Christianity : is not a Denomination.

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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola

Truth comes in 2 ways..

1.) By A Teacher Teaching
2.) By the revelation of the Holy Spirit.

Now, that IS the same thing, regarding how God teaches..........but, there are some truth's that you as a believer that YOU have to go and discover for yourself, or, you'll just remain locked inside the jaws of skepticism or deception.

Now, i just blew up a forum, before i came here and posted this Thread for you..., more then likely.
How did i do it?
Well, its a "Baptist" forum and its a pretty good forum, but its "neck deep in Baptist ONLY"... mentality.
So, i wrote a simple post that said that :

"""God Creates Christians, and Man creates denominations.""

And that small little post will go viral there and these Baptists will be aiming for my Throat, more then likely, over the next week or month.
And that is what i WANT, as once they come to me with their "im a Baptist, mentality", then i can get in their head and help them OUT of that type of Thinking, as its cultish and it denies God's love to flow through them correctly.
And it can be the same issue with YOU and Your denomination, reader.

We see the worst examples of this as Catholics and Calvinists.

See, There are no denominations in only find them down here.
And so, once a person can SEE what im showing them, then they will often be able to stay in the Local Assembly they love and they should.. but they will SEE IT differently, which is what i caused them to understand by revelation.
And its very important for them to know what ive just shown you also.... as God loves all His Children, exactly the same, and its the Devil who causes Walls to be driven between Believers.
So that is the danger of Denominations.... just like its the danger of "doctrines of devils"... Hebrews 13:9

The Devil is a divider, and never a uniter.
The Devil is all about strife and confusion and PRIDE.

And now this for you.............Reader.

Its always the same reaction when Christians are told...>"some bibles are JUNK< and some are actually demonic".

The typical "knee jerk" reaction to hearing that is..>"C'mon... all bibles are the same"...
And Believers think this because they dont read much bible, and they've never studied manuscript evidence, and they certainly have never compared a lot of versions to find out what is missing and what is man-made, regarding verses and doctrine.

Bibles in fact, are not the same, and that is because some are bibles and some are books filled with subverted verses and planned deception.

See, you have not realized that a "new" BIBLE comes from a GROUP who created it., for MONEY.
That's why a "new" bible comes out every year. = Its for MONEY... to get MONEY.
But that is not the real issue.. The real issue is.. that the group who created it, .. what do they believe? As what they believe is HOW they are going to translate the verses... = according to what they believe.
Christians are not aware that CULTS put out "New" bibles.....that pretend to be a Bible.

Now, reader, i'll give you a key.

Before you just believe some commentary or some "christian book" you got for always have to find out what the WRITER believes about The CROSS of CHRIST, and how this is the GIFT of Salvation.
Do they understand this "simplicity that is found in Christ'? or not?
See, this is the principal truth, and when a so called "christian" does not understand what i just showed you, then that person is not a teacher, or a preacher, or anything that you need to be following.

You always have to find out the core belief system of a Teacher, of a Pope, of a Minister, of a Commentary Writer, or of a TV Evangelist.., before you just give them your MIND.

Never just open your mind to some tongue talking person, or someone who "sounds SMART".., as the Devil has a lot of these people in his service.

See, the main thing i teach on Forums, other then Pauline Theology, is "how to spot a Heretic", as if you dont know how, then that expalns what happened to your Faith.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Love that.

If you really want to shake up some religious mindsets so that God can realign them for His Glory.., and maybe God will have you doing it soon enough @Pearl

Why not?
God has His will for us.
He really does.

4 Things are required.

You have to make certain that you always Give Christ all the Credit Due Him alone for eternal Salvation, and that means keeping you saved as well as saving you.
And the other thing, is to never cast doubt on the word of God. Never cause anyone to think that the Bible is not Trustworthy = 100%

And then..


2.) Dependability.

A minister has to be available and dependable.

I didnt say perfect, as only Jesus is perfected in that way...., but His redeemed are made righteous at all times.
We are the "righteousness of GOD.. .in Christ".

