The Rider on the Red Horse has gone out!

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No Pre-TB

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2022
North America
United States
Biden is an IMPOSTER. He belongs in jail.
God says otherwise:
And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding:

Nothing can be done without God's approval. Putin is the President of Russia because God wills it. Biden is the President because God wills it. Just as Nebuchadnezzar was King, though evil, because God willed it in order for his plan to unfold. If you have a problem with Biden being the president of the USA, your problem is with God; something I'd seriously caution you to pray about. Read post #17 - That doesn't mean you need to like his policies.
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Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
1. Biden is an IMPOSTER. He belongs in jail. And he should have been arrested along with Kamala Harris, and locked up last January. So now America has a pretender president who is a doddering, dithering, senile idiot, with absolutely no idea of what to do in the White House. Yet nobody (especially Special Forces) has had the guts to arrest him and stop the destruction of the USA.

2. Biden has instigated Russian aggression not only by his weakness but also by his refusal to keep America independent of Russian (or any foreign) oil, and is paying Putin billions of dollars to keep up his aggression. Which is all a part of the Obama-Biden-Sanders agenda to totally destroy America and reduce it to third-world status.

3. How can the Ukrainian attack be halted? (1) Totally shut down Russian oil exports worldwide; (2) shut down Russian access to SWIFT money transfers; (3) apply severe sanctions on Putin (personally) and all his thugs; (4) tell Putin (as Trump did) that Moscow (or more precisely the Kremlin) will be bombed for bombing Kiev, and mean it. There was absolutely no excuse for Putin to bomb Ukrainian cities.

Here's the irony. Putin and Russia hate Chechnya and the Islamist Chechens, yet Chechnya wants to send 12,000 troops to help Putin instead of Ukraine! While Bible prophecy is indeed being fulfilled, this does not mean that tyrants like Putin, Xi, Trudeau, and Biden should not be arrested and locked up.

Christ came to set the captives free, and these men are trying to enslave millions:
And there was delivered unto him the book of the prophet Esaias. And when he had opened the book, he found the place where it was written, The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, To preach the acceptable year of the Lord. (Luke 4:17-19)
He threatened that cutting them off Swift, would be an act of war and cutting their oil as well. He said that his enemies would suffer something we've never seen before! That implies nuclear, so NATO does not want to provoke him. Maybe an EMP ... lights out and back to the 1800's.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2021
United States
United States
Little bits here and there starting in 2020 when I had the cash. I did it for experimental purposes. I can trade it in and out without a capital gain tax. I'm, limited in the amounts because of the tax free account they're in.

No you did not.

I can't say that you did wrong.

I felt kind of strange doing what I did when I was doing it.

Yesterday, even with crude weakening, these shares were exciting.

Now is the time to sell and lock in the gain, buy back in at a lower point.

But can i serve two masters?

"No man can serve two masters: for either he
will hate the one, and love the other; or else
he will hold to the one, and despise the other,
Ye cannot serve God and mammon.​

If you could see the car I drive and the place I live at, it is evident to all where I seek my treasure.

Like if I'm wrong about where I think we are in the prophetic time periods, and the apocalypse is 10 or 20 years away, I should have a nice chunk of dough to give to the poor and sustain myself through my sundowner years.

So my oil stock thing, in my view, is just a hedge against the apocalypse.

You will have treasure in heaven then. Come, follow me.”

Especially if you have Canadian holdings and have given money to the trucker convoy.

Trudeau can seize you accounts and put you in jail with no parole.

"If anyone is to be taken captive, to captivity he goes;
if anyone is to be slain with the sword, with the sword must he be slain.​

Here is a call for the endurance and faith of the saints.

Peaceful Sabbath.
Agree with all.

You sure stumbled (or were divinely guided) into the right stock there for sure.

I keep watching things, wondering when/if I should buy back in, but it all just keeps going down, down, down. I was really interested in getting a piece of some Tesla, but it too is just steadily sinking.

Yes, treasure in heaven is where my heart is. A very slow-growing IRA, from bi-monthly installments of my own, and humble management of the little I get, will see me through.

I drive an older vehicle by choice. All the tech "improvements", on all models since, are completely undesirable to me. I have no infotainment screen in my vehicle and I'm so grateful. That has become a circus.

The simple life is the only way to go. (With some internet access, of course.)

God is great.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
He threatened that cutting them off Swift, would be an act of war and cutting their oil as well. He said that his enemies would suffer something we've never seen before!
Since Putin has declared war, then dealing with his warfare should in turn be an act of war. Nothing less. As to his threats, Putin is a manipulator and a bully. So standing up to this bully is what is needed at this time. If NATO would send a genuine warning to Putin that Putin and the Kremlin will be bombed tomorrow if he does not vacate Ukraine, chances are that he will back right off. The Kremlin has been ripe for a bombing for decades. So has Putin.

Take the example of coward-bully Justin Trudeau. When he realized that the Canadian Senate would not simply roll over and approve his tyranny, he quickly backed off. Now he needs to be arrested and locked up.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
God says otherwise:
You seem to have forgotten that God "jailed" Nebuchadnezzar for seven years and made him like a wild beast until he came to his senses. You also seem to have forgotten that God struck down Belshazzar for his presumption: In that night was Belshazzar the king of the Chaldeans slain. (Dan 5:30). So Christians can certainly pray that Putin, Xi, Biden, Harris, and Trudeau all be struck down in one night. Can you imagine the impact on the world if these five evildoers were lying in their coffins tomorrow at one and the same time?

