Repeated dreams of my deceased grandmother's house

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Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2021
United States
I often have dreams which don't make sense but, often on the same day, something happens and I realize my dream was a premonition. A couple days ago, I dreamt of an ant invasion and when I got up this morning, my house was invaded with ants.

I would say you are processing guilt for not taking care of your grandmother during her last days, either because you didn't know she was sick or because you knew but you didn't realize how serious it was and therefore didn't act on it.
Actually that sounds exactly right.

I had seen her a few months before but I had moved back to NY. She was begging me to come back before (she somehow knew I was in danger - I don't know how she knew but she was posting it all over Facebook) and I kept trying to convince her and everyone else that I was fine because it was embarrassing.

Then she ended up in the hospital from a stroke, things got worse, and she passed away. So I was not there for any of it.

When she was living and I was there, I always was the one who would take the cigarette and book out of her hands and her glasses off after she fell asleep and take care of things so that makes sense to me.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States

Brother, you receive from the Lord. :) I didn't look at this one until after I posted some things in another thread, but the above is talking about the exact same thing. For those who walk close to the Lord during the end-times, they will be provided with a way of escape. This is explicitly implied in the vision I posted in Post #6 of this thread here:

Islam, & The Future Of America

Now, this might seem to be contradicted by what you saw at the end of this dream, but it is NOT! That too is commonly mentioned in major visions and dreams. You see, for those who walk truly close to the Lord in the end-times, to be truly used of God they will have to willingly die to themselves... this is glorious, LoL, the rest of the interpretation just came to me... but the Big White Stone is Christ Jesus, which if we willfully fall upon Him He will break us and make us fit for His use. Those who refuse to be broken by Him, however, will be utterly destroyed:

42 Jesus said to them, “Have you never read in the Scriptures: ‘The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone... 44 whoever falls on this stone will be broken; but on whomever it falls, it will grind him to powder.” (Matthew 21:42-44)

The field of white stones you see are Christians who have been broken, and thus have become conformed to His image and His likeness. They are now "living stones" as Peter described, who in the same passage referred again to Christ as the chief cornerstone:

4 Coming unto Him as unto a Living Stone, rejected indeed by men but chosen by God and precious. 5 And you also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. 6 Therefore it is also contained in the scripture, “Behold, I lay in Zion a chief cornerstone, elect, precious, and he who believes upon Him will by no means be put to shame.” (1 Peter 2:4-6)

This is why no real harm will come to them. Because they are willing to die to themselves so that Christ may live in them, they will "get up and walk" with the Lord, serving His will and accomplishing His purposes.

And my goodness is that not exactly what is said in the vision I posted you a link for? As it states at the very end, "A member of the real church will know where the hidden stairs are located. That person can call for help, and we will let down the stairs so that he can escape. The real church is more agile than the battering ram. Living stones have feet."

Well, I've officially had church today, LoL. Thanks for sharing your dreams. Wonderful stuff.
I hope you have a blessed day in Him.

Yep i had noticed that about those white stones . The people were being chased by the persecutors
yet Willfully gave up their lives , They loved not their lives even unto death . And yet
LIFE . He who loses His life for my sake the same shall save it .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States

Brother, you receive from the Lord. :) I didn't look at this one until after I posted some things in another thread, but the above is talking about the exact same thing. For those who walk close to the Lord during the end-times, they will be provided with a way of escape. This is explicitly implied in the vision I posted in Post #6 of this thread here:

Islam, & The Future Of America

Now, this might seem to be contradicted by what you saw at the end of this dream, but it is NOT! That too is commonly mentioned in major visions and dreams. You see, for those who walk truly close to the Lord in the end-times, to be truly used of God they will have to willingly die to themselves... this is glorious, LoL, the rest of the interpretation just came to me... but the Big White Stone is Christ Jesus, which if we willfully fall upon Him He will break us and make us fit for His use. Those who refuse to be broken by Him, however, will be utterly destroyed:

42 Jesus said to them, “Have you never read in the Scriptures: ‘The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone... 44 whoever falls on this stone will be broken; but on whomever it falls, it will grind him to powder.” (Matthew 21:42-44)

