Covid booster

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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
The Church of England is a very mixed bag, it started The alpha course many years ago which many denominations now use to introduce people to scripture and Jesus. In some Anglican churches ( C of E ) they wear robes and are like orthodox churches, However there are many truly born again believers within the many who are Christian by name only.
Although the Queen is head of the Church I am not sure she has much to do with the running of it, she is more a figure head.
And yet she is the head of the CoE according to law. She may be a figurehead as far as the day to day running of the church, but hola serious legal position. Her relationship to the crown and the Pope is also a serious discussion for both agree intertwined and has extremely serious repercussions for English sovereignty... Which is related as to the reason why Charles has vowed to discontinue the practise.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
The Church of England began its downward spiral in the mid-19th century. There were two factors involved: (1) theological liberalism and (2) Anglo-Catholicism. Women have been ordained priests in the COE, and there is division on homosexual clergy and same-sex marriages.
A certain Anglican bishop turned Catholic Cardinal...Newman... Largely responsible. His tracts during his Oxford period, and the rejection of the KJV in favor of the revised standard bible, steering the COE back to Rome, was the act of a traitor to England and Protestantism.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
A certain Anglican bishop turned Catholic Cardinal...Newman... Largely responsible. His tracts during his Oxford period, and the rejection of the KJV in favor of the revised standard bible, steering the COE back to Rome, was the act of a traitor to England and Protestantism.
Correct. He started the Tractarian Movement and greatly influenced the University of Oxford, as well as Westcott & Hort and the entire Anglican Church.

Desire Of All Nations

Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2021
United States
Sir, I am living proof the vaccine helps. Also my wife, and my coworker and so many other people I know who have been vaccinated and have become positive with little to no affects from the virus itself.

We are not just normal people with healthy bodies and strong reisitance, we are people that are susceptible to diseases such as this. So you can sit that and read all the news you want, and read all the things which support your view. But don;t tell me what is real and what is not real.

I know of no one who had any ill effects from taking the vaccine. The strangest side affect I have witnessed was in myself when I woke up in the middle of the night the day I got it and had extreme chills and severe flu like symptoms for about 5 hours. Then I was fine, things we were told MAY be a side affect.

I am not pro government nor am I pro vaccine. I Am against mandates. I am against masks, (unless we are in the presence of people who are highly susceptible, we need to think and love and serve others, not ourselves.)

All this anti-vax crap, and all this saying the virus is really not severe just because we are trying to fight a government is nonsense. It does not help your case, your fight, or your cause. It hurts it, and it puts so many people at risk of death and severe long term injury due to this virus.

This virus is nothing but the next step in what I see as the birth pangs of matt 24. The. Last few decades has seen one virus after another (h1n1, the bird flue, this virus and that virus) and it is not going to stop. it will get worse. We think this is bad, wait till the next one.

All the conspiracy theories and the anti government hate is not going to prepair us for what is to come. I am thankful people are out there trying to do something to help those who are at risk. Who gives a crap if they make a prophet off of it. That is democracy and capitalism for you.

The lord said there will be days of great tribulation such as never has been seen before. I believe we are headed for those days. The stuff we see today is just a walk in the park compared for what is to come. Scaring people half out of their minds is not going to help. We as the body of Christ should be preaching hope, and love, and tryign to draw as many people to God as we can, especially as that fateful day approaches.

You can’t stop it from coming, No one can. Lets drop the hate, lets drop the division, ets come together. Are there people that should not get the Vacc. yes, Are there people that should take it? yes.

Are there side affect and possible severe issues that may come with it? Yes, That goes with ANY medicine.

Satan wants us divided, It wants us fighting like we are, because it takes focus off christ. And the mission he gave us, which is to go into the world. And to enter the gates of hell and rescue people out of Satans grasp.

When an army fights within itself. It gets defeated. Is that what people want?

Jesus is in control. Do you believe this? If you do, then why are you so afraid? Why are you listing to the fake news? The fake news wants to divide you. Wants to divide us, lets fight this nonsense. And lets go and do the will of God.

Jesus said in matt 245 he who endures till his return will be saved. We have to do what we can to endure. If it means taking something to help us fight off a disease so we can live, then that is what it means.

Any rant over, I stay out of these threads for a reason, I think a lot of them are satanic. Because it is just people who are supposed to be brothers and sisters in christ at war with each other.

