Catholics again involved in smuggling criminals.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2020
Catholic social teaching has been called the Church’s “best kept secret.” Yet, from the beginning of time, God’s call to justice has been clear. The Law and the Prophets both preserve a deep tradition of social justice in ancient Israel. Jesus himself proclaimed and embodied a society ruled by justice and charity—the Reign of God. For over one hundred years, the Church has contributed to this tradition in papal and episcopal writings. Finally, we see the social teachings of the Church written throughout history in the lives of holy men and women. So what is Catholic Social Teaching?

Catholic Social Teaching
Catholic social teaching (CST) is deeply rooted in the Catholic tradition. Pope John Paul II wrote, “The Church’s social teaching finds its source in Sacred Scripture, beginning with the Book of Genesis and especially in the Gospel and the writings of the Apostles. From the beginning, it was part of the Church’s teaching…[It was] developed by the teaching of the Popes on the modern “social question,” beginning with the Encyclical Rerum Novarum.”1 Catholic Social Teaching Catholic social teaching is social. Pope Benedict XVI wrote, “No man is an island, entire of itself. Our lives are involved with one another, through innumerable interactions they are linked together. No one lives alone. No one sins alone. No one is saved alone. The lives of others continually spill over into mine: in what I think, say, do and achieve. And conversely, my life spills over into that of others: for better and for worse.”2
Catholic Social Teaching
Catholic social teaching is an expression of the Church’s ministry of teaching. The Bishops call Catholic social teaching a “constitutive” part of the Church’s mission to the world. It is not only the prerogative of the institutional church, but of the entire community.3 “It is the expression of the way that the Church understands society and of her position regarding social structures and changes. The whole of the Church community—priests, religious, and laity—participates in the formulation of this social doctrine.”4

Hope in Action As Catholics, we are called to be witnesses to our faith in the way we live our lives. Pope Benedict XVI calls this hope in action. “On the one hand, our actions engender hope for us and for others; but at the same time, it is the great hope based upon God’s promises that gives us courage and directs our action in good times and bad.”5 As Catholics, our hope is grounded in the resurrection of Christ and the promises of God. Catholic Social Teaching describes how we put that hope into action in our world.
read more here


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2020
One of the problems God has with the "Christian" churches mentioned in Rev. 17 is that they are involved in human politics. Go ahead and read it for yourself so you can see i'm not making this up. God specifically called it committing fornication with the kings of the earth. Should someone who desires to follow Christ's example take your word over His Father's?
The LIES of Dave Hunt
Anti-Catholic writer Dave Hunt is at it again. Large portions of his previous books have been devoted to attacking the Catholic Church. Now he has written an entire book doing so.

In his advance publicity for A Woman Rides the Beast: The Catholic Church in the Last Days, Hunt proclaims that this book “is not one man’s wild-eyed speculation. . . . This important book will eclipse The Seduction of Christianity [Hunt’s previously most popular book] in its impact on the church.”

Yet in the same issue of his newsletter that carried this publicity, T. A. McMahon, the executive director of Hunt’s organization, conceded that there have been problems getting Evangelical book distributors to carry it. He states, “Dave’s new book (to be published in August) is already meeting resistance from Christian bookstore buyers.” Hunt-ing the Whore of Babylon: Part I
The idea that Pius XII helped saved Jews is preposterous, giving the facts about him helping Hitler become chancellor and supporting the genocide against Jews in Serbia.

