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Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
United States
The Bible has already told us what repentance is for. It is to receive the Holy Spirit! Acts 2:38-39. Now think! How many times do you need to receive the Holy Spirit and become born again. Once He is in you, does he go away again, and then you sin? So need Him back again?

Do you find yourself doing things against your own conscience? Is that why you believe 1 John 1:6, 8 and 10 are true Christians, and not verse 7? How do you confirm that interpretation, and still remain pure so you can go to heaven. 1 John 3:3. Remember, no sinner abides in the house forever. John 8:32-36


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
United States
@1stCenturyLady Romans 8.9 indicates that all true Christians have the Holy Spirit....

Yes, but did you know I've been a "Christian" all my life, but wasn't actually saved for 30 years? We MUST be born again of the Spirit. Not everyone who believes they are a Christian, actually have God inside them. Most are just still being drawn by the Holy Spirit, but He remains outside of us. No life change has happened. Partly because they have never truly repented. And also because after receiving the Holy Spirit they do not continue growing. 2 Peter 1:8-9


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
The biblical concept of hell is a fact. And I stand against the Jehovah Witnesses.
Amen. Agreed. JWs are actually an anti-Christian cult based upon the rejection of (1) the deity of Christ and (2) the Holy Trinity. They have many other false doctrines and are leading many astray.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
Yes, all of that and for me or for others today?
What happens when people have done with their Bible or even with Jesus what the Israelites did with that brass snake on a pole?
Has anyone today done that?
Is anyone today doing that?
Before Pergamos became the subject of John's letter to the church there in the 1st century, Pergamos was the capital of the Roman province of Asia minor. Before even that the city had become the haven for the exiled Chaldean priesthood when Cyrus defeated Beltashazzar, final king of Babylon before the Meda/Persian reign.
But the Romans continued the pagan worship on the high hill of Pergamos, dedicating one temple to Zeus, and another to Asclepius, the serpent god...a god who instructed man... a healing serpent wrapped around a pole.
Just I little FYI.
Oh. And those Babylonian mystery pagan beliefs and idolatrous worship was transferred to Rome itself after the death of the last king of Pergamos in the 2nd century bc. The Christian emperor Gratian I'm the 4th? Century refused the titles and baubles of that pagan office... The title of pontifex maximus, the vestments and honors of the mysteries... Those ended up with the bishop of Rome of that time, Damasus.
Just a little history for your contemplation. :)
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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
The “church” made Bible reading impossible for the lay person, because only the priests were allowed access to God’s word. The church put to death anyone who possessed a Bible or who read it. Not all the ignorant masses were illiterate.
This is why it was a Catholic priest who took his own church to task over the abuses he saw by knowing what the Bible taught. Martin Luther did not want to cause a Reformation....all he wanted his church to do was cease doing what he knew was not scriptural and thoroughly corrupt. By keeping the people in ignorance, they could get away with just about anything because no one was game to speak up, knowing what would happen to them. Luther was a brave man. But they of course responded to him as all corrupt church leaders did in those days. Like Judaism before it, the church silenced all opposers including God’s prophets whom he sent to correct them. (Matthew 23:37) Luther was in all probability part of the wheat, but gagged and threatened by the weeds......
Really??? Only the priest were allowed to access Gods word and anyone who possessed or read a bible was put to death? Fascinating....From whom did you learn that bit of false Christian history?

Hmmmmm..Sooooo Luther knew what wasn't Scriptural? Even though other Protestant men disagreed with Luther during the Reformation in your eyes Luther KNEW but the other Protestant men of the Reformation didn't know??? They were wrong and he was right.... Sooooo you are a Lutheran???? You should be....after all, according to you, Luther KNEW what wasn't Scriptural sooooo why wouldn't you be Luteran??? :cool:

Did you know that Luther and other Protestant men of the Reformation "silenced" their opposers???? When you learn Christian history your theory falls apart....
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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
Stupid? No. Ignorant through no fault on their part? Yes. Scared to stand up and say what they thought? You bet! This is why the groundswell became so great with the Reformers now gaining ground and taking that power away from a thoroughly corrupt church. Religious freedom was something they had never had but desperately wanted.....
Hi Jane,

Show me one verse in Scripture that says every Christian has religious freedom and I will become Protestant again...

