Grace-Haters are incapable of honestly admitting what the (P) in Calvinism really means.

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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2019
Port Richey, Florida
United States
I understand, however, this is the whole problem with your teaching. It doesn't matter what anyone can or cannot imagine. The only thing that matters in the things of God is the things God has said and written for us to know, believe, and do.
You mean like … “I will never leave you or forsake you” or “those He justified, He also glorified”.

I tried to believe what you believe … it was what EVERYONE that taught me about Christianity and the Bible believed … but I kept choking on what GOD ACTUALLY SAID when I read His words for myself. I just could not accept that God was a God of “you better read the fine print because ‘never’ really mean ‘almost never’ and ‘will’ really means ‘may’.” You are welcome to believe that your salvation is a synergistic cooperation. You have my blessings. I do not have that luxury. My conscience testifies that I MUST affirm God as the Sovereign monergistic author and finisher of MY faith. I cannot deny the truth that I see in God’s word or that I have lived. It is not an option.


Active Member
Nov 30, 2020
From here to Kingdom come.
United States
Sorry, you must have lost your reading glasses. Maybe this will help:

You seem to have missed that sentence.

I missed nothing. Still with the twisting of words, it appears to come naturally with you, and you no longer even know you are doing it...sad.

I never asked you about docterines of grace as you claim I did, that was simply another untruth.

Again, it takes lies and deceit to defend false doctrine.


Active Member
Nov 30, 2020
From here to Kingdom come.
United States
Straight to the law … “Grace-Hater”. (“My commandments” are not the 10 commandments if you bother to read the context rather than settle for quoting PART of a verse … but Grace-Haters never do.)

On Jesus's commandments hangs all the law, meaning, his 2 commandments covers and includes the 10 commandments, and clearly does not do away with the law. Thing is, you know that, it is written rignt there where Jesus gives his 2 commands, yet you choose to be deceptive and leave that part out...why?

Daniel Veler

Active Member
Apr 17, 2021
Gulf port
United States
Those who don’t believe in eternal security why don’t you read psalms 89. Then ask yourself the question why Paul said if you are without chastisement you are a bastard and not a child of God. Those who teach you can be saved today and lost tomorrow error in the scriptures. It is God’s gift. He keeps you you don’t keep yourself.

Daniel Veler

Active Member
Apr 17, 2021
Gulf port
United States
I missed nothing. Still with the twisting of words, it appears to come naturally with you, and you no longer even know you are doing it...sad.

I never asked you about docterines of grace as you claim I did, that was simply another untruth.

Again, it takes lies and deceit to defend false doctrine.[/QUOTE
I like your little catch phrase” from here to kingdom come” tells me you haven’t understood the kingdom? When one comes into it. Or even how one comes into it. You seem to suggest it’s future. But if not you may want to change it.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
You mean like … “I will never leave you or forsake you” or “those He justified, He also glorified”.

I tried to believe what you believe … it was what EVERYONE that taught me about Christianity and the Bible believed … but I kept choking on what GOD ACTUALLY SAID when I read His words for myself. I just could not accept that God was a God of “you better read the fine print because ‘never’ really mean ‘almost never’ and ‘will’ really means ‘may’.” You are welcome to believe that your salvation is a synergistic cooperation. You have my blessings. I do not have that luxury. My conscience testifies that I MUST affirm God as the Sovereign monergistic author and finisher of MY faith. I cannot deny the truth that I see in God’s word or that I have lived. It is not an option.
Not that only . . . but left in my hands??? I know my track record!

Much love!
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robert derrick

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2021
Houston, tx
United States
Agree, and that is assuming those works follow the salvation by faith, and if they do not, there is no salvation
And without faith, they are not good works to God, for without faith it is impossible to pleased God.

To fulfill the royal law with God, it must be by good works of faith, with faith, by faith in God.

That is why all the 'good' works and righteousness of man is as filthy rags with God.

