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Glossolalia is not a spiritual gift. It is a natural human reaction to excitation or deep grief or morning. The Corinthian church confused glossolalia with the gift of tongues.Act 1:
This phenomenon is called xenolalia: A believer speaks in a human language that he doesn't know.
There is another kind of speaking in tongues, 1 Corinthians 14:
This latter kind of speaking in tongues is called glossolalia: A believer speaks in a non-human language.
What's the purpose of glossolalia?
Is glossolalia available today?
- It edifies the speaker himself.
- When it is interpreted, it edifies the listeners in the church.
I think so. Jesus promised in Mark 16:
Does every believer have this gift?
No, 1 Corinthians 12:
So it is up to the Holy Spirit to hand out these gifts.
Glossolalia seems to be some kind of spiritual/angelic language, 1 Corinthians 13:
1 Corinthians 14:
Do you have to speak in tongues in order to be saved?
No, not every Christian is required to speak in tongues.
There are three uses of tongues:
Not every Christian is required to do any of these. I have done #3 occasionally.
- A Christian speaks a real foreign language that he does not know.
- A Christian speaks an angelic language publically with interpretation to edify the church.
- A Christian speaks an angelic language privately to God to edify himself.
The gift of tongues is NOT speaking in an unknown language. The gift of tongues is when someone speaks in his or her own language while the Holy Spirit translates it into another language for foreigners to understand.
The gift of interpretation is NOT used to interpret the gift of tongues.