumpets
That is a popular view. But if it is the 7th Trumpet, that completely dismantles the Pre-Trib view which is being dismantled as we speak by the events happening right now.

Feast of Weeks/Pentecost/The Summer Harvest was always alone on the calendar unto itself, just like the Church Age is, and as I previously stated, the LAST TRUMP ends the Summer Harvest in Israel every year,
The last trumpet is not blown by a human - it is blown by an angel _ in heaven.
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No Pre-TB

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2022
North America
United States
No, he's still an idiot, that is why God allowed him to steal the Election, its why God allowed Israel to have a King against His will. God foresees all of Satan's evil moves ahead of time, and he co-opts him. He still stole the Election, now he is appointing a commie to the Supreme Court, he is evil, as was Obama. As is the Dem Party leaders. And they will all be judged very very soon.

Don't conflate/confuse God's spiritual waring with Satan as meaning all evil people are just pawns in a bigger battle, if not for thugs like Biden this world would not have an evil overtone to it, we are living in a lying, thieving, immoral, evil world because of thugs who steal elections like him. He and Putin are two peas in a pod. Abortion is murder also.

P.S. about 50 percent of the RINOS are evil also. Else we wouldn't have abortion, homosexuality being pushed on our kids, a country with 30 trillion in debt etc.
Exodus 22:28
Thou shalt not revile the gods, nor curse the ruler of thy people.

James 3:9-11
9Therewith bless we God, even the Father; and therewith curse we men, which are made after the similitude of God. 10Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be. 11Doth a fountain send forth at the same place sweet water and bitter?

Let us as believers in Christ bridle our tongues and on the second point of election stealing, God sets up kings and powers. If Biden is the President, it is ordained by God for his will to be done. This is not an attack on Ronald, this is for everyone in these forums including myself. Let our lights shine by our words and deeds. Let us not act like the world.
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Desire Of All Nations

Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2021
United States
China is not mentioned in End Time Prophesy imho, and neither is the USA. The 200 Million Man army in Rev. 9 is not even a real thing, people combine the Rev. 9 plagues brought by "200 million Angels" which is really just "10,000 x 10,000" which means the COMPLETE HOSTS of Heaven. The kings of the East are seen in Rev. 16, its not China there, its tells us its the Euphrates river area, and this is only metaphoric any way, modern armies do not need rivers to dry up in order to cross them, so what does it mean? It means God will simply put a STOP to His plagues long enough to where Satan can REGATHER his evil hordes who have been running scared from all of these plagues hitting them, so I am convinced Vial #6 is God stopping his plagues long enough to get the kings of the world to say, all of those plagues and those deaths which were brought forth by those two evil Jewish Men (Two-witnesses) praying has now stopped, COME, Lets us get our revenge on the rest of the Jews hiding in the wilderness (Big Mistake. LOL).

So, God pauses the plagues (DRIES UP THE WATER SO THEY CAN CROSS THE RIVER) and Satan via his Anti-Christ then goes out and raises up these kings of the whole world and says, lets go kill these Jews who caused all of this evil & carnage to come upon us, their God has now deserted them. Thus after a few days or weeks of NO PLAGUES, they are all emboldened once again to go kill the Jews, and we know the outcome of that battle don't we? Amen. Jesus shows up with us and the Angels.
China and the U.S. are in fact mentioned in bible prophecy. In fact, the U.S. is mentioned a lot in bible prophecy. You believe the U.S. and China aren't mentioned only because you don't have the key to understanding where they are mentioned.

Every last societal condition the U.S. is suffering from was already prophesied as far back as Leviticus and Deuteronomy. The major and minor prophets described every last thing that is currently happening in the U.S., all the way to how God is going to reduce America to national slavery and why. So when people confidently say things like "the U.S. isn't mentioned in bible prophecy", it is because they don't know their bibles like they should.

Any real student of bible prophecy knows God doesn't call modern nations by their modern names. He uses either the names of their ancestors or the name they were called in antiquity. Bible prophecy was intentionally recorded as a code to make people dig into these countries' histories so they can know where they came from and what's going to happen to them in the future.

A lot of American "Christians" can't be bothered to really look deep into their own country's history(even though that history is ironically in their bibles) to their own shame, which is why they foolishly think that their country is suffering only because of bad political policies. While it is true in a superficial sense, it is not the cause.

It isn't a coincidence that the United States, New Zealand, Canada, Britain, South Africa, and Australia have all taken a moral nosedive after embracing evolution and rejecting any notion of keeping God's commandments. It also isn't a coincidence that Russia, Germany, and China are all getting stronger(it certainly isn't a coincidence that Ukraine is currently being attacked by Putin's regime) even while the opposite is happening to the English speaking nations. All of these trends were prophesied in the Bible many centuries ago.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
Biden is weak.
1. Biden is an IMPOSTER. He belongs in jail. And he should have been arrested along with Kamala Harris, and locked up last January. So now America has a pretender president who is a doddering, dithering, senile idiot, with absolutely no idea of what to do in the White House. Yet nobody (especially Special Forces) has had the guts to arrest him and stop the destruction of the USA.

2. Biden has instigated Russian aggression not only by his weakness but also by his refusal to keep America independent of Russian (or any foreign) oil, and is paying Putin billions of dollars to keep up his aggression. Which is all a part of the Obama-Biden-Sanders agenda to totally destroy America and reduce it to third-world status.

3. How can the Ukrainian attack be halted? (1) Totally shut down Russian oil exports worldwide; (2) shut down Russian access to SWIFT money transfers; (3) apply severe sanctions on Putin (personally) and all his thugs; (4) tell Putin (as Trump did) that Moscow (or more precisely the Kremlin) will be bombed for bombing Kiev, and mean it. There was absolutely no excuse for Putin to bomb Ukrainian cities.

Here's the irony. Putin and Russia hate Chechnya and the Islamist Chechens, yet Chechnya wants to send 12,000 troops to help Putin instead of Ukraine! While Bible prophecy is indeed being fulfilled, this does not mean that tyrants like Putin, Xi, Trudeau, and Biden should not be arrested and locked up.

Christ came to set the captives free, and these men are trying to enslave millions:
And there was delivered unto him the book of the prophet Esaias. And when he had opened the book, he found the place where it was written, The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, To preach the acceptable year of the Lord. (Luke 4:17-19)

No Pre-TB

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2022
North America
United States
You believe the U.S. and China aren't mentioned only because you don't have the key to understanding where they are mentioned.
Careful of your pride and arrogance.

So when people confidently say things like "the U.S. isn't mentioned in bible prophecy", it is because they don't know their bibles like they should.
/sigh More of this on fellow believers.

Any real student of bible prophecy knows God doesn't call modern nations by their modern names.

Can we have dialogue without insults that whoever the writer is, isnt all knowing? I thought God was the only one all knowing. Think I've heard this before....

3Behold, thou art wiser than Daniel; there is no secret that they can hide from thee:

Ronald is entitled to have his own opinion. Just because it differs from your own, doesn't mean he "lacks understanding." Show a little grace and love to him.