The field of white stones you see are Christians who have been broken, and thus have become conformed to His image and His likeness. They are now "living stones" as Peter described, who in the same passage referred again to Christ as the chief cornerstone:

4 Coming unto Him as unto a Living Stone, rejected indeed by men but chosen by God and precious. 5 And you also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. 6 Therefore it is also contained in the scripture, “Behold, I lay in Zion a chief cornerstone, elect, precious, and he who believes upon Him will by no means be put to shame.” (1 Peter 2:4-6)

This is why no real harm will come to them. Because they are willing to die to themselves so that Christ may live in them, they will "get up and walk" with the Lord, serving His will and accomplishing His purposes.

And my goodness is that not exactly what is said in the vision I posted you a link for? As it states at the very end, "A member of the real church will know where the hidden stairs are located. That person can call for help, and we will let down the stairs so that he can escape. The real church is more agile than the battering ram. Living stones have feet."

Well, I've officially had church today, LoL. Thanks for sharing your dreams. Wonderful stuff.
I hope you have a blessed day in Him.
This next dream was much more recent . About a year or so ago .
In the dream i was walking through this very old house . Even when i touched the door it just crumbled and turned to dust .
I went out into a field and others were there standing around what appeared to be as a treasure chest .
When the chest was opened it appeared as a baby crib .
There were Two large grasshoppers on the outer edge of it .They were there as an appearance to make it seem as though it was a lizard . I remember that .
I seen something moving under the blanket . It seemed to be as a chamellion
but when i seen its eyes , I YELLED out to everyone , GET BACK its a serpent .
The instant i had said that This massive serpent just shot up out of it and was furious . It was furious that it had been identified .
As soon as i had yelled that everyone started to flee . That thing just exploded out of that baby crib .
And it was dead sent on killing . It was odd because it was a man serpent .
And my friend it was catching and killling folks very fast . IT would bite their head off .
I was running and i saw a brother who was cripple . So i picked him up
and started running with him on my back . But i knew i that serpent man was gonna bite his head off . It was gaining fast .
SO i quickly threw him off my back into a bush . ANd then YELLED and waved my arms at the sepent man
so as he would be focused on me . I remember feeling i had rather die than to see my brother die .
So i bolted into a house and this serpent man was just biting head after head right off the peoples .
Folks were scattered everywhere and running within this house . And head after head it was just biting off .
Then i had come to a corrider and i seen it coming from an angle . It had cut me off .
I knew it had me my friend . And at that moment i had zero fear of it . I remember this boldness
and i knew this thing had me . But i told it , YOU are a murderer from the beginning and you kill just to kill .
Then i woke up .


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2020
United States
The lamp itself doesn't have anything to do with either of them, but I do think I have unprocessed emotions.
I am new at this, so if what I say makes no sense, then I'm okay with that. Consider me a beginner. Okay?

I think the lamp is very significant. And it isn't symbolic, but literal. It's possible, if I am right (and I could be wrong) that God is teaching you how to hear him speak to you directly, through dreams. He might be giving you dream lessons to learn his communications. This might be purposeful because he intends to communicate ideas directly to you in your dreams. As it turned out, your lamp actually did need to be fixed and you first learned about it in a dream. If God is teaching you a "dream vocabulary", he would certainly start simple. He might just give you a small incident to get you started, something simple.

You dreamed about your former safe space, which was now disheveled, messy and disordered. Perhaps, if I am right, God is going to give you hints about what to do about it. The broken lamp was part of your safe place, yes? And God literally told you about it in advance to get you started. He might give you additional lessons, each time guiding you. Eventually, he might give you more significant messages to give to other people. If so, whether good or bad messages, always be encouraging.

If I had these kinds of dreams, I might start a dream diary and pay close attention to small events, because God isn't likely to give you something big, at least not right away. He will train you how to hear him. Record the dream right away but don't try to interpret the dream right away. Allow him to help you with the interpretation also.

Now, to be fair, I have never had these sorts of experiences. I sometimes wish that I did, but then, the prophets called this kind of thing "a burden" right? So maybe I should feel lucky. What I said above is not born of experience but it comes from people I know who have had such experiences.

