Clearing the muck of other Covid threads.

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Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
I feel compelled to write this thread to clear up loads of misinformation and outright lies that have been levelled at me concerning what I know I believe about covid and what is happening in America.

Teh lying about my words got so bad that I placed two brothers on ignore for they insist on keeping lying about what I have said and accuse me of colluding with the devil. Of course they presented no evidence and if they respond here, I will not see what they have to say anymore, but here goes.

1. I am against any mandates to take the covid "vaccine" ( I will call it that for brevity sakes, it is not a vaccine but a prophylaxis)

2. No matter my feelings or opinions on the matter, the Constitution expressly forbids the federal government from mandating people to take medicine.

3. States, towns and businesses are within their constitutional rights to mandate the vaccine. It is a question of health and safety and the constitution allows for that whether we like it or not.

4. I believe in informed consent. With all the information in the media and the fact people have to sign off before getting the vaccine, they have to sign a paper stating they have been made aware of the risks. If someone is not informed- it is by deliberate choice.

5. I would encourage all to consult their primary care doctors to see if the vaccine is advantageous for them. Most people most likely do not need the vaccine, but someone like me who has five heart conditions, lupus and other co-morbidities, put me at higher risk to become very ill or dead if not getting protected. I took both shots and the booster and realize this will probably be like an annual flu shot. Once again this is a preventative and not a cure all vaccine.

6. Like all medications there are risks involved with the medication. The more virulent a disease, the more nasty the risks of the medication as well. Yes people have died from taking the shot. No one wishes that on anyone. Just like no one wishes people die from Covid either. But both are true.

7. All medications are evaluated by the CDC and FDA on their effectiveness and their risk/benefit ratio. Like all other meds on the market, I believe the benefits far outweigh the risks generally speaking. But once again people should also talk with the medical professionals most familiar with their personal case.

8. There are too many unfounded conspiracy theories out there that believers are gullibly swallowing without they doing their due diligence. Doctors going online or you -tube spouting how dangerous the vaccine is and that it is killing people and selectively using statistics to make it appear monstrous. First every one I have checked out ( about a dozen now) are well educated professional doctors! but they are not immunologists, virologists, geneticists, micro biologists. so while they are very intelligent, they are not expert in teh fields needed to make informed decisions. This should stop as it brings dishonor to the Lord we serve. One example of manipulating data to provoke fear. A doctor on a christian program said that teen boys are getting myocarditis 600% more from the vaccine than from not. what was not revealed is that myocardsitis occurs in teen boys about 1/100,000 boys. So that means that teen boys getting the shot appear to come down with myocaqrditis on average of 6/100,000 We would love to see the vaccine produce no cases but that is unrealistic. So let me ask you. I f the vaccine saved 50 teen boys lives which outcomje would you prefer. 6 more cases of myocarditis/100,000 with over 90% cured or 50 dead teens? Like it or not those are the choices we have in america!

9. No one taking the shot is serving the devil! This by far is the most egregious lie that several here are intent on broadcasting! They refuse to show real evidence, just bear false witness. This is sad.

10 this vaccine was rushed out in a year instead of the normal 8-10 years. Given the perceived threat of the disease and the growing fatalities, there was not much else to do. NO matter anyone says, it has been very effective in preventing serious complications of covid in line with the announced effective rates! Yes, people still get covid, yes peoples till get hospitalized, and yes people die! I have known for 19 months that this was not a cure all but a preventative! I am not special and have no inside hot line.

11. the govt. exempted big pharma from lawsuits. I think this also was prudent! given that they waived so much testing and reformulating after testing to get the drug to market, the drug companies should have just limited liability in this.

12. People have gotten ill, very ill and even died from getting the shot! This is tragic, but when you have to think on a nation level as the politicians should, then they have made the right decision. We now have an empirical factual record. Vaccinated people are getting less ill, require far less hospitalization and are dying in far lower numbers than the unvaccinated. so the benefit of this vaccine outweighs the risk on a national level. It means little to nothing for a family who sees one die from the shot about national numbers, but that is how all things work from medications, to cars, to planes, machines etc.

