Where can I find a really shy woman for a relationship?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2021
United States
And anyways, I don't know why do you think that I think so little of women.
These posts are why

behavior and character of the vast majority of women my around (pride, arrogance, entitlement, promiscuity, rudeness, mistreatment, disrespect, attention-seeking, gossip, drama, tattoos, piercings, Netflix, Instagram, selfies, trips to Dubai, feminism, horoscopes, Buddhas, dyed hairs, immodest clothing etc) it is more than clear that if I don’t pick an unicorn from Mars they will kill me. I don’t know of any single woman my age who doesn’t have an Instagram profile and dozens of friends (with benefits).

Because the world of these days is so wicked and corrupted and most women seem to only do whatever this evil world tells them to, I have come to the conclusion that my only safe option is to meet a socially awkward loner with no friends at all, who hides and isolates herself from society and only gets along with her family. A woman who is really shy, reserved, introverted, quiet, bashful... scared of strangers, blushes a lot, takes centuries to even give a chance to someone, lacks social skills, has no Instagram or Facebook profiles and of course a devout Christian virgin

I don’t want a socially confident woman, not at all. I don’t want a woman to kill me with games, drama, criticism, lies, mistreatment, infidelity, illegitimate children, alimony, child support and theft of belongings

Of course, child support and alimony would be your responsibility if you had entered a marriage and later left it. Is she supposed to do the financial thing alone? NOPE

Infidelities, illegitimate children, divorces, financial oppression etc, regardless of whether Christian or not. Women are especially shallow as they gain relationship experience much earlier than men do, and thus can easily fool and manipulate the naïve men with games.

Though I will admit I have seen cases of men taking advantage of women too, but not as many. It's usually the more experienced partner who exploits the less experienced one
In my life, that has been the guy.

And if you are an introvert, you yourself have made your world very small. How can you make blanket statements with so little interactions?.


Mar 11, 2022
United Kingdom
I understand all of what you say about having godly friends aside from a spouse, but the reality (or if you prefer me to put it this way, my reality) is much more complicated than that.

Where I live godly people are extremely scarce and difficult to find, even in church. I estimate that right here about 0.1% of people are genuine Christians, another 0.9% are misguided people we can put some hope on, and the other 99% are completely worthless children of Satan which will burn hard in hell forever. This alone means that I will need to be extremely lucky to ever find just ONE person like you describe. So how harder will it be for me, or for another person to find more people fitting that description? It gets to a point where it is best to assume that if someone has friends they all will be ungodly. Just like any of you would assume that the number 1.9998574673246 equals 2. And bad friends are known to mess excellent people. Because if my wife had just me against 10 wicked "friends", what do you think would happen? And that's just an extreme case because even just one of them can prove to be problematic. A bad person's wettest dream is to lead a good one into doom. It boosts their ego more than anything in this world. And because of this wicked devilish society that persecutes the good without mercy, the only safe shelter is to cut oneself from it and create a personal bubble for you and (if you want) a few individual people you can really trust.

Now, I have took the personal decision of giving up on friends and just focusing on finding a like-minded wife I can fully trust and have children with who comes alone with her family in a package, so that I won't have to deal with unwanted foreign bacteria. And since I expect her not to come with foreign bacteria in her package, my only realistic option is to seek one who is very shy, introverted and socially awkward, so that she will be fine with my rules. And same goes for social media, because foreign bacteria will also penetrate her from those and may be in fact even more toxic than bacteria from real people. So no contact at all with the outside world, except for going to grocery and little more. Also important that she is required to be a housewife. Coworkers are known to sleep with married people and destroy others marriages. I will probably have a job that doesn't require a lot of social interaction as well, it's not for me.

So this said, I ask you to please respect my PERSONAL decision and answer the question I asked you on the first post instead of just dismissing me as some creep or controlling psycho who needs professional help. It is good that you state your opinion and view on it, and offer some advice for me to consider before, but please don't forget about the other part. Again, thanks.


Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Apr 9, 2019
United Kingdom
Then I guess they have double standards on how can they and the man talk about another woman.

And anyways, I don't know why do you think that I think so little of women.