It is also why good unbelievers do good, but do not inherit eternal life. That would be salvation of works, and justification by works only.

robert derrick

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2021
Houston, tx
United States
Those who don’t believe in eternal security why don’t you read psalms 89. Then ask yourself the question why Paul said if you are without chastisement you are a bastard and not a child of God. Those who teach you can be saved today and lost tomorrow error in the scriptures. It is God’s gift. He keeps you you don’t keep yourself.
The problem with false doctrine is the more you must defend it, the more you get away from any pretense of honesty int he Scriptures to openly contradicitng the Scriputres:

He keeps you you don’t keep yourself

We know that whosoever is born of God sinneth not; but he that is begotten of God keepeth himself, and that wicked one toucheth him not. (1 John 5:18)

We must keep ourselves from the devil touching us with sin and spotting our souls that have been washed clean in the blood of Jesus:

Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. (James 1:27)

These Scriptures came immediately to mind, when I read your false statement about God and His people. I know them, because I read to know all the Scriptures of God, not just the ones that make me feel good or appear to confirm what I want to believe.

The unreasonableness of your false doctrine is the entire notion of thinking you have nothing to do with being saved, since you certainly did have something to do with God saving you: you had to first believe from the heart. This requirement is also an expectation: to continue in the faith.

Salvation is conditioned on faith from the heart to be saved yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

There is no 'take back' from this. Out of your own mouth you have fully exposed your doctrine as being false. I am not finding fault with you, nor am I suggesting you are not saved, nor living in open sin. You can believe and do what you want. However, you do prove you don't know what you are talking about with God, and what you think is God's Word is not God's Word, but your own.

And I have known one that believed the way you do, and he got so far back into the depths of sin and fornication, that he no longer even bothers professing Christ with the lips, much less confessing Him from the heart.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2019
United States
I decided to place this in the DEBATE forum because I have no expectations that @Curtis will engage in anything approaching a brotherly discussion on the Calvinist teaching from the Doctrines of Grace commonly called “Perseverance of the Saints”.


It has been falsely claimed by my esteemed opponents that Perseverance of the Saints and O.S.A.S. (once saved always saved) are identical, that they spring from the non-biblical and false teachings of Calvinism and they both teach: “God saves us to be able to live the most selfish, self centered, and sinful life possible, with no repentance, and remain in Christ”.

I offer the simplest possible response, just one word sums it up.


Rather than fight rumors and innuendos and false claims about what Calvinism teaches with endless, unheeded protestations about “straw men” (I was told Calvinists have to use that word in every discussion :) ), I will simply present an explanation from R.C. Sproul of Ligonier Ministries written by a Presbyterian Calvinist to explain to other Calvinists the meaning of Perseverance of the Saints. I then invite my opponent, @Curtis to respond in proper debate form and refute my belief (Perseverance of the Saints) as defined by Mr Sproul as “unbiblical” using scripture and logic to refute the actual claim rather than to attack the imaginary claims of some “invisible Calvinists” that teach whatever it is that @Curtis may have heard.

TULIP and Reformed Theology: Perseverance of the Saints
FROM R.C. Sproul Apr 22, 2017

Writing to the Philippians, Paul says, “He who has begun a good work in you will perfect it to the end” (Phil. 1:6). Therein is the promise of God that what He starts in our souls, He intends to finish. So the old axiom in Reformed theology about the perseverance of the saints is this: If you have it—that is, if you have genuine faith and are in a state of saving grace—you will never lose it. If you lose it, you never had it.

We know that many people make professions of faith, then turn away and repudiate or recant those professions. The Apostle John notes that there were those who left the company of the disciples, and he says of them, “Those who went out from us were never really with us” (1 John 2:19). Of course, they were with the disciples in terms of outward appearances before they departed. They had made an outward profession of faith, and Jesus makes it clear that it is possible for a person to do this even when he doesn’t possess what he’s professing. Jesus says, “This people honors Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me” (Matt. 15:8). Jesus even warns at the end of the Sermon on the Mount that at the last day, many will come to Him, saying: “Lord, Lord, didn’t we do this in your name? Didn’t we do that in your name?” He will send them away, saying: “Depart from Me, you workers of iniquity. I never knew you” (Matthew 7:23). He will not say: “I knew you for a season and then you went sour and betrayed Me. No, you never were part of My invisible church.” The whole purpose of God’s election is to bring His people safely to heaven; therefore, what He starts He promises to finish. He not only initiates the Christian life, but the Holy Spirit is with us as the sanctifier, the convictor, and the helper to ensure our preservation.