But as I say, I might be all wet. Just know that I am on your side and want the best for you. And I think you are on the right track. Also, one more thing, ever wonder why James warns his readers about seeking wisdom? Wisdom is a good thing, but it comes at a cost. Suffering is the root of wisdom, and you sound wise to me. Keep the faith sister.

May God richly bless you Fluffy.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
This is certainly a viable interpretation, yes. Seems likely even.

Let me say this: The False church is going to play into end-time persecution as well, and they will eventually become the murderers of the saints on a scale possibly even greater than that of Islam. But your dream applies more to our foreseeable future than the distant future. I don't think the false church will begin fulfilling verses like Revelation 18:24 until well into the future - maybe 50 years or more. Islam, however, is going to get into the game much sooner than that, especially in the West, which will include the United States.
Oh the false church is moving much faster than we would even dare to see . Much sooner than any fifty years .
Oh i would not be the least suprised if islam wrecks some damage . Due to they are probably flooding in with the migrants .
But the we are one world and church will use this to an advantage to deliver a false solution . Just watch .
You are loved my friend .
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Did you have these dreams the same night?? They’re definitely related. Big wave dreams are a shared dream. And there are most often two waves in them. Yours is noticeably different in that there are usually people about to get wiped out and the dreamer is usually yelling to try to get the people to run. But your first dream had the people running, so not so different. But, yes, different, because your wave dream was speaking peace and no worry about the waves.

people will have these dreams and, as is typical for us, we want to make them literal and try to guess which coast is going to have a tsunami and we want to make them about us personally, but the waves are not literal, they’re...trouble. Two batches of trouble. And these are not personal...instructions, not exactly.

Some dreams are shared but they are personally for us, but this shared dream is for all of us. And it’s speaking peace regarding the two waves of...trouble.
No the dream of the ocean was not on the same night . I cannot remember when i had that one .
But i suddenly do remember another dream i had around two thousand and six . It was just a month or so after i had been drawn unto the LORD
and saved .
In this dream i was walking along the beach and looking out unto the ocean .
I could see these huge treasures within the ocean . A cloud then appeared over the ocean and it took up the treasure
with the ocean water into the clouds . Then the cloud moved to shore and it began raining down the treasure .
I remember going around and picking up these golden pieces . As i was cleaning the dirt off of them
each one had the number two on it . Then i woke up . NOTE this dream was not about EARTHLY TREASURE . NOT one bit .
It was heavenly treasures . buy why the number two , i dont know .
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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2018
United States
No the dream of the ocean was not on the same night . I cannot remember when i had that one .
But i suddenly do remember another dream i had around two thousand and six . It was just a month or so after i had been drawn unto the LORD
and saved .
In this dream i was walking along the beach and looking out unto the ocean .
I could see these huge treasures within the ocean . A cloud then appeared over the ocean and it took up the treasure
with the ocean water into the clouds . Then the cloud moved to shore and it began raining down the treasure .
I remember going around and picking up these golden pieces . As i was cleaning the dirt off of them
each one had the number two on it . Then i woke up . NOTE this dream was not about EARTHLY TREASURE . NOT one bit .
It was heavenly treasures . buy why the number two , i dont know .

okay, so this one I’ve got nothing on this dream but it sure did make me happy.

Those other three dreams are the same dream, they just are. What’s different is that usually people have the three dreams all in one night and they describe it as this or that happened, then the dream “jumps” and I’m in a different place, then the dream “jumps” again and such and such happens. Often, they only remember 2 dreams, but I think there must have been three and they don’t remember, but the dreams are the same but seen from different...angles, usually the third one giving the most details.
So...this is a new one for me, that you didn’t have them in the same night, but nevertheless, they are the same dream. I don’t really feel anything from the third dream but if that changes I will post. They ARE the same dream, although I think you personally were given personal instruction about a fence in the first one. Only you would know what that fence is but I think it has to do with your own personal ministry.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
When I fall under attack I say this often:

"You will strike the child's heel, but He will crush your head."