This is lengthy and I probably rambled a lot, but I needed to make my position clear. If you still think I am in league with the devil, when I see you in heaven, try not to look too shocked to learn you were lied to.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2021
United States
United States
I respect your position on these things. I'd like to say:

6. Like all medications there are risks involved with the medication. The more virulent a disease, the more nasty the risks of the medication as well. Yes people have died from taking the shot. No one wishes that on anyone. Just like no one wishes people die from Covid either. But both are true.
The issue here is that the disease is not NEARLY as dangerous as it has been made out to be in the media. So if the disease is 98% survivable, releasing (and mandating) a so-called medication for it that is much more dangerous statistically makes no sense whatsoever.
7. All medications are evaluated by the CDC and FDA on their effectiveness and their risk/benefit ratio. Like all other meds on the market, I believe the benefits far outweigh the risks generally speaking. But once again people should also talk with the medical professionals most familiar with their personal case.
It has been proven that the FDA did not approve of the concoctions being given to the public. And the benefits do not outweigh the risks if the disease itself is survivable by the vast majority of the population.
8. There are too many unfounded conspiracy theories out there that believers are gullibly swallowing without they doing their due diligence. Doctors going online or you -tube spouting how dangerous the vaccine is and that it is killing people and selectively using statistics to make it appear monstrous. First every one I have checked out ( about a dozen now) are well educated professional doctors! but they are not immunologists, virologists, geneticists, micro biologists. so while they are very intelligent, they are not expert in teh fields needed to make informed decisions. This should stop as it brings dishonor to the Lord we serve. One example of manipulating data to provoke fear. A doctor on a christian program said that teen boys are getting myocarditis 600% more from the vaccine than from not. what was not revealed is that myocardsitis occurs in teen boys about 1/100,000 boys. So that means that teen boys getting the shot appear to come down with myocaqrditis on average of 6/100,000 We would love to see the vaccine produce no cases but that is unrealistic. So let me ask you. I f the vaccine saved 50 teen boys lives which outcomje would you prefer. 6 more cases of myocarditis/100,000 with over 90% cured or 50 dead teens? Like it or not those are the choices we have in america!
With or without the conspiracy theories, the facts have proven the response of the injections to be completely unreasonable. To this very day, there are Doctors giving people Ivermectin and HCQ as well as other things that are curing people and they are being shunned by big Hospitals, big Pharma and the media and having their good names destroyed for their good deeds and for DOING THEIR JOBS.
10 this vaccine was rushed out in a year instead of the normal 8-10 years. Given the perceived threat of the disease and the growing fatalities, there was not much else to do. NO matter anyone says, it has been very effective in preventing serious complications of covid in line with the announced effective rates! Yes, people still get covid, yes peoples till get hospitalized, and yes people die! I have known for 19 months that this was not a cure all but a preventative! I am not special and have no inside hot line.
It has been proven extensively that the fatality rates were completely trumped up and utter lies. Where did the Flu go???? No, the concoctions have NOT been effective at stopping the spread, there have been massive rates of Covid AFTER fully vaccinated - and even HERE, nobody wants that discussed.
11. the govt. exempted big pharma from lawsuits. I think this also was prudent! given that they waived so much testing and reformulating after testing to get the drug to market, the drug companies should have just limited liability in this.
Sure it was prudent, they knew they'd get the hell sued out of 'em for what they were releasing and insisting people take.
12. People have gotten ill, very ill and even died from getting the shot! This is tragic, but when you have to think on a nation level as the politicians should, then they have made the right decision. We now have an empirical factual record. Vaccinated people are getting less ill, require far less hospitalization and are dying in far lower numbers than the unvaccinated. so the benefit of this vaccine outweighs the risk on a national level. It means little to nothing for a family who sees one die from the shot about national numbers, but that is how all things work from medications, to cars, to planes, machines etc.
Wrong, wrong and more wrong.

God bless.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Ronald you don’t have to defend yourself because it’s not worth it to talk to conspiracy theory folks.
You’re a good man and you’re NOT in the league with the devil my friend.

Well it took me a long time after I was saved to restore a good reputation ( I was a real skank). I guard my reputation against false attacks as it reflects on whom I serve. Plus it may help them who are quick to accuse to think longer or ask for clarification before jumping into judgmentalism

Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States

Beware of satan's minions who would would deceive you into accepting a designed GENOCIDE Kill Shot.

Matt. 15:13 He answered, “Every plant which my heavenly Father has not planted will be rooted up. 14 Let them alone; they are blind guides. And if a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit.”

