UFO changed to UAP

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Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2015
United States
This may or may not start a long conversation, but in these end times we are also seeing strange things in the sky (mostly). I find it interesting so that pilots are not stigmatized (and the same with military personnel) that they dropped the Unidentified Flying Object acronym to Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon. The latter is freely admitted to by government and yet it means UFO. In all fairness, UFO has become synonymous with aliens so it's almost like they are reinventing the acronym to broaden the meaning the way UFO originally was intended.




Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
The timing of the news about UFOs or UAPs is suspect. Just at the point where Biden and the Democrats have made a TOTAL HASH of everything and America is facing a very precarious situation, along come the reports about UFOs to distract the unobservant public from the real issues. This is misdirection from the top in my estimation.

Does the government really need to pour millions or billions or trillions into "researching" this phenomenon? Or is this another subtle attempt to divert funds from real issues into "woke" issues? That the Pentagon is behind all this is also thoroughly suspect, since they have publicly committed to Wokeism.

"[Leftist] Congress mandated ODNI to publish this unclassified report diving into the novel group’s progress via a provision buried into the more than $2 trillion coronavirus relief and appropriations bill signed by former President Donald Trump near the end of his tenure."


Apr 19, 2021
United States
The classification change removes the notion of, the "Extraterrestrial Life Association".
The Problem with All, Capitalistic + Industrial Nations, is that they ship a good amount of finances and resources away from their countries into other places...........most or all of the time that is financially and economically unprofitable.
President Joe Biden has performed well in bankrupting the oil industry.............its time for his administration to do the same to the military's extra spending projects.
(White Privilege ............... doesn't exist anymore in the usa, they are trying to redefine what that is susposed to mean, if President Joe Biden is successful in the movement for that, he is looking at a second term in office)

(White Privilege isn't Racism............it was a mechanism to ensure a quality standard of living and opportunity, against the ravages of ethnicity and culture that is inevitable with the way the usa is structured to take advantage of migrant peoples)

(This system of "White Privilege", that has been threatened, removes a sense of security, and livelihood...........that has helped create a need for mass shootings and market collapse............again this is not racism this is an inevitable part of the demographics/sociographics/ and geographics in the structure of the americas, its behavior and characteristics)
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
This may or may not start a long conversation, but in these end times we are also seeing strange things in the sky (mostly). I find it interesting so that pilots are not stigmatized (and the same with military personnel) that they dropped the Unidentified Flying Object acronym to Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon. The latter is freely admitted to by government and yet it means UFO. In all fairness, UFO has become synonymous with aliens so it's almost like they are reinventing the acronym to broaden the meaning the way UFO originally was intended.


I think it's more accurate, considering most don't have any real idea of what these are.

There is a growing consensus that they are non-material, so, calling them objects could be misconstrued.

Much love!
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
This isn't a "Biden" thing. The government has been in agreement with fallen angels for a long time. And every president has been in alignment with the plan to bring in NWO and usher in the lawless one. Don't forget, Trump is the one who opened the new military branch ....the Space Force. Coincidence?? NO WAY!! Biden is just next in order to continue the plan.

Of course, there has been one exception....Kennedy, who was assassinated for veering from their plan.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2015
United States
I believe you are referring to what I call the "Genesis 6 incident", angelic (or should I say fallen angelic?) DNA, hybrids and experimenting, etc and in the end times it will be "as in the days of Noah". The argument goes that God would not have wiped out the earth by a flood due to sinning mankind who were the very people God came to save. Something dreadful was going on. Additionally, there are those who think that this name change (UFO to UAP) could finally be an admission of "life" out there (eventually), and pointing to them as "Saviors". The deception will be great. That's some of the stuff I heard.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
I have seen no proof of any worthy life form outside of Earth, intelligent beings coming to Earth etc etc is all total nonsense.

A mate brother was into making rockets years ago and flying things that we made out of rubbish bin bags taped together with a tin strapped under them and sent them off, they would go up and move around till they got higher where the wind blows in another direction and faster. so then they just can look like they shot off at a million MPH because the bag got busted and the fuel is tossed out of the tin and it may look to the eye that it just took off.