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
"And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see.
And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword." Rev. 6:3-4

Peace is taken from the world. Wars and rumors of wars...
Well, the Russian/Ukraine war has begun. What will NATO do? Biden is weak. Will he threaten Putin by taking him off his Christmas card list? Putin will be very upset.
But seriously, we were energy independant with Trump ... now we are not and today the price of oil is $104 /per barrel and rising - double what we saw in previous years. Now we buy 500k barrels/day from Russia AND Europe buys and is dependent on Russian oil - so their hands are tied. Will they do something that causes Putin to shut them off? Will we?
Biden shut down the Keystone XL pipeline that would be delivering 800k barrels/per day - What an idiot! $10/ gal. before Biden is gone is predicted - but that is the least of our problems. The economy will soon crash when more wars begin to escallate.
An EMP can dismantle this country fast- knock us back into the 19th century.
And all this of course is a spiritual war, with the Antichrist ( not yet revealed) at the helm empowered by Satan who will influence all the ungodly rulers to war as if he flicked a switch and they obeyed.
Evil that has been restrained by the Holy Spirit since the beginning will be unleashed - in the full. If this is really true, you will see many countries, like dominos escallate into wars against eachother and within. Lawlessness will abound. You will see brother against brother too, a world gone insane - the ultimate expression of evil.

Let's look at the conflicts exist and others that will soon ignite. We know in Revelation, many nations will come against Israel, a group of ten, a beast, likely all Islamic headed by Iran, who by now has nukes. Israel is well armed and protected. It is likely Iran won't be that stupid to fire a nuke at Israel. Israel can obliterate them. But a number of mini-nukes (suitcase sized) smuggled in may be their plan. Iran can do the same with the US. More than a million illegals have crossed our borders from sixty countries. How many of those are terrorists? Don't be surprised if we see another attack even worse than 9/11 soon. They have to distract us and keep us occupied while they attack Israel.
What else has already
been going on?
China/Taiwan - coming
Islamic terrorism throughout African countries causing civil wars within:
Yemen, Ethiopia, N & S Sudan,
Congo, Nigeria, Somalia, Mozambique, Chad, Libya.
Haiti is very destitute and unstable after the president's assassination.
Myanmar coup - civil unrest
N Korea/S. Korea is coming
Syria - unstable in an ongoing civil war.
India/Pakistan- coming

And the result, economic collapse throughout the world caused by the Pandemic and numerous wars which will leads inevitably to famine and death, Seals 3 and 4.
Hold onto your faith.

The rider on the red horse is still in the barn because teh rider of the white horse hasn't left yet! He is the antichrist.
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No Pre-TB

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2022
North America
United States
You seem to have forgotten that God "jailed" Nebuchadnezzar for seven years and made him like a wild beast until he came to his senses. You also seem to have forgotten that God struck down Belshazzar for his presumption: In that night was Belshazzar the king of the Chaldeans slain. (Dan 5:30). So Christians can certainly pray that Putin, Xi, Biden, Harris, and Trudeau all be struck down in one night. Can you imagine the impact on the world if these five evildoers were lying in their coffins tomorrow at one and the same time?
That fact that you suggest Christians should pray to God and ask him to kill people…What is wrong with you? That is the furthest thing from Christ and his teachings. Love your enemies, pray for those that would hurt you, be peaceful with all men. Enoch, what you suggest is evil.
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Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
God says otherwise:
And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding:

Nothing can be done without God's approval. Putin is the President of Russia because God wills it. Biden is the President because God wills it. Just as Nebuchadnezzar was King, though evil, because God willed it in order for his plan to unfold. If you have a problem with Biden being the president of the USA, your problem is with God; something I'd seriously caution you to pray about. Read post #17 - That doesn't mean you need to like his policies.
That is true, God appoints all authorities in earth for His purpose. Romans 13:1

Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
That fact that you suggest Christians should pray to God and ask him to kill people…What is wrong with you? That is the furthest thing from Christ and his teachings. Love your enemies, pray for those that would hurt you, be peaceful with all men. Enoch, what you suggest is evil.
He's just being anxious. I often think boy if I had the power of Thanos to snap my finger and rid the planet of reprobate, it would be a relief, but God has got the better plan in time. He will destroy all the reprobates. I comfort in the fact that no ine gets away with anything in life. They are either forgiven or judged accordingly. I sometimes ask to be at there when certain people get judged, but by then, I will have been perfected,,not interested in vengeance. Vengeance is mine says the LORD.

Ronald D Milam

Active Member
Jan 12, 2022
United States
In Ezek. 38:1-3, Gog is identified as the Chief Prince of Meshech and Tubal ( northern regions).
Magog was the grandson of Noah, and son of Japeth. His kingdom encompassed the region of the Black Sea.
Magog appears again in the end time scenario, during the Great Tribulation and after the Millennial Kingdom. Obviously it is not the same person who died 4000 years ago and then soon and once again in a 1000 years!
And who is Gog? A powerful prince who appears throughout history.
“It will come to pass in that day that I will give Gog a burial place there in Israel, the valley of those who pass by east of the sea; and it will obstruct travelers, because there they will bury Gog and all his multitude. Therefore they will call it the Valley of Hamon Gog." Ezek. 39:11
So, here, at the end of the Great Tribulation, Gog and his armies are buried. Yet Gog and Magog once again appear 1000 years later in Rev. 20:8. They are released with Satan who has been locked up. Are they humans resurrected to do battle again? Not likely. Then who are they?
My brother, your tracking of events is great, but this is where not quite being able to separate the book oof Revelation from the other books in the bible is hampering your understanding big time.

