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It's about BOTH ! We need the mind of Christ on this and other things.It is not about's about the death of the sin nature.
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It's about BOTH ! We need the mind of Christ on this and other things.It is not about's about the death of the sin nature.
Praise the Lord brother @amigo de christohave you noticed that todays evanglism and testimonies from much peoples and churches
sure seems to NOT focus at all about THE NEED TO BELEIVE
but rather testimonies and experiences as it overlooks and now even goes after those who preach and remind of the DIRE NEED
rather than testifying OF HIM , they testify of what they THINK is SPIRITUAL and oF THE SPIRIT .
yet upon examination i see they often attack those who remind of the dire need TO BELEIVE JESUS is the CHRIST .
The church reminded its own , TO CONTINUE to HOLD FIRM the gospel . NOT be moved away FROM that HOPE .
The gospel i seen them preach and REMIND THE CHURCH about
you shall be saved . TAKE NOTE the WORD BELIEVE and CONFESSION OF CHRIST is in that GOSPEL
while ITS NOT IN THS ONE many now preach .
would testify OF ALL THINGS HE DID SAY , ,not try and omit things while using the phrase BE YE SPIRITUAL .
Something is going amiss big time sister .
The Holy Spirit lives in my spirit, he’s a Living Spirit.
He is the one who leads me and speaks out of my mouth on how we become Born Again...BY HIS LIVING SPIRIT....I’m under his authority, and when he speaks ,out of my mouth, Gods Living Spirit will be Proclaimed and Glorified.
Just like Amigo posts all over the forum the dire need to believe.
I am obedient to my Masters voice and yes, if I am prompted to repeat it time and time again, it will be thankful to God and come before him with sincerity of spirit is Alive in Christ, it must be expressed!!! In Jesus Name...Amen!
You are confused and don't understand either the nature of forgiveness...or the nature of being crucified with Christ..LITERALLY. Your theoretical approach will deceive you until you turn to God...literally.It's about BOTH ! We need the mind of Christ on this and other things.
AMEN [!]I am obedient to my Masters voice and yes, if I am prompted to repeat it time and time again, it will be thankful to God and come before him with sincerity of spirit is Alive in Christ, it must be expressed!!! In Jesus Name...Amen!
Are you aware of the phrase "accuser of the brethren" ?So much of what I read on my threads in response to what I write is from another spirit.."Mammon" the god of personal benefit. The "What can I get out of Jesus for myself"? attitude. The correct "sounding" dogmatism that tickles the ear. Looking for the correct sounding formula to salvation that is without power or reality. But it "sounds" good to the uncrucified outer man because of what is expected can be gained for it. What a surprise awaits these. Can people not discern that a figurative grasp of the bible...based in theory and religious shallow and pointless? Vanity. And if I speak the truth in reality, people get in a big snit...relying on that other spirit to calculate how precious they are, and how much God wants to preserve them in their present fallen condition. These see the bible as a menu, not a word that brings with it conviction and responsibility...literally.
Many follow another Jesus...Jesus Barabbas...who was set free, pardoned, to continue in sin. And he would extend that same freedom from the law to others. People want to be forgiven, being not responsible for their actions...not sacrificed like the true Christ. Look at the twisting of the bible to make it about them. These will lie and say it's NOT about them. No, it's about how they point to the Christ who covers up their sins for them. It's all about Him....they say smugly. How two-faced can a person be? Don't people realize that such idle words will be judged severely? More severely than murderers...doing terrible things with the words of the Lord.
The cross is something to die on. It is not about's about the death of the sin nature. Pointing to the cross for personal benefit is not the same as following Christ to be crucified with Him. Claiming to be born again by claiming Jesus for oneself flies in the face of an actual spiritual rebirth that opens up the heavens and makes people ashamed of their carnal actions. No such shame here. No such testimony of the limitless power of love and peace that one experiences in Christ. No, that is seen as "figurative"....a religious theory to weaponize and use on whoever doesn't jump through the same deluded hoops as they do. The devil uses uncrucified people to not only not enter into the kingdom realm themselves....but to mock those who do or are willing to surrender all to Christ.
