Who is the Antichrist? Let's Put a Name on Him.

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Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
The challenge we face as a faith, is remembering Jesus more, not less.

Our thoughts about the anti-Christ ought to reflect that calling.

Those that turn away from the Holy Spirit, will die - the anti-Christ will do that perpetually.

Thus the anti-Christ will return to dust and only return as an enemy at Armageddon (where the Lord will slay him with the Word of His Mouth).

Even if the anti-Christ struggles with humanity to the end of time, he will be told his only place is in the Lake of Fire - because he does not cease to show God contempt, for all His forebearance.

It seems that you believe that the Antichrist is a person and will return to dust.

It seems that you believe that Armageddon is an event that occurs towards the very end of the seventh age.

Both of these assumptions on your part do not line up with scripture.

The antichrist is a rebelling angel, and the scriptures are silent as to what an Angel is formed from and as such your statement that the antichrist will return to dust is made out of the silence of the scriptures with no scriptural basis.

Now the Sixth Bowl judgement is unfolding at this present time and what we are seeing happening, at the moment, is the process of the gathering of the kings of the earth at Armageddon to be judged for their part in the trampling of God's Sanctuary and His earthly hosts over the past nearly 2,300 years. Isaiah 24:21-22 describes this time of judgement of the Heavenly hosts and the kings of the earth for the parts that they have played in this 2,300 year prophecy. From Dan 9:26b we know that the trampling of God's earthly hosts through their being scattered to the four corners of the earth by the influence of the Little Horn beast will continue until the war in heaven ends in our near future. Paul in Romans 11:25-26 tells us that when the fullness in time of the gentiles has completed the set timespan of the 2,300 year of trampling God's Sanctuary and His earthly Hosts, that, after the completion of that prophesied 2,300 years, all of Israel will be saved. The end of the 2,300 years is in our near future, around 20-25 years into our future and the judgement of the kings of the earth at Armageddon will occur. At the same time as the kings of the earth are judged on the earth God will be judging the heavenly hosts, and as we are told in Rev 12, there will be found no place for Satan and his angels in heaven and that they will be thrown out of heaven down to the face of the earth. In the Isaiah 24:21-22 verses, we are told that the judged Heavenly hosts and the judged kings of the earth will be gathered together and imprisoned in a pit for many days to await the time of their punishment in the Lake of Fire.

From the history of the Israelite people, we know that they have been trampled many times over the past 2,000 or so years, and that this has been orchestrated by the Little Horn beast behind the scenes, so to speak.

Until we begin to properly identify who the Little Horn/ False Prophet beast is, we will be searching for the answers as to who he is, in the wrong places. This is also true for the beasts who influence people groups, kingdoms and empires to rise up and manifest the respective beasts dominate characteristic. The beasts are hiding backstage so to speak behind the curtains props that sets the scene that we are able to see.

The Bible does put a name on the antichrist, but our eyes cannot see, and our ears cannot hear.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2022
It seems that you believe that the Antichrist is a person and will return to dust.

It seems that you believe that Armageddon is an event that occurs towards the very end of the seventh age.

Both of these assumptions on your part do not line up with scripture.

The antichrist is a rebelling angel, and the scriptures are silent as to what an Angel is formed from and as such your statement that the antichrist will return to dust is made out of the silence of the scriptures with no scriptural basis.

The point I wanted to make was twofold: the anti-Christ can be overcome, the Lord will do it.

Ecclesiastes states that everything returns to the dust, so that is not new. Meanwhile Armageddon is a spiritual battle, as much as it is a physical battle, wherever that battle starts - so it is something the Lord does.

The power of knowing how to love your enemy, is something no one can forget - therefore I said these things, that the anti-Christ be pitied in secret and served as if we were serving the Lord (not doing as the anti-Christ does, but not neglecting that we ought to be doing something).


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2016
Revelation 19:15 And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite (Aorist tense verb with PRESENT tense meaning) the nations: and he shall rule (FUTURE tense verb) them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth (PRESENT tense verb) the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.

