Why do we need born again

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Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
That’s not how God says in his word how we are Born Again.

That’s when confusion occurs...and yes..I’m a hypocrite ,I have also done this.how many of us add to Gods word, or take his word out of context...to suit our own understanding ...I know I’ve done it....he revealed to my heart...miss Rita, don’t think it is you who leads yourself through scripture....to understand my word....only the Holy Spirit can bring you to my truth......therefore with all your heart seek my word and there you will find it...just my thoughts...

There is no confusion in Gods word.​

When we let him speak....

Let God do the talking and not us....his word to a Born Again is easy to understand once “HE” brings us to that understanding....it doesn’t happen overnight and of course he brings us to maturity in his word....which can take years and years.......

Another thing I would like to mention and this also refers to me.

The fruit of the Spirit.....maybe I will start a topic on it.
We are born again by recieving him, By looking to the cross. In faith.

It is not easy, if it was so easy, more would do it. But you could say it is so easy, it is to hard.

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
It is not the word of God that is nuts; rather it is your interpretation of the word of God that is nuts. Our spirits come from God. As given to us at birth (or before) our spirits do not need to be reborn. Our spirits need to be reborn only after having sinned. Being born the first time, we receive our flesh from our parents and our spirits from God. We are not dead in Adam's sin at Birth. We, our spirits, are alive and well upon being born. Then after becoming old enough to know enough about God to understand what it means to disobey God and then to do that we become dead in trespasses and sins. At that time and not before we, i.e., our spirits, need to be reborn so that we once again are made alive.

A traducianist believes that the spirits of man, like the flesh of man, are generated by the parents and hence take on the "fallen nature" of mankind at conception, i.e., Original Sin. Once cannot both believe that our spirits come from God and believe in the doctrine of Original Sin. To do so makes God the cause of sin.
Our spirit is dead. We are seperated from God. it will remain dead until we are born of God.

again, if you can not understand this, You worry me, how can you understand new birth?


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Vs 14 through 21 tells us HOW to be birthed in the spirit. And how to NOT be birthed in the spirit
Sorry, God has already spoken his word Into being, on how we become Born Again like the wind...very easy to understand God’s word.

With respect your words confuse, because they are+your words...have a nice day, God Bless.

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
You don’t do anything to Become Born Again like the wind.......God is the initiator...not you.

As I’ve already explained..God brings us to believe in Jesus...God brings us to repentance/ Godly sorrow, God gives us the gift of Faith, faith that can move mountains?...faith is a manifestation of the Spirit?

God does it all...and please Jesus spoke to Nicodemus regarding the Born Again scripture....that’s how we are Born Again like the wind....what do you think “ you” did to receive that ,Born Again of imperishable seed?
Yes, God is the initiator.

But we must respond.

He will not force his salvation on us,, He wants us to recieve it

But as many as have recieved HIM.

your not born again UNtIL this happens.
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Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
I am sorry, but I cannot deal with you. Your theological positions are so thoroughly confused, mixed up, and illogical that it is not possible to hold a rational discussion with you.

I said that our spirits come from God. You agreed. Then I said that we needed to be reborn only after we had sinned.
And this is where you erred.


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Yes, God is the initiator.

But we must respond.

He will not force his salvation on us,, He wants us to recieve it

But as many as have recieved HIM.

your not born again UNtIL this happens.
No, sorry you are wrong.are you listening to God..and how he spoke his word into being....

We are Born Again as he says we are..have a nice day..

Rather than going around in circles @Eternally Grateful ....I think we best agree to,disagree...as I also see, you too never answered my questions.

Please don’t force me to believe as you do....that is not how we are Born Again and Gods word says so.

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
Once again...that scripture you post , is NOT telling us how we+are+Born Again...you are adding to Gods word...plus you left out the scripture that Jesus explains to Nicodemus how we are Born Again ...that’s how we are Born Again of imperishable seed.
Once again.

Nicodemus asked, HOW CAN THESE ThINGS BE

Jesus answer to him was plain.

As moses lifted the serpent, so to must the son of man be lifted. That whoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life.