Religious freedom = I can properly interpret Scripture on my own and decide what the truth is
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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
It wasn’t until the Bible was in the hands of the people that they saw how far the church had strayed from the teachings of the Christ. The corruption was horrendous. If Catholicism is all you have ever assumed Christianity to be, then I can only advise to do do your own research....outside of your church’s excuses for their past and even present behavior.

They people came to realise that original Christianity had no Pope, (Pontifex Maximus (“Pontiff”) was a title for the pagan Roman High Priest). Peter would never have sat on a golden throne, living in a gold inlaid palace with servants, and full of priceless treasures, whilst his brothers were living in abject poverty, which is the situation today as most Catholic people live in third world conditions. Such a notion would have been far from his mind, having lived with Jesus as a constant companion for three and a half years and living what Christianity was all about.

There was no earthly priesthood with distinctive garb, no nuns, no grand cathedrals, no monasteries, no repeated rituals, no holy water or incense, no confessionals with an equally sinful human granting absolution.
The images they used in worship were forbidden by God’s law and devotion to Mary was merely a continuation of ancient mother goddess worship.....there was so much that was wrong with Catholicism that no wonder Protestantism overwhelmed the church, who then lost its power over the liberated people. 1500 years of abuse has taken a huge toll on human life, and the right for people to choose how to worship God, according to scripture, not according to the church. But the Reformation came with its own problems. Catholicism had left a sad legacy, which some repeated, proving again that Christ “never knew” them. (Matthew 7:21-23) But the “wheat” though terribly outnumbered were still there, fighting for the truth and often paying with their lives....put to death by those who claimed Jesus as their “Lord”.
Really???? Soooooo in the 1600 years BEFORE the bible was mass produced for the average person to have in their home all of a sudden "people that they saw how far the church had strayed from the teachings of the Christ". EVEN THOUGH they went to Church every Sunday and heard Scripture read to them AND the Bible was available for them to read in the Church (they kept them chained to the pulpit so they wouldn't be stolen)....your theory is that once they had their own bible they magically had more knowledge and magically knew how to properly interpret Scripture???? Even though they all disagree with each other on the proper interpretation of the same verse they were all of a sudden right and The Church was wrong??????????????????????

Can you see how your theory and revision of history makes no sense???
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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
I have studied long and deep, so I am sure of what I believe.....if a person has doubts, there is a reason....a doubter is easily swayed by any wind of teaching, but a true student of the Bible will keep digging until they put all those doubts to rest.
Do you ever have doubts Jane?


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
Yet you stay and defend this institution, knowing that God doesn’t approve of it either...?
Do you not have choices?
1. Church leaders wearing vestments is not against anything written in Scripture that I know of. If you believe that God doesn't approve of it please quote a passage from Scripture that says that instead of telling me what YOU believe.

2. Just because they were vestments' doesn't nullify doctrine/dogma. I defend doctrine/dogma....not what clothes are worn.

3. The reason I don't like it is because I would rather see the money spent to help the poor.

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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
In view of Jesus parable, we can see that the weeds were planted a very long time ago, so that they have been growing along with the wheat all this time......but weeds as we know, grow so much more quickly than our valued plants, in fact if we don’t keep the weeds down, they will overtake our garden completely....with no one to weed the garden, and only to have all harvested together at the same time, the weeds will so outnumber the wheat that we can be assured of a big bonfire....

Didn’t Jesus himself say....”Go in through the narrow gate, because broad is the gate and spacious is the road leading off into destruction, and many are going in through it; 14 whereas narrow is the gate and cramped the road leading off into life, and few are finding it.”

It is the “few” who are on the road to life....not the “many”. So there is no safety in numbers.
Lets try this again!!! :rolleyes:

YOU SAID: Church history after the first century is nothing to be proud of.

