Homosexuality Being Accepted And Embraced By Christians

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Jim B

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2020
Santa Fe NM
United States
I’m not trying to spare you of anything I never said love the sinner and hate the sin, that’s all BS, pardon my expression.

In the Bible it says in the book of Leviticus, if a man layeth down with another man as he would a woman, may he be put to death and the blood of his own head be put on his hands, same goes for a woman.

By embracing these people you are promoting homosexuality, which is a grave sin.

I will defend God’s law and will die for it, cast these sinners out!

Jesus said clearly to love our neighbor as our self. It doesn't say to reject them because of their sexual behavior. It is up to God to judge others.

By embracing these people you are following God's commandment, repeated in both the Old Testament and the New Testament.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2017
Thomaston Georgia
United States
Barney Bright said:
They are allowed to sit anywhere in the congregation. What it means when a person who is disfellowshipped and he/she comes to the meetings is that no baptized Christian will shake his/her hand or say a greeting to him/her they won't even speak to them. Also if a baptized Christian comes across a disfellowshipped person outside the meetings out in everyday life, they will not speak with them or say a greeting to them they won't even eat a meal with them.[/QUOTE\]

Nancy said:
If you were to be judge instead of God, heaven would be empty.

Shunning"....like the Amish. Form of abuse IMHO. Either we forgive or we do not. And why would someone who was disfellowshipped even want to return to that treatment. Just do what the bible tells them and, put them out for Satan to kill the body, so the soul will be saved?

First of all there has to be true repentance so that forgiveness can be given. A person who isn't truly repentant of his or her actions isn't deserving of repentance. God certainly doesn't forgive those who are not truly repentant. Those christians who have rebelled against Gods moral standards and the true doctrines concerning the True God and his congregation and who are not repentant, are to be disfellowshipped.

The Apostle Paul dealt with an unrepentant sinner in the first century. A Christian in Corinth was living immorally with his father’s wife. In this regard, YHWH God had told the ancient Israelites: “A man who lies down with his father’s wife has exposed his father to shame. Both of them should be put to death without fail.” (Leviticus 20:11) Paul didn't order the death penalty for the man. But he did direct the Corinthians to disfellowship him. That man’s immoral conduct was affecting others in the congregation, some of whom were not even ashamed of his outrageous behavior! 1 Corinthians 5:1-13
So I can see that God, using his Holy Spirit, inspired the Apostle to write down 1Corinthians 5:1-13. I agree with what God inspired the Apostle Paul to write down, you certainly have the right to go your own way. The Apostle Paul also exercised disfellowshipping authority against Hymenaeus and Alexander. (1Timothy 1:19, 20)

Based on the principles of the Hebrew Scriptures, the Christian Greek Scriptures by command and precedent authorize expulsion, or disfellowshipping, from the Christian congregation. By exercising this God-given authority, the congregation keeps itself clean and in good standing before God.

Some of the offenses that could merit disfellowshipping from the Christian congregation are fornication, adultery, homosexuality, greed, extortion, thievery, lying, drunkenness, reviling, spiritism, murder, idolatry, apostasy, and the causing of divisions in the congregation. (1Corinthians 5:9-13; 6:9, 10; Titus 3:10, 11; Revelation 21:8) Mercifully, one promoting a sect is warned a first and a second time before such disfellowshipping action is taken against him. In the Christian congregation, the principle enunciated in the Law applies, namely, that two or three witnesses must establish evidence against the accused one. (1Timothy 5:19) Those who have been convicted of a practice of sin are reproved Scripturally before the “onlookers,” for example, those who testified concerning the sinful conduct, so that they too may all have a healthy fear of such sin. 1Timothy 5:20

The Christian congregation is also admonished by Scripture to stop socializing with those who are disorderly and not walking correctly but who are not deemed deserving of disfellowshipping yet. Paul wrote the Thessalonian congregation concerning such: “Stop associating with him, that he may become ashamed. And yet do not be considering him as an enemy, but continue admonishing him as a brother.”2Thessalonians 3:6, 11, 13-15.

However, regarding any who were Christians but later repudiated the Christian congregation or were expelled from it, the apostle Paul commanded: “Quit mixing in company with” such a one; and the apostle John wrote: “Never receive him into your homes or say a greeting to him.” 1Corinthians 5:11; 2John 9, 10.

