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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola

On the Cross....Jesus became your sin.........all of it.

2 Corinthians 5:21

On the Cross....Jesus became your sin.........all of it.

2 Corinthians 5:21

Jesus took it all upon Himself and DIED, and it ended there.
He didn't come out of the Grave with your sin on Him......He left it, and that is were you sin is found.
Its not on you. It's on the Cross of Christ....and its gone if you are born again.

When you read that you are "made righteous", having become "the righteousness of God, in Christ", .. that is indeed the reality regarding all the born again.
God has established you as "in Christ", "made righteous" and there you remain for as long as God lives.
This is why the NT teaches you that : "as Jesus IS........so are the born again, in THIS world".

Romans 4:8 says that God does not charge you with your sin.
2 Corinthians 5:19, said that you are not charged with any sin.......not ever again.
The CROSS of Christ is the reason why

So, who is charged with all your sin????

A.) Jesus on the Cross. = He is your "one time eternal sacrifice for ALL sin".

= Not some.....not a few, but ALL sin.......all of it.

And you say....."what about what i did yesterday".

Jesus Became your sin and died for them ALL.

"Jesus is the ONE TIME... ETERNAL... sacrifice for sin"..

Now, in comes a heretic to tell you......."he is teaching you can live anyway you want".

But that is not true.
Its not true that because you are as sinless as the Blood of God on the Cross can make you, and that is ' HOLY".. "RIGHTEOUS"...... "one with GOD"......that you can now live like the devil and face no consequences.. As you will reap what you sow = down here..
You will "reap what you have sown" down here, as that spiritual law didn't end with the Cross of Christ.
However, the judgment of God, against your sin, will NEVER FIND YOU now or in eternity, because JESUS has been judged for all your sin on the Cross, 2000 yrs ago.
He's died for them all., 2000 yrs ago.


And Reader, if you are born again.......then when you get this revelation, of being >made righteous<......it will not cause you to want to sin.
It will cause you to want to crawl on your hands and knees to the feet of Jesus and wash his feet with your tears and dry His feet with your hair.
THAT is what the GRACE of GOD does to you, when you understand it.
It HUMBLES you.. and causes you to Love God more and want to please Him more and more and more.
Thats a FACT.
It will cause you to love God more.
It will cause you to become more dedicated to righteous living.
iT will cause you to want to please God more than you have ever wanted to before, and it will sustain that, once you get the revelation.
It will cause you to say to God...."here is my life, take it God, use me, USE ME".. "I am YOURS">..

The devil's ministers, first of all, do not want you to know you are eternally : "one with God' "made righteous".
They want you to believe you are just a "saved sinner", a discipleship failure, waiting to sin again and confess it again.
There false Gospel is Romans 9 and not God's Grace.

The truth is, you are a born again SAINT.. You exist as "seated in Heavenly places" in Christ.
You. have been MADE RIGHTEOUS, by God's "gift of Righteousness" and "Gift of Salvation".
The Blood of JESUS on the Cross has been applied to YOU, and it will keep you CLEAN and "made free from sin", forever.
See....Jesus has become your sin, if you are born again, and YOU have become "the righteousness OF GOD, IN CHRIST".
Thats who you are, if you are born again.
Get the revelation SAINT, and your walk with God will CHANGE so much into HOLY Spirit power and joy and perseverance,... and the New Testament, will begin to reveal to you it's hidden Light.
But you have to go here and stay here.

= Hebrews 13:9

Jesus took it all upon Himself and DIED, and it ended there.
He didn't come out of the Grave with your sin on Him......He left it, and that is were you sin is found.
Its not on you. It's on the Cross of Christ....its gone if you are born again, and you are not just some water baptized religious cult member.

When you read that you are "made righteous", having become "the righteousness of God, in Christ", .. that is indeed the reality of all the born again.
God has established you as "in Christ", "made righteous" and there you remain for as long as God lives.
This is why the NT teaches you that : "as Jesus IS........so are the born again, in THIS world".

Romans 4:8 says that God does not charge you with your sin.
2 Corinthians 5:19, said that you are not charged with any sin.......not ever again.
The CROSS of Christ is the reason why.
Im an evangelist who is CALLED to deliver that message., same as Paul....same as you, if you are born again.
That is the "message of reconciliation" that is The Gospel of the Grace of GOD.
This is the "preaching of the Cross".
This is the 'word of Salvation"...>"be you RECONCILED TO GOD".....by the CROSS of Christ.