What do you mean by that? What happened in the 2nd century that The Church should not be proud of?
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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
Yet you stay and defend this institution, knowing that God doesn’t approve of it either...?
Do you not have choices?
Who are you defending Jane? What denomination do you belong to? Or do you read/interpret Scripture on your own? If so you are defending yourself. If you belong to a denomination you are defending them.

Sooooooo what's wrong with me doing the same thing your doing??

Curious Mary
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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
The so called Apostolic Fathers gradually yielded to the false ideas that were creeping in, ever so gradually into Christian teaching, so as I said, the thin edge of the wedge was beginning.....
Jane.......Your theory is completely and utterly fascinating. Do You sincerely believe that the men who were students of the apostles "yielded to false ideas"????????????? Who taught you that?

If your theory were true then wouldn't that make your "ideas" even more "false" since you are 2,000 years removed from the Apostles??????

Can you not see how your theory is totally indefensible and ridiculous????? Sorry to be so harsh but it is truly ridiculous.....
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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
The so called Apostolic Fathers gradually yielded to the false ideas that were creeping in, ever so gradually into Christian teaching, so as I said, the thin edge of the wedge was beginning.

Who can we trust? Jesus Christ who foretold that that “weeds” of false Christianity would be sown in the same field as the “wheat”....this parable itself is full of meaning if you examine it closely. (Matthew 13:24-30; 36-42)

First of all these “weeds” were sown “while men were sleeping”....which could mean one of two things...either it was a reference to the death of the apostles who were keeping the coming apostasy at bay whilst the scriptures were being written....or it was whilst the Christians in the later centuries were ‘dozing off spiritually’ and allowing things to creep in without due vigilance.

What were these weeds? It is believed that it is a common, poisonous weed, well known in the Middle East that is a blight to’s called “bearded darnell” and it is so like the wheat in its early growing stages that you really can’t tell them apart, hence Jesus recommendation to leave them in case of the wheat be taken along with the weeds. By the time the weeds were identifiable their root system was co tangled with the wheat, that there was great likelihood of this happening.

He told the reapers to wait until the harvest time when a clear separation would be possible because all would be harvested and the “weeds” disposed of before they could produce any more seed. Only then would the wheat be gathered into the farmers storehouse.

I don’t think it requires a great deal of effort to see what this parable was all about in the understanding of that Jewish audience who were fully aware of what was being foretold.

We are approaching that harvest time who are we? “Wheat” or “weeds”....the reapers are under instruction and they know the difference.....even if we do not.
What you have at the bottom of all your post's is what I totally agree with: What I post is my opinion only.

No truer words have been said by you!!
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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
Show me one verse in Scripture that says every Christian has religious freedom and I will become Protestant again...
You will not find any Scripture making that exact assertion because it is a given. Every individual -- Christian or not -- must make moral and spiritual choices for which they alone will be held accountable. So the pope will not be answering for you.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
If I am not mistaken Aunty Jane is a Jehovah's Witness. She owes her allegiance to the Watchtower Society.
Thank you. You (or maybe someone else) told me this previously. I went to @Aunty Jane profile and didn't see that and she has not told me that directly. I was hoping to get confirmation from her....Unless you can point me to a post where she says that.

Thank you in advance....Mary


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
You will not find any Scripture making that exact assertion because it is a given. Every individual -- Christian or not -- must make moral and spiritual choices for which they alone will be held accountable. So the pope will not be answering for you.
Ummmmm.....You really should read scripture since it says opposite of what you believe:

Obey those who rule over you, and be submissive, for they watch out for your souls, as those who must give account.

Bible study Mary


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
Unless you can point me to a post where she says that.
She uses the word "Jehovah" instead of God in this quote: '"Ridicule"? "Derision"? "What I don't understand"? o_O That is the one can "understand" the trinity because it makes no logical sense. Who gave us our sense of logic? Would Jehovah refer to his relationship with his son in ...'