Here rule/poimaino is in the FUTURE tense meaning it will happen at some point AFTER the second coming and battle of Armageddon while treadeth/pateo is written in the PRESENT tense meaning it is happening during this second coming. The treading and smiting are happening at Armageddon but not the ruling which proves mortals will be alive after Armageddon is over. This proves the Premill position because indeed there is a future rule of people who were not slain during the second coming that Christ and his saints will rule over.

That's all very interesting and impressive, but it doesn't hold much sway, I'm afraid. For two reasons:
The first is...
You have yet to deal with the many biblical passages that actively STATE that no one living (or dead for that matter) gets through the second coming without being judged. Which means if you want anyone to read this passage as you claim it means, then you must deal with those other ones first, in order that contradictions do not exists within the word.
The second is...
In Rev 19:15, when it says "he will rule them with a rod of iron"....and 'rule' is FUTURE tense...(and we realise that a good portion of your argument hangs upon this point here)...the Greek word for 'rule' actually means "shepherd".
So, in point of fact, the passage need not be implying that this 'rule' is a form of imposition over a still sinful people. In other words, 'nations still in fallen bodies'. It could just as easily be referring to all those going forward into eternity under the Kingship of Christ. Indeed, when we consider the juxtaposition of the ideas in this passage: shepherding with a 'rod of iron', we see a wonderfully clear picture of who Christ is and will be. He is loving and kind, but he is God and King...he has been given all authority.

The notion that Christ will not or cannot rule over us once we've received our resurrected bodies is sort of ludicrous. He will always be King, regardless of whether or not we have sinful natures. We will always look to him, worship him, be guided by him, learn from him....be shepherded by him.

So, I'm sorry, but your argument is not conclusive or even persuasive.
A second witness to this:

Revelation 2:25 But that which ye have already hold fast till I come.

That is the second coming. Everything we read of next comes after the second coming:

Revelation 2:26 And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations:

After "the end" comes, there is given power over the nations to those that are overcomers which naturally includes those who "are alive and remain" at the second coming. They will be given power over the mortal unsaved nations after Christ has returned not before it.

Revelation 2:27 And he shall rule (FUTURE tense verb) them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father.

After the second coming and after "the end" will the overcomers be given power over the nations, ruling them with a rod of iron. That proves the rod of iron rule over the nations for a thousand years does not even start until Christ has returned and has given overcomers this power to rule over the nations.

It is impossible to understand what happens at the second coming and what happens AFTER the second coming properly without understanding the verb tenses involved.

Ah. Hmm.
Have you ever heard of the hermeneutical principle of letting the clear portions of scripture speak before the less clear portions of scripture?
What you seem to have done here is taken a passage within scripture and drawn several assumptions based on an idea you like, or want to have, and dismissed several very clear, outright stated facts in other parts of scripture.
So, once again, I'll say....until you have dealt with those very clear portions of scripture that STATE that both saved and unsaved people will not make it through the second coming without being judged into either eternal damnation or eternal righteousness, then you have a very big problem that all the assumptions cannot help you with.


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2016
Read Daniel chapter 7 = in it you will see that not everyone is destroyed.
Daniel 7 is interesting. And...I'm not sure it supports what you hope it does.
We could spend heaps of time digging through it, but I'll just hit the highlights:

In v7, we see the 4th beast, a 'terrifying beast', which was different to all the other beasts....it had a little horn, which will 'speak against the Most High and make war against the saints' (see also v25).
What happens next is we see The Ancient of Days taking his Throne in judgement and opening 'the books'. The reason this is both interesting and profound is because it echoes, almost exactly, Rev 20 and the judgement before the throne there, when books are opened.

Daniel then sees the beast killed, and the Son of Man coming on the clouds (v11, 13). We're told the Messiah is given dominion, glory and the Kingdom, and that peoples, nations and languages will serve him.

