Why is Christianity so focused on Sin?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2009
if we continue to practice sin willfully
Now if someone could define sin, I can gurantee the list that Jesus has is shorter than teh one we can come up with. As for practisimg si, I dont know of any one who goes around, "now how did i do taht before". let me see. But our flesh will sin til lteh day we die which is why,

Rom_8:3 For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh:
So all tha tback whipping etc etc does nothing but add insult to our Lords work on the cross.


Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
fact from fiction.

Christ didn't send him away and having great possessions does not equate with loving money.

Christianity is focused on Christ.
i know it is easier to copy/paste to (mis)quote, but if you would use the reply button, you will bring the reftag with you, so that a responder does not have to search back in the posts to pick up the thread, ty.

My only reply to your assertion is that you might be technically correct in the first part and the second, but imo they do not apply to the passage, practically speaking, at all, that i can see. The man went away sad because he had great possessions. Why else might he have been sad if it were not that he loved his stuff? So no, Christ did not send him away, technically, but now we are having a semantics discussion wherein the concept that Christ is laying down here is not being picked up, it seems to me?

"The man went away sad because he had great possessions. Why else might he have been sad if it were not that he loved his stuff?"

might clarify your pov here perhaps, if wormwood has not already.


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2014
United States
Sin is the issue, the false church system, has the whole gospel backwards, leaving all the professed in their carnal minds, thinking the son came to set them free from His wrath, which could be further from the truth.

Act 26:18 To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith(faithfulness) that is in me.

In order for a radical transformation to occur in the heart, where the blood of Christ has turned them from dark to the light, from the power of satan to the power God, there must have been a real radical renovation of the soul.(2 Cor 7:10-11)

This renovation, or being made completely new again,(2 Cor 5-17) must be proven by the deeds(faith/obedience to truth) brought on through a major crisis of conviction that led to bitter repentance (Acts 3-19)and crucifying of the flesh,(Gal 5-24) where going back to any rebellious ways is over, never to be repeated again. (Matt 3-8).

If the eyes were truly opened, and a “release from bondage” (redemption) has taken place, then I do not see why so many who claim to have repented of their sins, fall back into their rebellious ways after a supposed conversion. (Eph 1-18).

1Jn 3:9 Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin;(produce) for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.(Born again).

Being born of God requires a radical transformation of the soul! Where the seed of God is now planted in the heart, and now committing any rebellious sins against Him, (Gal 5:19-21) and I mean those pre meditated, well planned and thought out sins of the flesh, that are driven by rebellion, lust, hate, envy, revenge, etc. are totally removed from the heart, mind and soul, now replaced with the laws of God, (Heb 10-16) upheld by faith or faithfulness to those laws. (Righteous requirements) Now going back to your vomit (Prov 26-11) either shows you were never converted in the first place or you were, and now will have a very difficult time if not impossible to come back again, and find that real repentance that brought you into His light once and for all.(Heb 6-10, 10-26).

We will never be perfect in knowledge or understanding, we make mistakes, and have faults, God has given us emotions that act as a warning for us to check our hearts, as to worry leading to sins of the flesh, or anger leading to hate, murder, and violence, foul language, as well as fear and loneliness leading to breaking away from God and into worldly lusts. (James 1:13-15).

But IF you are still struggling with sins of the flesh, then no real radical transformation has taken place in your heart, because those who still struggle with these type of sins, either say they were born again in this state, (condition) or that they can claim 1 JN 1-9 or 2-1(easy forgiveness) after a fall, and simply find repentance again! This will show that they are still carnal, (Rom 8-5-6) but still have a chance to come clean with God once and for all! (Rev 2-5) Never to look back, (Matt 16-24) while they count the cost of dying to self, (Romans Ch 6)and living for Christ,(Luke 14:28-30) filled with His spirit, and power, to never have to make the excuse they fell back into sins of the flesh.(1 Cor 6:9-10-11).

A real renovated(redeemed) convert who does the unthinkable(going back to vomit) is either insane, or has just thrown out all those precious and exceedingly great promises by God,(2 Peter 1-4) who said He will always give a way out of temptation,(1 Cor 10-13) plus never give us more than we can bear! Making a second repentance a real dilemma, where going through real godly sorrow again, (2 Cor 7;10-11) will require possibly months to years of sever brokenness and contriteness, trying to find mercy again, after trampling on the blood, counting it as dung! A real converted soul will never go there, not because they are special or better than the rest, but because they have done their first works right,(Rev 2-5) and a real radical transformation has occurred (taken place) in the heart and soul, (cleansing and purging by the blood)(Heb 9-14) and they know that going back to their vomit(2 Peter 2:20-22) would be the most hateful, selfish, foolish, and evil thing they could do before God who has set them free,(John 8-36) and made them a holy nation and a royal priesthood in His name!(1 Peter 2-9).