I want to stress that this endurance in the faith does not rest on our strength. Even after we’re regenerated, we still lapse into sin, even serious sin. We say that it is possible for a Christian to experience a very serious fall, we talk about backsliding, we talk about moral lapses, and so on. I can’t think of any sin, other than blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, that a truly converted Christian is not capable of committing.

We look, for example, at the model of David in the Old Testament. David was surely a man after God’s own heart. He was certainly a regenerate man. He had the Spirit of God in Him. He had a profound and passionate love for the things of God. Yet this man not only committed adultery but also was involved in a conspiracy to have his lover’s husband killed in war—which was really conspiracy to murder. That’s serious business. Even though we see the serious level of repentance to which David was brought as a result of the words of the prophet Nathan to him, the point is that David fell, and he fell seriously.

The apostle Paul warns us against having a puffed-up view of our own spiritual strength. He says, “Therefore let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall” (1 Cor. 10:12). We do fall into very serious activities. The Apostle Peter, even after being forewarned, rejected Christ, swearing that he never knew Him—a public betrayal of Jesus. He committed treason against His Lord. When he was being warned of this eventuality, Peter said it would never happen. Jesus said, “Simon, Simon, Satan would have you and sift you like wheat, but I have prayed for you, so that when you turn, strengthen the brothers” (Luke 22:31-32).Peter fell, but he returned. He was restored. His fall was for a season. That’s why we say that true Christians can have radical and serious falls but never total and final falls from grace.

I think this little catchphrase, perseverance of the saints, is dangerously misleading. It suggests that the perseverance is something that we do, perhaps in and of ourselves. I believe that saints do persevere in faith, and that those who have been effectually called by God and have been reborn by the power of the Holy Spirit endure to the end. However, they persevere not because they are so diligent in making use of the mercies of God. The only reason we can give why any of us continue on in the faith is because we have been preserved. So I prefer the term the preservation of the saints, because the process by which we are kept in a state of grace is something that is accomplished by God. My confidence in my preservation is not in my ability to persevere. My confidence rests in the power of Christ to sustain me with His grace and by the power of His intercession. He is going to bring us safely home.​

Two things should be immediately apparent to any honest person reading the explanation of Perseverance of the Saints, by Dr. Sproul (even if you completely disagree with him and me and the P of TULIP):
  1. To claim that it is “completely unbiblical” or that it is “found nowhere in the Bible”, as some have been known to say in the heat of discussions, it patently FALSE.
  2. “God saves us to be able to live the most selfish, self centered, and sinful life possible, with no repentance, and remain in Christ” is NOT what the Calvinist doctrine of Perseverance of the Saints teaches and both Dr Sproul and I adamantly reject even the notion that that is what we teach or believe.

I yield the “soapbox” to @Curtis to address how we (Calvinists like Sproul and I) have incorrectly understood (exegesis) the verses quoted above, or have read into them meanings that are not there (eisegesis). I also look forward to reading his scriptural proof that God does not preserve His blood-bought Saints from the moment they receive God’s gift until they arrive home to the reality of “eternal life” in Christ.


My biggest gripe, not just with Calvinists, but Arminians too, and Catholics...just about everybody is their belief that grace is unmerited favor. The meaning is supernatural, and much more than what most people even dream of. But it is right there in scripture if they study.
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robert derrick

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2021
Houston, tx
United States
Those who don’t believe in eternal security why don’t you read psalms 89. Then ask yourself the question why Paul said if you are without chastisement you are a bastard and not a child of God. Those who teach you can be saved today and lost tomorrow error in the scriptures. It is God’s gift. He keeps you you don’t keep yourself.
Those who teach you can be saved today and lost tomorrow

This of course is a lie against those who disagree with your eternal preservation and security.

No one teaches saved today lost tomoro. Saved to today and lost down the road? Yes. That is what Scripture teaches.

God saves by grace, but we must believe Jesus. And the Lord will go out of His way to recover them gone astray, but our participation in faith is still required.

Eternal unconditional security, without all the pseudo-scripture fanfare of grace and love and happiness, basically says God saves us and keeps us despite ourselves.

robert derrick

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2021
Houston, tx
United States
My biggest gripe, not just with Calvinists, but Arminians too, and Catholics...just about everybody is their belief that grace is unmerited favor. The meaning is supernatural, and much more than what most people even dream of. But it is right there in scripture if they study.
It must be supernatural, because it certainly isn't Scriptural.