So, who is charged with all your sin????

A.) Jesus on the Cross. He is your "one time eternal sacrifice for ALL sin".

= Not some.....not a few, but ALL sin.......all of it.

And you say....."what about what i did yesterday".

Jesus Became your sin and died for them ALL.

Now, in comes the devil to tell you......."he is teaching you can live like me", and His online ministers will be the first to tell you that.

But that is not true.
Its not true that because you are as sinless as the Blood of God on the Cross can make you, and that is ' HOLY".. "RIGHTEOUS"...... "one with GOD"......that you can now live like the devil and face no consequences.. As you will reap what you sow down here..
But the judgment of God, against your sin, will NEVER FIND YOU now or in eternity, because JESUS has been judged for all your sin on the Cross.
He's died for them all., 2000 yrs ago.


And Reader, and some of you are born again.......when you get this revelation, of being >made righteous<......it will not cause you to want to sin.
It will cause you to want to crawl on your hands and knees to the feet of Jesus and wash his feet with your tears and dry His feet with your hair.
THAT is what the GRACE of GOD does to you, when you understand it.
Thats a FACT.
It will cause you to love God more.
It will cause you to become more dedicated to righteous living.
iT will cause you to want to please God more than you have ever wanted to before, and it will sustain that, once you get the revelation.
It will cause you to say to God...."here is my life, take it God, use me, USE ME".. "I am YOURS">..

The devil's ministers, first of all, do not want you to know you are "one with God' "made righteous".
They want you to believe you are just a "saved sinner", a Christian failure, waiting to sin again and confess it again.

But that is not the truth. They are lying to you on Forums and from Pulpits...
The truth is, you are a born again SAINT.. You exist as "seated in Heavenly places" in Christ.
You. have been MADE RIGHTEOUS, by God's "gift of Righteousness" and "Gift of Salvation".
The Blood of God on the Cross has been applied to YOU, and it will keep you CLEAN in God's perspective, forever.
Jesus has become your sin, if you are born again, and YOU have become "the righteousness OF GOD, IN CHRIST".
Thats who you are, if you are born again, and not just some religious water baptized religious fakir.

Get the revelation, and your walk with God will CHANGE so much into power and joy and perseverance,... and the New Testament, will begin to reveal to you it's hidden Light.
But you have to go here and stay here.

God bless you to see it.

= Hebrews 13:9
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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States
It always surprises me to find Christians who insist they are still sinners who sin.

And some even become upset that others don't agree.

Their pov makes the cross of none effect. Nominal Christians. Bearing the name,not the inner flame of Holy Spirits redemption. Sad.:(
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
It always surprises me to find Christians who insist they are still sinners who sin.

"Jesus came into the WORLD (of people) to save SINNERS".. (the world full of them) (all of them).. ( if they will come to Him with Faith).

John 3:16

Once they do, they are born again by God's Spirit..... not as a sinner, but as A..

1.) Saint
2.) Heir of God
3.) New Creation in Christ
4.) Joint Heir with Jesus
5.) Brethren
6.) Temple of the Holy Spirit
7.) Blood Bought, Redeemed, Son/Daughter of God
8.) Child of the Light

So, when a person, who claims to be a Christian..... does not know any of that, and they ALSO dont know that Jesus died for ALL of their sin, then they will claim to be what they are not.. (if they are truly born again).... and they will tend to want to try to claim that all other CHRISTians are the same... a "sinner".

If THAT ONE is trying to preach from a pulpit or teach on a Forum, then turn them OFF.. Do not Listen.. Put them on HOLD, and leave them there talking to themselves.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2020
Los Angeles
United States
If THAT ONE is trying to preach from a pulpit or teach on a Forum, then turn them OFF.. Do not Listen.. Put them on HOLD, and leave them there talking to themselves.
Shall they turn you off as well since you did not understand Romans 7:14-25, which I presented to you to expound from another thread? And, when do you suppose the born again Christian were Not found guilty with Christ, on the Cross?

Romans Chapter 7 must be read in light of 1 John 1:6-10....

6 If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth:
7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.
8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us [our] sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.

Get off your high horse and study the truth of the Word, evangelist, cause if you don't, you too will fall under the warning circumscribed in Hosea 4:6.
Don't try to be smarter then God.

To God Be The Glory


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States
Shall they turn you off as well since you did not understand Romans 7:14-25, which I presented to you to expound from another thread? And, when do you suppose the born again Christian were Not found guilty with Christ, on the Cross?