For God so loved the world. He sent his only son, that whoever believes in him, will never perish but have eternal life

The wage of sin is death. God can not make you alive until the wage of sin is removed, this is a term we call being justified. We are justified by faith THEN our spirit. Which was dead, is made alive. Because the death Christ died he died for us.

I am not sure who gave you this fatalistic view. But it is not From God.

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
Sorry, God has already spoken his word Into being, on how we become Born Again like the wind...very easy to understand God’s word.

With respect your words confuse, because they are+your words...have a nice day, God Bless.
Sorry, But your not listening to what jesus said.

You stop at one point. And say there it is I have my answer. And you totally ignore the rest of the passage.

Thats on you sis not me.

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
We are Born Again as his word says we are Born Again...
Yes we are

For God so loved the world. He gave his only begotten son that whoever believes in him will never perish. But have eternal life.

whoever hears these words and believes in me has eternal life. And shall not be judged, but has passed from death to live (this is our new birth. We are raised to new life as our spirit is regenerated, or made alive)


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Sorry, But your not listening to what jesus said.

You stop at one point. And say there it is I have my answer. And you totally ignore the rest of the passage.

Thats on you sis not me.
Please do not force me to read scripture as you do...God told Nicodemus how we are Born Again...that is the scripture you bypassed.and made the other part of scripture to say what you wanted it to say......therefore confusion being sown.....nope, I won’t stand for it.......goodbye, please leave me alone.


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Yes we are

For God so loved the world. He gave his only begotten son that whoever believes in him will never perish. But have eternal life.

whoever hears these words and believes in me has eternal life. And shall not be judged, but has passed from death to live (this is our new birth. We are raised to new life as our spirit is regenerated, or made alive)
Listen..did you read my post to you?

Respect my wishes and leave me alone...


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Feb 6, 2018
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Why do we need born again?

Long…yet a Brief overview and NOTICE to the uninterested…SCROLL on by, this is’t for you.

First recognize a human man IS a Body “OUT of the Dust of the Earth”.

A human man’s Body IS “CREATED”from a natural “SEED” and wonderfully “MADE”, by the hand of God.

A human man’s Body, has “natural” parts; bones, organs, tissues, systems, etc. that work together and it’s own LIFE, (called BLOOD). (Gen 9:4)

A human man’s Body naturally born, RECEIVES, thus HAS, a SOUL, (which IS Gods, Belongs to God, HAS it’s own LIFE, which IS Gods BREATH, which Belongs to God.) Ezek 18:4)
A naturally born Human Body, receiving Gods Soul, with Gods Breath of Life; MAKES ALIVE, “able to FUNCTION”, body part of the mans BODY.

A naturally born Human Body, having RECEIVED (Gen 2:7b) Gods (soul, with Gods Breath of Life)…
Body parts…..Part Function
Eyes…….to SEE
Ears……..to HEAR
Tongue…to TASTE
Nose……to SMELL
Flesh…….to FEEL TOUCH

From the moment of a Human Body’s natural birth, and receipt of God SOUL, and Gods Breath of LIFE IN that SOUL….that newborn babe, IS ABLE to COMMUNICATE with other Humans and RECEIVE COMMUNICATION from other humans.

The Alive naturally born human Body having Received a SOUL from God is thereafter CALLED…A PERSON
* Person…an Alive human body with a Living soul.
(Dead human body’s, are NOT called Persons, but rather called the Deceased, a Cadaver, by his Name, a loved one, the departed). (Because a living soul Departs out of … Leaves a Dead body.) (Gen 35:18)

The naturally born human body, has it’s Life (BLOOD) and with Gods soul, has it’s Life (Gods BREATH)….and thereafter…
That IS human MAN IS: identified…
A Person.
IS a naturally living Body.
IS a living Soul.

That body grows, uses it’s Communication skills which FEEDS the CARNAL MIND Knowledge…AS WELL it FEEDS the HEART thoughts KNOWLEDGE.

A human man’s Body has thought processes that develop after it’s natural Birth…and continues throughout the mans Natural Life.

The MIND, ciphers between this and that Knowledge, (Called MAKING LOGICAL deductions.) The Point of making LOGICAL deductions, IS to arrive at a PLAUSIBLE BELIEF to that individual.
Which, BTW, continues gathering Knowledge, and continuously MAKES LOGICAL deductions, CHANGES BELIEFS, likes, dislikes, continuously.