Real disciples don't grandstand and say things that come from a self-motivated justification for virtue signalling as many do here. But these have nothing to compare an actual disciple to. They refuse anything that doesn't come with a ready-made lip-service meant to self-justify. How poor and wicked.
I rebuke the lot of you.
Yet I am not discouraged. I hold out a hope that a few will turn away from dead religion to serve the living God. A few may one day turn from their own religious ways and actually be permitted to see the kingdom of God. The time for shame is right avoid the eternal shame that awaits those who are self-satisfied with their religious facades. Just one minute in Zion would forever change the attitude of many here. This is my prayer for you. But where is the fear of the Lord? The harmful doctrines have long eliminated what can actually save a person from the hard judgment of God.
Jak 4:11 Do not speak evil against one another, brothers. The one who speaks against a brother or judges his brother, speaks evil against the law and judges the law. But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge.You are confused and don't understand either the nature of forgiveness...or the nature of being crucified with Christ..LITERALLY. Your theoretical approach will deceive you until you turn to God...literally.
Not you Rita, you make accusations about me, expect it back.,,not right I know...then we start getting personal, it’s not just me, and no, you never said It was just me..... I’ve taken note of what you said..,and yes it’s wrong to judge where someone else is, in their walk with God I apologise to those who I’ve done this to.Why is it not possible to discuss something without feeling that you all know everyone so well that you can judge the work of The Holy Spirit within each persons life.
Everyone seems to be an expert on other people - why not show a bit more respect to one another - then any truth you all seem to think you convey may actually get heard. ….
Both yes...Jesus Bar Abba on the one side, and Jesus Barabbas on the other. The people must choose. Either be pardoned OR be sacrificed. Not both. Was Jesus both pardoned AND sacrificed?It's about BOTH !
And how do you know that? You can not. And yet you accuse.Instead of a humble seeking of God, most will name and claim whatever they read as if it pertained to them...until these are disabused of their folly...either now in the form of a deep repentance,
Are you aware of the phrase "accuser of the brethren" ?
Because that's what you did here, collectively.
Jak 4:11 Do not speak evil against one another, brothers. The one who speaks against a brother or judges his brother, speaks evil against the law and judges the law. But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge.
Jak 4:12 There is only one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and to destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbor?
You are quite wrong....literally.You are confused and don't understand either the nature of forgiveness...or the nature of being crucified with Christ..LITERALLY. Your theoretical approach will deceive you until you turn to God...literally.
How can you judge me for doing in honesty and truth what you are doing by your own ways? Nobody likes to be corrected. A fool only wants to be approved in what he thinks he is. A wise man receives correction and is grateful.And how do you know that? You can not. And yet you accuse.
Jak 4:11 Do not speak evil against one another, brothers. The one who speaks against a brother or judges his brother, speaks evil against the law and judges the law. But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge.
Jak 4:12 There is only one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and to destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbor?
You are wrong to imply that a condemnation of sin is the same as being an accuser of the brethren.
Who told you that, Epi or the Holy Spirit?You are reacting as you want to be preserved without repentance.
Correct yourself.How can you judge me for doing in honesty and truth what you are doing by your own ways? Nobody likes to be corrected. A fool only wants to be approved in what he thinks he is. A wise man receives correction and is grateful.
I don’t mind being corrected, we shouldn’t speak to members like dirt as if their stupid, like one member keeps doing on this forum.., why should we tolerate their abuse all over the forum, and why should we have to put them on ignore...I can take so much, then I give it back, give them a taste of their own medicine....supposed teachers....good grief, if they spoke to my children like that, I’d report them to the head master.absolute disgrace their behaviour is, imo, mines moderate compared to theirs ,plus we have visitors viewing these threads.How can you judge me for doing in honesty and truth what you are doing by your own ways? Nobody likes to be corrected. A fool only wants to be approved in what he thinks he is. A wise man receives correction and is grateful.
That's the thing. You have to decide what you hear...and what you don't. We are each sovereign individuals before surrendering that individuality to God.And what was my sin, and the sins of the people in this thread you collectively accused?
Did the Holy Spirit told you that?
Who told you that, Epi or the Holy Spirit?