The Book of Revelation ties all of the bible together, but in giving his church all of this info, God had to encode it for a few reasons, 1.) He had to protect the Church against charges of treason against Rome and thereby from being stymied and killed. 2.) He had to make church those who knew the holy word understood the book of Revelation, but that the world didn't understand it at all. 3.) God like to keep Satan guessing also.

So, Babylon is a CODE WORD for the whole world, leaders, etc. etc. a Stand in for the Fourth Beast which was Rome. Also, they didn't dare call out a god named Jupiter etc. who were gods of the Romans by name, the just did that in general by saying there is but one true God. So, God gave us this huge CODE BOOK, and the Old Testament is where we have to go the break the code.

The Four Horses is phraseology taken out of Zechariah chapter 6, they are the exact same color. Its not the same event, Jesus used used that event to show us how to interpret the end time events and to show us Judgment is coming, just like it did before.

In Rev. 12 we see the Woman has the Sun, Moon and 12 Stars under her feet. We can turn to Genesis 37:9 and decode who The Woman is, Joseph dreamed that the Sun, Moon and 11 Stars (his 11 brothers) would bow down unto him. So, The Woman is this Israel, or Jacob, Rachel and her 12 children.

These goes on in many places in the bible. You want to know who the Harlot is in Rev. 17 ? Well God tells us, all we have to do is turn to Daniel 5 the Mene, Mene, Tekel chapter its the exact same story as the Harlot woman in Rev. 17. The Harlot is thus ALL False Religion of all tie being JUDGED by God.

Rev. 17:And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters: {The waters are Peoples and Nations}.

False Religion has defiled mankind, it was the original Harlotry. The MYSTERY (a header) is seen in 1.) Babylon the Great 2.) As the mother/origins of idolatry/harlotry 3.) As an Abomination unto God when mankind serve false gods.

Harlotry is JUDGED in both Daniel 5 via the Persians and in Rev. 17 by the 10 (E.U.) Kings in league with the Beast. There is no longer any place for the Harlot gods that was with Greece and Rome via Zeus, Jupiter et al of their gods. There is no place in the Beasts Kingdom for Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism et. al. So all Muslims will be forbidden from worshiping any god by the Beast.

Likewise, Jesus/God used The Gog Magog Prophecy in the Old Testament to tell us about an END TIME WAR (which may just be more of a Judgment as in Gd releases them to Judge them, and leaves them on this earth all alone. Thus God's FACE flees away from them.

Its not "The Gog and Magog War !! Its prose used by God to show us that God wins the battle in BOTH CASES. In the real Gog and Magog War, and in the end time one where God describes the end time players in the exact some manner, that way we know God will Judge them in due time.

In order to understand the book pf Revelation. We have to DECODE the book of Revelation by using the Old Testament. Out of 404 verses in the book, 289 have Old Testament Phraseology. So, not grasping this brother ha you confused about the Magog Wars. That's OK I was confused on it fir 35 years also. Once I understood THE KEY is in the Old Testament, I took off like a bird of prey to seek out these truths via soaring high, Amen.

So, that leads you to think Gog and Magog are demons incorrectly brother. We know who they are, Gog means LEADER/Prince, and Magog were the Scythians. That is was a Nation who leas MANY NATIONS and on the Mount of God they get burnt to a crisp and die. When Satan is released who does it say he deceives? The NATIONS, thus Magog is THE NATIONS and they will have a LEEADER, not men who are raised up, but humans on this earth who have been having babies fir 1000 years go astray once again when Satan is released.

I submit that Principalities, of angelic hierarchy, like Michael, only fallen angels, have power and influence over certain regions of the world, like Russia, China, India, etc. They are Satans generals if you will and Gog is one of them who controls that northern region where Magog once lived and ruled. Magogs decendants were Scythians and present day Russians.
Humans can be possesed by these Dark Princes and so it could be that Putin is influenced/possessed by Gog and will die and be buried. But 1000 years later Gog and Magog possess someone else.

The above shows your understanding gets OFFTRACKED by one false trail. Satan is not locked up anyway, Apollyon is, but not Satan, he accuses the brothers in heaven daily.

The Jewish communities in Germany prospered like no ones business. They stuck to their own and were selfishly somewhat disconnected with Gentiles which is why Hitler hated them. They prided themselves as God's special chosen people. They were, but did not learn Christ's teaching of love, mercy and forgiveness towards all men. This is why we have Anti-Semitism today.
Hitler was Demon possessed that is why he hated the Jews.

A neutron bomb dissolves the flesh/protein and leaves the rear in tack. Here is what will happen to those nations who go against Israel:
"And this shall be the plague with which the Lord will strike all peoples rhat wage war against Jerusalem: their flesh will dissolve (rot, melt) while they are still standing in their feet, their eyes will dissolve in their sockets and theirbtongues will dissolve in their mouths." Zech. 14:12

This happens in a second _ while they are standing _ before they drop!
1/3 of the planet is on fire - likely the Middle East. A radius of 4000 miles drawn around Jerusalem would be 1/3.

