Handling Our Anger (Don't be Blinded by Rage)

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By Victor Remes​

What is Anger? Anger is an emotion that can seriously affect (or impact) our life at home, our friendships, and even our walk with God. But Biblically speaking, with the right attitude anger itself isn't actually wrong when it is aimed at sin (even God gets angry at sin - Joshua 7:1).

When anger is rooted in for a desire of retaliation or getting even (in other words revenge); It is totally wrong as its selfish and it comes from the inward parts of frustration and being blinded by rage which will lead to more trouble (Proverbs 29:22 - “An angry person stirs up conflict, and a hot-tempered person commits many sins.”).

This is what the Bible says about the seriousness of anger:

* James 1:19-20 - (Our anger doesn't produce the righteousness or anything good of God).
* James 3:6-8 - ( Harsh words destroy; it is the root of many problems).

This is how the Bible instructs us to handle our anger:

* Ephesians 4:26 MSG - Go ahead and be angry. You do well to be angry—but don’t use your anger as fuel for revenge. And don’t stay angry. Don’t go to bed angry. - ( Do not sin, Resolve your anger issues quickly; By praying to God directly and also talk to a friend or someone you trust about your feelings).

* Ephesian 4:31-32 - (Replace your feelings of anger with a forgiving heart).

Next is what the Bible says about guarding/or protecting yourselves from anger:

* Proverbs 22:24-25 - (Avoid those that have anger issues; otherwise you will learn and pickup on it and get trapped by it).
* Proverbs 19:11 MSG - Smart people know how to hold their tongue; their grandeur (its french for Greatness) to forgive and forget. - (It is wise to ignore offenses that have been done against you).


There will be moments of frustration in our lives, and there will definitely be times where people may offend or do wrong against us; but the key is how we handle such situations.

Inappropriate (or offensive) words and actions to fight back doesn't please the Lord and it doesn't show our trust in God's sovereign hand over our situations. Being blinded by our anger/or rage will only bring us regrets and damaged relationships (trust me I know); but we must have an attitude of patience and forgiveness, which however will show how we understand God's patience and forgiveness towards me and you!

Father I thank you for forgiving me. I thank you for blessing me with a patient and forgiving heart and I ask that you continue to help me control my anger and not be blinded by rage but be covered by your love and live according to your word and also trusting in you as I pray. In Jesus Name Amen.

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