The JEWISH VIRTUAL LIBRARY disagrees with you.860,000 Lives Saved - The Truth About Pius XII & the Jews
If Pious XII was even remotely concerned about saving Jews, why would he ask God to bless the Third Reich and order German bishops to swear allegiance to it?
This is just stupid hate speech. Hitler made Lutheranism the state religion; you need to do some reading. Pope Pius wrote it brennender Sorge ( listen (help·info) "With burning concern") On the Church and the German Reich is an encyclical of Pope Pius XI, issued during the Nazi era on 10 March 1937 (but bearing a date of Passion Sunday, 14 March).[1] Written in German, not the usual Latin, it was smuggled into Germany for fear of censorship and was read from the pulpits of all German Catholic churches on one of the Church's busiest Sundays, Palm Sunday (21 March that year).[2][3]

The encyclical condemned breaches of the 1933 Reichskonkordat agreement signed between the German Reich and the Holy See.[4] It condemned "pantheistic confusion", "neopaganism", "the so-called myth of race and blood", and the idolizing of the State. It contained a vigorous defense of the Old Testament with the belief that it prepares the way for the New.[5] The encyclical states that race is a fundamental value of the human community, which is necessary and honorable but condemns the exaltation of race, or the people, or the state, above their standard value to an idolatrous level.[6] The encyclical declares "that man as a person possesses rights he holds from God, and which any collectivity must protect against denial, suppression or neglect."[7] National Socialism, Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party are not named in the document. The term Reichsregierung is used to refer to the German government.[8]

The effort to produce and distribute over 300,000 copies of the letter was entirely secret, allowing priests across Germany to read the letter without interference.[9] The Gestapo raided the churches the next day to confiscate all the copies they could find, and the presses that had printed the letter were closed. According to historian Ian Kershaw, an intensification of the general anti-church struggle began around April in response to the encyclical.[10] Scholder wrote: "state officials and the Party reacted with anger and disapproval. Nevertheless the great reprisal that was feared did not come. The concordat remained in force and despite everything the intensification of the battle against the two churches which then began remained within ordinary limits."[11] The regime further constrained the actions of the Church and harassed monks with staged prosecutions for alleged immorality and phony abuse trials.[12] Though Hitler is not named in the encyclical, it does refer to a "mad prophet" that some say refers to Hitler himself.[13] Alois Hudal - Wikipedia

The idea that Pious XII wouldn't be involved in helping the Nazis escape is equally preposterous. Alois Hudal helped Nazis escape with full authorization of the Vatican, and was Pious XII's close friend. This wasn't a matter of bamboozled low-ranked clergymen helping people escape with no knowledge on Pious' part; this was a matter of the Vatican helping Nazis escape with Pious' knowledge and approval. Nothing involving the Vatican happens without the pope knowing about it, especially when someone as high on the chain of command as Hudal was is close friends with the pope.
Apply some common sense. If those Catholic organizations are teaching people how to sneak across the border and evade the authorities, then those organizations are circumventing U.S. immigration laws.
Apply some common sense. Why would they bother breaking laws when both Jewish and Catholic agencies have legal mechanisms at their disposal???
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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
Come on Mary. Don't try to be naive about this. Here is what a Catholic writes:
"...Most readers know of the sexual scandals of some Catholic clergy. But the Catholic Church is involved in another scandal that may be unfamiliar to most Americans, including many of the faithful. Certain organizations in the Church, including the Vatican, are assisting in the ongoing invasion of the United States by illegal immigrants..."
The Catholic Church and Illegal Immigration

The pope has publicly encouraged the destruction of national borders and MASSIVE illegal migrant invasion into Europe and the USA. He criticized Trump for the border wall, even though that was perfectly lawful.

Here is another article:
5 Catholic Ministries Helping Migrants at the Border
"In the last ten years, we have funded more than $20.8 million in assistance to border regions."

5 Catholic Ministries Helping Migrants at the Border - Catholic Extension

And to fool the public they call illegal migrant invaders "asylum seekers". That is completely false and even the UN has done a study which should that only a tiny fraction of illegals are actually refugees. The others are breaking immigration laws with the blessings of the pope and his clergy. In other words they are committing treason right under the noses of everyone.

