Work out your own Salvation?

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Sep 7, 2024
NorthWest USA
United States
You are evading the questions, not the first time.
I'm your Huckleberry LOL.
The sins of all are the sins of yours as well, and your sins are also against others.
For we do not just sin ourselves. Most of the times our sins are against others.
In fact seem most sins are, those that effect others.
Honestly, I could care less if you sin or not. I only care that if you sin, you effect others.
Very few sins do not effect others.
Me I am not judging you. I mean you have to figure this stuff out yourself too.
God, The Holy Sprit and Christ mean different thing to different people.
And that said certain paths of that understanding lead you too or away from God.
In this forum everyone is expert. Which means a high amount of people are very right or very wrong.
Me, NO WAY would I put my salvation at the hands of those telling me what Christ says.
Id like to be aware of it myself. The Bible is the most misquoted texts in human History.
The Journey with God is yours. No one else's.
Imagine in this forum, everyone is wrong, but one guy and no one listened?
Imagine Christ doing the same thing.
Humans are flawed and broken. Your salvation should be your own with God. No one else.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
What did Jesus mean when he said you must be born again?
He says that we need the Holy Spirit to give birth to a new spiritual life within us. In fact, the phrase “born again” more literally means “born from above.” Just as your mother gave physical birth to you, if you want to have eternal life, you need the Holy Spirit to give you a spiritual birth.

A Living spiritual birth = by divine heart revelation.

Your spirit must be reborn = by divine heart revelation.

Anyone can say they believe ,we must be reborn in our spirit by divine heart revelation.= Living spiritual Jesus Name...Amen!

James 2:19​

“Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.”

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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
What did Jesus mean when he said you must be born again?
He says that we need the Holy Spirit to give birth to a new spiritual life within us. In fact, the phrase “born again” more literally means “born from above.” Just as your mother gave physical birth to you, if you want to have eternal life, you need the Holy Spirit to give you a spiritual birth.

A Living spiritual birth = by divine heart revelation.

Your spirit must be reborn = by divine heart revelation.

Anyone can say they believe ,we must be reborn in our spirit by divine heart revelation.= Living spiritual Jesus Name...Amen!

James 2:19​

“Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.”

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Spot on correct that anyone can say they beleive . i did it for years and years .
It was lip service . yet reader beware , i had many fooled . for i had an appearance of being nice , giving if one asked ,
i could smile and be nice to many . But i loved my sin sister . So please do not think me a condemner
for exposing the sins of the brethren . They are fooling themselves sister .
Its not condemnation to warn one to repent of said sin . Nor is it hateful to put one out of the church
if indeed they are in sin and wont repent . So remember that .
Lip service but not in heart is dead faith . Seems many seem to forget this fact as they overlook
certain sins within that church and just do nothing to warn their own in sin . That leads to the acceptance of it in time .
It always has . so remember this well . The least one can do is pray for those who actaully do love and correct the church .
Let us not attack such men who do good for the church .
So many people have now come of the mindset that people who do good works , no matter what they beleive ,
are somehow doing the golden rule . A LIE that is . I used to do lots of good in boy scouts and etc
But i was in darkness and loved my sin . I did not know HIM , i did not Have the SPIRIT , I loved my sin .
I was none of his . Lets remember this when we see folks that LIVE IN SIN and JUSTIFY THAT SIN .
the love of money , yes homosexuality too , and etc . IF THEY have no conviction of sin
THEN WHERE IS THE HOLY GHOST that convicts us of sin , WITHIN them . ITS NOT sister . ITS NOT .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
AMEN [!]

Rom 8:1 - There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.

Rom 8:9 - You, however, are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if in fact the Spirit of God dwells in you. Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him.

Paul to the Church in Corinth
1Kor 2:2 For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.

You got it.
Anyone who does not Have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to HIM .
If the SPIRIT be in us then the body is dead because of sins .
What i think we need to all do is go and look at what the actaul FRUIT of THE TRUE HOLY SPIRIT produces .
What is The actual fruit and what does IT PROVE .
The fruit of the SPIRIT is in all goodness , righteousness , and TRUTH . proving that which is Acceptable
to GOD . not to man , TO GOD .
Sin is not acceptable , Other relgions are not acceptable , UNBELIEF in CHRIST is not acceptable TO GOD.
in fact the only way to be made ACCEPTABLE to GOD IS IN CHRIST JESUS . .
The SPIRIT testifies OF JESUS the CHRIST it dont try and build a religion of false love good works and etc
and cliams it dont matter if one believes IN JESUS or NOT . that is NOT THE SPIRIT at work .
Many can profess to believe , but rather they believe what men who twist things tell them ABOUT JESUS . now that has
been a problem for quite some time .
ONLY the born again TRULY CALL HIM LORD and have the SPIRIT and thus their fruits and the FRUIT of the SPIRIT is seen in them .
Many follow another spirit , another jesus , another gospel . So my advice to all is
LETS really get into the bible to learn OF JESUS , to learn the HOLY SPIRIT INSPIRED WORDS of TRUTH that were left to us to learn .
To be made wise unto salvation through FAITH IN JESUS THE CHRIST and not rather as many do faith in the jesus men created
by twisting the scriptures . .
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Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2020
Heaven bound
United Kingdom
Anyone who does not Have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to HIM .
If the SPIRIT be in us then the body is dead because of sins .
What i think we need to all do is go and look at what the actaul FRUIT of THE TRUE HOLY SPIRIT produces .
What is The actual fruit and what does IT PROVE .
The fruit of the SPIRIT is in all goodness , righteousness , and TRUTH . proving that which is Acceptable
to GOD . not to man , TO GOD .
Sin is not acceptable , Other relgions are not acceptable , UNBELIEF in CHRIST is not acceptable TO GOD.
in fact the only way to be made ACCEPTABLE to GOD IS IN CHRIST JESUS . .
The SPIRIT testifies OF JESUS the CHRIST it dont try and build a religion of false love good works and etc
and cliams it dont matter if one believes IN JESUS or NOT . that is NOT THE SPIRIT at work .
Many can profess to believe , but rather they believe what men who twist things tell them ABOUT JESUS . now that has
been a problem for quite some time .
ONLY the born again TRULY CALL HIM LORD and have the SPIRIT and thus their fruits and the FRUIT of the SPIRIT is seen in them .
Many follow another spirit , another jesus , another gospel . So my advice to all is
LETS really get into the bible to learn OF JESUS , to learn the HOLY SPIRIT INSPIRED WORDS of TRUTH that were left to us to learn .
To be made wise unto salvation through FAITH IN JESUS THE CHRIST and not rather as many do faith in the jesus men created
by twisting the scriptures . .
@amigo de christo