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2011
East Stroudsburg, PA
United States
The reason for the name change is simple. These objects don't fly in the conventional sense, but make velocity vector changes that defy the laws of physics. We are incapable of making even unmanned drones that wouldn't be destroyed by the sudden forces generated by reversing directions at supersonic velocities. An engineer described it as forces that would be orders of magnitude beyond what our knowledge of material science calculates as possible.
Dr. Steven Greer, a long time "ufologist" is recreating a new age religion that establishes mental contact with these extraterrestrial creatures (who acknowledge a Lord and creator of the universe ) by tapping into a "universal mind" (as in Hinduism and Buddhism) and are able to attract these ephemeral creatures to their meditative gatherings.
They have even recorded intimate bodily contact, materializations and dematerializations of these spirit apparitions.
Dr. Greer doesn't believe in the spiritual or anything non physical so he thinks that he's tapping into universal mind rather than a universal fallen spirit, the spirit of antichrist.
We can't simply dismiss this former medical doctor as some fringe nutjob because he's developed a reproducible mental
Protocol that is used by his groups to make "contact". One of these participants was legally deaf and asked his "alien" contact for help and had his hearing fully restored.
This new religion has physical manifestations that can be recorded, interacted with, produces healings, and is based solely on meditation and empirical evidence, no faith required.
With videos circulating through internet venues and humanity panicking over the manifest judgments of God visible in geological and meteorological disasters never before seen on Earth, people will grasp at anything that promises a potential salvation.


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2011
East Stroudsburg, PA
United States
I have seen no proof of any worthy life form outside of Earth, intelligent beings coming to Earth etc etc is all total nonsense.

A mate brother was into making rockets years ago and flying things that we made out of rubbish bin bags taped together with a tin strapped under them and sent them off, they would go up and move around till they got higher where the wind blows in another direction and faster. so then they just can look like they shot off at a million MPH because the bag got busted and the fuel is tossed out of the tin and it may look to the eye that it just took off.
If you have access to prime video, I suggest you watch "close encounters of the fifth kind: contact has begun".
I found it fascinating that the featured player in this grand deception, Dr. Steven Greer, claimed to have a vision of the universe while traveling in space through "Astral projection " and heard a voice question him saying "Isn't the universe that the Lord created beautiful? " This same carnal minded "man of science" came to the conclusion that this voice was that of an extraterrestrial being travelling interdimensionally.
His new religion cloaks new age mysticism with a veneer of theoretical science, instantly making it acceptable to a public that rejects religion for science without having any real understanding of science at all.

Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
This may or may not start a long conversation, but in these end times we are also seeing strange things in the sky (mostly). I find it interesting so that pilots are not stigmatized (and the same with military personnel) that they dropped the Unidentified Flying Object acronym to Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon. The latter is freely admitted to by government and yet it means UFO. In all fairness, UFO has become synonymous with aliens so it's almost like they are reinventing the acronym to broaden the meaning the way UFO originally was intended.

Yes, a euphemism to avoid confusion with the UFO phenomena associated with kookery. I don't think there's much that concerns us, because God has apparently kept it locked up in government archives and sealed against public viewing. It therefore is not a message from God to us, the public.

"Signs in the heavens" could theoretically be applied to the UFO phenomena. But for the same reason as above, I would dismiss it. It isn't a message from God to us. It isn't God's warning about the coming of future judgment.

It is a good question what "signs in the heavens" were intended to mean by Jesus? Normally we would think of meteorological developments, indicating an approaching storm.

But there are also astronomical phenomena, such as blood moons and solar eclipses. These things indicated that God even in nature synchronizes circumstances as signs, indicating that important developments are to be recognized as particularly significant.

Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
The big lie:

Yes, I remember when the New Age phenomena was explored for Christians by Constance Cumby. There was an apparent link between ET contact and spiritism, such as through mediums or channeling. Connecting with angels by our own initiative is forbidden in Scriptures. Our domain is the earth. Our domain is in the human race. Our spirituality comes from God alone.


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2011
East Stroudsburg, PA
United States
Yes, I remember when the New Age phenomena was explored for Christians by Constance Cumby. There was an apparent link between ET contact and spiritism, such as through mediums or channeling. Connecting with angels by our own initiative is forbidden in Scriptures. Our domain is the earth. Our domain is in the human race. Our spirituality comes from God alone.
I think you're missing the point. We're witnessing the emergence of a world wide religion with a form of godliness, but without it's power. I hope that its debunked, but the trailer already has received over 5000 "likes" with less than 300 "dislikes ". Do you see how desperate the secular world is for a savior or in this case, an extraterrestrial race of saviors who acknowledge a Lord and Creator of all things?
If these are indeed members of the heavenly host visiting Earth without the permission of our Lord, I have an indictment against them, a cause for judgment and an opportunity to place the last of Christ's enemies under His feet. I need to question them directly, at least two or three, and then the judgment of the body of Christ upon heaven.
Soon and very soon, we are going to see the King.

Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
I think you're missing the point. We're witnessing the emergence of a world wide religion with a form of godliness, but without it's power. I hope that its debunked, but the trailer already has received over 5000 "likes" with less than 300 "dislikes ". Do you see how desperate the secular world is for a savior or in this case, an extraterrestrial race of saviors who acknowledge a Lord and Creator of all things?
If these are indeed members of the heavenly host visiting Earth without the permission of our Lord, I have an indictment against them, a cause for judgment and an opportunity to place the last of Christ's enemies under His feet. I need to question them directly, at least two or three, and then the judgment of the body of Christ upon heaven.
Soon and very soon, we are going to see the King.