I believe you have what it takes.
And for anyone else here who is wondering if God wants more of you then for you to live on forums.
If my words find you, if they hit you, then you'll know it, and that's not me.
Believe it.

So, to continue...

Tell them this..

"There are no Catholics in Heaven"
"There are no Church of England in Heaven"
"There are no Baptists, or Methodists, or Assembly of God, or Presbyterian, Church of Christ, or Mormons, or JW's, or ANY DOMINATiON in Heaven".

There are only the Born again, and God and Christ and the Host of Heaven.

See, Its good to give Christians an eye opening experience, as this allows God to get some LIGHT in there.

Some things i write, seem controversial, until you see them.. in the inner man.

So, when you point out that there are no denominations in heaven, then the person says....>"well are you saying that we are not to join a church".

And im not saying that at all...
But i am pointing out that when Paul and Jude and Peter and all the apostles were creating local assemblies..... none of them were a Baptist or a Catholic or any of this "man made it like this"....stuff that you find as a denomination.

My Church is a Messianic Congregation.
That is to say its a " for Messiah we gather".
That's not a denomination. That is a local group of people who love Yeshua and want to come and gather "in faith" with others who love Messiah.
All are at different levels, with regards to how much Theology they know, or regarding how much faith they have..... but all are EQUAL in God's eyes as "Heirs of God" and "One with God".
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Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
Truth comes in 2 ways..

1.) By A Teacher Teaching, and that's me.

You do not say??????????? Where can I get tickets on myself just like you have?

I also realised that, in many instances, you are also blind and cannot see.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Apr 9, 2019
United Kingdom
If you really want to shake up some religious mindsets so that God can realign them for His Glory.., and maybe God will have you doing it soon enough @Pearl

Why not?
God has His will for us.
He really does.

4 Things are required.

You have to make certain that you always Give Christ all the Credit Due Him alone for eternal Salvation, and that means keeping you saved as well as saving you.
And the other thing, is to never cast doubt on the word of God. Never cause anyone to think that the Bible is not Trustworthy = 100%

And then..


2.) Dependability.

A minister has to be available and dependable.

I didnt say perfect, as only Jesus is perfected in that way...., but His redeemed are made righteous at all times.
We are the "righteousness of GOD.. .in Christ".

I believe you have what it takes.
And for anyone else here who is wondering if God wants more of you then for you to live on forums.
If my words find you, if they hit you, then you'll know it, and that's not me.
Believe it.

So, to continue...

Tell them this..

"There are no Catholics in Heaven"
"There are no Church of England in Heaven"
"There are no Baptists, or Methodists, or Assembly of God, or Presbyterian, Church of Christ, or Mormons, or JW's, or ANY DOMINATiON in Heaven".

There are only the Born again, and God and Christ and the Host of Heaven.

See, Its good to give Christians an eye opening experience, as this allows God to get some LIGHT in there.

Some things i write, seem controversial, until you see them.. in the inner man.

So, when you point out that there are no denominations in heaven, then the person says....>"well are you saying that we are not to join a church".

And im not saying that at all...
But i am pointing out that when Paul and Jude and Peter and all the apostles were creating local assemblies..... none of them were a Baptist or a Catholic or any of this "man made it like this"....stuff that you find as a denomination.

My Church is a Messianic Congregation.
That is to say its a " for Messiah we gather".
That's not a denomination. That is a local group of people who love Yeshua and want to come and gather "in faith" with others who love Messiah.
All are at different levels, with regards to how much Theology they know, or regarding how much faith they have..... but all are EQUAL in God's eyes as "Heirs of God" and "One with God".
God gave me a picture of allotments which I have shared on forums. It may be relevant here.

God’s Allotments

One night after an extended time of Spirit led praise and worship with a small group of friends, God gave me a picture in my mind of some allotments. After praying about it became clear that in this spiritual picture the allotment plots represented the various denominations of the Church.

Now allotments are owned by the local council and are a series of plots with one boundary where people can have their own individual plots to grow fruit and veg. People being people some plots are neater and more productive than others but apart from a very few which are unattended and left to nature they all produce crops i.e. they all bear some kind of fruit.