Bobby Jo


Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
I respect your position on these things. I'd like to say:

I respect those who aspire to TRUTH, but not those who aspire to DISHONESTY. And where some ERRANTLY promulgate DISINFORMATION we can help them with the TRUTH; but after being warned, those that REJECT the TRUTH are allowed to continue down their path:

So having been warned, we're told to shake the dust off our shoes and leave them to their own devices:

Matt. 15:13 He answered, “Every plant which my heavenly Father has not planted will be rooted up. 14 Let them alone; they are blind guides. And if a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit.”

With Very Best Regards,
Bobby Jo & ELAM :rolleyes:

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Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
Pharmacist Shocked To Discover Vaccine Inserts are Blank: ‘I Shouldn’t be Giving These Out’

Pharmacist Shocked To Discover Vaccine Inserts are Blank: ‘I Shouldn’t be Giving These Out’

Adan Salazar, 12-24-2021

In the viral footage shot inside a CVS pharmacy, a staff pharmacist hands this customer a BLANK vaccine insert sheet he asserts contains complete testing and safety data required to provide ‘informed consent.’


Watch till the end
Apologies for the overlap.
— Doc Huckleberry (@DocHuckleberry5) December 24, 2021


— Rasta Redpill (@RastaRedpill) December 24, 2021

[Apparently we have to open the two video's from inside the Article.]

It's a little difficult to read, but the last image shows: "INTENTIONALLY BLANK", and this Pharmacist is caught totally flat footed, (calls himself "totally inadequate") but STILL gives these injections because he's told to by his employer -- IN VIOLATION OF THE NUREMBERG CODE under the GENEVA CONVENTION.

... And some people (including Christians) STILL fight along side satan in his war against humanity.
Bobby Jo


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Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
I wonder if this TOPIC should be Re-Titled something closer to:

Adding DISTORTIONS and DISINFORMATION To Sufficiently Confuse You To Take A Death Injection, All Under The Guise Of Giving You GOOD Information While In Fact It's Cold Blooded Murder -- But You Can Trust Me

Well I don't trust satan's agenda, regardless of who's promoting it.
Bobby Jo

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Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
With or without the conspiracy theories, the facts have proven the response of the injections to be completely unreasonable. To this very day, there are Doctors giving people Ivermectin and HCQ as well as other things that are curing people and they are being shunned by big Hospitals, big Pharma and the media and having their good names destroyed for their good deeds and for DOING THEIR JOBS.

If those drugs are administerd within 72 hours of being infected. If administers when symptoms show very little success.

The issue here is that the disease is not NEARLY as dangerous as it has been made out to be in the media. So if the disease is 98% survivable, releasing (and mandating) a so-called medication for it that is much more dangerous statistically makes no sense whatsoever.

Yes it is- but we have had 812,000 not so fortunate and millions in ICUS who hadnear death experiences due to covid.

It has been proven that the FDA did not approve of the concoctions being given to the public. And the benefits do not outweigh the risks if the disease itself is survivable by the vast majority of the population.

Aug. 17,2021 the shots went off EUA to full FDA approval.

It has been proven extensively that the fatality rates were completely trumped up and utter lies. Where did the Flu go???? No, the concoctions have NOT been effective at stopping the spread, there have been massive rates of Covid AFTER fully vaccinated - and even HERE, nobody wants that discussed.

I have discussed it at length! The government has made lots of crazy claims that if one did just a tiny amount of theior own researh beying the 30 second sound bites, you would realize this does not prevent covid, just is highly effective at making covid far less dangerous, and that is now empiricaaly proven bu over a year of vaccines.

Sure it was prudent, they knew they'd get the hell sued out of 'em for what they were releasing and insisting people take.

If you were big Pharma and was asked by teh govt. to cut way short the human testing to get a drug to market, wouldn't you want that protection? Are you saying they knew they were intentionally putting out a murderous product. Or were they putting out a product they knew could have some serious side effects but did not take the normal time to research them at the behest of teh govt.

Wrong, wrong and more wrong.

So the datsa that shows the unvaccinated are gettingmore sick and dying in greater numbers over teh vaccinated is just pure made up? Facts to support that?
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Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States

Beware of satan's minions who would would deceive you into accepting a designed GENOCIDE Kill Shot.