This comes from Genesis 3:14-15

Then the Lord God said to the serpent,

“Because you have done this, you are cursed
more than all animals, domestic and wild.
You will crawl on your belly,
groveling in the dust as long as you live.
And I will cause hostility between you and the woman,
and between your offspring and her offspring.
He will strike your head,
and you will strike his heel.”

Why I started doing this, I don't know. I don't remember.

Your dream also makes me think of John 15:13

"There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends."

Jesus lives in us and with him, he gives us great love and strength. Through him, his character is alive in us and helps us defeat the attacks of the enemy without fear. "There is no fear in love." The love of the Father is overwhelming so much so that his gifts overpower the curse of death so that we have life for eternity.

Now, I'm not much of a dream interpreter at all, but if I were to guess I'd say the love of Christ in you helps you overcome evil and lights up the darkness.

Did you notice that you're warning people a lot in your dreams?
You are loved fluffy .
"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." He is your strength.

Underlined portion is a word for you and not from myself
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
okay, so this one I’ve got nothing on this dream but it sure did make me happy.

Those other three dreams are the same dream, they just are. What’s different is that usually people have the three dreams all in one night and they describe it as this or that happened, then the dream “jumps” and I’m in a different place, then the dream “jumps” again and such and such happens. Often, they only remember 2 dreams, but I think there must have been three and they don’t remember, but the dreams are the same but seen from different...angles, usually the third one giving the most details.
So...this is a new one for me, that you didn’t have them in the same night, but nevertheless, they are the same dream. I don’t really feel anything from the third dream but if that changes I will post. They ARE the same dream, although I think you personally were given personal instruction about a fence in the first one. Only you would know what that fence is but I think it has to do with your own personal ministry.
All i know sister is the one true glorious gospel is under attack from within even most of christendom .
And the true one will be defended and taught to the end sister . I hold firm to the one true gospel and not the false all inclusive one
which is sucking up so much of even christendom . The true gospel must be sounded out , the true faith defended .
The church exhorted with pure biblical doctrine .
I did have this other dream once . I just remembered it so clear when i was typing this . I will tell it in a second .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
In this dream i was being shown the marriage of this man and this woman . The bridegroom and the bride .
In this dream the cake was invisible . It was a three layer cake . I could see the outline of it .
In the dream a voice came and said behold what awaits the bride . The woman then looked into this invisible cake
And it was like her whole face lit up with what she saw . It lit up with joy of the upmost kind .
Then i went to another room . What i heard next its hard to describe . The voice i mean . This voice i heard
seemed to come to me from heaven , YET within me at the same time .
IT said Go and tell this people the truth , but know that they will reject you . I have never heard a voice like that before .
It seemed to come TO ME , yet within me at the same time .
In the dream i seen one ask this lady if they could borrow of her candle light . She agreed and both the candel she had
and the adulterous lady had , WENT OUT .
THEN i went Unto what was called the adulterous generation .
I spoke to many , telling them the truth and pleading and they shunned me and refused to hear .
One lady in particular whose had a husband said , We are in an relationship . And i heard the word , ADULTEROUS RELATIONSHIP .
I then saw the lady and she had boils and puss ozzing from her skin .
I continued onward telling many but always it was rejected .
Then i found one lady sitting alone and i began to tell her and she lit up as though she heard . THEN I WOKE UP .

Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
I think what I'm actually gonna do is something important

This is good. Don't dream small. Dream big.
Nevermind I literally can't

Just because you can't doesn't mean He can't. In fact, it's only those who understand that they can't who make themselves candidates for Him to use them.
The Lord alone is all we need my dear loved sister .
He is our hope . Our strength and our salvation . Let all that has breath praise the glorious Lord .
You are loved fluffy .

Saw he's not saved anyway on my way to trying. I didn't know, I was marching along in blind faith. I can't be unequally yoked.

Now its absolutely done and over with and it is time to cut the cord and break the soul ties.

The sinks aren't sinking, @Hidden In Him , they're being burned down.

I'll never look back.


God is faithful. There is still one. If fixing it meant ending it then let the Lord's will be done and get the counterfeit out of the way for the real thing.