Those who have been expelled may be received back into the congregation if they manifest sincere repentance. (2Corinthians 2:5-8) This also is a protection to the congregation, preventing it from being overreached by Satan in swinging from condoning wrongdoing to the other extreme, becoming harsh and unforgiving. 2Corinthians 2:10, 11.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2017
Thomaston Georgia
United States
Then cast them out, be done with these mortal sinners.
As I said everyone is welcome to the meetings. It's only those who are baptized members of the congregation who are disfellowshipped. To be honest no practicing homosexuals are in our local congregation that I know of. Most learn very quickly that true Christians will not baptize practicing homosexuals.

Jim B

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2020
Santa Fe NM
United States
As I said everyone is welcome to the meetings. It's only those who are baptized members of the congregation who are disfellowshipped. To be honest no practicing homosexuals are in our local congregation that I know of. Most learn very quickly that true Christians will not baptize practicing homosexuals.

So who else should be excluded from baptism? Are you saying that only sinless people deserve to be baptized?

And you "disfellowship" only baptized members? Really?
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Soldier of Jehovah and Christ
Jun 10, 2019
New Jersey
United States
Jesus said clearly to love our neighbor as our self. It doesn't say to reject them because of their sexual behavior. It is up to God to judge others.

By embracing these people you are following God's commandment, repeated in both the Old Testament and the New Testament.
I think you got it wrong.


Soldier of Jehovah and Christ
Jun 10, 2019
New Jersey
United States
Who now among us is not a sinner, unless he has overcome all the world of sin and sinful ways as did Jesus?

Are we also casting out everyone else sitting in the pew regularly known to be committing any other sin? God is no respecter of persons. Are we? What of these things hated by God?

"These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren." Prov. 6:16-19

How often we are also casting out anyone guilty of those things?
Homosexuality is a grave sin, the Bible calls for their death not acceptance if they don’t repent.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
Homosexuality is a grave sin, the Bible calls for their death not acceptance if they don’t repent.
No one is disagreeing with you on this point, but you failed to answer my questions! Should we ignore the other things which are abominations to God because they may not seem so bad to us as homosexual sins?

"For the wages of sin is death..." Rom 6:23

Would not the wages for all sins abominable to God also be death?

If we need to cast one homosexual sinner out, what about the sowers of discord among the brethren, or the proud, or the liars? Should we not throw them all out retaining only those who no longer sin at all. What an empty house but clean house of God we would have then...

Help us dear Lord!


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
I'm sorry but, I messed up the order of my post you are referring to. This
was not directed at you: "If you were to be judge instead of God, heaven would be empty."

"First of all there has to be true repentance so that forgiveness can be given. A person who isn't truly repentant of his or her actions isn't deserving of repentance. God certainly doesn't forgive those who are not truly repentant. Those christians who have rebelled against Gods moral standards and the true doctrines concerning the True God and his congregation and who are not repentant, are to be disfellowshipped."

-Agree. True repentance is the only way to receive true forgiveness.

The Apostle Paul dealt with an unrepentant sinner in the first century. A Christian in Corinth was living immorally with his father’s wife. In this regard, YHWH God had told the ancient Israelites: “A man who lies down with his father’s wife has exposed his father to shame. Both of them should be put to death without fail.” (Leviticus 20:11) Paul didn't order the death penal...Some of the offenses that could merit disfellowshipping from the Christian congregation are fornication, adultery, homosexuality, greed, extortion, thievery, lying, drunkenness, reviling, spiritism, murder, idolatry, apostasy, and the causing of divisions in the congregation. (1Corinthians 5:9-13; 6:9, 10; Titus 3:10, 11; Revelation 21:8) Mercifully, one promoting a sect is warned a first and a second time before such disfellowshipping action is taken against him. In the Christian congregation, the principle enunciated in the Law applies, namely, that two or three witnesses must establish evidence against the accused one. (1Timothy 5:19) Those who have been convicted of a practice of sin are reproved Scripturally before the “onlookers,” for example, those who testified concerning the sinful conduct, so that they too may all have a healthy fear of such sin. 1Timothy 5:20

-All scriptural, as far as I can see. And I have no problem with this as, the church has it's function.

How do you see the below verse concerning "Satan and the destruction of the flesh" While at the same time saving the spirit/soul?

Sorry again about the error ... was not meant for Barney! :)

1 Corinthians 5:5
King James Version

5 "To deliver such an one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus."

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
I think we are talking about giving those homosexuals a chance to change their ways, not totally banning them from the Church if they truly want to change their ways, but if they don't want to change their ways and continue with their homosexuality, then they are showing they don't want to be helped or change their ways, therefore the only solution is to banish them from the congregation, for they and those who continue to allow them to make a mockery of God's law are not faithful to God and his word and should be excluded.
The Churches only from about 2010 started adopting the Queer agenda, it's in line with the Governments agendas, or the Churches etc loose their funding etc etc.
The Churches in the 70's would not attack Queers but such a one within could not promote Queer agendas in the Church or you would be out, but now Queers can run total over the Church regardless or sue.