@ShyIntrovert So what do you think of women? And what do you want in a wife?
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Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2018
Mid-west USA
United States
I understand all of what you say about having godly friends aside from a spouse, but the reality (or if you prefer me to put it this way, my reality) is much more complicated than that.

Where I live godly people are extremely scarce and difficult to find, even in church. I estimate that right here about 0.1% of people are genuine Christians, another 0.9% are misguided people we can put some hope on, and the other 99% are completely worthless children of Satan which will burn hard in hell forever. This alone means that I will need to be extremely lucky to ever find just ONE person like you describe. So how harder will it be for me, or for another person to find more people fitting that description? It gets to a point where it is best to assume that if someone has friends they all will be ungodly. Just like any of you would assume that the number 1.9998574673246 equals 2. And bad friends are known to mess excellent people. Because if my wife had just me against 10 wicked "friends", what do you think would happen? And that's just an extreme case because even just one of them can prove to be problematic. A bad person's wettest dream is to lead a good one into doom. It boosts their ego more than anything in this world. And because of this wicked devilish society that persecutes the good without mercy, the only safe shelter is to cut oneself from it and create a personal bubble for you and (if you want) a few individual people you can really trust.

Now, I have took the personal decision of giving up on friends and just focusing on finding a like-minded wife I can fully trust and have children with who comes alone with her family in a package, so that I won't have to deal with unwanted foreign bacteria. And since I expect her not to come with foreign bacteria in her package, my only realistic option is to seek one who is very shy, introverted and socially awkward, so that she will be fine with my rules. And same goes for social media, because foreign bacteria will also penetrate her from those and may be in fact even more toxic than bacteria from real people. So no contact at all with the outside world, except for going to grocery and little more. Also important that she is required to be a housewife. Coworkers are known to sleep with married people and destroy others marriages. I will probably have a job that doesn't require a lot of social interaction as well, it's not for me.

So this said, I ask you to please respect my PERSONAL decision and answer the question I asked you on the first post instead of just dismissing me as some creep or controlling psycho who needs professional help. It is good that you state your opinion and view on it, and offer some advice for me to consider before, but please don't forget about the other part. Again, thanks.
I safe this with love, wanting to help you find a godly relationship.

What you described be wanting is a Barbie doll, still in its box. You want it shipped straight to your house and kept there under your lock and key.

What you describe is not a person, let alone wife in a godly relationship. Please, get help so that you can heal and eventually enter into Godly/healthy relationship.


Well-Known Member
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Apr 9, 2019
United Kingdom
so that she will be fine with my rules.
Oh dear! @ShyIntrovert You can't have 'rules' in a marriage. That doesn't sound at all promising for your future relationship. Do you want a wife on God's terms or on yours? It really sounds like you want somebody you can pressure into submission. Well let me tell you that pressured women do not love you eventually, even if they did at the start. And controlling behaviour is tantamount to abuse. Get on your knees and seek God to transform you by the renewing of your mind or you will never be a fit husband for any woman. And I'll also say this that I hope you won't find anybody until you are changed. In fact I may well pray about it.
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Well-Known Member
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
@ShyIntrovert ,
If we hide ourselves from the lost and unsaved, we are doing His Kingdom no good. Jesus Himself put Himself out there with the dregs of society to save souls. We cannot forget the Great Commission, and if all you want to do is sit in a bubble of your own creation...you will not grow in Him, and you will be wasting the Spirit that sealed you.
You will never plant seeds or even try to reach a single soul for Christ.
His grace is to be meted out to our fellow man, saved or not but, how does a Christian just hide from the world? I CRAVE being out there when I can just to have an opportunity to "give the reason for the hope that is in me" We are to love our enemies, love our neighbors which is everyone! He gives us this so we can pass it onto others, even the less desirable or "unlovable"...actually, especially them.
God does NOT want us to remove ourselves from this world, it would be just like hiding your candle under a bushel but Matthew 5:15
Taking these things into your own hands, leaves God unable to guide and lead you. These things are huge events, Christian marriage.
You are to be equal in all things as far as Christ goes. You will have to love her as Christ loved the church. She is to be a help meet for you, not a doormat or someone to have always under your thumb, that is oppression. You will never find the right wife with that long list...and even if you do, it will most likely not work out as, you did not wait on God and YES, He CAN lead you to the perfect woman. Personally, all the big choices I made in my 64 years without God failed, EVERY ONE of them.
Since totally surrendering all my want's and desires over to Him, my life has changed drastically...always let your gaze upon Him and ask Him as. ONLY He knows what will be best for you.
God bless and keep you.
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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Hi, I’m a young student who is slowly growing up and approaching adult life, and as such I’m wondering which would be the woman I could marry in the future. ...