Grace has always been by merit bestowed from one more powerful to another in subjection.

It is called finding favor in one's sight, and is always bestowed in Scripture after the other offers himself in submission, and has demonstrated enough worthiness to warrant such favor.

Noah did not find grace in god's sight by being like everyone else. It was because of his life of faith, that God bestowed the faovr of not being swept away with the rest.

Unmerited favor, grace, and unconditional love are not in Scripture.

Otherwise, quote it. What Scripture speaks of unmerited grace from God, or unconditional love of God bestowed in the heart? Show the Scripture where there is no 'if' involved in our salvation by God?

God so loved the world, that He gave us an opportunity to receive His salvation by grace by the merit of believing His Son. It is through faith God saves by grace: through the merit of believing from the heart, where there is no physical proof nor miraculous sight to see in order to believe.
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robert derrick

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2021
Houston, tx
United States
You mean like … “I will never leave you or forsake you” or “those He justified, He also glorified”.

I tried to believe what you believe … it was what EVERYONE that taught me about Christianity and the Bible believed … but I kept choking on what GOD ACTUALLY SAID when I read His words for myself. I just could not accept that God was a God of “you better read the fine print because ‘never’ really mean ‘almost never’ and ‘will’ really means ‘may’.” You are welcome to believe that your salvation is a synergistic cooperation. You have my blessings. I do not have that luxury. My conscience testifies that I MUST affirm God as the Sovereign monergistic author and finisher of MY faith. I cannot deny the truth that I see in God’s word or that I have lived. It is not an option.

I will insist only once more: if we are to continue on a fair and honest basis, and actual exchange addressing each others' points in turn, then you must now respond to the Scriptures I have given before to you, which prove to me:

There are those who once knew God, believed Jesus, confessed unto salvation, who have and can turn from God to such a point where God no longer draws them back to Him, nor even remembers their name, which He has blotted out of His book of Life and of the Lamb:

These are just a few Scriptures speaking of them that were saved and turned from God, and their latter end is worse than before Salvation:

(Heb 6:4-8) They tasted of the heavenly gift. They crucified Christ afresh. They are rejected and burned as thorns, even as Jesus prophesied of branches that abide not in Him. (John 15) They so turn from God, that it is become impossible for them to repent and are only awaiting a certain fearful judgment to come. (Heb 10:27)

(2 Peter 2:18-22) Peter warning of false teachers who turn believers from the Lord, who had clean escaped the pollutions of the world by the knowledge of the Lord, and returned once again to their old life of sin, with a latter end worse than before they were saved.

It is better for such in the judgment of God, that they had never believed in the first place.

These are Scriptures of God. Not opinion nor imagination of man. It does not matter whether we can personally fathom it or not, but only to acknowledge it as so, and not only possible, but confirmed: Judas Iscariot is the only example needed as such. A personally chosen apostle by Jesus, later called by Jesus the son of perdition. (John 17)

Respond to these Scriptures, else they stand as presented, and your doctrine is false, having no defense against them. If you do respond, then I will gladly do so for your above post. Otherwise, I do not waste time in a one-sided debate, nor do I have interest in being a sounding board for others.


Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
It depends on how you define the good word that Christ begins in us. The ongoing process is being conformed to the image of Christ.

Much love!

Hi marks ~
I can't comment on Calvinism, not studied on that.
But to your comment...

The ongoing process is being conformed to the image of Christ.

I am reminded;
The converted are converted because of their Freewill to Confess.
The Lord "accepts" the body as dead (crucified with Christ)
The Lord "restores" the soul (Pss 23:3)
The Lord "quickens" the spirit, that it be born again of Gods seed.
The Lord Spirit, "enters" and his truth dwells "with and in" us.

But, but, but, the Carnal Mind....whew...still out and about IN the World, Bombarded 24-7 with wicked, lewd, trashy, speech, commercials, signage....

The for the man to continually (use the power (Spirit) God gave him to use ....within the man) ...Gods Truth...Gods Righteousness to supersede the "influence" "OF" the worlds "nonsense" that enters his Carnal Mind...
Continually making an effort TO:

Rom 12:
[2] And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Continual, renewing, the Mind.
The Goal: Have a Mind like Christ.

Glory to God,