The interesting thing here, is that when the vision is being interpreted for Daniel, we are given a brief overview in v18: we are told that the saints will receive the kingdom forever, forever and ever.
The angel then gives more detail:

Daniel 7:24–27
[24] As for the ten horns,
out of this kingdom ten kings shall arise,
and another shall arise after them;
he shall be different from the former ones,
and shall put down three kings.
[25] He shall speak words against the Most High,
and shall wear out the saints of the Most High,
and shall think to change the times and the law;
and they shall be given into his hand
for a time, times, and half a time.
[26] But the court shall sit in judgment,
and his dominion shall be taken away,
to be consumed and destroyed to the end.
[27] And the kingdom and the dominion

and the greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven
shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most High;
his kingdom shall be an everlasting kingdom,
and all dominions shall serve and obey him

The simple layout is this: the beast, the little horn, the Antichrist, if you will, will be destroyed at the end, by Christ's coming. But that's beside the point. At this time, the judgement of all will also take place, as books are opened. It is this time that the saints, along with their Lord, receive dominion over the Kingdom. It is clear that this Kingdom is an everlasting kingdom...one with no end. One that goes on 'forever, forever and ever.'

So...I don't know. With all the verses that talk about folks being judged into eternal judgement at Christ's coming...I'm sorely tempted to read this as the eternal state...the eternal kingdom.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2022
Daniel 7 is interesting. And...I'm not sure it supports what you hope it does.
We could spend heaps of time digging through it, but I'll just hit the highlights:

The simple layout is this: the beast, the little horn, the Antichrist, if you will, will be destroyed at the end, by Christ's coming.
So...I don't know. With all the verses that talk about folks being judged into eternal judgement at Christ's coming...I'm sorely tempted to read this as the eternal state...the eternal kingdom.
The thing to distinguish is that the Holy Spirit binds the anti-Christ and plunders his goods, Christ then kills the anti-Christ at Armageddon.

You can skip to Armageddon if you want, but if you do that on Earth, you will be hit with a snare - only the Holy Spirit has a way out of Earth.

Many will try to distinguish between the anti-Christ and the Holy Spirit and will not be able.

David in NJ

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2021
United States
Daniel 7 is interesting. And...I'm not sure it supports what you hope it does.
We could spend heaps of time digging through it, but I'll just hit the highlights:

In v7, we see the 4th beast, a 'terrifying beast', which was different to all the other beasts....it had a little horn, which will 'speak against the Most High and make war against the saints' (see also v25).
What happens next is we see The Ancient of Days taking his Throne in judgement and opening 'the books'. The reason this is both interesting and profound is because it echoes, almost exactly, Rev 20 and the judgement before the throne there, when books are opened.

Daniel then sees the beast killed, and the Son of Man coming on the clouds (v11, 13). We're told the Messiah is given dominion, glory and the Kingdom, and that peoples, nations and languages will serve him.

The interesting thing here, is that when the vision is being interpreted for Daniel, we are given a brief overview in v18: we are told that the saints will receive the kingdom forever, forever and ever.
The angel then gives more detail:

Daniel 7:24–27
[24] As for the ten horns,
out of this kingdom ten kings shall arise,
and another shall arise after them;
he shall be different from the former ones,
and shall put down three kings.
[25] He shall speak words against the Most High,
and shall wear out the saints of the Most High,
and shall think to change the times and the law;
and they shall be given into his hand
for a time, times, and half a time.
[26] But the court shall sit in judgment,
and his dominion shall be taken away,
to be consumed and destroyed to the end.
[27] And the kingdom and the dominion

and the greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven
shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most High;
his kingdom shall be an everlasting kingdom,
and all dominions shall serve and obey him

The simple layout is this: the beast, the little horn, the Antichrist, if you will, will be destroyed at the end, by Christ's coming. But that's beside the point. At this time, the judgement of all will also take place, as books are opened. It is this time that the saints, along with their Lord, receive dominion over the Kingdom. It is clear that this Kingdom is an everlasting kingdom...one with no end. One that goes on 'forever, forever and ever.'

So...I don't know. With all the verses that talk about folks being judged into eternal judgement at Christ's coming...I'm sorely tempted to read this as the eternal state...the eternal kingdom.

i love simple Truth from God's word, and for our benefit, He will repeat important elements whereby it becomes easy to identify.

Daniel 7:11 - Then I kept watching because of the arrogant words the horn was speaking. As I continued to watch, the beast was slain, and its body was destroyed and thrown into the blazing fire.

2 Thess 2:8 - And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will slay with the breath of His mouth and annihilate by the majesty of His arrival.