So, then what places would you recommend for me? Thanks all.

Hi, Welcome to the forum....and straight off Love your post!
I get your dilemma in these days considering what society promotes as good and acceptable.
What you have already done to begin with, is the same I suggested to my own children. Make a list of your expectations, and if another doesn’t fit that list, move on. And if another does fit on that list, appeal to them to make their own list.....see IF you fit their list...THEN have a look at each other’s list.
It keeps your perspective on target and gives you observation advantage, without allowing lip service for another to say oh ya, ya....that’s what YOU want....oh, ya, ya....I can be all that.

Where, how to meet potential females? Anywhere. It’s like finding a gem, in a wide open field, when the whole field LOOKS like weeds. A store, A library, A church, A laundry mat, A restaurant, A bar...yes, even a bar. At first sight you can tell if a female is on the hunt, desperately lonely, troubles weighing heavy, or simply enjoying reading a book, leisurely looking at store items, eating a meal alone, or having “A’ drink and listening to a band alone. And in 5 minutes of conversation it is easy to get insight about that person.

I am a huge proponent of no need to lie, cheat, steal. I don’t want what belongs to others and I see no reason to lie to others. There is a little scenario: what would you do IF life saving medicine was in a CLOSED pharmacy, and your loved one would most likely die, IF they don’t have that medicine right away. Would you break into the Pharmacy and steal the medicine? It’s a simple enough scenario, yet the response is profound.
While a YES, may appear as a do anything for a loved one...a YES also reveals their character to DO what IS wrong, and justify it according to THEM...and would likely be an expectation you would have to contend with at some point in a long term relationship with that person.

It is patience, observing, looking past the weeds for a gem.

God Bless,


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2021
United States
United States
Hi, I’m a young student who is slowly growing up and approaching adult life, and as such I’m wondering which would be the woman I could marry in the future. Sometimes my hormones attack me and make me desperate to enter a relationship, though I know that I should be patient and trust God, especially now that I don’t have many responsibilities and can live pretty comfortably. But this will end someday and I will have to begin a new life want it or not, so I want to planify my purpose and goals for my adult life. And one of the most important areas will be marriage and children, so I should be extremely cautious with picking the woman I make my life with, because if this part goes wrong my life will be irreparably lost forever. Divorce is not any joke and may leave me literally begging in the streets.

This said, after observing the behavior and character of the vast majority of women my around (pride, arrogance, entitlement, promiscuity, rudeness, mistreatment, disrespect, attention-seeking, gossip, drama, tattoos, piercings, Netflix, Instagram, selfies, trips to Dubai, feminism, horoscopes, Buddhas, dyed hairs, immodest clothing etc) it is more than clear that if I don’t pick an unicorn from Mars they will kill me. I don’t know of any single woman my age who doesn’t have an Instagram profile and dozens of friends (with benefits).

Because the world of these days is so wicked and corrupted and most women seem to only do whatever this evil world tells them to, I have come to the conclusion that my only safe option is to meet a socially awkward loner with no friends at all, who hides and isolates herself from society and only gets along with her family. A woman who is really shy, reserved, introverted, quiet, bashful... scared of strangers, blushes a lot, takes centuries to even give a chance to someone, lacks social skills, has no Instagram or Facebook profiles and of course a devout Christian virgin. Basically a woman who lives in an unbreakable bubble that nobody but those given access to by the Lord can enter. I know this may be a bit too much to expect, but this is honestly the only kind of woman I can see myself with (something very close at least).

