Why are there so many misunderstandings about the New Testament?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
So why are there so many misunderstanding and false beliefs associated with the New Testament?

One of the reasons is that the New Testament was mostly written in Koiné Greek….that has caused some big misunderstanding and false beliefs. The Septuagint and the New Testament was written in Koiné Greek. Koiné Greek was derived or evolved from the Attic Greek language.

Attic Greek is the Greek dialect of the ancient region of Attica, including the polis of Athens. Often called classical Greek, it was the prestige dialect of the Greek world for centuries and remains the standard form of the language that is taught to students of ancient Greek. Attic was considered a prestigious language which is why Koiné means common.

There are many differences between Attic Classical Greek and Koiné Greek, mostly a lot to do with syntax and the inconstancies of Koiné Greek which was almost like a slang language of the common folk. Koiné has shorter sentences, more parataxis and less hypotaxis, and a sparing use of participles, and an increased use of prepositions. The study of the Koiné Greek language was hampered by the fact that it was not a set language…slang. Koiné Greek is not considered a dead language because it evolved into modern Greek, but Koiné Greek fell out of use around the 6th century so the understanding of it faded. But over time, more and more literature of this time period was recovered and by the 19th century a better understanding of Koiné Greek emerged.

Unfortunately by this time most of the Bibles had been translated using some faulty information and understandings. Stuff that was so set in, that resource material never went back to correct them. As it is now understanding Koiné Greek pretty much takes a college course.

One of the biggest errors is with Yeshua’s name….Christ is named Ἰησοῦς in the New Testament. Ἰησοῦς is not translated from Yeshua and it does not translate to Jesus. No one knows were the name Jesus came from and Ἰησοῦς is not a name, it is a Greek word that means healer. Which is why you will not find any one in Greek or Roman history named Ἰησοῦς. Even though it is known that Christ’s name was a common name, you will not find anyone named Ἰησοῦς.

So why did the Apostles name Yeshua with a Greek word? No one knows for sure, some speculate for the same reason that they took God the Father's name out of the Old Testament ….to sacred for distribution??? Either way Christ's name can be pronounced as Yeshua or Yehshua, kind of like Ed and Edward.

So, why didn’t the Apostles write the New Testament in Hebrew? Strangely enough the Jews were losing their ability to read Hebrew. Which is why Ptolemy II Philadelphus the Greek Pharaoh of Egypt and the son of one of Alexander the Great’s generals, ordered the Hebrew Bible translated to Greek, (Septuagint) for the Library of Alexandria.

So the Apostles wrote the New Testament in a Pagan language….Koiné Greek and some Aramaic. The problem with that was that there was no reason to expect a Pagan language to have words that would reflect Christian morality. So the Apostles would have to take Greek words and modify their meaning and context. A common example is that if a Roman sinned it meant his arrow missed the target, no moral meaning. And several words describe different types of sexual activities that were not seen as wrong in the Roman culture, but were sins in the Christian religion. So they had to change the meaning and context of various words. Some examples and for instance....the + shaped wood that Christ was nailed to....the Greek did not have a word for this so they had to improvise, so it ends up as pole or stack which is misleading. And devils and hell are not in Greek mythology so they had no words for them so again they had to improvise and then there is the word and concept of church...etc.

Then over the centuries for different reasons theological words and phrases started to appear to support newer beliefs, like Trinity, Original Sin, and fornication. These terms directly skewed the meaning of the scriptures and the understanding of what was actually going on. For example one of the definitions of fornication is that two unmarried people having sex is a sin….this misrepresent most of the Jewish and Christian history and the Bible. Because no where in the Bible is a wedding ceremony required. Two unmarried people coupled up and stayed together and this formed a marriage for most of history.

The Protestants should know this because they were the first to require a wedding to be married and that was in the 1500’s. The Catholic Church did not require a wedding until after the Protestants required it. So how many people believe that weddings were always required? And for how long did this false understanding exist? The power of false beliefs is staggering. Am I saying that weddings never occurred? No, although the first documented Christian wedding did not occur until the 9th century, most certainly voluntary weddings were occurring all along because it was part of the Gentile-Christian cultures. Pagan cultures were fond of weddings and Gentile-Christians were Pagans that had converted to Christianity and they brought some of their customs with them….this one being one of the best.