Revelation 19:19 - Then I saw the beast and the kings of the earth with their armies assembled to wage war against the One seated on the horse, and against His army. But the beast was captured along with the false prophet, who on its behalf had performed signs deceiving those who had the mark of the beast and worshiped its image. Both the beast and the false prophet were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur.

Pretty straight forward = World Leader(s) in opposition to God, they have a time of authority on earth but are defeated at the Second Coming of Christ. Not everyone is killed.

Daniel 7:21 - As I watched, this horn was waging war against the saints and prevailing against them,
v25 - He will speak out against the Most High and oppress the saints of the Most High

Matthew 24:9 - Then they will deliver you over to be persecuted and killed, and you will be hated by all nations because of My name.

Revelation 13: 5-7 The beast was given a mouth to speak arrogant and blasphemous words, and authority to act for 42 months. 6And the beast opened its mouth to speak blasphemies against God and to slander His name and His tabernacle—those who dwell in heaven.
Then the beast was permitted to wage war against the saints and to conquer them,

Daniel 7:26-27 - But the court will convene, and his dominion will be taken away and completely destroyed forever. Then the sovereignty, dominion, and greatness of the kingdoms under all of heaven will be given to the people, the saints of the Most High.
His kingdom will be an everlasting kingdom, and all rulers will serve and obey Him.’

Matthew 24: 30 - At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and all the tribes of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory. And He will send out His angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather His elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.

Revelation 1:7-8 - Behold, He is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see Him—even those who pierced Him. And all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of Him. So shall it be! Amen.
“I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, who is and was and is to come—the Almighty.

Revelation 2:26 - And to the one who overcomes and continues in My work until the end, I will give authority over the nations.
He will rule them with an iron scepter and shatter them like pottery - just as I have received authority from My Father.

Revelation 5:10 - Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation;
And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.

Interject and Review 1 Thess 4:13-18 here and then LOOK n SEE below

Revelation 20:4-5 - And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection.

This is just a brief but simple and direct LOOK n SEE from the Lord Jesus Christ so that we know and have confidence in Him.


Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
Christ then kills the anti-Christ at Armageddon.

Well, it seems that you have it all worked out. If you are saying that Christs dispatches the Antichrist into the lake of fire at the time of the Armageddon judgement of the kings of the earth and the heavenly hosts, then it seems to me that your understanding of the timeline for the events at the end of time is jumbled.

Armageddon, from my study of the End Times, is a near future event, the Judged Heavenly hosts and the kings of the earth are gathered together and imprisoned in a pit, i.e., the Bottomless pit, for a period of 1,000 years, after which the Bottomless Pit is unlocked and for a little while time period, the Kings of the earth and the heavenly hosts locked up in the for the 1,000 years will rise up out of the Bottomless pit/earth to go after the Saits of God. It is at this time that the Antichrist, i.e., the false prophet, along with the Beast is captured and dispatched into the lake of Fire. Rev 19:19-20.

The kings of the earth are presently being drawn into gathering at the place called Armageddon where they will be judged. Isaiah 24:21-22 tells us of this time of judgement.

Ecclesiastes states that everything returns to the dust, so that is not new.

A reference to the passage in Ecc. would be appreciated as my PC based bible is presently not working, would be appreciated.

David in NJ

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2021
United States
Well, it seems that you have it all worked out. If you are saying that Christs dispatches the Antichrist into the lake of fire at the time of the Armageddon judgement of the kings of the earth and the heavenly hosts, then it seems to me that your understanding of the timeline for the events at the end of time is jumbled.

Armageddon, from my study of the End Times, is a near future event, the Judged Heavenly hosts and the kings of the earth are gathered together and imprisoned in a pit, i.e., the Bottomless pit, for a period of 1,000 years, after which the Bottomless Pit is unlocked and for a little while time period, the Kings of the earth and the heavenly hosts locked up in the for the 1,000 years will rise up out of the Bottomless pit/earth to go after the Saits of God. It is at this time that the Antichrist, i.e., the false prophet, along with the Beast is captured and dispatched into the lake of Fire. Rev 19:19-20.

The kings of the earth are presently being drawn into gathering at the place called Armageddon where they will be judged. Isaiah 24:21-22 tells us of this time of judgement.

A reference to the passage in Ecc. would be appreciated as my PC based bible is presently not working, would be appreciated.