The thing is that I have no idea on where I could ever find such a woman, because I won’t give up on this ideal either. I don’t want a socially confident woman, not at all. I don’t want a woman to kill me with games, drama, criticism, lies, mistreatment, infidelity, illegitimate children, alimony, child support and theft of belongings. I don’t want a woman to exchange me for Chad Tyrone. I want a woman I can be sure that will respect me. Even if it takes a longer time to find.

So, then what places would you recommend for me? Thanks all.
I haven't read all the responses, but I have to say ... I can't imagine being a young person in this day and age. I think most of your perceptions of people your age are correct. They're all just as lost and misled by all the nonsense in Hollywood and Social Media as the next person.

I will say that this ...
I should be extremely cautious with picking the woman I make my life with, because if this part goes wrong my life will be irreparably lost forever. Divorce is not any joke and may leave me literally begging in the streets.
... is probably not the healthiest way to look at things. One thing your generation does seem to do, across the board, is put too much emphasis on certain aspects of your lives to the point of suicide if things don't go how you insist they must or else it's the end of the world.

Plan to construct your life in an independent way. Don't put all your eggs in the basket of relying on anybody else to support you at all. If that means creating your own business, learning multiple skills/trades that will always be of value, or taking a job that is less glamorous but more secure in the long-term, then lean unto practicality and reason.

God tells us to work with our own hands.
1 Thessalonians 4:11
Some may debate the exact meaning of that verse, but it undoubtedly means to not rely on anybody else to the best of your ability.

With the world in the shape it's in, it's not a bad idea to at least consider the possibility of remaining single. Yes, God commands man to leave his folks and cling to his wife, but He also blesses the lives of single saints who commit their hearts and minds to Him. You don't have to be a priest to do that. You can still have worldly work while focusing only on what is important. Making enough to take care of all your needs and dedicating yourself to the Lord.

Most shy people don't get along great with other shy people. I'm not sure that would work out as well as you're hoping. Your logic is sound, but in reality, people and chemistry are a lot less predictable, and extremely difficult to map out or plan. You are on the right track with your dedication to the Lord. Start, and end, with that. Pray for God to help you find the perfect woman for you, at the perfect time, and trust that He will do that. Then you can focus on getting your own foundations underneath you for when she shows up.

Don't dwell on finding the perfect person or you will never find them. Focus on you, and getting you established, and ironed out, and if for any reason you decide later that marriage isn't something you have to have, you will have already taken care of all the important things for living a healthy, peaceful life. And you can pray for help with your body's desires as well. Here's a hint: Watching porn will not only make this more difficult, but it will literally distort your whole mental-sexual make-up to the point of likely causing you more trouble with women than if you were to go completely without. It completely distorts the mind and ruins relationships.

Just offering an alternative perspective to your rather dire outlook; that is not at all uncommon with the younger generations.


Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Apr 9, 2019
United Kingdom
I haven't read all the responses, but I have to say ... I can't imagine being a young person in this day and age. I think most of your perceptions of people your age are correct. They're all just as lost and misled by all the nonsense in Hollywood and Social Media as the next person.

I will say that this ...
... is probably not the healthiest way to look at things. One thing your generation does seem to do, across the board, is put too much emphasis on certain aspects of your lives to the point of suicide if things don't go how you insist they must or else it's the end of the world.

Plan to construct your life in an independent way. Don't put all your eggs in the basket of relying on anybody else to support you at all. If that means creating your own business, learning multiple skills/trades that will always be of value, or taking a job that is less glamorous but more secure in the long-term, then lean unto practicality and reason.

God tells us to work with our own hands.
1 Thessalonians 4:11
Some may debate the exact meaning of that verse, but it undoubtedly means to not rely on anybody else to the best of your ability.

With the world in the shape it's in, it's not a bad idea to at least consider the possibility of remaining single. Yes, God commands man to leave his folks and cling to his wife, but He also blesses the lives of single saints who commit their hearts and minds to Him. You don't have to be a priest to do that. You can still have worldly work while focusing only on what is important. Making enough to take care of all your needs and dedicating yourself to the Lord.