Your attitude at all times has to be trusting in Him, and letting Him be Lord. I like your video. It has good attitude, and hope. :)

Some might balk at the following video cuz Yes was always New Age, but this song always spoke to me, and it talks about some of the same things. So I'll just share it here. And since we're sharing, I may have to burn some ships myself. I'm not making the decision, I'm just waiting on God. But like you I'm gonna be fine no matter what, cuz like I was sharing with you earlier, both Christian men and women need to lean on Him first and foremost, and that even applies to ministry. You might have hopes and think, "I'm gonna work with this person and we're gonna accomplish great things together for the Lord," but sometimes not everything works out the way it was supposed to go.

So anyway, my song. It expresses the hopes I once had in someone, but I am learning more with every year to just Let Go entirely, even if it means of plans I once had to pursue something different. In the end, He will accomplish His will one way or another, so whatever the Lord wants to do, that's fine by me.

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Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
It is the whole reason I got saved. God told me "I'll fix it", and I waited and depended on him for five years, thinking fix it meant save it but apparently it meant end it. It was what got me out of witchcraft, got me sober, and at first I officially started doing everything in hopes that God would fix it. And apparently it looks like that meant end it.

Well, "fix it" may have indeed meant fix it, just not in the way you thought.
I wouldn't have waited five years if I knew fix meant end. Exactly five years to the day to just figure that out. I should have gotten that from day 1. That was an uncomfortably heavy burden to carry for absolutely no reason.

Don't think of it as no reason. I think there was most certainly a reason. When He is doing something there is ALWAYS a reason, and in my situation I know He was doing it. I also can see several reasons for why He was doing it, even if I was utterly in the dark without a flashlight, LoL. He works in all of us and even those we go through things with for His own good pleasure. He's accomplishing something great in you, and I believe that. I don't know what it IS yet, LoL, but I believe it's there, and you will eventually understand what He was doing the whole time. I don't think for one that you would be around me, to name just one of the people on this forum I think can be a blessing to you in your walk with God. I don't think any of these things are accidents. So just stay the course, and watch God go to work in your life. :)
Not only do I feel stupid for waiting so long but now I'm a false prophet and I'd be put to death in the OT. It was SO clear, too.

Oh, brother. Who cares, Lol. If I worried about it every time somebody called me a "false prophet," I'd be hiding under a chair somewhere waiting for the Lord's return... eating Frosted Flakes and reading Calvin and Hobbes to pass the time.

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Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
Which really is ironic considering I was going to be aborted and my mom only changed her mind an hour before and immediately opened up to Jeremiah 1:5. So I didn't die.

Okay, let's not get morose, LoL. I almost committed suicide in my father's paper plant up North not long after I got saved because a relationship didn't go like I planned. Thank GOD I didn't do that. What a terrible waste and tragic end that would have been to a life that could have blessed so many people. And I would say the same thing to you. Do you know how many people you could end up blessing with your life; how many He could use you to touch and bring healing to? You don't even know, though you might believe in yourself. Trust me, your like all of 32 or something. I'm 56, and I plan on being used of God mightily before I get outta here, so if I can be used when I only have maybe 25 years left then you can certainly be used when you have maybe 45.
I just don't understand why God would get me to follow him with deception. That doesn't seem accurate.

I'm relating a lot to Jeremiah 20:7

"You deceived me, LORD, and I was deceived; you overpowered me and prevailed. I am ridiculed all day long; everyone mocks me."

The rewards He has planned are greater than we expect, just like the plans may not be what we expect. As Paul said, "our light affliction works for us a greater weight of glory." You need to trust in that.

Are you ok? You have a sister you can be talking to about this? If you need one on one communication, maybe we should be setting something up here. :confused:
I do like the comic though.

I changed it. :) But the one I have now is a little better. There's a lot to choose from, LoL.
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Thanks @amigo de christo .

I finally got up the courage to just go talk to the person to have some closure, open up and explain some of the more natural world things that would make sense, give a thank you and let them ignore me but can't message privately and I'm not going to talk to them publicly. That wouldn't be right.

Oh well done forever I guess. Now I have to deactivate again.

I guess it is time to pray for a new lamp.