Around the 15th century the letter J came out in the English and some other languages along with some significant
changes that dramatically changed Hebrew and Greek translations....essentially all the words in the Bible that pertained to persons, places, and things that started with a Y sound were changed to J. Which for one incorrectly changed a lot of names.

So between the difficulties with the Koiné Greek and the developing misunderstandings and false beliefs, a modern Christian has to dig deep to find the truth. The good thing, these misunderstanding and false beliefs do not usually affect the understanding of salvation. On the other side of the coin, if you truly want to understand Koiné Greek you are going to have to buy some good books and do some deep study or take a college course. Because a lot of the common resource matter is inaccurate and the web is completely messed up on this topic.

But why go through the trouble? For one you can save yourself from hell and another you can save a lot of other people. You see a lot of these people that peddle false beliefs play word games with the Greek.....trying to get people to believe that OSAS is biblical, or hell is not real or only temporary or that Yeshua is not God. Not to mention the lingo of the cults. But if you know the Greek you can prove them wrong.....chew them up and spit them out. And you can look at the scriptures and see the truth for yourself. That in itself is a treasure.
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Active Member
Mar 20, 2023
Belief in government = belief in slavery.
I would say that most Christians are in a state of "belief" and not "Truth". Belief is not Truth. Belief is simply believing something where as Truth is to know something. Belief is blind and when you have two people arguing belief it is the blind leading the blind. Scripture tells us alot of things but the question we need to ask ourselves is WHY and HOW. When we ask ourselves the question why we begin to seek Truth for ourself and when we start seeking, eventually we find. We then become a source of Truth and can speak Truth. We no longer have to constantly regurgitate scripture to defend a belief system that is ultimately the ego.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
I would say that most Christians are in a state of "belief" and not "Truth". Belief is not Truth. Belief is simply believing something where as Truth is to know something. Belief is blind and when you have two people arguing belief it is the blind leading the blind. Scripture tells us alot of things but the question we need to ask ourselves is WHY and HOW. When we ask ourselves the question why we begin to seek Truth for ourself and when we start seeking, eventually we find. We then become a source of Truth and can speak Truth. We no longer have to constantly regurgitate scripture to defend a belief system that is ultimately the ego.
That is why I say Beliefs, Truths, Facts.
Beliefs are not necessarily Truths but most Truths are Facts.
Facts would be our preferred goal but that takes a lot.

Beliefs, Truths, and Facts. The essay for this is real long so I shortened it.

Students of the Bible and students of History, learn a methodology to determine Confidence Levels. For example, all things considered....we can be sure that George Washington was a real historical figure....We know his speeches and official government documents. Now what he said at parties and dances and who he slept with, might not have high confidence levels.

Time has a tendency to cause facts to fade, to be diluted, exaggerated and sometimes even modified to accommodate or promote certain beliefs or traditions. It mostly happens to everything. The World Series of Baseball....with professionals, umpires and players and 45,000 witnesses at the stadium....millions on TV, 20 million dollars worth of video equipment that can zoom right in, and then 5 seconds after the ball is thrown over the plate, a dispute can arise over exactly where that ball went. After a couple centuries what you can have the most confident in, is that the World Series occurred.

So then we move on to the differences between Beliefs, Truths, and Facts. Here is an example....

A married couple lives in Missouri....the husband is a doctor and the wife is an engineer, her grand-pa was an engineer and he helped design and build a bridge acrossed the Mississippi. She tells her husband that it was one of the best built bridges in its time. Now she is an engineer and she has her grand-pa’s specs and blue prints for the bridge, and pictures of the construction. And her grand-pa told her stories about the construction of the bridge. She believed this was a safe bridge. She had a well informed…..belief.

They decided to vacation at her parents home, so they are going to cross that bridge. They are at a restaurant a few miles this side of the bridge and they meet a waiter that lives on the other side of the river and commutes everyday. His dad did the maintenance and inspection work on the bridge and raved about how well constructed it was. They get into a conversation about the bridge and the waiter tells them he crosses it everyday. He tells them that it is solid as a rock....high water and barges have no affect on it. This is truth and it was based on current knowledge, physical contact and experiences….truth….