Well read the information published by Dr. Yeedun. Lots of accusations and no actual research and facts.

But I will reiterate what is the smart opinion for any medication for a child. Parents should talk to their pediatrician and discuss the pros and cons fo the shot and then make an informed decision. OUt here in la -la land we have all sorts of hysteria that does nothing to the conversation but muddy the waters.

Misleading use of %'s Fauci isn't to be trusted, neither is Wallensky. If the CDC and THe FDA are in cahoots with teh devil, then Christians should stop taking all medications.

Matt. 15:13 He answered, “Every plant which my heavenly Father has not planted will be rooted up. 14 Let them alone; they are blind guides. And if a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit.”

Bobby Jo


Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
I respect those who aspire to TRUTH, but not those who aspire to DISHONESTY. And where some ERRANTLY promulgate DISINFORMATION we can help them with the TRUTH; but after being warned, those that REJECT the TRUTH are allowed to continue down their path:

So having been warned, we're told to shake the dust off our shoes and leave them to their own devices:

Matt. 15:13 He answered, “Every plant which my heavenly Father has not planted will be rooted up. 14 Let them alone; they are blind guides. And if a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit.”

With Very Best Regards,
Bobby Jo & ELAM :rolleyes:


Well mouth, I still await you to write down any dishonesty I have aspired to. You are superb at playing accuser, but you fail at providing any evidence I am being dishonest or hypocritical or whatever.

Seems to me you call truth anyone who agrees with you. And implying I am unsaved by that verse has made you guilty of playing God and determining my salvation over what I have written about this covid and the shots. Is this verse found in a new version of the Bible. I have 32 english translations and can't find one verse that says If I do not believe everything you say about teh shot I am lost.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
I wonder if this TOPIC should be Re-Titled something closer to:

Adding DISTORTIONS and DISINFORMATION To Sufficiently Confuse You To Take A Death Injection, All Under The Guise Of Giving You GOOD Information While In Fact It's Cold Blooded Murder -- But You Can Trust Me

Well I don't trust satan's agenda, regardless of who's promoting it.
Bobby Jo


So to you now not only am I a hypocrite, liar, promulgsator of misinformation, and unsaved, I am now aiding and abetting in mass murder?

Wow! I am so glad you don't have any voice in who does and doesn't get into teh kingdom. If you did, it would be awful lonely up there with just you alone. Gioven your leve lof judgmentalism, I am sure you would find a way to kick the trinity out.
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Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States

Statistically, -- MANY who've taken the Vax will suffer, some sooner than later, because SOME of the Vials are saline; some have dangerous constituents; and some are outright toxic, -- because it's too obvious if the recipients all DROP DEAD AT ONCE.

So they slowly POISON the population with a SECOND Vax, then a BOOSTER, and another BOOSTER, and so on, until the ENTIRE Vax accepting population is either on the verge of DEATH or DEAD.

And it takes time for these individuals to be statistically caught up to, but they will all suffer and many will die:

Rev. 16:2 So the first angel went and poured his bowl on the earth, and foul and evil sores came upon the men who bore the mark of the beast and worshiped its image.

So all that's left to say to these that follow satan's edicts is Good Luck, because they're going to need it.
Bobby Jo

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Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Statistically, -- MANY who've taken the Vax will suffer, some sooner than later, because SOME of the Vials are saline; some have dangerous constituents; and some are outright toxic, -- because it's too obvious if the recipients all DROP DEAD AT ONCE.

Well we await your empiricdal evidence for these very serious and criminal charges.

So they slowly POISON the population with a SECOND Vax, then a BOOSTER, and another BOOSTER, and so on, until the ENTIRE Vax accepting population is either on the verge of DEATH or DEAD.

So you believe teh federal government is acitvely working to murder over 200,000,000 civilians so far and that number climbs daily? There are doctors for this condition.

Rev. 16:2 So the first angel went and poured his bowl on the earth, and foul and evil sores came upon the men who bore the mark of the beast and worshiped its image.

So all that's left to say to these that follow satan's edicts is Good Luck, because they're going to need it.

when did the seals and trumpets happen???????

Can you show us where you got the info that people taking the shot are following satans edict? Or are you just blowing verbal methane.
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Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
According to Havers:

-- There have been around 1.9 million COVID cases reported in the 5-11 age group.