The HEART, (IS LIKE the Carnal Mind, while also UNLIKE the Carnal Mind).
The HEART, IS ALSO a collector of Knowledge.
The HEART’S Knowledge, DOES NOT continuously CHANGE thoughts.
* The Heart’s Knowledge, IS CALLED ”The NATURAL spirit of man”.
* The Heart’s Knowledge, “IS”, the man’s ABSOLUTE TRUE BELIEF.
* The Heart’s TRUTH, “IS”, the express “CATALYST”, the PLACE FROM WHICH, a “natural man”, CAN put, CAN Hide, CAN Keep, ALL of his TRUE thoughts, TRUE beliefs….. AND is that mans EXPRESS ACCESS “communication” option, ability, TO COMMUNICATE….WITH Gods ADVOCATE…who IS: Christ the Lord Jesus.

Communication of a human TO Gods Advocate (Christ Jesus) or TO God IS ALWAYS by, through, of “spirit to Spirit”.

A human man, with a soul in his body, ie A PERSON, can gather knowledge with his MIND, learn ABOUT God. The more information he gathers ABOUT God, the more God BLESSES that man with Gods GIFT OF FAITH.
The more that man Receives Knowledge About God and Gods gift of Faith increases……
THAT MAN has FREEWILL choices…
TO continue Deciphering IN His MIND what he BELIEVES…
TO Choose to Believe Absolute Truths ABOUT God and PUT those TRUE thoughts “IN” his Heart, ie his natural spirit.
OR “not”.
ANY man BELIEVING what he Learning ABOUT GOD, IS ALSO given Blessings from the Holy Spirit of God. .
that man CAN at any TIME stop hearing ABOUT God, thus shall STOP receiving Gods Gift of Faith….and Stop receiving Blessing of Gods Holy Spirit, “given for believing”.
That man CAN at any TIME REJECT Believing what he learns, DENY Gods existence, and thus is called “having FALLEN FROM Faith”.

IF and When AT ANY TIME, such a man Freely Chooses to PUT his TRUTH of BELIEF IN the Lord God Almighty, IN his natural spirit, IN his heart…
THAT MAN has “prepared” himself, TO CALL ON (Communicate to ) THE Lord’s NAME (Gods Advocate), AND CONFESS his own natural spirits TRUE CONFESSED BELIEF.

Following a TRUE confession…the man does TWO things…
1) REPENTS, for having HAD NOT believed.
2) Willingly, PLEDGES, GIVES, his natural body unto DEATH, as his TOKEN (his own Offering of his own BLOOD LIFE) of His Testimony of LOVE for the Lord God Almighty.

AND? Inasmuch as the Word of God teaches for man to TEST everything….SO ALSO DOES God.

God Himself, All-knowing, WILL search a mans natural spirit in his heart, to ascertain that that mans natural spirit, is Confessing a TRUTH, that he Believes IN the Lord God Almighty.

AND? IF that mans confession BE TRUE…
God ACCEPTS the mans “sin offering” of that mans bodily, blood Life, unto Death.

THEN, begins Gods WORKS IN the WHOLE of that man.
* Forgiveness
* Covering that mans natural bodily SIN with Gods LIGHT(Spirit), that God no longer SEES, or REMEMBERS that mans Forgiven Sin.
* Cleansing Of all Unrighteousness, by cleansing that body IN Jesus’ BLOOD.
* a new heart (called circumcision)
* a new seed (Gods seed)
* a new spirit (born of Gods seed)
* restoration of his soul ie back to very good (called Saved) meaning shall forever Keep Gods Breath of Life IN it.
* receipt of Gods SPIRIT of TRUTH. (To dwell in that mans circumcised heart, and TEACH that new spirit, Gods TRUTHS.
* Direct communication with the Lord God, to Praise, Worship, Thank, and ASK Him anything. (Remembering ONLY God gives a man HIS Understanding of HIS Word.)