Now what the waiter and the couple did not know was that, a primary weld had failed and when they cross the bridge, they will end up in the river. Of course I am going to put a happy ending on it....the River Patrol was handy and they made it and received 40 million from the state and they lived happily ever after.

Now what the wife thought of the bridge was a belief. And it was an educated understanding. She was well versed with the bridge, no reason not to believe it. Belief does mean something and is important. The ability to believe means something, but some times beliefs fall short of the truths.

What the waiter thought of the bridge was experience. He had crossed that bridge all the time, all of his life and knew that it was well maintained and it looked maintained, the road was smooth and it had shinny coat of paint and it was a pleasure to cross. What he thought of the bridge was truth. Truth backed up by knowing it....seeing it...using it. It never failed. He told them that it was a save bridge and from his perspective it was the truth.

But the fact was, that it was going to fail. The facts are a deep awareness of the truth that are really a rare thing. Some times only God is going to know that facts. So usually what we are left with is dealing with things some where between truth and facts

Awareness has a lot to do with facts. Only God knew that bridge was going to fail. This is the confidence levels in anything that happened in the past....looking for facts but knowing you are only going to get so close to facts. In history and theology you look at the information and supporting information and come up with a conclusion. But you have make sure, as sure as you can, that the information is accurate. Because garage in is garbage out. A lot of times history and theology is like a connect the dots picture and one bit of inaccurate info will show itself inaccurate compared to the other dots.

So since most of our Christians beliefs are based on the scriptures and we want to be as accurate as possible….so understanding the language is critical. At this level the scriptures are more significant than the book, because translations can differ enough to form different beliefs off of those translations.

Next is understanding the time period and the culture and what is going on….in what context were the scriptures written? For example the New Testament did not have a big focus on the family…..not a big focus on marriage….here understanding what is going on is important as to why there was not a focus on the family. They believed they were living in the last days….that is days….not years or centuries…..the persecutions were starting up….why start a family at that time, why have an emphasis on starting a family.
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Active Member
Mar 20, 2023
Belief in government = belief in slavery.
That is why I say Beliefs, Truths, Facts.
Beliefs are not necessarily Truths but most Truths are Facts.
Facts would be our preferred goal but that takes a lot.

Beliefs, Truths, and Facts. The essay for this is real long so I shortened it.

Students of the Bible and students of History, learn a methodology to determine Confidence Levels. For example, all things considered....we can be sure that George Washington was a real historical figure....We know his speeches and official government documents. Now what he said at parties and dances and who he slept with, might not have high confidence levels.

Time has a tendency to cause facts to fade, to be diluted, exaggerated and sometimes even modified to accommodate or promote certain beliefs or traditions. It mostly happens to everything. The World Series of Baseball....with professionals, umpires and players and 45,000 witnesses at the stadium....millions on TV, 20 million dollars worth of video equipment that can zoom right in, and then 5 seconds after the ball is thrown over the plate, a dispute can arise over exactly where that ball went. After a couple centuries what you can have the most confident in, is that the World Series occurred.

So then we move on to the differences between Beliefs, Truths, and Facts. Here is an example....

A married couple lives in Missouri....the husband is a doctor and the wife is an engineer, her grand-pa was an engineer and he helped design and build a bridge acrossed the Mississippi. She tells her husband that it was one of the best built bridges in its time. Now she is an engineer and she has her grand-pa’s specs and blue prints for the bridge, and pictures of the construction. And her grand-pa told her stories about the construction of the bridge. She believed this was a safe bridge. She had a well informed…..belief.

They decided to vacation at her parents home, so they are going to cross that bridge. They are at a restaurant a few miles this side of the bridge and they meet a waiter that lives on the other side of the river and commutes everyday. His dad did the maintenance and inspection work on the bridge and raved about how well constructed it was. They get into a conversation about the bridge and the waiter tells them he crosses it everyday. He tells them that it is solid as a rock....high water and barges have no affect on it. This is truth and it was based on current knowledge, physical contact and experiences….truth….

Now what the waiter and the couple did not know was that, a primary weld had failed and when they cross the bridge, they will end up in the river. Of course I am going to put a happy ending on it....the River Patrol was handy and they made it and received 40 million from the state and they lived happily ever after.