The 1/3 of the planet on fire is not happening at the Gog and Magog War, that will happen in the Pacific Ocean over by the two Americas, whilst the Anti-Christ is going forth conquering in the Mediterranean Sea Region.

The Gog and Magog war is not The End Time Anti-Christ. Different War altogether. It could very well be a neutron bomb, but it could also just be God killing them, I don't care either way TBH, as long as the evil men are done away with.

1st Trumpet > Fire, hail and blood are released. 1/3 of the trees and grass on earth are burned. I would imagine 1/3 of the cities toast as well.

God tells us where it comes from. In Luke 21 Jesus sys look up to the skies and understand the signs. Scientists tell us that an asteroid like that always breaks up coming in hot and be fire lands in many places before the actual impact. This Asteroid will hit in the Pacific Ocean just off the Coastline of California.

Its an Asteroid Impact.

Ronald D Milam

Active Member
Jan 12, 2022
United States
Let us as believers in Christ bridle our tongues and on the second point of election stealing, God sets up kings and powers. If Biden is the President, it is ordained by God for his will to be done. This is not an attack on Ronald, this is for everyone in these forums including myself. Let our lights shine by our words and deeds. Let us not act like the world.

Not ordained, God dd not want Israel to have a king, but relented and allowed it. Gid foreknows all things and will act upon our prayers, we can change things, God doesn't put evil men in power, he knowing their evil plans just outwits them. Gid didn't put Hitler in power to kill 6 million Jews Satan the gid of tis world did. God allowed it because we gave Satan OUR AUTHRITY that God gave unto Adam, Satan stole our birthright to walk with God.

Paul was a Pastor first, his letters therefore are understood by me to be PEP TALKS at times. We all know Stan is the god of this world until Jesus takes over, thus its made in his IMAGE as we speak. This world is vile nd evil. George Washington led a fight against the tyranny of England.

Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
My brother, your tracking of events is great, but this is where not quite being able to separate the book oof Revelation from the other books in the bible is hampering your understanding big time.
I am just tracking events and identifying them differently then you.
God had to encode it for a few reasons,
Symbolism was used long before Rome. It is usually explained in scripture. God did not hide anything in fear of how the Romans or anyone else would respond as if harm would come against Christianity. God is sovereign, all are within His power. Evil cannot thwart His purpose.

So, Babylon is a CODE WORD for the whole world, leaders,

Yep, the world system has been infected by her. From the time when God scattered the Babylonians and confused their language, all their false religions, mysticism, the occult, false philosophies and practices were scattered throughout the world. And the world fornicated with this harlot.

The Four Horses is phraseology taken out of Zechariah chapter 6

No, in Zechariah 6 each colored horse is going in a different direction. The "chariot with black horses" went to the north and gave "My Spirit rest". Does that sound like the black horse in Revelation who brings economic collapse and famine?
You, my brother, our off track. Your presentation and scenario has flaws.
In Rev. 12 we see the Woman has the Sun, Moon and 12 Stars under her feet. We can turn to Genesis 37:9 and decode who The Woman is, Joseph dreamed that the Sun, Moon and 11 Stars (his 11 brothers) would bow down unto him. So, The Woman is this Israel, or Jacob, Rachel and her 12 children.
Everyone knows its Israel ... so. Good though, you got one. Actually you probably understand much. Remember, we see dimly and Revelation has confused the best scholars and led them down different paths that they are certain about.

These goes on in many places in the bible. You want to know who the Harlot is in Rev. 17 ? Well God tells us, all we have to do is turn to Daniel 5 the Mene, Mene, Tekel chapter its the exact same story as the Harlot woman in Rev. 17. The Harlot is thus ALL False Religion of all tie being JUDGED by God.

No, the Harlot is Babylon, the total
sum of her evils that were spread.
Dan. 5 was about Belshezzar's judgment for his lack of humility and dishonor towards the true God.
Rev. 17 is about the judgment of the entire world - both for their sin.

Likewise, Jesus/God used The Gog Magog Prophecy in the Old Testament to tell us about an END TIME WAR (which may just be more of a Judgment as in Gd releases them to Judge them, and leaves them on this earth all alone. Thus God's FACE flees away from them.
You said Putin was Gog. Maybe, but Gog is killed, buried and THEN returns 1000 years later.
You are alluding now to symbolism to avoid my direct question.
Please tell how this is possible? Symbolism never uses specific names of people. Like in Luke 16:19-31, which some think is a parable. Jesus named specific people, one who we know, Abraham and then described Hades. He did not create some false abstract location/reality to symbolically mean something else.
Som how does Gog and Magog appear in different times in history if they are human?

Its not "The Gog and Magog War !!
That is just one war of many but significant.
In history, we can name dozens of battlefields name after the location.
The Valley of Hamon Gog is named after Gog in the "valley of passengers", east of the Dead Sea.
When Satan is released who does it say he deceives? The NATIONS, thus Magog is THE NATIONS and they will have a LEEADER, not men who are raised up, but humans on this earth who have been having babies fir 1000 years go astray once again when Satan is released.
Gog and Magog are spiritual fallen angels in charge of groups of ungodly peoples in different times in history.