Thereafter…IN Gods ACCOUNTING…ie Gods records, ie Gods BOOKS (ie Gods EVIDENCE which IS the Precise Evidence that shall be Presented ON Judgement Day)…
Every individual…thereof having Gods Works Accomplished within such man….
SUCH man FROM THAT DAY, SHALL ONCE and FOREVER be WITH the Lord God…AND the Lord God SHALL Forever be WITH that man.

That man IS ACCOUNTED in Gods Books “healed, cleansed, covered, overcome (the wicked one), saved, quickened, born again, restored, reconciled, sanctified, Prepared, Justified, Not common, Perfect-ED (IN Christ), Converted, a son of God”. AND…not APPOINTED TO WRATH. (1 Thes 5:9)

“Accounted WHOLE…(body, soul, spirit )
But, but, but….uh, the mans natural body is still ALIVE…huh?

THERE are these DAYS…that men BELIEVE…
But DO NOT call on the Lord to Confess their Belief.
** They believe…BUT maintain their Belief, by their OWN WILL-POWER.
*** Multiple Scriptures WARN, Powerful Evil angel spirits roam the earth, targeting men to cunningly convince them to NOT Believe.
**** AND, they can and routinely DO convince men to REJECT Believing IN the Lord God.
*** AS WELL, there ARE powerful WICKED men who SIT in “governing” seats of power and authority over nations of men, WHO can ALSO convince men OR FORBID men to BELIEVE in the Lord God, even Killing men who are discovered to believe and found worshiping the Lord God.

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*** The WARNINGS. are reminders to BELIEVERS who ARE NOT Converted, (by the Supreme POWER OF GOD)…“THERE ARE” unseen evil and seen wicked powers “greater than their power”, always on the prowl to convince them to REJECT the Lord God.

* the FACT IS:
(1 Cor 15:36)

For 4,000 years….it was necessary FOR the MAJORITY of HUMAN MEN BELIEVERS
Their soul could be saved and their spirit quickened (ie born again).

That STILL APPLIES, for Non-Converted men.
That (giving of one’s BODY unto DEATH) WILL be Prevalent, During the LAST Great Tribulation, effecting the Greatest Revival EVER, when MILLIONS of BELIEVERS SHALL WILLINGLY give their PHYSiCAL Body’s unto DEATH, for a token, a testament of their Belief IN the Lord God.

However, A NEW “Better Testament”,
(Heb 7:22) revealed and given men, by, through, of Gods OFFERING and Gods ADVOCATE…Christ the Lord Jesus…
IN that a man PROMISES, his body (it’s BLOOD LIFE) unto DEATH, to be given and received ONLY unto the Lord God.
BY, THROUGH, OF….that man being “Crucified WITH Christ”…

AND? thereafter that mans BODY “IS” accounted DEAD…
AND? That man thereafter Bodily (spiritualy). LIVES “IN” Christ Jesus’ “RISEN” Body…
UNTIL? The Day of. Judgement, WHEN that mans OWN body IS RISEN UP, in glory, sinless, perfect, holy…
AND? His own saved soul, and his own born again spirit, IS Returned to his own risen glorified body.

The WHOLE of a human man IS:
Body, soul, spirit….
The establishing of the Knowledge is elementary…taught IN the words of Scripture.
Who, what, when, why, where, how.
Bit by bit, little by little.

The Big Picture is to BE WITH God, to SEE God as He is … is to Be transformed BY a mans free Willingness….AND Gods Power for the man to Become MADE in God Likeness.


Every man’s TIME of natural (Blood) Life is LIMITED. It’s short. It is for the majority UNKNOWN, when the moment of their Bodily Blood Life SHALL Cease Living.

The FACT is “a human man WHILE ALIVE IN his flesh bodily life”…IS according to Gods Order and Way…the Precise TIME (and it is short!) for THAT man to Confess and DECLARE his TRUE Heartful Belief) and receive Salvation.

God IS the Creator AND Maker.
Gods “MAKINGS” of His CREATIONS Continues.

Any individual manKIND of being, who Heartfully Desires to BE WITH God Forever…
God Provides through Knowledge, His Order and His Way for Any individual manKIND of being, TO forever BE WITH God.