Most shy people don't get along great with other shy people. I'm not sure that would work out as well as you're hoping. Your logic is sound, but in reality, people and chemistry are a lot less predictable, and extremely difficult to map out or plan. You are on the right track with your dedication to the Lord. Start, and end, with that. Pray for God to help you find the perfect woman for you, at the perfect time, and trust that He will do that. Then you can focus on getting your own foundations underneath you for when she shows up.

Don't dwell on finding the perfect person or you will never find them. Focus on you, and getting you established, and ironed out, and if for any reason you decide later that marriage isn't something you have to have, you will have already taken care of all the important things for living a healthy, peaceful life. And you can pray for help with your body's desires as well. Here's a hint: Watching porn will not only make this more difficult, but it will literally distort your whole mental-sexual make-up to the point of likely causing you more trouble with women than if you were to go completely without. It completely distorts the mind and ruins relationships.

Just offering an alternative perspective to your rather dire outlook; that is not at all uncommon with the younger generations.
I applaud you @GEN2REV - wise words well presented. I hope he heeds them.


Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Oh dear! @ShyIntrovert You can't have 'rules' in a marriage. That doesn't sound at all promising for your future relationship. Do you want a wife on God's terms or on yours? It really sounds like you want somebody you can pressure into submission. Well let me tell you that pressured women do not love you eventually, even if they did at the start. And controlling behaviour is tantamount to abuse. Get on your knees and seek God to transform you by the renewing of your mind or you will never be a fit husband for any woman. And I'll also say this that I hope you won't find anybody until you are changed. In fact I may well pray about it.


Hi Pearl,
I get your “rules” in a marriage sounds like a disaster.

I think it is more so an “expectation” and “where one knows ahead of time” when and about what they are willing to compromise.

I think this young man is speaking about wholesomeness, more-so than “rules’ like ... on every Monday YOU will take out the garbage ... and immediately after supper YOU will clean the dishes....and YOU will make the beds and walk the dog, blah blah.... and I will control the checkbook, recliner and remote....ha ha.

God Bless,


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2020
Las Vegas
United States
I understand all of what you say about having godly friends aside from a spouse, but the reality (or if you prefer me to put it this way, my reality) is much more complicated than that.

Where I live godly people are extremely scarce and difficult to find, even in church.
Change churches.
Move AND change churches.

I estimate that right here about 0.1% of people are genuine Christians, another 0.9% are misguided people we can put some hope on, and the other 99% are completely worthless children of Satan which will burn hard in hell forever.
What guide are you using to "estimate"?

Really, you don't get to decide who's "completely worthless" and who's going to "burn hard in hell forever". That's very UN-Christian.

It gets to a point where it is best to assume that if someone has friends they all will be ungodly.
Actually, it's best NOT to "assume" ANYTHING about people unless and until you get to know them!

Just like any of you would assume that the number 1.9998574673246 equals 2. And bad friends are known to mess excellent people. [/QUOTE]
Plenty of people can spot a bad apple pretty quickly. Even if they have a 'bad friend' for a while, many will end the friendship if it's THAT bad.

Because if my wife had just me against 10 wicked "friends", what do you think would happen?
Personally, I don't know of many people who have 10 "wicked" friends. Depends on what your idea of "wicked" is.

And that's just an extreme case because even just one of them can prove to be problematic. A bad person's wettest dream is to lead a good one into doom. It boosts their ego more than anything in this world. And because of this wicked devilish society that persecutes the good without mercy, the only safe shelter is to cut oneself from it and create a personal bubble for you and (if you want) a few individual people you can really trust.
Just because SOME of us know SOME people who are "wicked" doesn't mean that we'll ALL be influenced by them.

Now, I have took the personal decision of giving up on friends and just focusing on finding a like-minded wife I can fully trust and have children with who comes alone with her family in a package, so that I won't have to deal with unwanted foreign bacteria. And since I expect her not to come with foreign bacteria in her package, my only realistic option is to seek one who is very shy, introverted and socially awkward, so that she will be fine with my rules.
The majority of people I know who consider themselves to be "socially awkward" DON'T WANT TO BE THAT WAY. People very often grow out of their shyness.