Satan is not locked up anyway, Apollyon is, but not Satan, he accuses the brothers in heaven daily
Wrong again. Read Revelation 20:2
The 1/3 of the planet on fire is not happening at the Gog and Magog War, that will happen in the Pacific Ocean over by the two Americas, whilst the Anti-Christ is going forth conquering in the Mediterranean Sea Region.
You have assembledan elaborate scenario. Go with it, if you are comfortable with it? You have obviously invested lots of time - you wouldn't, nor couldn't trash it at this point. It doesn't matter. As my Pastor uses to day, "It will all pan out in the end.!"

David H.

Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2020
United States
Peace is taken from the world. Wars and rumors of wars...
Well, the Russian/Ukraine war has begun. What will NATO do? Biden is weak. Will he threaten Putin by taking him off his Christmas card list? Putin will be very upset.

I Agree, But do you think Biden still fills out his own Christmas cards?

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
"And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see.
And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword." Rev. 6:3-4

Peace is taken from the world. Wars and rumors of wars...
Well, the Russian/Ukraine war has begun. What will NATO do? Biden is weak. Will he threaten Putin by taking him off his Christmas card list? Putin will be very upset.
But seriously, we were energy independant with Trump ... now we are not and today the price of oil is $104 /per barrel and rising - double what we saw in previous years. Now we buy 500k barrels/day from Russia AND Europe buys and is dependent on Russian oil - so their hands are tied. Will they do something that causes Putin to shut them off? Will we?
Biden shut down the Keystone XL pipeline that would be delivering 800k barrels/per day - What an idiot! $10/ gal. before Biden is gone is predicted - but that is the least of our problems. The economy will soon crash when more wars begin to escallate.
An EMP can dismantle this country fast- knock us back into the 19th century.
And all this of course is a spiritual war, with the Antichrist ( not yet revealed) at the helm empowered by Satan who will influence all the ungodly rulers to war as if he flicked a switch and they obeyed.
Evil that has been restrained by the Holy Spirit since the beginning will be unleashed - in the full. If this is really true, you will see many countries, like dominos escallate into wars against eachother and within. Lawlessness will abound. You will see brother against brother too, a world gone insane - the ultimate expression of evil.

Let's look at the conflicts exist and others that will soon ignite. We know in Revelation, many nations will come against Israel, a group of ten, a beast, likely all Islamic headed by Iran, who by now has nukes. Israel is well armed and protected. It is likely Iran won't be that stupid to fire a nuke at Israel. Israel can obliterate them. But a number of mini-nukes (suitcase sized) smuggled in may be their plan. Iran can do the same with the US. More than a million illegals have crossed our borders from sixty countries. How many of those are terrorists? Don't be surprised if we see another attack even worse than 9/11 soon. They have to distract us and keep us occupied while they attack Israel.
What else has already
been going on?
China/Taiwan - coming
Islamic terrorism throughout African countries causing civil wars within:
Yemen, Ethiopia, N & S Sudan,
Congo, Nigeria, Somalia, Mozambique, Chad, Libya.
Haiti is very destitute and unstable after the president's assassination.
Myanmar coup - civil unrest
N Korea/S. Korea is coming
Syria - unstable in an ongoing civil war.
India/Pakistan- coming

And the result, economic collapse throughout the world caused by the Pandemic and numerous wars which will leads inevitably to famine and death, Seals 3 and 4.
Hold onto your faith.

Things like this have been happening for a long long long long time! Jesus said we would hear of wars and rumors of war, but the end is not yet.

American Christians let the red horse out of the barn with the civil war.

Christians saddled up the red horse and sent it on its way because of world war 1 and 2 which were far worse than all the destruction going on today!

The white horse rider (the antichrist) has to go out conquering and to conquer three of the ten kings before the red horse makes its way on the scene

Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
Things like this have been happening for a long long long long time! Jesus said we would hear of wars and rumors of war, but the end is not yet.

American Christians let the red horse out of the barn with the civil war.

Christians saddled up the red horse and sent it on its way because of world war 1 and 2 which were far worse than all the destruction going on today!

The white horse rider (the antichrist) has to go out conquering and to conquer three of the ten kings before the red horse makes its way on the scene
Granted, wars have occurred for thousands of years. So why would Jesus even answer a question with such a broad time frame? I would have said, yes, yes, wars will occur... can you be more specific Jesus? Actually He was, in Matthew 24:14. And this has recently neen accomplished. This is the last generation. The pestilence, wars and famine have never caused death to 1/4 of the population in such a short 3 1/2 year period. The wars pestilence and famine in 20th century saw death to1-2% of the population.
The Russian/Ukraine war may seem like any other, but will likely set iff a chain reaction. It's spiritual..God restrains evil but during the GT, the Restrainer is taken out of the way and all hell breaks loose.
In no other time in history has the entire world been under this diabolical power dictated by the elites. The Antichrist is at the helm, he just hasn't been revealed yet - another year or so. He was given a crown (coronavirus) and he went out to conquer and that is ehat has happened. Through fear of a virus, lies and deception, the world succumbed to their mandates.
Now I just read today, every citizen of the NWO will be microchipped by 2026 - or so they plan, claims Klaus Schwab. That is what many suspected, the mark of the Beast.
Last edited:

Dave Watchman

Active Member
May 14, 2017
United States
The white horse rider (the antichrist) has to go out conquering and to conquer three of the ten kings before the red horse makes its way on the scene

At least you've identified the chronological nature of apocalyptic prophecy Ron.