God IS JUST…those who heartfully DESIRE shall be WITH Him…those who heartfully DESIRE to be WITHOUT Him SHALL be without Him.
ALL SHALL receive their Heart’s Desire…
According to Gods Order and Way.
Not the popes, budah, governors of nations, celebrities, the wealthy, Oprah, the UN, blah, blah, blah OF the world.

And what about the man WHO, believes, but does not Confess his Belief….BUT YET is NOT (convinced by evil spirits, or convinced by wicked men) to Not Believe….and such man natural body DIES, “dying IN Belief, but NOT Converted”??

God is Just. God shall search their Heart for their true belief AND after their bodily Death, their soul will be saved, risen up to heaven, their spirit quickened, and risen up to heaven, and their dead body buried, returns to dust….and RAISED Up Glorified, during the FIRST MASS Resurrection, their soul and spirit returned to their glorified body and they WHOLLY and Forever with the Lord God on a new Earth.

Glory to God,


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2023
Prescott, AZ
United States
So, no challenge I take it ,over Gods word the Bible.on how we become Born Again of imperishable seed?
OK....I have said and I continue to say that in Ephesians 2:1-10 it says, " you were dead in your trespasses and sins," Then it says "even when we were dead in our transgressions, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved)," I say "making us alive together with Christ" is regeneration. That is being born again.

In Colossians 2 we read " When you were dead in your transgressions and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He made you alive together with Him, having forgiven us all our transgressions," Here again, I say having been "made alive together with Him (Christ)" is regeneration. That is being born again.

In Romans 6 we can read, "we have been buried with Him through baptism into death, so that as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life." Again, I say, "having been bruied with Him... so that we too might walk in newness of life" is regeneration. That is being born again.

And in John 5 Jesus said, "Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life." I say that having "passed out of death into life" is regeneration. That is being born again.

You want challenges. Prove to me with scripture that in all of these, I am wrong.


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OK....I have said and I continue to say that in Ephesians 2:1-10 it says, " you were dead in your trespasses and sins," Then it says "even when we were dead in our transgressions, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved)," I say "making us alive together with Christ" is regeneration. That is being born again.

In Colossians 2 we read " When you were dead in your transgressions and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He made you alive together with Him, having forgiven us all our transgressions," Here again, I say having been "made alive together with Him (Christ)" is regeneration. That is being born again.

In Romans 6 we can read, "we have been buried with Him through baptism into death, so that as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life." Again, I say, "having been bruied with Him... so that we too might walk in newness of life" is regeneration. That is being born again.

And in John 5 Jesus said, "Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life." I say that having "passed out of death into life" is regeneration. That is being born again.

You want challenges. Prove to me with scripture that in all of these, I am wrong.
@JBO .........

Tell me this how would you understand that scripture...without becoming Born Again of imperishable seed first?
What does that mean @JBO ?

How can you understand that scripture before you become Born Again of imperishable seed?
How would you know you are Alive in Christ @JBO ?
Please explain?


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2023
Prescott, AZ
United States
@JBO .........all of that scripture is after we Become Born Again...

Tell me this how would you understand that scripture...without becoming Born Again of imperishable seed?

What does that mean @JBO ?

How can you understand that scripture before you become Born Again of imperishable seed?

Please explain?
NO! ! ! ! Either show me from Scripture that what I have said is regeneration is not regeneration, or I am done.

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
Please do not force me to read scripture as you do...God told Nicodemus how we are Born Again...that is the scripture you bypassed.and made the other part of scripture to say what you wanted it to say......therefore confusion being sown.....nope, I won’t stand for it.......goodbye, please leave me alone.
Yes he did tell him how

9 Nicodemus answered and said to Him, “How can these things be?”

10 Jesus answered and said to him, “Are you the teacher of Israel, and do not know these things? 11 Most assuredly, I say to you, We speak what We know and testify what We have seen, and you do not receive Our witness. 12 If I have told you earthly things and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you heavenly things? 13 No one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven, that is, the Son of Man who is in heaven.14 And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, 15 that whoever believes in Him should [c]not perish but have eternal life. 16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.

18 “He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

I am not telling you to read the ward my way, I never have, I am asking you to read the word. Not just part of it.