Revelation chapter 19 occurs BEFORE the 1,000 Years at which time satan is locked up = thus we have chapter 20

Revelation ch19 is exactly what 2 Thessalonians ch2 is all about and vice versa.



Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2015
United States
That's all very interesting and impressive, but it doesn't hold much sway, I'm afraid. For two reasons:
The first is...
You have yet to deal with the many biblical passages that actively STATE that no one living (or dead for that matter) gets through the second coming without being judged. Which means if you want anyone to read this passage as you claim it means, then you must deal with those other ones first, in order that contradictions do not exists within the word.

I have addressed such passages, none state that all humans are killed at the second coming. Second, what I have presented has gone unchallenged because it is scriptural fact. It cannot be denied that the ruling of the nations happens after Armageddon thus proving there are survivors. Rev 19 isn't the only passage that proves this either.

The second is...
In Rev 19:15, when it says "he will rule them with a rod of iron"....and 'rule' is FUTURE tense...(and we realise that a good portion of your argument hangs upon this point here)...the Greek word for 'rule' actually means "shepherd".
So, in point of fact, the passage need not be implying that this 'rule' is a form of imposition over a still sinful people. In other words, 'nations still in fallen bodies'. It could just as easily be referring to all those going forward into eternity under the Kingship of Christ.

No. Everyone understands that the nations are those who are the unsaved mortals. Rev 2 makes that quite clear. Not to mention the common Amill position is that the "rule" with the rod of iron is violent, killing the nations which is wrong and ignorant of the meaning of RULE in the greek.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2022
Well, it seems that you have it all worked out. If you are saying that Christs dispatches the Antichrist into the lake of fire at the time of the Armageddon judgement of the kings of the earth and the heavenly hosts, then it seems to me that your understanding of the timeline for the events at the end of time is jumbled.

Armageddon, from my study of the End Times, is a near future event, the Judged Heavenly hosts and the kings of the earth are gathered together and imprisoned in a pit, i.e., the Bottomless pit, for a period of 1,000 years, after which the Bottomless Pit is unlocked and for a little while time period, the Kings of the earth and the heavenly hosts locked up in the for the 1,000 years will rise up out of the Bottomless pit/earth to go after the Saits of God. It is at this time that the Antichrist, i.e., the false prophet, along with the Beast is captured and dispatched into the lake of Fire. Rev 19:19-20.

The kings of the earth are presently being drawn into gathering at the place called Armageddon where they will be judged. Isaiah 24:21-22 tells us of this time of judgement.

A reference to the passage in Ecc. would be appreciated as my PC based bible is presently not working, would be appreciated.
Ecclesiastes 1:9-10 said:
What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.
Is there anything of which one can say, “Look! This is something new”? It was here already, long ago; it was here before our time.

But to your reply: no, Jesus does not command the anti-Christ to be thrown into the Lake of Fire - that would be to judge the anti-Christ and Jesus did not come to judge the world. God will command the anti-Christ to be thrown into the Lake of Fire, for He executes the Judgment given to the Son. But this will be at the end of the World! No one waiting for the anti-Christ to die, is going to be satisfied (it does not even satisfy "God").

Remember what I said: "the Holy Spirit must bind the anti-Christ first" that is, we would presume, so that he can do no further harm.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2022
The anti-Christ is a metaphor, for the journey every sinner goes through, to come to the Lord.

You are not meant to argue with a metaphor!

You are meant to say "God, be merciful to me, a sinner!"

Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
Revelation chapter 19 occurs BEFORE the 1,000 Years at which time satan is locked up = thus we have chapter 20

Revelation ch19 is exactly what 2 Thessalonians ch2 is all about and vice versa.


My understanding of Rev 19 is that it spans the whole of the Seventh age, from the time that Christ is given dominion over the peoples of the earth, the Marriage Feast and His dealing with the released occupants of the Bottomless pit during the little while period at the end of the seventh age.

The Book of Revelation is a book that cannot be read sequentially. Each of the chapters deals with a particular aspect of the events that were shown to John in the order that he had been shown them, and not in the order that they are and will unfold in.

Great care needs to be taken to place the events in the Book of Revelation in the chronological order that they will occur in.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2022

Great care needs to be taken to place the events in the Book of Revelation in the chronological order that they will occur in.