-- Between January 1, 2020 and October 16, 2021, only 94 children ages 5-11 have died of COVID, which is 0.00012 percent of the 723,880 total U.S. COVID deaths through the week ending Oct. 16, 2021; and it is 17.34 percent of the 542 children ages 0-17 who have died of COVID since the pandemic began.

-- 8,300 children ages 5-11 have been hospitalized with COVID to date.

Fact check: COVID-19 vaccines not linked to deaths in children (

How many people have died as a result of a COVID-19 vaccine? ► FINCHANNEL

As of Nov 20, VAERS reports no deaths directly attributable to covid vaccine.

So what number from you rsources do you think is reliable c. 4,000,15,000, 45. 000 150,000 Your unprofessional sources are all over the map om t he number of deaths.

One again parents should consult their pediatrician fo rttheir children and their primary care for themseves before deciding what to do. Just like not all people need the flu shot, not all people need the covid shot.

But Bobby Jo- as you are so against the government cutting the red tape and rushing this shot through. what would you have done? We have had 812,000 dead from covid or attributed to covid and millions severely ill. we have ICUS and ER's overflowing with severely ill covid patients.

Remdesivir, Hydo chloroquine and Ivermectin are only effective if administered with 72 hours after initial infection. Most symptoms show up at least 5 days after infected so these medications then are near useless. So what is your answer and what was your answer in January 2020 when the news of this virus broke and showed itself deadly and highly transmissible.

Time to stop pl;aying armchair quarterback and accusing brethren of being in league with the devil and do something constructive for a change!


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2009
North America
According to Havers:

-- There have been around 1.9 million COVID cases reported in the 5-11 age group.

-- Between January 1, 2020 and October 16, 2021, only 94 children ages 5-11 have died of COVID, which is 0.00012 percent of the 723,880 total U.S. COVID deaths through the week ending Oct. 16, 2021; and it is 17.34 percent of the 542 children ages 0-17 who have died of COVID since the pandemic began.

-- 8,300 children ages 5-11 have been hospitalized with COVID to date.

Fact check: COVID-19 vaccines not linked to deaths in children (

How many people have died as a result of a COVID-19 vaccine? ► FINCHANNEL

As of Nov 20, VAERS reports no deaths directly attributable to covid vaccine.

So what number from you rsources do you think is reliable c. 4,000,15,000, 45. 000 150,000 Your unprofessional sources are all over the map om t he number of deaths.

One again parents should consult their pediatrician fo rttheir children and their primary care for themseves before deciding what to do. Just like not all people need the flu shot, not all people need the covid shot.

But Bobby Jo- as you are so against the government cutting the red tape and rushing this shot through. what would you have done? We have had 812,000 dead from covid or attributed to covid and millions severely ill. we have ICUS and ER's overflowing with severely ill covid patients.

Remdesivir, Hydo chloroquine and Ivermectin are only effective if administered with 72 hours after initial infection. Most symptoms show up at least 5 days after infected so these medications then are near useless. So what is your answer and what was your answer in January 2020 when the news of this virus broke and showed itself deadly and highly transmissible.

Time to stop pl;aying armchair quarterback and accusing brethren of being in league with the devil and do something constructive for a change!
@Ronald Nolette What you say is a reminder that we rely on medical and scientific wisdom, which can be prayerfully received in the fear of God.

Job's comforter asserted 'we are the people' and 'wisdom shall die with us'; in order words, 'What I or we don't know isn't worth knowing'. But it is not the path of God fearing wisdom.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
I feel compelled to write this thread to clear up loads of misinformation and outright lies that have been levelled at me concerning what I know I believe about covid and what is happening in America.

Teh lying about my words got so bad that I placed two brothers on ignore for they insist on keeping lying about what I have said and accuse me of colluding with the devil. Of course they presented no evidence and if they respond here, I will not see what they have to say anymore, but here goes.

1. I am against any mandates to take the covid "vaccine" ( I will call it that for brevity sakes, it is not a vaccine but a prophylaxis)

2. No matter my feelings or opinions on the matter, the Constitution expressly forbids the federal government from mandating people to take medicine.

3. States, towns and businesses are within their constitutional rights to mandate the vaccine. It is a question of health and safety and the constitution allows for that whether we like it or not.