Romans Chapter 7 must be read in light of 1 John 1:6-10....

6 If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth:
7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.
8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us [our] sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.

Get off your high horse and study the truth of the Word, evangelist, cause if you don't, you too will fall under the warning circumscribed in Hosea 4:6.
Don't try to be smarter then God.

To God Be The Glory
You're confused if you think a born again Christian is found guilty with Christ on the cross.

Jesus was sinless.
What else you don't understand about being born again?


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2020
Los Angeles
United States
You're confused if you think a born again Christian is found guilty with Christ on the cross.

Jesus was sinless.
What else you don't understand about being born again?
And, therefore you believe a born again Christian is sinless like Jesus??

Paul, a born again believer, and under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, wrote Romans Chapter 7. Please read verses 14-25 and tell me the context of those verses??

Was there a war going on with the law of his flesh as opposed to the law of his mind?? And what do you think this means??

You see, a believers salvation is two parts!!

To God Be The Glory


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States
And, therefore you believe a born again Christian is sinless like Jesus??
Read the Gospel Jesus delivered.
Paul, a born again believer, and under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, wrote Romans Chapter 7. Please read verses 14-25 and tell me the context of those verses??

Was there a war going on with the law of his flesh as opposed to the law of his mind?? And what do you think this means??

You see, a believers salvation is two parts!!

To God Be The Glory
I'm not Pauline.


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2020
Los Angeles
United States
Read the Gospel Jesus delivered
Now you want me to do your homework for you?? Lol.
I'm not Pauline.
Therefore the words that he panned are NOT equal to the words of Jesus?? Remember the words Paul penned was exactly what the Lord Jesus commanded him to write!!

We read in 1 Corinthians 14:37-38:
37 If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord.
38 But if any man be ignorant, let him be ignorant.

To God Be The Glory
Last edited:

Duck Muscles

Active Member
Mar 19, 2024

On the Cross....Jesus became your sin.........all of it.

2 Corinthians 5:21

On the Cross....Jesus became your sin.........all of it.

2 Corinthians 5:21

Jesus took it all upon Himself and DIED, and it ended there.
He didn't come out of the Grave with your sin on Him......He left it, and that is were you sin is found.
Its not on you. It's on the Cross of Christ....and its gone if you are born again.

When you read that you are "made righteous", having become "the righteousness of God, in Christ", .. that is indeed the reality regarding all the born again.
God has established you as "in Christ", "made righteous" and there you remain for as long as God lives.
This is why the NT teaches you that : "as Jesus IS........so are the born again, in THIS world".

Romans 4:8 says that God does not charge you with your sin.
2 Corinthians 5:19, said that you are not charged with any sin.......not ever again.
The CROSS of Christ is the reason why

So, who is charged with all your sin????

A.) Jesus on the Cross. = He is your "one time eternal sacrifice for ALL sin".

= Not some.....not a few, but ALL sin.......all of it.

And you say....."what about what i did yesterday".

Jesus Became your sin and died for them ALL.

"Jesus is the ONE TIME... ETERNAL... sacrifice for sin"..

Now, in comes a heretic to tell you......."he is teaching you can live anyway you want".

But that is not true.
Its not true that because you are as sinless as the Blood of God on the Cross can make you, and that is ' HOLY".. "RIGHTEOUS"...... "one with GOD"......that you can now live like the devil and face no consequences.. As you will reap what you sow = down here..
You will "reap what you have sown" down here, as that spiritual law didn't end with the Cross of Christ.
However, the judgment of God, against your sin, will NEVER FIND YOU now or in eternity, because JESUS has been judged for all your sin on the Cross, 2000 yrs ago.
He's died for them all., 2000 yrs ago.


And Reader, if you are born again.......then when you get this revelation, of being >made righteous<......it will not cause you to want to sin.
It will cause you to want to crawl on your hands and knees to the feet of Jesus and wash his feet with your tears and dry His feet with your hair.
THAT is what the GRACE of GOD does to you, when you understand it.
It HUMBLES you.. and causes you to Love God more and want to please Him more and more and more.
Thats a FACT.
It will cause you to love God more.
It will cause you to become more dedicated to righteous living.
iT will cause you to want to please God more than you have ever wanted to before, and it will sustain that, once you get the revelation.
It will cause you to say to God...."here is my life, take it God, use me, USE ME".. "I am YOURS">..