Did you know that there's five different types of Bible prophecy?

Each of the different types of prophecy have unique styles and specifications.

Apocalyptic prophecy, one of the five, has a starting point in time and an ending point in time. When the chronological order is broken, and the subject matter changes, a new prophecy begins.

But the seals are tricky, they're not all what the prophecy expositors told us they would be. The bow was "toxon", a fabric bow. Like a blue ribbon given to the winner of a race. The "great sword" was the Word of God. Alive, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints. The scales didn't mean famine. They are like weighed in the balance and found wanting, the scales held by lady justice at the Supreme Court.

“A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius, and do not harm the oil and wine!”​

Same things Solomon used in 2 Chronicles 2 when he was preparing to build a temple for the Lord. He paid Hiram the King of Tyre with wheat, barley, oil and wine for the materials.

"I will give for your servants, the woodsmen who cut timber, 20,000 corsc of crushed wheat, 20,000 cors of barley, 20,000 baths of wine, and 20,000 baths of oil.”

“Now let my lord send his servants the wheat and barley and the olive oil and wine he promised,​

This is Jesus building His Temple one brick at a time. Opening up the books and the judgment of the dead, the cleansing of the sanctuary to it's rightful state.

The seals are progressive. That means when the first seal was opened, it wasn't instantaneous that every person on earth would immediately have a Bible with the Gospel message of Jesus in his hand and translated into his native language, but the process of that continues to this very day.

"And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come. ...​

All of the 7 seals are about Jesus. They are a new revelation OF Jesus. The Gospel of Jesus, the Bible about Jesus, Jesus preparing to build His Church, the Judgment of Jesus and the Wrath of Jesus.

But I noticed that whenever we put the Bad Guy into a place where Jesus belongs, like the white horse Rider of Revelation, or the "he" of Daniel 9, it tends to put us on the wrong course and we self sabotage the rest of our eschatological understanding.

Like if the first seal is a ways to go in the future, then maybe we have a long list of seals to do before the tribulation starts.

“Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.

"For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints ...
The first two seals were not even bad things. They were good things. They were the Gospel message being sent out through the proliferation of the printed Bible in many languages.

The thing to do is to google William Tyndale. Remember the Tyndale Bible? Around 83% of our King James version comes from his Bible translation. Tyndale is responsible for popularizing many of the sayings we get from the Bible, like: "apple of his eye".

Tyndale's English Bible - 1526
St Paul's and the most dangerous book in Tudor England

"It is still greatly admired for the lucidity of the writing, and a surprising number of Tyndale's phrases are still in common use today, including: 'under the sun', 'eat, drink and be merry', 'signs of the times', 'the salt of the earth', 'let there be light', 'my brother's keeper', 'lick the dust', 'fall flat on his face', 'the land of the living', 'pour out one's heart', 'the apple of his eye', 'fleshpots', 'go the extra mile', 'the parting of the ways', broken-hearted', 'eat drink and be merry', 'flowing with milk and honey'.

But owning or translating the Bible in the middle ages was against the law of the church in Rome. The church could kill people for having a Bible. William Tyndale was eventually captured and strangled to death in 1536, then his body was burned at the stake.

"He was tried on a charge of heresy in 1536 and was found guilty and condemned to be burned to death, despite Thomas Cromwell's intercession on his behalf. Tyndale "was strangled to death while tied at the stake, and then his dead body was burned".[37] His final words, spoken "at the stake with a fervent zeal, and a loud voice", were reported as "Lord! Open the King of England's eyes."​

It wasn't until 1798 that Napoleon closed down the Vatican and the Pope died in a jail cell. Then the first seal was opened, the Gospel message, that salvation comes through faith in Jesus only, could giddy up and go out a conquering along with the most printed Book on the planet.

The Word of God.


Ronald D Milam

Active Member
Jan 12, 2022
United States
I am just tracking events and identifying them differently then you.
And you are tracking them wrong, all because you are not comprehending that God Himself, gave this to Jesus, to give to his servant John, thus God used the old testament to do unto the masses what Jesus did in his day, he spoke in parables that only his servants or those who would later become his servants, could understand. The world can't understand God speak but we can. God could have easily have done it this way SEE BELOW:

In 2025 I am going tp rapture my Son Jesus' bride (now imminence is no more however). I am going to destroy two continents no one knows about right now, in the year 2029, I am going to allow all false religions to be destroyed by the E.U. and the end time Anti-Christ etc. etc. But, instead He gave it unto us His servants in CODED FORM, now we have to UNCODE IT, and we do that by using the Old Testament. When one finally understands that out of 404 verses the book of Revelation has old testament phraseology in 289 of its verses, then and only then can people understand where the "CODED INFORMATION" comes from. It really doesn't matter what you or I think it only matters what is factual. We must learn to hear the Spirit & not to follow our feelings.

Symbolism was used long before Rome. It is usually explained in scripture. God did not hide anything in fear of how the Romans or anyone else would respond as if harm would come against Christianity. God is sovereign, all are within His power. Evil cannot thwart His purpose.