Not to mention all the Queers that have molest children got away with it all back in the days ? now why was that ?
They do not bother to point that all out nowadays do they.
The powers that be and the Churches are not up and honest and will not come clean, nor bother to educate the people on the whole subject.

It took how many years for such to become under the light of day! but such was a fast, a 3rd rate attempt to serve justice, because what was swept under the carpet got that big that it all got out of hand as people were tripping over the carpet.
So they swept the floor to get rid of the mound that people were tripping over. but all of the cancer still exist, but only it's all been organised much much better to make sure that no on can get light to make a claim on such, not to mention now that many things are not illegal anymore and that gave them more ammunition to shoot anyone down if they tried.

The Satanist have reconstructed their defence and set everything up, so they hold all the cards in fact for nowadays.
They had to hold back until they had set in place their agendas before proceeding with great the scam.

I had my youngest in RC school in the years that the subject came to light, and they School put a person in control that had no right to be in charge and knew nothing of the RCC or to be a Principle, It informed me of such out right, as my wife was helping it in the office and it was put in the position because it had the Legal qualifications to undermine and destroy anyone, who were to make a claim of child abuse.
It was ranting and raving like a total moron, because it had no direction in how to lead the running of the school.
It was all so nice and sweet, far to sweet ! and then it would turn like a mongrel dog on others, because it did not want to look like it was totally incompetent.

So Pope Frances would of said get Legal Eagles in every position of such things, that way they can shut the door on the majority of complaints directly so it never shows light again. Such does not get swept under the carpet anymore, such is hovered up and expelled.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2017
Thomaston Georgia
United States
I'm sorry but, I messed up the order of my post you are referring to. This
was not directed at you: "If you were to be judge instead of God, heaven would be empty."

"First of all there has to be true repentance so that forgiveness can be given. A person who isn't truly repentant of his or her actions isn't deserving of repentance. God certainly doesn't forgive those who are not truly repentant. Those christians who have rebelled against Gods moral standards and the true doctrines concerning the True God and his congregation and who are not repentant, are to be disfellowshipped."

-Agree. True repentance is the only way to receive true forgiveness.

The Apostle Paul dealt with an unrepentant sinner in the first century. A Christian in Corinth was living immorally with his father’s wife. In this regard, YHWH God had told the ancient Israelites: “A man who lies down with his father’s wife has exposed his father to shame. Both of them should be put to death without fail.” (Leviticus 20:11) Paul didn't order the death penal...Some of the offenses that could merit disfellowshipping from the Christian congregation are fornication, adultery, homosexuality, greed, extortion, thievery, lying, drunkenness, reviling, spiritism, murder, idolatry, apostasy, and the causing of divisions in the congregation. (1Corinthians 5:9-13; 6:9, 10; Titus 3:10, 11; Revelation 21:8) Mercifully, one promoting a sect is warned a first and a second time before such disfellowshipping action is taken against him. In the Christian congregation, the principle enunciated in the Law applies, namely, that two or three witnesses must establish evidence against the accused one. (1Timothy 5:19) Those who have been convicted of a practice of sin are reproved Scripturally before the “onlookers,” for example, those who testified concerning the sinful conduct, so that they too may all have a healthy fear of such sin. 1Timothy 5:20

-All scriptural, as far as I can see. And I have no problem with this as, the church has it's function.

How do you see the below verse concerning "Satan and the destruction of the flesh" While at the same time saving the spirit/soul?

Sorry again about the error ... was not meant for Barney! :)

1 Corinthians 5:5
King James Version

5 "To deliver such an one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus."[/QUOTE\]

What does it mean to “hand [the wicked] man over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, in order that the spirit may be saved”? When an unrepentant practicer of gross sin is disfellowshipped from the congregation, he again becomes part of Satan’s wicked world. (1 John 5:19) Hence, he is spoken of as being handed over to Satan. The person’s expulsion results in the destruction, or the removal, of the corrupting element from the congregation and in the preservation of its spirit, or dominant attitude. 2 Timothy 4:22.

Overseers of that congregation had not expelled this person, but Paul urged them to “hand such a man over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh.” They were to put him out of the Christian congregation into the world ruled by Satan the Devil and where destruction awaits. (1 John 5:19) Why take this action? As Paul said, “in order that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord,” Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 5:3-5.