That isn't the point I would make, though--not that UFOs are the grand strategy by which to introduce global government. I don't think we're going to have a global govt. The world is divided against itself.

I do think, however, that the Antichrist, with his European confederation, is coming. He or his ways will be worshipped globally. But politically, he is an unchallenged superpower based in Europe, the region of the original Roman Empire.

We are to reject any and all false representations of God's Kingdom on earth. Until the last pagan power is crushed, the Kingdom of Christ will not yet be here, and we should reject it.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2020
The wilderness
United States
They're trying to differentiate the name as people associate them with aliens from another planet. Thats fine because they are fallen angels but no one is going to call them UAP's except the government.


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2011
East Stroudsburg, PA
United States
That isn't the point I would make, though--not that UFOs are the grand strategy by which to introduce global government. I don't think we're going to have a global govt. The world is divided against itself.

I do think, however, that the Antichrist, with his European confederation, is coming. He or his ways will be worshipped globally. But politically, he is an unchallenged superpower based in Europe, the region of the original Roman Empire.

We are to reject any and all false representations of God's Kingdom on earth. Until the last pagan power is crushed, the Kingdom of Christ will not yet be here, and we should reject it.
The scripture tells us plainly that our enemies are not flesh and blood, but the hosts of spiritual wickedness in the heavenly places.
We could pretty much end all of this today by putting the last of Christ's enemies, those hosts of spiritual wickedness in the heavenly places, under Christ's feet here and now, bringing in the end of the age, calling Christ back to Earth now, and initiating the beginning of His millennial kingdom. It's in our power and authority to do according to His word and by faith, but we have to understand the basis of judgment that Jesus established, have a just cause for "indictment ", and be prepared to issue a judgment or verdict appropriate to the offense against our Lord and according to His revealed will in scripture. I believe this is entirely possible, but to date I haven't encountered 2 or 3 professing Christians with a level of maturity or biblical understanding sufficient to meet God's criteria for a lawful and righteous judgment.

Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
The scripture tells us plainly that our enemies are not flesh and blood, but the hosts of spiritual wickedness in the heavenly places.
We could pretty much end all of this today by putting the last of Christ's enemies, those hosts of spiritual wickedness in the heavenly places, under Christ's feet here and now, bringing in the end of the age, calling Christ back to Earth now, and initiating the beginning of His millennial kingdom. It's in our power and authority to do according to His word and by faith, but we have to understand the basis of judgment that Jesus established, have a just cause for "indictment ", and be prepared to issue a judgment or verdict appropriate to the offense against our Lord and according to His revealed will in scripture. I believe this is entirely possible, but to date I haven't encountered 2 or 3 professing Christians with a level of maturity or biblical understanding sufficient to meet God's criteria for a lawful and righteous judgment.

You'd have to include yourself among those who "lack maturity," because your judgmental presupposition is neither accurate nor biblical. There are lots of good Christians out there, who aren't "blowing their horn." But nowhere in the Bible are we told we can take it upon ourselves to bind Satan.

On the contrary, we read in Rev 20 that only a specific angel is given by God to bind Satan for the Millennium. In this present world we are told by Jesus that we will be persecuted for righteousness.

That assumes both that there will be righteous men and women and that they will not be able to overcome Satan's attacks. We read in the book of Revelation that the saints are given over to be defeated, in the sense that they *cannot* stop the onslaught against them until the time set by God for the coming of Christ.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2015
United States
Good exchanges here so far, and again I was just throwing out the idea of deceptions and perhaps a way to a centralized false Christ (aka Antichrist) one day. And one possible way these alien deceptions may come (i.e. "prepare people") is by starting with the acronym change. However, I can't say for sure how the whole thing will evolve. If it's true, it's in its infancy yet. That's my two cents.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2011
East Stroudsburg, PA
United States
You'd have to include yourself among those who "lack maturity," because your judgmental presupposition is neither accurate nor biblical. There are lots of good Christians out there, who aren't "blowing their horn." But nowhere in the Bible are we told we can take it upon ourselves to bind Satan.

On the contrary, we read in Rev 20 that only a specific angel is given by God to bind Satan for the Millennium. In this present world we are told by Jesus that we will be persecuted for righteousness.

That assumes both that there will be righteous men and women and that they will not be able to overcome Satan's attacks. We read in the book of Revelation that the saints are given over to be defeated, in the sense that they *cannot* stop the onslaught against them until the time set by God for the coming of Christ.
Thank you for proving my point. Have a nice life.