4. I believe in informed consent. With all the information in the media and the fact people have to sign off before getting the vaccine, they have to sign a paper stating they have been made aware of the risks. If someone is not informed- it is by deliberate choice.

5. I would encourage all to consult their primary care doctors to see if the vaccine is advantageous for them. Most people most likely do not need the vaccine, but someone like me who has five heart conditions, lupus and other co-morbidities, put me at higher risk to become very ill or dead if not getting protected. I took both shots and the booster and realize this will probably be like an annual flu shot. Once again this is a preventative and not a cure all vaccine.

6. Like all medications there are risks involved with the medication. The more virulent a disease, the more nasty the risks of the medication as well. Yes people have died from taking the shot. No one wishes that on anyone. Just like no one wishes people die from Covid either. But both are true.

7. All medications are evaluated by the CDC and FDA on their effectiveness and their risk/benefit ratio. Like all other meds on the market, I believe the benefits far outweigh the risks generally speaking. But once again people should also talk with the medical professionals most familiar with their personal case.

8. There are too many unfounded conspiracy theories out there that believers are gullibly swallowing without they doing their due diligence. Doctors going online or you -tube spouting how dangerous the vaccine is and that it is killing people and selectively using statistics to make it appear monstrous. First every one I have checked out ( about a dozen now) are well educated professional doctors! but they are not immunologists, virologists, geneticists, micro biologists. so while they are very intelligent, they are not expert in teh fields needed to make informed decisions. This should stop as it brings dishonor to the Lord we serve. One example of manipulating data to provoke fear. A doctor on a christian program said that teen boys are getting myocarditis 600% more from the vaccine than from not. what was not revealed is that myocardsitis occurs in teen boys about 1/100,000 boys. So that means that teen boys getting the shot appear to come down with myocaqrditis on average of 6/100,000 We would love to see the vaccine produce no cases but that is unrealistic. So let me ask you. I f the vaccine saved 50 teen boys lives which outcomje would you prefer. 6 more cases of myocarditis/100,000 with over 90% cured or 50 dead teens? Like it or not those are the choices we have in america!

9. No one taking the shot is serving the devil! This by far is the most egregious lie that several here are intent on broadcasting! They refuse to show real evidence, just bear false witness. This is sad.

10 this vaccine was rushed out in a year instead of the normal 8-10 years. Given the perceived threat of the disease and the growing fatalities, there was not much else to do. NO matter anyone says, it has been very effective in preventing serious complications of covid in line with the announced effective rates! Yes, people still get covid, yes peoples till get hospitalized, and yes people die! I have known for 19 months that this was not a cure all but a preventative! I am not special and have no inside hot line.

11. the govt. exempted big pharma from lawsuits. I think this also was prudent! given that they waived so much testing and reformulating after testing to get the drug to market, the drug companies should have just limited liability in this.

12. People have gotten ill, very ill and even died from getting the shot! This is tragic, but when you have to think on a nation level as the politicians should, then they have made the right decision. We now have an empirical factual record. Vaccinated people are getting less ill, require far less hospitalization and are dying in far lower numbers than the unvaccinated. so the benefit of this vaccine outweighs the risk on a national level. It means little to nothing for a family who sees one die from the shot about national numbers, but that is how all things work from medications, to cars, to planes, machines etc.

This is lengthy and I probably rambled a lot, but I needed to make my position clear. If you still think I am in league with the devil, when I see you in heaven, try not to look too shocked to learn you were lied to.
Perhaps it is the rambling, but no, your position is not real clear. First it sounded like you were against the "vaccine", then for it, then against it again. Thus making your support information (the rambling) meaningless.

Just state whether you are for or against it, and why. You should be able to do that in a few sentences. For example, I will give you my position:

When this all started, the early data from the CDC, etc., indicated that natural immunity was in the upper 90-some percent effective range, and the vaccine just below that. Then things got really political, battle lines were drawn, and rhetoric went through the roof. In other words, one could believe that the initial information was less politically bias and therefore more accurate, or chose to follow any number of tangents supported by hyper-political would-be "science."

I choose the former, less political bias...and why take barely tested unknow substances into your body when it doesn't even rate higher than natural immunity (rhetorical)? Which has only been confirmed by finding out that it is not actually a "vaccine." And the rhetoric, would just be laughable if it did not have such serious consequences-- I mean they have contradicted themselves every couple days for going on two years.​
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