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2 min read
Is Gethsemane of Jesus' passion the King's Gardens? Compare these two descriptions: kepos/kipos "garden" of Gethsemane/Gat-shmanim/Gat-shenim/Gat-semena/Gad-smane "oil/fat press", chorion/xorion "place/estate" (across brook/valley of Kidron, in vicinity of Mt of Olives/Olivet)...
Although the situation here is still hell bad and no signs yet of God answering to help make it not so bad (and me still being trapped not able to fix it myself as every option is blocked by regime/system/elite & others like neighbours & services/tradespeople), I have made some possible biblical...
5 min read
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Christian Edification
Having looked at the first 3 horsemen of Revelation 6 we now look at the last, 4th, "Pale" Horseman. Revelation 6: "And when he opened the seal (the) 4th I heard (the) voice of the 4th living creature saying Come And I looked and behold a horse chloros ("pale") and the (one) sitting on it (the)...
The 1st, White Horse(man) of Revelation 6 is often supposed to be "conquest", and/or to be the "Antichrist", and the bow he has is often supposed to be "a covenant with Israel confirming its rights to the land of Israel/Palestine". However we are not so certain of this for various reasons...
We have looked at the 2nd, Red Horse(man) and given 3 possible past/present/future candidate matches. We will now look at the 3rd, Black Horse(man). Revelation 6: "And when he opened the seal (the) 3rd I heard the 3rd living creature (man/angel) saying come! And I looked and behold a horse...
In our looking at prophetic events in Revelation and other biblical books we start with looking at the 4 horsemen of Revelation 6. Of the 4 horsemen the 2nd red one is the easiest one to identify and the 3rd black one the next easiest, so we will do them first rather than doing the 4 all in the...
There are a number of ways of figuring out what time of year Jesus was born in. - It can't have been December because too cold for sheep outside then. - The dates of the possible matches for the Star of Bethlehem (see list below). - Jewish Mazzaroth/Zodiac: Virgo bearing wheat in her hand...
An answer to the never-ending abortion debate. For years I have seen this pro-choice versus pro-life dispute come up again and again and I am always amazed at how both sides never see the real root cause(s) (or ask why is abortion such an issue in modern times). So this is just an article to...
Forenote: These are only my personal wonderings about covid. Please don't think I am telling anyone else what to do re whether to be vaccinated or not etc. Do your own research of all sides of the debate/issue (especially praying and seeking and reading bible) and decide for yourselves. But it...
4 min read
My birth father was talking to me on the telephone and one of the topics he mentioned was the recent conflict in Israel/Palestine in the last weeks. He was saying how one can't blame the Palestinians because Israel has kept taking away their land and homes. This whole topic is a very difficult...
Allone versus Alone. "you will be one as we are one" (John 17:20-23). Although these verses seem to mean that we will be One with God/Jesus* (and will be whole), they also may mean that we will also be one with each other. If/when people are really One with Jesus/God (or if/when "touch" him...
4 min read
God is unjust and mean and cruel. This western world regime is unjust and mean and cruel. Everyone is unjust and mean and cruel. Christians don't care. Because of many long ongoing constant daily mean cruel hell wrongs being done to me which they refuse to stop doing, and becaus no one cares...
One of the things I don't like about christianity/messianism is that it seems to so individualistic. It is made to seem that it is all just between us and God, and it is practiced like this by many. The bible itself even seems to support this position like for example the Psalmist saying how he...

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