And same goes for social media, because foreign bacteria will also penetrate her from those and may be in fact even more toxic than bacteria from real people. So no contact at all with the outside world, except for going to grocery and little more. Also important that she is required to be a housewife.
This is unrealistic.

Coworkers are known to sleep with married people and destroy others marriages. I will probably have a job that doesn't require a lot of social interaction as well, it's not for me.
Yes, some co-workers sleep with married people. Most of them don't. You're acting as if ALL co-workers do this, and that if your shy, socially awkward wife had a job that she would automatically fall into adultery.

So this said, I ask you to please respect my PERSONAL decision and answer the question I asked you on the first post instead of just dismissing me as some creep or controlling psycho who needs professional help. It is good that you state your opinion and view on it, and offer some advice for me to consider before, but please don't forget about the other part. Again, thanks.
The problem is that you ARE coming across as being controlling. And one of the FIRST things a controlling man does is to try to ISOLATE his wife from others, making the same claims about how terrible the world is.

Would love for you to come back here in about 10 years and tell us if you ever found a wife with all of your harsh 'rules'![/QUOTE]


Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
I haven't read all the responses, but I have to say ... I can't imagine being a young person in this day and age. I think most of your perceptions of people your age are correct. They're all just as lost and misled by all the nonsense in Hollywood and Social Media as the next person.

I will say that this ...
... is probably not the healthiest way to look at things. One thing your generation does seem to do, across the board, is put too much emphasis on certain aspects of your lives to the point of suicide if things don't go how you insist they must or else it's the end of the world.

I agree, this generation is in the broad sense LOST fast tract copying, mimicking, ridiculous behaviors, looks....thinking it makes them UNIQUE, which in itself defies logic.

Agree. People divorced from People is not the end of the world. But his point taken: it is an expensive mess and very hurtful when children are involved.

I don’t think he was eluding to Suicide...which absolutely IS a Permanent solution to a Temporary problem.
Besides, Marriage and Divorce among people is simply a practice, for the Bigger event, of a relationship with God....that once established (converted), be sure, very sure, because there is NO dissolving of that relationship.

God Bless,
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Well-Known Member
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Apr 9, 2019
United Kingdom
Change churches.
Move AND change churches.
I almost said the same thing. He is young. At the very start of his life. He is not mature enough yet to realise that outward beauty is no good with the inner beauty of a quiet and gentle spirit. The world today imposes 'standards' of acceptable beauty that is just skin deep but to grow old together with a soul mate as I have done is worth waiting for. I was 30 when I married him and we've been wed for 50 years. And he still tells me he loves me, we still work together and we still love each other deeply. I hope our young friend will wait for the best God has to give. He choose better than we can.


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2020
Las Vegas
United States
I almost said the same thing. He is young. At the very start of his life. He is not mature enough yet to realise that outward beauty is no good with the inner beauty of a quiet and gentle spirit. The world today imposes 'standards' of acceptable beauty that is just skin deep but to grow old together with a soul mate as I have done is worth waiting for. I was 30 when I married him and we've been wed for 50 years. And he still tells me he loves me, we still work together and we still love each other deeply. I hope our young friend will wait for the best God has to give. He choose better than we can.
Sounds like you found each other! Bless both of you...

Tell me...did you and/or your husband have the same kind of strict 'rules' that our OP has? (I think I already know the answer. ;))


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2011
East Stroudsburg, PA
United States
I was friendly with a seminary student who is now a pastor. He's a Jewish Christian that married an Asian girl. The curse applies to Asians as much as to anyone, but Asian culture is more patriarchal than modern western culture, so don't limit your options. Still there's a great deal of godly counsel in the postings here and it appears that you don't possess a level of maturity to even be a godly husband.

When you learn how to accept other people as they are and without judgment, you might have different desires regarding a potential spouse. Give it time. There is a time and a season for all things under heaven, and you just can't rush the seasons or control the times.


