What Chrisitan Expression Are You?

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Which Expression Are You?

  • Presbyterian

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  • Reformed

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  • Roman Catholic

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  • Eastern Orthodox

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  • Pentecostal

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  • Holiness Movement

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  • Pentecostal-Holiness

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  • Charismatic Movement

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  • Non-denominational

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  • Apostolic/ Oneness Pentecostal

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  • Lutheran

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  • Anglican

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  • Quaker

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  • Other

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Active Member
Encounter Team
Mar 22, 2011
North Carolina
This post is to spark discussion on unity in Jesus Christ. How can we in Jesus come together despite denominational differences and work toward unity and the uplifiting of Jesus?


I am here to help...
Oct 11, 2011
Why is denominational unity important? More importantly, does it matter, and most importantly, is it scriptural?

I am an antiecumenist, that is, I am against ecumenical unity solely for the appearance of being united. I will stand with a brother or sister in Christ in prayer, in thanksgiving, in celebration, and in mourning. I will not, however, stand with them in their place of worship if by my reckoning the denominational proclivities they support are antithetical to the revealed Word of God. Nor will I invite them to my worship service and in so violating my own personal standards on their behalf.

It is fine to debate, discuss, and even disagree with fellow believers on things that can be debated and differed upon. I will, however, not Worship the Lord God Almighty in their place of worship.

Situations have arisen where a ceremony has necessitated my presence (a wedding, the infant baptism of a close family member), and in those cases I am in attendance as an observer only. I am not there to bring worship to the Lord in a manner I earnestly believe will be of an unworthy manner. And I have observed many things of other denominations and other heretical organizations as well.

So, we are united in the case that those who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ as savior are united as the Church Invisible. But on this Earth, in these times (pre-judgment), there are yet divisions because Christ Himself is not ruling from Jerusalem as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.


New Member
May 25, 2011
Montreal, Qc
I see unity as possible outside of the system.

How can we be united and yet divide ourselves into factions?

Rather we should all come out from under Saul, and find unity in the cave of Adullam, under the anointed of the Lord.


Active Member
Encounter Team
Mar 22, 2011
North Carolina
I am not talking of ecunemism but a common respect for other denominations values and beliefs. Coming froma Pentecostal-Holiness background I have received numerous attacks, stigmas, and stereotypes for my beliefs. People who cliam to be Christians love to tear down their fellow brothers in Christ. Not all Chrisitans do what I just stated but a minority do. Christ called us to unity not in a sytematic way but in Spirit and truth. I believe there is need of a Awakening bypassing denominationl, social, cultural, and other boundaries to up lift Jesus and bring soul into the kingdom of God. It is mandate set by Christ!


I am here to help...
Oct 11, 2011
There are two sides to that blade. One, an attack (rather a genuine criticism) of one's denomination need not be a personal attack against that particular person. All too many times when I have questioned someone about their particular ecclesiastical authority they take it as a slam against themselves.

The other side of the blade is an adherent to a particular denomination need not mean they are in lockstep with their particular ecclesiastical authority or peculiar dogma (i.e. I am a Baptist but do not subscribe to Baptist Perpetuity).

We can paint with large brushes because that is what denominations are set up to foster. But we can and should take a look at the individual brush strokes that each person paints with in that tapestry that is our particular denomination before forming an opinion of the individual themselves.


Prayer Warrior
Staff member
Feb 4, 2011
Land of the Long White Cloud
New Zealand
Although I fellowship with other denominations, particularly Pentecostal...I associate myself with the Elim stream. :)



Active Member
Encounter Team
Mar 22, 2011
North Carolina
There are two sides to that blade. One, an attack (rather a genuine criticism) of one's denomination need not be a personal attack against that particular person. All too many times when I have questioned someone about their particular ecclesiastical authority they take it as a slam against themselves.

The other side of the blade is an adherent to a particular denomination need not mean they are in lockstep with their particular ecclesiastical authority or peculiar dogma (i.e. I am a Baptist but do not subscribe to Baptist Perpetuity).

We can paint with large brushes because that is what denominations are set up to foster. But we can and should take a look at the individual brush strokes that each person paints with in that tapestry that is our particular denomination before forming an opinion of the individual themselves.

I like this!


New Member
Apr 14, 2010
Ecumenism - In the UK we are all for it. Christians are getting to be a real minority as the congregations are aging and dying off so unity is more and more important.

I've gone along to RC MAsses and orthodox Divine Liturgy (really beautiful service btw) and I've joined with the Methodists and the Baptists in the area in various services. I have received Communion from a baptist minister as well.

Next Sunday the Anglican Parish in the next village is having a confirmation service, so the Bishop is coming to do the honours and the local Baptist and Methodist congregations are coming along to support it even though they themselves don't practice Confirmation (We will have to have a thread on Confirmation sometime) BTW. There will be a Eucharist so it will be interesting to see who takes part.

OK there are theological differnces over that type of service but it's a hudge elap. Something that couldnot be done twenty years ago.


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
I am a Roman Catholic who attends Mass, and an emergent church on Sundays. During the week I attend an emergent church small group Bible study and a Presbyterian Bible study. I also lead a prayer group in my home during the week.