Rom 6:7 For he that is dead(to sin) is freed from sin.

Death is permanent, and so should the repentance you went through to put the flesh to death once and for all!

this is all very nice, but if one is covered by innocence then how can one do wrong in the sight of the one who sees nothing but the covering of innocence.

in the eyes of a lover the loved can do no wrong. in the eyes of God He sees the completion in His Son that pleases Him that covers the born again.

the Life Adam and Eve had mind you is they could do no wrong in God's sight, until they ate of the tree. which brought shame guilt and condemnation hence sin a separation from the Presence of God, and then God covered Adam and Eve with the skins of the innocent. The sin might condemn the man but Jesus condemned the sin so that it had no power over the saved soul. the flesh still dies into a condemned state but the soul doesn't though it would without Christ.

what is of God remains and returns to God, what is not of God does not.


Active Member
May 31, 2010
Now if someone could define sin, I can gurantee the list that Jesus has is shorter than teh one we can come up with. As for practisimg si, I dont know of any one who goes around, "now how did i do taht before". let me see. But our flesh will sin til lteh day we die which is why,

Rom_8:3 For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh:
So all tha tback whipping etc etc does nothing but add insult to our Lords work on the cross.

practicing sin could be living with someone to whom we are not married.
It could be getting drunk.
It could be lying to our boss about being sick so we can stay home for work and play computer games.
Cheating on our taxbill and not fully disclosing all our income.
Failing to obey the traffic rules and running red lights or not stopping at a stop sign.
Hating someone we know and being abusive toward them.
Hitting our dog because it pee'd on the floor.
Having an outburst of anger and shouting in someones face.

sin is anything that fails to act in a loving and kind way. It is also anything which is contrary Gods moral standards, anything against his purpose, anything that promotes disharmony or opposed to his righteousness. And that is really what Paul was saying in Romans about his fallen flesh...he knew what was right in his mind, but his bad traits would often show themselves. I mean, lets face it, Paul started off as someone who was stoning christians because he didn't like what they were teaching...he was putting people to death! He was not someone who was a sheepish individual, he was proud, strong, abusive... those traits are not at all what God wants to see in individuals.
May 25, 2017
Why can't it be just about experiencing the love of God? Why not just about knowing the Holy Spirit, living by the wisdom in the Bible?

Instead, new believers have to feel guilty about their Sin. Let's be honest, most people are not sinners but are struggling. They struggle in their jobs, their finances, their health etc.

They struggle to pay the bills, to find someone who actually cares about them.

They feel normal human emotions like anger, frustrations, hate, even lust.

Why is that evil?

Now such a person would love to experience the love of Jesus & the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

But to reach there, they first have to confess their sins, feel bad about themselves.

It is almost as if sin is the key concept in the Bible.

My parents know me with all my shortcomings. They still love me, and never ask me to confess my so called "sins" everyday for them to love me. Why is it different with God the Father then?

If Christianity was more about spreading the love and forgiveness of Jesus, and less about the condemnation of Sin - we would have lot more believers. Who doesn't want God as a personal friend?

And just for the sake of argument, here is what other religions say on the topic of sin:

Hinduism: The concept of Sin doesn't even exists. They have more of a guidelines about living an ethical life.
Islam: The concept of Sin exists, and good deeds must be performed regularly to outweight the quota of sin in a person's life.
Buddhism: The concept of Sin doesn't exists. "Paapa" or "Punya" are towards another person, whereas Biblical Sin is against God.

I don't know what others have stated, but I will give you my take on the issue.

All bad emotions are sinful, they are the result of a bad heart and destructive to self and others. If you have bad feelings towards others you will spew toxic words and do harmful things to them and justify it through the unforgiving heart you possess. Love is the opposite of hate, it is the emotional affection you have for someone or something. Love/affection causes you to only want and do only the best for others.

Sin (bad emotions) are destructive to every part of our existence.
Jul 6, 2011
Sin is falling short of God's purposes, its not just a bad heart and bad actions to others, but a bad heart and actions to God as well.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
"...... focused on sin."
Are they?
I thought the blood washed children of God were more focussed on the amazing grace of our God, and our freedom from the chains of darkness.
I'm not sure who it is that is "...so focussed on sin."

I heard a little saying a long time ago ..it said:-

" If we are conscious of Him, we won't be conscious of sin."
In Psalm 16 it says:- " I have set the Lord always before my face, because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved. "

Sin consciousness is not what we are called to...we are called to God consciousness!!

My two cents.. :)