Which is exactly what satan wants.
You're going to need a better argument than this. I have faith in the promise God made in Exo. 15:26, and doing my part by keeping God's laws and statutes has paid off so far. The question that needs to be asked is why aren't you doing the same thing if you supposedly believe in Jesus? After all, He was the God who made that promise.

Enduring to the end doesn't mean getting jabbed, and it's especially dishonest on your part to use Jesus as means to convince people to do that. Are people really supposed to ignore the OT and NT passages that teach against relying on pharmaceuticals and false gods for healing just because deceivers want to play the "Jesus wants you to do it" card? Personally, i find that it's even more obvious that the people who play that card hasn't studied the Bible honestly long enough to know what Jesus wants.
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Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
You're going to need a better argument than this. I have faith in the promise God made in Exo. 15:26, and doing my part by keeping God's laws and statutes has paid off so far. The question that needs to be asked is why aren't you doing the same thing if you supposedly believe in Jesus? After all, He was the God who made that promise.

Ahh. So your perfect? You have not even as James said “stumbled in one area?

Enduring to the end doesn't mean getting jabbed, and it's especially dishonest on your part to use Jesus as means to convince people to do that. Are people really supposed to ignore the OT and NT passages that teach against relying on pharmaceuticals and false gods for healing just because deceivers want to play the "Jesus wants you to do it" card? Personally, i find that it's even more obvious that the people who play that card hasn't studied the Bible honestly long enough to know what Jesus wants.
Lol Enduring to the end? You think that is how you will save yourself?

What about faith in God?

As for this post. Whatever man..


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2009
North America
Did not know her son was a pedophile. Must have been brought up on multiple charges I take it, and gets off every time? I know nothing about that as, don't watch tv.
It hasn't been proved in court. I have no knowledge. The media always thinks it does. I still think more of a court's proof than the media's. I just don't know.


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2009
North America
And yet natural immunity -- which is indeed real immunity -- was either ignored, or minimized, or dismissed altogether.
I think it can be a solemn matter to proclaim a whole segment of people to be immune and therefore with no need to take the advised precautions....and then someone in that category, acting on one's proclamation, gets seriously sick or worse...


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
I think it can be a solemn matter to proclaim a whole segment of people to be immune and therefore with no need to take the advised precautions....and then someone in that category, acting on one's proclamation, gets seriously sick or worse...
As long as the real remedies for early treatment are not sabotaged, there should be no issues. If someone develops the symptoms, an over-the-counter purchase should be sufficient. Cheap and effective ivermectin is a proven remedy. Now Pfizer's trying to compete with a more expensive version of the same because all they care about is dollars.
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Soldier of Jehovah and Christ
Jun 10, 2019
New Jersey
United States
It hasn't been proved in court. I have no knowledge. The media always thinks it does. I still think more of a court's proof than the media's. I just don't know.
Yeah he's a pedophile, why do you think he's hiding out somewhere safe that the Queen provided for him perhaps her palace, if he were innocent he'd give himself up and would be sharing a cell close to Ghislaine Maxwell and El Chapo.

He was having sex with underage girls provided to him by the Epstein gang girls as young as 12, read up on it.

And he'll stay protected too, not like we're going to send in troops and pull him out like they did Julian Assange.


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2015
Swansea, Wales
United Kingdom
Yeah he's a pedophile, why do you think he's hiding out somewhere safe that the Queen provided for him perhaps her palace, if he were innocent he'd give himself up and would be sharing a cell close to Ghislaine Maxwell and El Chapo.

He was having sex with underage girls provided to him by the Epstein gang girls as young as 12, read up on it.

And he'll stay protected too, not like we're going to send in troops and pull him out like they did Julian Assange.

I don't know where you get the idea from that he's in hiding. Personally I don't follow the royal family so I don't care where he is, but a quick google turned up a photo of him taken the week before Christmas, when he was driving around Windsor (close to where he lives).

It hasn't been proved in court. I have no knowledge. The media always thinks it does. I still think more of a court's proof than the media's. I just don't know.

He hasn't even been charged in a criminal court. The case against him is in the civil court. I'm not familiar with the American justice system, but in the UK the civil court requires a lower level of proof ("balance of probabilities" rather than "beyond reasonable doubt"), so it does raise the question of how good the evidence against him actually is. There is also the possibility that the prosecution is malicious, because it's not being brought by a disinterested party. Until the case begins and the evidence starts being heard, we won't know.