Active Member
Encounter Team
Mar 22, 2011
North Carolina
I love this we can have a civilized conversation on unity! We just express our salvation and faith in Jesus differently but are all saved!


I am here to help...
Oct 11, 2011
I love this we can have a civilized conversation on unity! We just express our salvation and faith in Jesus differently but are all saved!
Well, I can make the obvious zealot attack against this statement, but we have all heard it. Rather, I would simply qualify that statement (sorry, the Baptist in me), all those who name Jesus as savior are of His fold, likewise not all organizations fall into the same category.

Take Mormonism for instance. There is quite a well know and effective radio show host in the States (Glenn Beck) who is an unapologetic Mormon. I have zero problem standing in line with him on things of a political, social, and even moral nature. However, when he speaks of Jesus and his faith in God I know that he is not addressing the same God that I worship and serve. They are opposites. One of us wrong, but we both feel we are right.

So, with the above qualification on your statement, we can even have civilized discussion with those whose expression of salvation we can disagree with, yea, even deny. It always need not get into histrionics.

Mind you, I have my buttons...


New Member
May 25, 2011
Montreal, Qc
I am not talking of ecunemism but a common respect for other denominations values and beliefs. Coming froma Pentecostal-Holiness background I have received numerous attacks, stigmas, and stereotypes for my beliefs. People who cliam to be Christians love to tear down their fellow brothers in Christ. Not all Chrisitans do what I just stated but a minority do. Christ called us to unity not in a sytematic way but in Spirit and truth. I believe there is need of a Awakening bypassing denominationl, social, cultural, and other boundaries to up lift Jesus and bring soul into the kingdom of God. It is mandate set by Christ!

I agree with you on that... Unless we can see beyond what one denomination teaches, we are not walking in brotherly love. Within the confines of whatever denomination we associate with, one may walk in brotherly love.

But I see a necessity to, at one point, come out of this, as a body, and find unity in simplicity. We should seek to move forward in maturity, and become like the early church. Institutions tend to focus on having a sermon for all, a teaching to all, but they lack the discipleship of one on one teaching, which builds character, and the brotherly closeness that brings out our flaws, that they might be exposed, and then gotten rid of. :)


Jan 24, 2011
So. Cal
United States
I have been through the gamut....high Church/low Church, Reformed/Arminian, Charismatic/Southern Baptist, as well as non denomination./closed Communion etc..
I know enough that there is Truth out there that we are to diligently seek without compromising for the sake of unity. I have respect for all denominations/independents who are sincerely seeking the Truth through the Scriptures even though I may not agree with some of their conclusions.
I have no respect and abhor Liberals (theological) who tamper with the reliability of the Bible as God's Word and usually with the call to 'unity' with the result of laying waste the Church. Similarly I have little respect regardless of the denomination who have dropped serious teachings for the sake of 'Church growth' with the result of a huge social club Sunday morning meeting to sing repetitive jingles to some undefined Higher Power.


Active Member
Encounter Team
Mar 22, 2011
North Carolina
I believe
1. salvation in Jesus alone
2. Living a holy and snactified lifestyle
3. Filled with the Holy Spirit
4. Witness to all Jesus' salvation
5. Word of God is the foundation of all in Jesus and is the infallible and complete and eternal word of God!


Active Member
May 31, 2010
i dont believe there can be unity while everyone believes different things

there is only one bible and it stands to reason that all our teachings should be the same if they are based on the bible. But the fact is that not all teachings are based on the bible....and that is a huge problem.


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
I think it is hard to expect unity for religious expressions that rely and thrive on a persecution complex to foster group identity.


New Member
Mar 30, 2011
I am maybe some sort of a follower of St Francis of Assisi that is the best thing i can refer to as some sort of denomination thing if you like.
I think denominations are all bull.
As there is only The Catholic Church and every other thing is just a load of rubbish! and no one can deny that fact! or if they do they have no idea what the word Catholic means.
As to the Bible one should know the history of how it came about, or one could get off track. and believe such rubbish like some say they are Bible believing ? as if some others are not ?
Even the Devil him self will use the Bible to his own ends as he knows it very well indeed.


I am here to help...
Oct 11, 2011
Catholic means universal, but since there ARE denominations that proves the Roman Church is NOT catholic in nature despite the claims the name implies.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2011
United States
It seems to me that the Catholic Church claims all Prodestants are actually Catholic. They are just "protestors" and rebellious children. Now.... I'm about to unload on Mr. Rosenberger.... I won't do it soon, I'll let myself cool off.... But I will document what he said....

" I am maybe some sort of a follower of St Francis of Assisi that is the best thing i can refer to as some sort of denomination thing if you like.
I think denominations are all bull.
As there is only The Catholic Church and every other thing is just a load of rubbish! and no one can deny that fact! or if they do they have no idea what the word Catholic means.
As to the Bible one should know the history of how it came about, or one could get off track. and believe such rubbish like some say they are Bible believing ? as if some others are not ?
Even the Devil him self will use the Bible to his own ends as he knows it very well indeed. "

Oh.... Let the wild rumpus start!


New Member
Mar 30, 2011
Catholic means universal, but since there ARE denominations that proves the Roman Church is NOT catholic in nature despite the claims the name implies.
That could be seen to be true as to the Roman church.
But i am not into denominations.