Now what the wife thought of the bridge was a belief. And it was an educated understanding. She was well versed with the bridge, no reason not to believe it. Belief does mean something and is important. The ability to believe means something, but some times beliefs fall short of the truths.

What the waiter thought of the bridge was experience. He had crossed that bridge all the time, all of his life and knew that it was well maintained and it looked maintained, the road was smooth and it had shinny coat of paint and it was a pleasure to cross. What he thought of the bridge was truth. Truth backed up by knowing it....seeing it...using it. It never failed. He told them that it was a save bridge and from his perspective it was the truth.

But the fact was, that it was going to fail. The facts are a deep awareness of the truth that are really a rare thing. Some times only God is going to know that facts. So usually what we are left with is dealing with things some where between truth and facts

Awareness has a lot to do with facts. Only God knew that bridge was going to fail. This is the confidence levels in anything that happened in the past....looking for facts but knowing you are only going to get so close to facts. In history and theology you look at the information and supporting information and come up with a conclusion. But you have make sure, as sure as you can, that the information is accurate. Because garage in is garbage out. A lot of times history and theology is like a connect the dots picture and one bit of inaccurate info will show itself inaccurate compared to the other dots.

So since most of our Christians beliefs are based on the scriptures and we want to be as accurate as possible….so understanding the language is critical. At this level the scriptures are more significant than the book, because translations can differ enough to form different beliefs off of those translations.

Next is understanding the time period and the culture and what is going on….in what context were the scriptures written? For example the New Testament did not have a big focus on the family…..not a big focus on marriage….here understanding what is going on is important as to why there was not a focus on the family. They believed they were living in the last days….that is days….not years or centuries…..the persecutions were starting up….why start a family at that time, why have an emphasis on starting a family.
Truth, fact and understanding are all the same thing. It is possible to find Truth in scripture, the only reason people don't is because they don't look in the right place. People are after looking in the past to understand the Truth of the words. We will never find the Truth 2000 years ago because we where not there and could only ever believe that such events happened. The Truth within the scripture is found in the present moment. When we understand it from a deep psychological level and can reflect it apon our own psyche we experience it in the moment. The way we feel is a map of the universe. Understanding our own psyche and how it moves and operates enables us to understand everything around us. All Truth comes to this. As within, so without.

‘Heed these words, You who wish to probe the depths of nature: If you do not find within yourself that which you seek, neither will you find it outside. In you is hidden the treasure of treasures. Know Thyself and you will know the Universe and the Gods.’

Inscription on the Greek temple at Delphi – Delphi Oracle


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
Truth, fact and understanding are all the same thing. It is possible to find Truth in scripture, the only reason people don't is because they don't look in the right place. People are after looking in the past to understand the Truth of the words. We will never find the Truth 2000 years ago because we where not there and could only ever believe that such events happened. The Truth within the scripture is found in the present moment. When we understand it from a deep psychological level and can reflect it apon our own psyche we experience it in the moment. The way we feel is a map of the universe. Understanding our own psyche and how it moves and operates enables us to understand everything around us. All Truth comes to this. As within, so without.

‘Heed these words, You who wish to probe the depths of nature: If you do not find within yourself that which you seek, neither will you find it outside. In you is hidden the treasure of treasures. Know Thyself and you will know the Universe and the Gods.’

Inscription on the Greek temple at Delphi – Delphi Oracle
All I can do is explain the difference between truth and fact. We would like for truth and facts be the same thing but sometimes the facts redefines the truth.

GRACE ambassador

Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2021
United States
I would say that most Christians are in a state of "belief" and not "Truth".
Of course, some of us are "in the 'state of BELIEF'" OF The Truth:

2Th_2:13 "But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren​
beloved of The LORD, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to​
salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and BELIEF OF THE TRUTH:"​

Eternal Praise Be To The Father, Abba, and for "All brethren of the same ilk, for that!

And, to Top That Off, a few of us are Even in The Further [ critics "soul-damning(?)" ] BELIEF Of:

God's Word Of Truth,
Rightly Divided, Where we, with no Confusion, have a very Difficult time
wondering why Most remain in 33,000 (?) denominational traditions of many misunderstandings
Of God's Word Of Truth?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2022
United States
Now I am rightly confused!