God showed me that the various denominations of the Christian Church are a bit like these allotments. They all belong to the one God but are tended by vastly different people. Like the allotment plots they do all bear spiritual fruit to one degree or another; some abundantly and others less so; and there are also the odd ones which have been badly tended for years and just seem to grow weeds.

I Googled images of allotments and if you try it you will see that there are all sorts, from the sublime to the ridiculous, from the flourishing to the floundering. It has really given me some food for thought.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Apr 9, 2019
United Kingdom
There is not one single religion, tradition or denomination that has the right to call itself the one true church.

There is and only ever has been One True Church, and that is made up only of those who are Born Again believers from whatever church background, or none, worldwide, past present and future. Those who through the revelation of the Holy Spirit have seen Jesus for who he is, recognised what he did, turned from their sin and accepted him into their lives as Lord and Saviour. Anybody who hasn’t taken these steps towards him and made that commitment is not, in my view, part of the Church. And in my experience many church-goers and even high ranking priests and clergy fall outside this criteria.

And already in God’s eyes we are spotless; having had our sin washed away in the blood of the sacrificial Lamb we are free from it. We are not though, yet perfect – far from it some might say – and won’t be while we are in our mortal bodies, but we are without sin in God’s eyes. If we were not we wouldn’t be called a Holy Priesthood; those who have been made holy as he is holy and can come into His holy presence and stand before him face to face.

It is this Church which will be presented to the Father as the Bride.

Within the denominations there are many ‘weeds’ and where they are in the majority, I believe God’s word tells us not to be yoked with unbelievers. I know there is an argument which says stay and lead by example, but I have found that such died-in-the-wool ‘weeds’ have absolutely no desire to change and most will be quite derogatory about those in their midst who confess to be Born Again and spirit filled.

Many clergy are afraid to preach the truth in case they offend life-long church members who then may leave, causing dwindling membership to drop even further – I’ve seen it happen. These stiff-necked people are often the driving force of the church (small c) as they refuse to step down from positions of authority on PCC committees and the like, which can result in the stultifying of the church.

Those of us who do belong to the One True Church should be showing love and a lack of prejudice towards one another. We who carry the divine DNA and are brothers and sisters in Christ, children of the Living God need to be seen to be kind and loving to each other as “By their love will you know them”. We have so much in common, and our Father tells us to encourage one another, so let us do just that.

I believe that in God's eyes we are not spiritually divided if we have the Holy Spirit of God in us and are in Christ. We are not divided but already have the unity of the Spirit. We may not agree on doctrine, liturgy or the colour of the walls in the brew room, or even about whether to have a bag or a plate for collections. But if we are born again Jesus unites us; his blood unites us; his sacrifice unites us. We are already one family in Christ; albeit a quarrelsome one.

And whilst there are divisions within the Church over unimportant doctrinal matters which have been interpreted in different ways by different sectors of Christ's body, nonetheless the important thing is that all who are born again in Christ are united with Christ and therefore must surely be united with each other. If you do not agree with what I have said then that’s ok but maybe you might like to give it some deeper thought before you reply.

If we will stop looking at the differences between us and begin to see ourselves as united in the way I have described then maybe that will go a long way to closing the divisions and ending the quarrels.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Nope - truth only comes ONE WAY: From the Holy Spirit. I have no assurance that you even KNOW the truth. (1 John 2:27)

If you read the bible, if you own one, then read John 14:6.

Its says that Jesus is "THE Truth".

Not a truth, or some truth....

See that @Bob Carabbio ?

So, the Holy Spirit is the spirit of Truth, and Jesus is The Truth.... which is why the NT says that "Jesus is THAT Spirit" and "God is A Spirit".

So, In Jesus are "hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge" or All Truth, all Revelation.

And The bible, is the revelation of God, that was dictated by the Spirit of God, and "Jesus is That Spirit".

So, the believer, receives the revelation 2 ways..

The Bible
And the Holy Spirit, and "Christ is that Spirit" and "Christ in YOU... the hope of Glory".

Bob Carabbio

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2016
Dallas, TX
United States
If you read the bible, if you own one, then read John 14:6.