Mar 11, 2022
United Kingdom
@ShyIntrovert ,
If we hide ourselves from the lost and unsaved, we are doing His Kingdom no good. Jesus Himself put Himself out there with the dregs of society to save souls. We cannot forget the Great Commission, and if all you want to do is sit in a bubble of your own creation...you will not grow in Him, and you will be wasting the Spirit that sealed you.
You will never plant seeds or even try to reach a single soul for Christ.
His grace is to be meted out to our fellow man, saved or not but, how does a Christian just hide from the world? I CRAVE being out there when I can just to have an opportunity to "give the reason for the hope that is in me" We are to love our enemies, love our neighbors which is everyone! He gives us this so we can pass it onto others, even the less desirable or "unlovable"...actually, especially them.
God does NOT want us to remove ourselves from this world, it would be just like hiding your candle under a bushel but Matthew 5:15
Taking these things into your own hands, leaves God unable to guide and lead you. These things are huge events, Christian marriage.
You are to be equal in all things as far as Christ goes. You will have to love her as Christ loved the church. She is to be a help meet for you, not a doormat or someone to have always under your thumb, that is oppression. You will never find the right wife with that long list...and even if you do, it will most likely not work out as, you did not wait on God and YES, He CAN lead you to the perfect woman. Personally, all the big choices I made in my 64 years without God failed, EVERY ONE of them.
Since totally surrendering all my want's and desires over to Him, my life has changed drastically...always let your gaze upon Him and ask Him as. ONLY He knows what will be best for you.
God bless and keep you.
The problem is that pretty much everyone is so lost that they will simply not listen anything different from what the society tells them.


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2020
Las Vegas
United States
The problem is that pretty much everyone is so lost that they will simply not listen to my words.
No sweetie. It's not that everyone is "so lost".

One thing that you could do is to start by getting rid of your ego...and your belief that *you're* right, and everyone else is wrong.
I agree with what @michaelvpardo wrote above. Right now, you don't have the maturity that's necessary for a successful marriage.


Well-Known Member
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
The problem is that pretty much everyone is so lost that they will simply not listen anything different from what the society tells them.
God does the "impossible". It is their choice to "not listen" but, you still planted that seed. And it's something we don't shove down their throats...we give the Word, and pray for that person and continue walking on, as Christ did. It is not our place to judge those outside the church as that would be putting ourselves on the very throne of God! Yikes!
I too am an introvert brother and have been for over 20 years for the most part. It just shrinks our lives to the size of a pea. And, we do no good to others. ask God for opportunities and He will SURELY bring them. Don't isolate, I am paying dearly for that as my social skills have also shrunk.
Trust, pray and believe...then just thank Him each day with a smile on your face and peace in your heart - KNOWING He heard you and He WILL work, in His time. Just thank Him everyday and go on about your business. Our God is in the business of Miracles! :)


Mar 11, 2022
United Kingdom
No sweetie. It's not that everyone is "so lost".

One thing that you could do is to start by getting rid of your ego...and your belief that *you're* right, and everyone else is wrong.
I agree with what @michaelvpardo wrote above. Right now, you don't have the maturity that's necessary for a successful marriage.
Talk what you want, but this is all I can see in my around. Depravity, zero moral values, and hate towards anything that makes them "feel bad".

I just noticed that most commenters here come from way older generations. So maybe you just aren't that aware of the generations that have come, and are coming, more recently.

And last thing... are you saying that if I don't agree with the society's views on casual sex, contraception, alcohol, women's role, etc I have to consider my views again? Because all I can see is that the society thinks everything the opposite that God thinks.

Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
So you want a wife that will love you? Perhaps the problem is that the women you meet do not like what they see in you and so they walk away from you as a lost cause for a husband.

Perhaps the question that you should be asking yourself, is, "Do I present as a person that people will love and want to get to know?"

Is God trying to get your attention so that He can help you grow into the person that He would want you to become.

Have you renewed your mind and put on the personhood that God intended you to be from the beginning of time?

When we become and take on the personhood that God intended us to be, we will become like a perfumed garden, that people will be attracted to and want to be around.

Now if God askes you to take a wife that is not in the mould that you want, will you listen to Him and obey Him?

So often the problem is not the people around me. The problem is the persona that I project needs to be refurbished like new again such that we are pleasing to God and to the people we rub shoulders with on a daily basis.

May God continue to draw you into His loving Embrace so that you grow to be more like Jesus and become a blessing for those around you.