The devil's ministers, first of all, do not want you to know you are eternally : "one with God' "made righteous".
They want you to believe you are just a "saved sinner", a discipleship failure, waiting to sin again and confess it again.
There false Gospel is Romans 9 and not God's Grace.

The truth is, you are a born again SAINT.. You exist as "seated in Heavenly places" in Christ.
You. have been MADE RIGHTEOUS, by God's "gift of Righteousness" and "Gift of Salvation".
The Blood of JESUS on the Cross has been applied to YOU, and it will keep you CLEAN and "made free from sin", forever.
See....Jesus has become your sin, if you are born again, and YOU have become "the righteousness OF GOD, IN CHRIST".
Thats who you are, if you are born again.
Get the revelation SAINT, and your walk with God will CHANGE so much into HOLY Spirit power and joy and perseverance,... and the New Testament, will begin to reveal to you it's hidden Light.
But you have to go here and stay here.

= Hebrews 13:9

Jesus took it all upon Himself and DIED, and it ended there.
He didn't come out of the Grave with your sin on Him......He left it, and that is were you sin is found.
Its not on you. It's on the Cross of Christ....its gone if you are born again, and you are not just some water baptized religious cult member.

When you read that you are "made righteous", having become "the righteousness of God, in Christ", .. that is indeed the reality of all the born again.
God has established you as "in Christ", "made righteous" and there you remain for as long as God lives.
This is why the NT teaches you that : "as Jesus IS........so are the born again, in THIS world".

Romans 4:8 says that God does not charge you with your sin.
2 Corinthians 5:19, said that you are not charged with any sin.......not ever again.
The CROSS of Christ is the reason why.
Im an evangelist who is CALLED to deliver that message., same as Paul....same as you, if you are born again.
That is the "message of reconciliation" that is The Gospel of the Grace of GOD.
This is the "preaching of the Cross".
This is the 'word of Salvation"...>"be you RECONCILED TO GOD".....by the CROSS of Christ.

So, who is charged with all your sin????

A.) Jesus on the Cross. He is your "one time eternal sacrifice for ALL sin".

= Not some.....not a few, but ALL sin.......all of it.

And you say....."what about what i did yesterday".

Jesus Became your sin and died for them ALL.

Now, in comes the devil to tell you......."he is teaching you can live like me", and His online ministers will be the first to tell you that.

But that is not true.
Its not true that because you are as sinless as the Blood of God on the Cross can make you, and that is ' HOLY".. "RIGHTEOUS"...... "one with GOD"......that you can now live like the devil and face no consequences.. As you will reap what you sow down here..
But the judgment of God, against your sin, will NEVER FIND YOU now or in eternity, because JESUS has been judged for all your sin on the Cross.
He's died for them all., 2000 yrs ago.


And Reader, and some of you are born again.......when you get this revelation, of being >made righteous<......it will not cause you to want to sin.
It will cause you to want to crawl on your hands and knees to the feet of Jesus and wash his feet with your tears and dry His feet with your hair.
THAT is what the GRACE of GOD does to you, when you understand it.
Thats a FACT.
It will cause you to love God more.
It will cause you to become more dedicated to righteous living.
iT will cause you to want to please God more than you have ever wanted to before, and it will sustain that, once you get the revelation.
It will cause you to say to God...."here is my life, take it God, use me, USE ME".. "I am YOURS">..

The devil's ministers, first of all, do not want you to know you are "one with God' "made righteous".
They want you to believe you are just a "saved sinner", a Christian failure, waiting to sin again and confess it again.

But that is not the truth. They are lying to you on Forums and from Pulpits...
The truth is, you are a born again SAINT.. You exist as "seated in Heavenly places" in Christ.
You. have been MADE RIGHTEOUS, by God's "gift of Righteousness" and "Gift of Salvation".
The Blood of God on the Cross has been applied to YOU, and it will keep you CLEAN in God's perspective, forever.
Jesus has become your sin, if you are born again, and YOU have become "the righteousness OF GOD, IN CHRIST".
Thats who you are, if you are born again, and not just some religious water baptized religious fakir.

Get the revelation, and your walk with God will CHANGE so much into power and joy and perseverance,... and the New Testament, will begin to reveal to you it's hidden Light.
But you have to go here and stay here.

God bless you to see it.

= Hebrews 13:9
That is very well put together.

Romans 9 would seem to me to be Paul in a protracted manner testifying he does not feel as one who is born again.