Then why are we living in an Evil world of sin that God never "DESIRED". Satan won the birthright to this earth, he is the god of this world. You think everything is like a computer generation program, its not, God gives us free will. God could do this and He could do that, but God is instead doing what He needs to do via working with mankind to redeem mankind through Jesus' sacrifice. He doesn't intervene in our affairs for the most part because He is trying to teach us how to live Godly lives ourselves.

Moses held up the staff to win the battle, when it came down Israel started losing, but WHY? In your world God just DOES IT ALL, but that sir is an incorrect view, God demands we participate. Satan tricked Adam into sinning, was that Gods purpose? Israel got her king was that Gods purpose? Israel served false gods was that God's purpose? Do you think these things through brother? Here is what I have found with men, they are so prideful that we can't be wrong, and God can't teach us if we can't ever be wrong.

I know because God answered my prayer 5 or so years ago and told me.....(when I asked why the Church was so all over the place and not in sync with each other like we should be).... He said very clearly, "Ron, you guys already know it all". So, in essence, that is when I started hearing these words uttered by the holy spirit, "son you are WRONG", all of the time from. Only when we can hear this clearly can He teach us in full.

Yep, the world system has been infected by her. From the time when God scattered the Babylonians and confused their language, all their false religions, mysticism, the occult, false philosophies and practices were scattered throughout the world. And the world fornicated with this harlot.
Correct, Babel = Confusion, thus Babylon = Satan's Dark World of confusion over mankind that ends in him being able to get the WHOLE WORLD to try and fight their loving Creator. I would say that qualifies as Babylon (Confusion)

No, in Zechariah 6 each colored horse is going in a different direction. The "chariot with black horses" went to the north and gave "My Spirit rest". Does that sound like the black horse in Revelation who brings economic collapse and famine?
You, my brother, our off track. Your presentation and scenario has flaws.
That's not the point, God by reusing these four horses is saying that Judgment is about to fall, the type of Judgment is not relevant, the direction of the horses is not relevant, I doubt it even shows their direction in Revelation anyway. So, you grasp at this which is not even relevant per se.

Everyone knows its Israel ... so. Good though, you got one. Actually you probably understand much. Remember, we see dimly and Revelation has confused the best scholars and led them down different paths that they are certain about.
Again, you miss the obvious, this was done to protect the Church in its infancy. You saying, Well God could protect them, is just a bad understanding, Satan won the birthright to this world which God clearly gave to Adam in Genesis. God uses vessels to fight Satan, Moses, then the Church when we got filled with the Holy Spirit, because mankind FELL, we have to give God permission to operate in our lives, you seem to not understand this brother. That is why before Jesus came the world was so dark of a place. We killed off the Beast with the Mortal Wound because the gates of hell can not overcome the Church because we operate in the Holy Spirit (God has power through us to thwart Satan's actions on this earth now. But like Moses with the staff, we have to ACT ACCORDINGLY to what God says !! In the book of Revelation, who brings the plagues? Moses and Elijah are the Two-witnesses, they pray down all of the plagues !! Only after the 2nd Woe are they allowed to die, because they have already prayed for the 3rd Woe which COMES QUCKLY !!

No, the Harlot is Babylon, the total
sum of her evils that were spread.
Dan. 5 was about Belshezzar's judgment for his lack of humility and dishonor towards the true God.
Rev. 17 is about the judgment of the entire world - both for their sin.
The Harlot is ALL FALSE RELIGION of ALL TIME. And that is what Belshazzar was doing via God's holy vessels. His father was judged for a different tHing altogether. All one has to do is read vs. 6.

Rev. 17:6 And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, AND with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.

So, the Harlot was ALL the False Religions during the Jewish Saints of old times who were killed, AND during the Martyrs of Jesus' time on this earth when they died. Or, we could just simply say this shows us the Harlot was on BOTH SIDES of the Cross !!

Dan. 5 was used to write about Rev. 17. That is a factoid.

You said Putin was Gog. Maybe, but Gog is killed, buried and THEN returns 1000 years later.
You are alluding now to symbolism to avoid my direct question.
Please tell how this is possible? Symbolism never uses specific names of people. Like in Luke 16:19-31, which some think is a parable. Jesus named specific people, one who we know, Abraham and then described Hades. He did not create some false abstract location/reality to symbolically mean something else.
Som how does Gog and Magog appear in different times in history if they are human?
Again, you not understanding that God is using Old Testament Phraseology is on you. Gog is not a name, its a title for a LEADER as in a prince or president. Magog is not going to be Russia's name either, is it? Magog was the people back in the time it was written in, they came from Magog. So, its just the descendants of Japeth, son of Noah. So if these end time nations are again the sons of Japeth, then Magog would still be correct. You overthink it and ascribe a Demon army, and this just not going to happen. I mean Demons are in the battle, but can't be seen.

Gog and Magog are spiritual fallen angels in charge of groups of ungodly peoples in different times in history.
You are in error. This isn't even debatable brother.

NOT NOW.......................He will be during the 1000 year reign. Gog and Magog happens way before that. Gog and Magog have ZERO to do with the Anti-Christ. This Gog War happens just before the pre-trib Rapture or just after, but it has nothing to do with the A.C.