We could add many more articles but this should suffice.
Cmon Enoch....
You are confusing the postion of The Church with the position SOME catholics and some local churches/charities take on immigration. The Vatican has made it clear it supports legal/lawful immigration. The Biships in the United States have also made their position clear: The U.S. Catholic Bishops accept the legitimate role of the U.S. government in intercepting unauthorized migrants who attempt to travel to the United States. The Bishops also believe that by increasing lawful means for migrants to enter, live, and work in the United States, law enforcement will be better able to focus upon those who truly threaten public safety: drug and human traffickers, smugglers, and would‐be terrorists. Any enforcement measures must be targeted, proportional, and humane.

You are confusing the acts of the few with the stated position of The Church. How would you like me to lump YOU in with your Protestant denominations that fall in line with the Catholic Church's teaching on the eucharist and Mary being a perpetual virgin? Using your criteria I now believe that you accept transubstantiation.

Keeping it real...Mary


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
The Catholics seem to have a history of illegal smuggling of criminals. The Rat Lines of WWII helping Nazi criminals escape justice is a fact. Today they are helping smuggle illegal immigrants into the United States. Providing information on how to avoid arrest, providing logistics assistance and instructions on how to assimilate into our culture and avoid arrest. It is a fact that many of these immigrants who are crossing our borders illegally are convicted rapist, gang members, drug dealers, human trafficking criminals. Not all are guilty of these things but are certainly guilty of violating our laws. Many of these illegal immigrants are engaged in the work of Satan. Catholic charity organizations are actively involved in this illegal activity in effect partners with Satan. Why am I not surprised?
Texas lawmaker uncovers secret operation to move migrants across the US, house them in abandoned hotels

People FLEEING their country, is not new.
Foreign countries, ALLOWING “refugees” into their country, is not new.
* (Wars, Famines have played a huge Historical Role for ALLOWING, AGREEING, ASSISTING, “Refugees” PER Established LAWFUL measures, of the Receiving county OF “Refugees”.
* NOT new, that Churches have Historically PROVIDED “temporary” ASSISTANCE to “Refugees”, “Lawfully” entering another Country.

* What is Occurring IS: Floods, Droves, of people LEAVING their country, ILLEGALLY sneaking, breaking INTO Foreign countries, STILL seeking Churches to “ASSIST” them.
* AND Churches ARE, “assisting them”,
not in a Lawful Act, but rather “HARBORING”, “HIDING” “LAW-BREAKERS”.

* Ya think a “BANK Thief”, a “Murderer”, a “Robber”, BEING “Harbored”, “Hidden” From Authorities “IS LEGAL?
* Ya think “NO Consequences”, are LEGALLY Sanctioned Against the one WHO “Harbors, Hides” a LAW BREAKER?
* Ya think the “EXCUSE” the one who “HARBORS” is simply providing “human needs”...that “somehow” their “human” needs would NOT be “Provided” by Authorities?

Catholics HAVE A LONG Standing Reputation FOR “Assisting” people with “necessities”.
Catholics “TOUT” A Long Standing “and MOST Providing” Reputation FOR “their charities, programs, for Assisting people with “necessities”.
* But ... But ... But ... when ATTENTION Draws to “Catholic Churches” FOR openly “Harboring, Hiding, Droves OF Foreign LAW BREAKERS”...
The “Attention” is NOT a favorable reflection on the Catholic Church...
And “Deflection” IS a measure Catholics Use to side-step.
* FACT IS: the Catholic Church Harboring, Hiding, LAWBREAKERS, and Encouragement thereof....SHOULD BE subject to the SAME consequences AS ANY person or organization that “encourages Illegal Lawless behavior AND Harbors and Hides the Illegal Lawless Individuals” !!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2020
This entire thread rests on the racist comments during a Fox news interview by a law maker who hates Catholics and Jews. Rep. Lance Gooden is a liar and a bigot, but one comment becomes absolute truth to the anti-Catholic and anti-Semites. Helping people who are suffering and in need of help is part of the Gospel, in case you didn't know.
Jewish and Catholic agencies cooperate with the US government in settling immigrants and refugees. Get over it.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2020

Bill Donohue comments on the immigration reform bill that was introduced in Congress today:

No institution, religious or secular, has been more vocal in its insistence that immigration reform is needed than the Catholic Church. The point person for the Church on this issue is Archbishop José Gomez of Los Angeles; he is chairman of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Migration.