I'm sad. It's officially over for me now.

Officially, officially, officially...
Onward we all go my dear sister . Just remember all the hope we have in Christ . The absolute worst
thing would have been to not have known the Lord . The best this life has to offer is total emptiness compared to
knowing Christ . One could be persecuted , tormented , in prison and yet having Christ is all they need .
Truly i had rather be a poor man scorned by the world yet having Christ , than a man loved by all with all this world could offer
and not know the Lord . We truly do have HOPE . Just focus on the Lord dear sister . You are loved and will be prayed for as well .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Okay, let's not get morose, LoL. I almost committed suicide in my father's paper plant up North not long after I got saved because a relationship didn't go like I planned. Thank GOD I didn't do that. What a terrible waste and tragic end that would have been to a life that could have blessed so many people. And I would say the same thing to you. Do you know how many people you could end up blessing with your life; how many He could use you to touch and bring healing to? You don't even know, though you might believe in yourself. Trust me, your like all of 32 or something. I'm 56, and I plan on being used of God mightily before I get outta here, so if I can be used when I only have maybe 25 years left then you can certainly be used when you have maybe 45.

The rewards He has planned are greater than we expect, just like the plans may not be what we expect. As Paul said, "our light affliction works for us a greater weight of glory." You need to trust in that.

Are you ok? You have a sister you can be talking to about this? If you need one on one communication, maybe we should be setting something up here. :confused:

I changed it. :) But the one I have now is a little better. There's a lot to choose from, LoL.
Be encouraged my friend . But by all the signs i am seeing , i dont think anyone has twenty five years left .
But as paul and all them knew , to depart and be with Christ is far better . I am speaking on the signs of the times .
It will be just as our Lord said , a thief in the night . Inquity is skyrocketing and the ol saying peace and safety has been ever increasing .
Let me end it with what john said , EVEN SO COME LORD JESUS . Just imagine the beauty of being forever with the Lord .
Till then we must armour up and be busy about the things of our Lord .


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2021
United States
Be encouraged my friend . But by all the signs i am seeing , i dont think anyone has twenty five years left .
But as paul and all them knew , to depart and be with Christ is far better . I am speaking on the signs of the times .
It will be just as our Lord said , a thief in the night . Inquity is skyrocketing and the ol saying peace and safety has been ever increasing .
Let me end it with what john said , EVEN SO COME LORD JESUS . Just imagine the beauty of being forever with the Lord .
Till then we must armour up and be busy about the things of our Lord .
Desperately waiting for the end. I want to go home.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Desperately waiting for the end. I want to go home.
On that day the lambs will be a rejoicing and thanking the glorious Lord who has saved us .
Till then , let all our heart be upon Him and be busy doing those things which He has given us to do .
You are loved my dear sister .

Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
Be encouraged my friend . But by all the signs i am seeing , i dont think anyone has twenty five years left .
But as paul and all them knew , to depart and be with Christ is far better . I am speaking on the signs of the times .
It will be just as our Lord said , a thief in the night . Inquity is skyrocketing and the ol saying peace and safety has been ever increasing .
Let me end it with what john said , EVEN SO COME LORD JESUS . Just imagine the beauty of being forever with the Lord .
Till then we must armour up and be busy about the things of our Lord .

I disagree with almost everyone on this, brother, but it's based upon a pretty vast knowledge of all that still needs to happen prophetically before the end can come. I will live and die and we will still be nowhere near the Lord's return yet, but I don't expect anyone to believe me now. But I believe they will eventually find out I was right.
Desperately waiting for the end. I want to go home.

1. It gets better.
2. You get used to it, Lol.

I used to hate life as a Christian. The burden of my calling was too much to bear, and I couldn't lead a normal life, so I hated this life. Wanted nothing better than to go on and be with the Lord for the better part of two and half decades. Things are getting better lately, however. Back to not having any close friends, but I'm closer to the Lord now than ever before, and that's the one friendship you never lose anyway, so that's what I'm investing in more than ever at this point.

Let's just put it this way: If you have a strong calling, you don't get to go anywhere whether you want to or not, Lol.
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