Do we have  any translation of the books of the OT or NT that defines the true character, attributes or commands to man in obedience to God & how to live?

If in fact we do have the word of God given to man by inspiration of the Spirit, where is it ?

Should we instead just live by our conscience as the Gentiles once did ?

How can we share & spread the gospel of Christ who per the translations we have has said, " I am the way, the truth, and the life" ?


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
Now I am rightly confused!

Do we have  any translation of the books of the OT or NT that defines the true character, attributes or commands to man in obedience to God & how to live?

If in fact we do have the word of God given to man by inspiration of the Spirit, where is it ?

Should we instead just live by our conscience as the Gentiles once did ?

How can we share & spread the gospel of Christ who per the translations we have has said, " I am the way, the truth, and the life" ?
The Bible was not given to you by inspiration....there is too many different ones. LOL
The scriptures have an inspiration.
The people in the New Testament considered the Hebrew Bible scriptures.
But when Paul was writing to the churches he was not saying, now I write scripture.
Then we decided they were scriptures.

But still how to apply Christianity to our lives is not difficult.
As Christ said He would send the Holy Spirit to guide us,
The sins are listed in the scriptures stick with those...disregard man-made sins ....yes you can go out and have a drink and have a cigarette and go dancing in jeans.

But not everything regarding Christian morals are in the Bible.
The Holy Spirit has given us some morals to consider.
Christians do not have slaves anymore.
We only marry one wife.
And we observe the Gentile Christian custom of wedding ceremonies.

If you look at the sins in the Bible, they make sense.
If you look at what we learned since the biblical era, it make sense.
God makes sense and what He has taught us makes sense.

Place your faith in Christ
Love God and each other
Help each other
Acts 2:38
Participate in the Blood and Wine ritual.
Go to church and worship the Lord with other Christians
Raise your children in Christian schools and a Christian community
Be good and do good the best you can.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2022
United States
I agree to some extent....

2 Timothy 3:16-17 KJV
All  scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for  doctrine, for reproof, for  correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

Whereby then are we to " study to show ourselves approved of God, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of  truth"?

Where then is the truth of scripture to be found, if NOT the word of God we have?

I am NOT just trying to be facetious, but I love the KJV, the Bible of my choosing. Is it not scripture?

I believe we MUST be led by, walk in & live in the Spirit, having the mind of Christ renewed daily within us.....but if not the one I choose whereby may we receive the " true " scripture? Is it in an Hebrew bible ? The Torah ?
The Tanakh ?
I don't have time nor the wherewithal to learn Koine Greek.

I am serious about my walk as well as the talk & if I'm missing out, I want guidance & direction from those in the know.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
I agree to some extent....

2 Timothy 3:16-17 KJV
All  scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for  doctrine, for reproof, for  correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

Whereby then are we to " study to show ourselves approved of God, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of  truth"?

Where then is the truth of scripture to be found, if NOT the word of God we have?

I am NOT just trying to be facetious, but I love the KJV, the Bible of my choosing. Is it not scripture?

I believe we MUST be led by, walk in & live in the Spirit, having the mind of Christ renewed daily within us.....but if not the one I choose whereby may we receive the " true " scripture? Is it in an Hebrew bible ? The Torah ?
The Tanakh ?
I don't have time nor the wherewithal to learn Koine Greek.

I am serious about my walk as well as the talk & if I'm missing out, I want guidance & direction from those in the know.

First off the KJV is the most error riddin translation in print....so much so you could pretty much start a separate religon with it.

You don't time to know the truth? Eventually you will have eternity....all that depends is where.

I have given you good and true advise....take it or leave it.....no harm, no foul.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2022
Marietta, Georgia.
United States
The KJV with all its warts has saved people for over 400 yrs.. It is the bible used in all the recent revivals including the worldwide Victorian age revival that brought John Wesley, Charles Spurgeon, George Whitfield and more., and lasted almost 100 yrs. up to the early 1900'S which also brought us Billy Graham, who only used the KJV. It is also the bible used in two world wars. God can use what He wants to use.


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
"Why are there so many misunderstandings about the New Testament?"

2 Corinthians 11
Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light.
15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness,

Satan has been busy!