Today, Archbishop Gomez, speaking for the bishops, commended the senators who crafted this bill, expressing his support for “working with Congress to fashion a final bill that respects the basic human rights and dignity of newcomers to our land—migrants, refugees, and other vulnerable populations.”

The Catholic League applauds the work of the so-called “Gang of Eight” senators responsible for the bill, and we especially salute Archbishop Gomez for his steadfast promotion of a just immigration policy.

The bill is appropriately multi-faceted. Enhanced border security, as well as a realistic pathway to citizenship, are at the center of the legislation. Until recently, both Republicans and Democrats have failed miserably in addressing these issues. To wit: some Republicans have thought they can somehow round up every illegal alien and send him back to his home country; some Democrats have thought they can just ignore the cry for greater border security.

Both political parties have, in effect, invited this problem by failing to come to grips with certain realities. Hopefully, we are about to change course, and with the help of the bishops, ably led by Archbishop Gomez, we are confident that progress will be made.



Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States

Bill Donohue comments on the immigration reform bill that was introduced in Congress today:

No institution, religious or secular, has been more vocal in its insistence that immigration reform is needed than the Catholic Church. The point person for the Church on this issue is Archbishop José Gomez of Los Angeles; he is chairman of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Migration.

Today, Archbishop Gomez, speaking for the bishops, commended the senators who crafted this bill, expressing his support for “working with Congress to fashion a final bill that respects the basic human rights and dignity of newcomers to our land—migrants, refugees, and other vulnerable populations.”

The Catholic League applauds the work of the so-called “Gang of Eight” senators responsible for the bill, and we especially salute Archbishop Gomez for his steadfast promotion of a just immigration policy.

The bill is appropriately multi-faceted. Enhanced border security, as well as a realistic pathway to citizenship, are at the center of the legislation. Until recently, both Republicans and Democrats have failed miserably in addressing these issues. To wit: some Republicans have thought they can somehow round up every illegal alien and send him back to his home country; some Democrats have thought they can just ignore the cry for greater border security.

Both political parties have, in effect, invited this problem by failing to come to grips with certain realities. Hopefully, we are about to change course, and with the help of the bishops, ably led by Archbishop Gomez, we are confident that progress will be made.


Changing Laws to Accommodate Law Breakers is Ludicrous!
Giving Catholics kudos for their involvement and support is a glaring reflection of how the Catholic Church uses it’s influence to promote corruption.


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2021
United States
Romans 13:1
Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.

I agree that we do need an immigration Bill. I think those who cross our borders illegally should be sent back and forced to follow the law of legal immigration. I think we as Christians should via charity help those who are fleeing their native lands for legitimate purposes. I do not think we should assume the best recourse is for them to come to America. I do not think government dollars in the form of benefits should go to illegals who ignore our laws and do not contribute financially to this country. The Apostle Paul made it clear, you don't work you don't eat.
I pity those who go through the hardships to seek a better place to live. I do not pity the criminal element and those who come here with the wrong purpose.
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Desire Of All Nations

Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2021
United States
Cmon Enoch....
You are confusing the postion of The Church with the position SOME catholics and some local churches/charities take on immigration. The Vatican has made it clear it supports legal/lawful immigration. The Biships in the United States have also made their position clear: The U.S. Catholic Bishops accept the legitimate role of the U.S. government in intercepting unauthorized migrants who attempt to travel to the United States. The Bishops also believe that by increasing lawful means for migrants to enter, live, and work in the United States, law enforcement will be better able to focus upon those who truly threaten public safety: drug and human traffickers, smugglers, and would‐be terrorists. Any enforcement measures must be targeted, proportional, and humane.