Incidentally, I'm not defending him (I get the impression that he's not a particularly nice person, and it may be that he did have sex with underage girls - knowingly or unknowingly). But I feel uncomfortable with Christians attaching pejorative labels (such as "paedophile") to individuals just because they've been accused. There have been several high-profile cases in this country where the accusations turned out to be false.
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Soldier of Jehovah and Christ
Jun 10, 2019
New Jersey
United States
I don't know where you get the idea from that he's in hiding. Personally I don't follow the royal family so I don't care where he is, but a quick google turned up a photo of him taken the week before Christmas, when he was driving around Windsor (close to where he lives).

He hasn't even been charged in a criminal court. The case against him is in the civil court. I'm not familiar with the American justice system, but in the UK the civil court requires a lower level of proof ("balance of probabilities" rather than "beyond reasonable doubt"), so it does raise the question of how good the evidence against him actually is. There is also the possibility that the prosecution is malicious, because it's not being brought by a disinterested party. Until the case begins and the evidence starts being heard, we won't know.

Incidentally, I'm not defending him (I get the impression that he's not a particularly nice person, and it may be that he did have sex with underage girls - knowingly or unknowingly). But I feel uncomfortable with Christians attaching pejorative labels (such as "paedophile") to individuals just because they've been accused. There have been several high-profile cases in this country where the accusations turned out to be wrong.
You said close to where he lives, where he's protected by the Royal family. And he's not going to be charged either, the Queen will make sure of it. You want proof how about the victim that came out and accused him and had pictures taken with him and Epstein, or do you keep your head buried in the sand?

I understand you're English and you feel a duty to stand up for your country and the royal family, but the guy is a sex offender and pedophile.

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
I don't know where you get the idea from that he's in hiding. Personally I don't follow the royal family so I don't care where he is, but a quick google turned up a photo of him taken the week before Christmas, when he was driving around Windsor (close to where he lives).

He hasn't even been charged in a criminal court. The case against him is in the civil court. I'm not familiar with the American justice system, but in the UK the civil court requires a lower level of proof ("balance of probabilities" rather than "beyond reasonable doubt"), so it does raise the question of how good the evidence against him actually is. There is also the possibility that the prosecution is malicious, because it's not being brought by a disinterested party. Until the case begins and the evidence starts being heard, we won't know.

Incidentally, I'm not defending him (I get the impression that he's not a particularly nice person, and it may be that he did have sex with underage girls - knowingly or unknowingly). But I feel uncomfortable with Christians attaching pejorative labels (such as "paedophile") to individuals just because they've been accused. There have been several high-profile cases in this country where the accusations turned out to be false.
Its the same in the US as far as civil cases Go. OJ Simpson is proof of this. Innocent in legal case, Guilty in civil case.

I am sure innocent until proven guilty is the same in England also?


Soldier of Jehovah and Christ
Jun 10, 2019
New Jersey
United States
No, I just feel it a duty to correct misconceptions - like the idea that the Queen is all-powerful.
There are no misconceptions, the guy is a sex offender and pedophile, no doubt about it, there are victims that came out and named him, If I were President I'd send in the Secret Opts to go and nab the scumbag and bring him to America for justice like they did with Julian Assange.

But the current President is brain dead and just a zombie hopped up on drugs just to get him on stage and utter a word, which he usually gets wrong even though he's reading off a teleprompter, so no chance of that happening and his son Hunter is also pedophile which there is proof on his laptop, but for some odd reason the F.B.I. won't act on it and arrest good ol' Hunter.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2015
Swansea, Wales
United Kingdom
You want proof how about the victim that came out and accused him and had pictures taken with him and Epstein, or do you keep your head buried in the sand?
There are no misconceptions, the guy is a sex offender and pedophile, no doubt about it, there are victims that came out and named him

He definitely has a case to answer. I just refuse to pre-judge the outcome.
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Soldier of Jehovah and Christ
Jun 10, 2019
New Jersey
United States
He definitely has a case to answer. I just refuse to pre-judge the outcome.
There won’t be an outcome he’s protected by the Royal family and our brain dead President won’t act on it, as it might bring up his son and his dirty dealings.
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
I do not think Andy is a Pedo really, or I don't think that such would be his intentions. he could have anyone he wants, but you do not see him getting about with a 16yo girls do you he could get something young sporty to show around on his arm, he is not bad looking.
Look at Charles who is he with, that's no spring chicken.
They could easy have one in her 20's 30 or 40's and who would say boo !

Their are a lot of crazy young woman about, who would not fall for Andy.
Get about in the UK and just see how many of the young women behave nowadays, it's a shocker !