You have assembledan elaborate scenario. Go with it, if you are comfortable with it? You have obviously invested lots of time - you wouldn't, nor couldn't trash it at this point. It doesn't matter. As my Pastor uses to day, "It will all pan out in the end.!"

You conflate events, people in the events, people for demons etc. etc.

When you grasp the 1290 and 1335 everything then is downhill. Until then, most people are just guessing TBH.

God Bless.

Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
And you are tracking them wrong, all because you are not comprehending that God Himself, gave this to Jesus, to give to his servant John, thus God used the old testament to do unto the masses what Jesus did in his day, he spoke in parables that only his servants or those who would later become his servants, could understand. The world can't understand God speak but we can. God could have easily have done it this way SEE BELOW:

In 2025 I am going tp rapture my Son Jesus' bride (now imminence is no more however). I am going to destroy two continents no one knows about right now, in the year 2029, I am going to allow all false religions to be destroyed by the E.U. and the end time Anti-Christ etc. etc. But, instead He gave it unto us His servants in CODED FORM, now we have to UNCODE IT, and we do that by using the Old Testament. When one finally understands that out of 404 verses the book of Revelation has old testament phraseology in 289 of its verses, then and only then can people understand where the "CODED INFORMATION" comes from. It really doesn't matter what you or I think it only matters what is factual. We must learn to hear the Spirit & not to follow our feelings.

Then why are we living in an Evil world of sin that God never "DESIRED". Satan won the birthright to this earth, he is the god of this world. You think everything is like a computer generation program, its not, God gives us free will. God could do this and He could do that, but God is instead doing what He needs to do via working with mankind to redeem mankind through Jesus' sacrifice. He doesn't intervene in our affairs for the most part because He is trying to teach us how to live Godly lives ourselves.

Moses held up the staff to win the battle, when it came down Israel started losing, but WHY? In your world God just DOES IT ALL, but that sir is an incorrect view, God demands we participate. Satan tricked Adam into sinning, was that Gods purpose? Israel got her king was that Gods purpose? Israel served false gods was that God's purpose? Do you think these things through brother? Here is what I have found with men, they are so prideful that we can't be wrong, and God can't teach us if we can't ever be wrong.

I know because God answered my prayer 5 or so years ago and told me.....(when I asked why the Church was so all over the place and not in sync with each other like we should be).... He said very clearly, "Ron, you guys already know it all". So, in essence, that is when I started hearing these words uttered by the holy spirit, "son you are WRONG", all of the time from. Only when we can hear this clearly can He teach us in full.

Correct, Babel = Confusion, thus Babylon = Satan's Dark World of confusion over mankind that ends in him being able to get the WHOLE WORLD to try and fight their loving Creator. I would say that qualifies as Babylon (Confusion)

That's not the point, God by reusing these four horses is saying that Judgment is about to fall, the type of Judgment is not relevant, the direction of the horses is not relevant, I doubt it even shows their direction in Revelation anyway. So, you grasp at this which is not even relevant per se.

Again, you miss the obvious, this was done to protect the Church in its infancy. You saying, Well God could protect them, is just a bad understanding, Satan won the birthright to this world which God clearly gave to Adam in Genesis. God uses vessels to fight Satan, Moses, then the Church when we got filled with the Holy Spirit, because mankind FELL, we have to give God permission to operate in our lives, you seem to not understand this brother. That is why before Jesus came the world was so dark of a place. We killed off the Beast with the Mortal Wound because the gates of hell can not overcome the Church because we operate in the Holy Spirit (God has power through us to thwart Satan's actions on this earth now. But like Moses with the staff, we have to ACT ACCORDINGLY to what God says !! In the book of Revelation, who brings the plagues? Moses and Elijah are the Two-witnesses, they pray down all of the plagues !! Only after the 2nd Woe are they allowed to die, because they have already prayed for the 3rd Woe which COMES QUCKLY !!

The Harlot is ALL FALSE RELIGION of ALL TIME. And that is what Belshazzar was doing via God's holy vessels. His father was judged for a different tHing altogether. All one has to do is read vs. 6.

Rev. 17:6 And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, AND with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.

So, the Harlot was ALL the False Religions during the Jewish Saints of old times who were killed, AND during the Martyrs of Jesus' time on this earth when they died. Or, we could just simply say this shows us the Harlot was on BOTH SIDES of the Cross !!

Dan. 5 was used to write about Rev. 17. That is a factoid.

Again, you not understanding that God is using Old Testament Phraseology is on you. Gog is not a name, its a title for a LEADER as in a prince or president. Magog is not going to be Russia's name either, is it? Magog was the people back in the time it was written in, they came from Magog. So, its just the descendants of Japeth, son of Noah. So if these end time nations are again the sons of Japeth, then Magog would still be correct. You overthink it and ascribe a Demon army, and this just not going to happen. I mean Demons are in the battle, but can't be seen.

You are in error. This isn't even debatable brother.

NOT NOW.......................He will be during the 1000 year reign. Gog and Magog happens way before that. Gog and Magog have ZERO to do with the Anti-Christ. This Gog War happens just before the pre-trib Rapture or just after, but it has nothing to do with the A.C.

You conflate events, people in the events, people for demons etc. etc.

When you grasp the 1290 and 1335 everything then is downhill. Until then, most people are just guessing TBH.

God Bless.
I will make an extra effort to grasp the 1290 and 1335. I was always good with numbers. ok
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