Its says that Jesus is "THE Truth".

Not a truth, or some truth....

See that @Bob Carabbio ?

So, the Holy Spirit is the spirit of Truth, and Jesus is The Truth.... which is why the NT says that "Jesus is THAT Spirit" and "God is A Spirit".

So, In Jesus are "hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge" or All Truth, all Revelation.

And The bible, is the revelation of God, that was dictated by the Spirit of God, and "Jesus is That Spirit".

So, the believer, receives the revelation 2 ways..

The Bible
And the Holy Spirit, and "Christ is that Spirit" and "Christ in YOU... the hope of Glory".
Yup, that's what I said. The HOLY SPIRIT will lead into ALL TRUTH (If you bother to listen to him).

Rella ~ I am a woman

Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2023
United States

Truth comes in 2 ways..

1.) By A Teacher Teaching
2.) By the revelation of the Holy Spirit.

Now, that IS the same thing, regarding how God teaches..........but, there are some truth's that you as a believer that YOU have to go and discover for yourself, or, you'll just remain locked inside the jaws of skepticism or deception.

Now, i just blew up a forum, before i came here and posted this Thread for you..., more then likely.
How did i do it?
Well, its a "Baptist" forum and its a pretty good forum, but its "neck deep in Baptist ONLY"... mentality.
So, i wrote a simple post that said that :

"""God Creates Christians, and Man creates denominations.""

And that small little post will go viral there and these Baptists will be aiming for my Throat, more then likely, over the next week or month.
And that is what i WANT, as once they come to me with their "im a Baptist, mentality", then i can get in their head and help them OUT of that type of Thinking, as its cultish and it denies God's love to flow through them correctly.
And it can be the same issue with YOU and Your denomination, reader.

We see the worst examples of this as Catholics and Calvinists.

See, There are no denominations in only find them down here.
And so, once a person can SEE what im showing them, then they will often be able to stay in the Local Assembly they love and they should.. but they will SEE IT differently, which is what i caused them to understand by revelation.
And its very important for them to know what ive just shown you also.... as God loves all His Children, exactly the same, and its the Devil who causes Walls to be driven between Believers.
So that is the danger of Denominations.... just like its the danger of "doctrines of devils"... Hebrews 13:9

The Devil is a divider, and never a uniter.
The Devil is all about strife and confusion and PRIDE.

And now this for you.............Reader.

Its always the same reaction when Christians are told...>"some bibles are JUNK< and some are actually demonic".

The typical "knee jerk" reaction to hearing that is..>"C'mon... all bibles are the same"...
And Believers think this because they dont read much bible, and they've never studied manuscript evidence, and they certainly have never compared a lot of versions to find out what is missing and what is man-made, regarding verses and doctrine.

Bibles in fact, are not the same, and that is because some are bibles and some are books filled with subverted verses and planned deception.

See, you have not realized that a "new" BIBLE comes from a GROUP who created it., for MONEY.
That's why a "new" bible comes out every year. = Its for MONEY... to get MONEY.
But that is not the real issue.. The real issue is.. that the group who created it, .. what do they believe? As what they believe is HOW they are going to translate the verses... = according to what they believe.
Christians are not aware that CULTS put out "New" bibles.....that pretend to be a Bible.

Now, reader, i'll give you a key.

Before you just believe some commentary or some "christian book" you got for always have to find out what the WRITER believes about The CROSS of CHRIST, and how this is the GIFT of Salvation.
Do they understand this "simplicity that is found in Christ'? or not?
See, this is the principal truth, and when a so called "christian" does not understand what i just showed you, then that person is not a teacher, or a preacher, or anything that you need to be following.

You always have to find out the core belief system of a Teacher, of a Pope, of a Minister, of a Commentary Writer, or of a TV Evangelist.., before you just give them your MIND.

Never just open your mind to some tongue talking person, or someone who "sounds SMART".., as the Devil has a lot of these people in his service.

See, the main thing i teach on Forums, other then Pauline Theology, is "how to spot a Heretic", as if you dont know how, then that expalns what happened to your Faith.
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