The book of Revelation is in counter-intutive order: if the anti-Christ and his army is defeated, why would that not be "Heaven"? Why would the Great White Throne Judgment come first (and not once everyone is in Heaven)?

The point is, we are supposed to develop judgment righteously. Not assume that because something heads in a direction for a moment, that its going to stay that way (at least not to God).

What God wants from us, is conviction, that for as long as we live (may it be the good life of seventy years) we will put Him (even put His scriptures) first.

Just think, every time you make a post full of all the scriptures you want to post, God first has scriptures that He had in mind, at the ready.

Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
But to your reply: no, Jesus does not command the anti-Christ to be thrown into the Lake of Fire - that would be to judge the anti-Christ and Jesus did not come to judge the world. God will command the anti-Christ to be thrown into the Lake of Fire, for He executes the Judgment given to the Son. But this will be at the end of the World! No one waiting for the anti-Christ to die, is going to be satisfied (it does not even satisfy "God").

Remember what I said: "the Holy Spirit must bind the anti-Christ first" that is, we would presume, so that he can do no further harm.
The anti-Christ is a metaphor, for the journey every sinner goes through, to come to the Lord.

You are not meant to argue with a metaphor!

You are meant to say "God, be merciful to me, a sinner!"

I still stand by what I posted above. The Anti-christ is one of the heavenly hosts who has rebelled against God. The anti-christ is not a person from among mankind.

Yes, I also agree with you that we all can be anti-christs, by what we wrongly post as being God's truth.
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Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
Just think, every time you make a post full of all the scriptures you want to post, God first has scriptures that He had in mind, at the ready.

What are you a prophet of God then or are you suggesting that you are actually God? LOL


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2022
I still stand by what I posted above. The Anti-christ is one of the heavenly hosts who has rebelled against God. The anti-christ is not a person from among mankind.

Yes, I also agree with you that we all can be anti-christs, by what we wrongly post as being God's truth.
This might hurt your idea that the anti-Christ used to have more life than he does now, but it is far simpler to just view "him" as a 'principality' - the way you look at a hammer for being "for nails".

That way, when power is given to the principality, your automatic reflex is "this (suffering due to a principality) is no different from the principality that was already there".

If your desire is for a principality to provide the answer, Christ can convict you - separate from that principality.

That's one of the joys of the Great White Throne Judgment, it has nothing to do with how weak or strong our relationship to the world is - the anti-Christ will get more praise, than many whose confidence in Heaven is based on Grace they have done nothing with.

David in NJ

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2021
United States
My understanding of Rev 19 is that it spans the whole of the Seventh age, from the time that Christ is given dominion over the peoples of the earth, the Marriage Feast and His dealing with the released occupants of the Bottomless pit during the little while period at the end of the seventh age.

The Book of Revelation is a book that can be read sequentially. Each of the chapters deals with a particular aspect of the events that were shown to John in the order that he had been shown them, and not in the order that they are and will unfold in.

Great care needs to be taken to place the events in the Book of Revelation in the chronological order that they will occur in.
Yes, i agree and understand how Revelation was shown John.

Yes, chapter 19 is the Second Coming of Christ and the Beginning of the thousand Year Reign.

ONLY with the Second Coming of Christ is Satan locked up for a thousand years.



Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2022
west coast
United States
It's going to be important very soon, for some to know who the Antichrist is.

Since I believe the Word tells us who the Antichrist is, it might be important to begin by identifying who He is not.

The Antichrist is neither Jewish, nor Roman.


The bible spends many chapters telling you exactly who and what the anti christ is.

If you haven't figured it out by now.

You are probably working hard to avoid knowing the answer.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2022
It's going to be important very soon, for some to know who the Antichrist is.

Since I believe the Word tells us who the Antichrist is, it might be important to begin by identifying who He is not.

The Antichrist is neither Jewish, nor Roman.

The faith is mistaken for the anti-Christ, as far as the world is concerned.

Just as the world mistook Jesus, to be a disciple.

But as I said, it is more constructive to look at the anti-Christ from the perspective of the Old Testament; the anti-Christ is the return of Achan - if he died unlawfully in the past: that means his power, is already failing!