You are confusing the acts of the few with the stated position of The Church. How would you like me to lump YOU in with your Protestant denominations that fall in line with the Catholic Church's teaching on the eucharist and Mary being a perpetual virgin? Using your criteria I now believe that you accept transubstantiation.

Keeping it real...Mary
None of that explains or squares with Pope Francis and other Catholic bishops frequently criticizing Donald Trump for his border policy. It's obvious to anyone with two working eyes and the ability to comprehend the statements of its leaders that the Catholic church's official position is one of pro-illegal immigration. Francis' rhetoric about how it isn't Christian for a country to erect borders or enforce immigration laws on the books says he is encouraging and supporting criminal behavior.
I never said that I vote. lol
I never implied that you do vote. I was simply proving that the argument about how Christians are obligated to vote is asinine and contrary to scripture.


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
None of that explains or squares with Pope Francis and other Catholic bishops frequently criticizing Donald Trump for his border policy. It's obvious to anyone with two working eyes and the ability to comprehend the statements of its leaders that the Catholic church's official position is one of pro-illegal immigration. Francis' rhetoric about how it isn't Christian for a country to erect borders or enforce immigration laws on the books says he is encouraging and supporting criminal behavior.
Hello, I can’t “rhetoric” by Francis saying it isn’t Christian for a country to erect borders or enforce immigration laws. Can you provide that quote for me?


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2020
None of that explains or squares with Pope Francis and other Catholic bishops frequently criticizing Donald Trump for his border policy.
Like putting children in cages? Republicans and Democrats frequently criticized Trump for his outdated, backward border policy, and you are trying to blame the pope.
It's obvious to anyone with two working eyes and the ability to comprehend the statements of its leaders that the Catholic church's official position is one of pro-illegal immigration.
Wrong. A LEGAL process is in place. Cite the church's official position with references and stop making things up.
Francis' rhetoric about how it isn't Christian for a country to erect borders or enforce immigration laws on the books says he is encouraging and supporting criminal behavior.
You lack the integrity to cite Francis' "rhetoric" from reliable sources. Let's give it a try, shall we?

ROME — Pope Francis said Saturday that in dealing with immigration problems government leaders must combine “healthy realism” with “respect for people’s dignity.”

“The reality of migration in our time has taken on characteristics that can sometimes be frightening,” Francis said. “Objectively, the phenomenon is very complex, and unfortunately there are criminal groups that take advantage of it; migrants risk being exploited even within geopolitical conflicts. Then they cease to be persons and become numbers.”


Migrants line up outside the transport and logistics centre near the Bruzgi border point on the Belarusian-Polish border in the Grodno region on November 20, 2021. – Poland said on November 20, 2021 that Belarus has changed tactics in their border crisis by now directing smaller groups of migrants to multiple points along the European Union’s eastern frontier. – Belarus OUT (Photo by MAXIM GUCHEK/BELTA/AFP via Getty Images)

Citing the Prime Minister of Albania, the pope said you must open the door to anyone who knocks “because it is God.”

“This thought touched me: the one who knocks on your door is God,” he said. “Open to him and leave your place for him.”

At the same time, Francis said, this attitude must not give way to a simplistic ideology.

“This way of seeing the reality of migration does not mean hiding or ignoring the difficulties and problems,” he said, encouraging his listeners to share their experiences with migrants to promote good politics and “to help government leaders at the local, national and international level to make choices that always combine a healthy realism with respect for people’s dignity.”

“I saw one of the paintings you brought, about the torture that migrants suffer when those traffickers take them,” Francis said. “And this happens today. We can’t close our eyes!”
Pope Francis: Immigration Today Is ‘Complex,’ Sometimes ‘Frightening’

see also Pope Francis: How Many Migrants ‘Lose Their Lives at Our Borders!’
Pope Francis and Migrants: Honoring Human Dignity, Building Solidarity and Creating a Culture of Encounter - The Center for Migration Studies of New York (CMS)