This man had to be disfellowshiped if the “spirit,” or spirituality of the congregation, based upon God’s Word, was to be saved. Otherwise, ‘a little leaven would ferment the whole lump,’ that is, a spiritually corrupting influence would permeate the congregation and Jehovah would cut off that congregation. Today it is just as vital that the congregation’s spirit, based on Jehovah’s inspired Word, be saved. 1 Corinthian 5:6.
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Soldier of Jehovah and Christ
Jun 10, 2019
New Jersey
United States
I'm sorry but, I messed up the order of my post you are referring to. This
was not directed at you: "If you were to be judge instead of God, heaven would be empty."

"First of all there has to be true repentance so that forgiveness can be given. A person who isn't truly repentant of his or her actions isn't deserving of repentance. God certainly doesn't forgive those who are not truly repentant. Those christians who have rebelled against Gods moral standards and the true doctrines concerning the True God and his congregation and who are not repentant, are to be disfellowshipped."

-Agree. True repentance is the only way to receive true forgiveness.

The Apostle Paul dealt with an unrepentant sinner in the first century. A Christian in Corinth was living immorally with his father’s wife. In this regard, YHWH God had told the ancient Israelites: “A man who lies down with his father’s wife has exposed his father to shame. Both of them should be put to death without fail.” (Leviticus 20:11) Paul didn't order the death penal...Some of the offenses that could merit disfellowshipping from the Christian congregation are fornication, adultery, homosexuality, greed, extortion, thievery, lying, drunkenness, reviling, spiritism, murder, idolatry, apostasy, and the causing of divisions in the congregation. (1Corinthians 5:9-13; 6:9, 10; Titus 3:10, 11; Revelation 21:8) Mercifully, one promoting a sect is warned a first and a second time before such disfellowshipping action is taken against him. In the Christian congregation, the principle enunciated in the Law applies, namely, that two or three witnesses must establish evidence against the accused one. (1Timothy 5:19) Those who have been convicted of a practice of sin are reproved Scripturally before the “onlookers,” for example, those who testified concerning the sinful conduct, so that they too may all have a healthy fear of such sin. 1Timothy 5:20

-All scriptural, as far as I can see. And I have no problem with this as, the church has it's function.

How do you see the below verse concerning "Satan and the destruction of the flesh" While at the same time saving the spirit/soul?

Sorry again about the error ... was not meant for Barney! :)

1 Corinthians 5:5
King James Version

5 "To deliver such an one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus."
Yes a man that lays down with his father's wife should be put to death that's incest and therefore so should the mother be put to death, but our legal system does not follow God's word.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2017
Thomaston Georgia
United States
Yes a man that lays down with his father's wife should be put to death that's incest and therefore so should the mother be put to death, but our legal system does not follow God's word.
Actually the death sentence for breaking a commandment of the law covenant applied only to the nation of Israel. The law covenant when given by YHWH God, was given only to the nation of Israel. YHWH God didn't give it to Israel and the Gentile nations. So when the law covenant was done away with all the death penalties of the law covenant were done away with. In the Christian congregation Christians are disfellowshipped from the congregation when a Christian is unrepentant regarding a sin a Christian is practicing. You don't put people in prison or put them to death when found out a Christian is practicing a sin. You disfellowshipped them if found guilty.
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Soldier of Jehovah and Christ
Jun 10, 2019
New Jersey
United States
Actually the death sentence for breaking a commandment of the law covenant applied only to the nation of Israel. The law covenant when given by YHWH God, was given only to the nation of Israel. YHWH God didn't give it to Israel and the Gentile nations. So when the law covenant was done away with all the death penalties of the law covenant were done away with. In the Christian congregation Christians are disfellowshipped from the congregation when a Christian is unrepentant regarding a sin a Christian is practicing. You don't put people in prison or put them to death when found out a Christian is practicing a sin. You disfellowshipped them if found guilty.
Too bad, that’s most unfortunate.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2009
United States
I would like to start this thread in response to other threads that are no longer available.

@APAK @amigo de christo @Cristo Rei @Reggie Belafonte

While I don’t hate homosexuals but pray for them to abstain from their heinous abominations towards God and repent for their sins, then and only then could I accept a person who is a homosexual be he man or woman into the congregation of God.

It seems like so many so called Christians are embracing this garbage and even encouraging it.

This acceptance of these homosexuals into our Churches and hanging rainbow flags on the fake churches and their homes are a sign of being in league with Satan as are those who accept this deviant filth, because that’s what it is deviant filth.

It goes against the word of God, it’s in the Holy Book and speaks out against it, yet people refuse to acknowledge this, this to me is new age liberal hippy Christianity, that’s what I like to call it, people who accept this form of false Christianity in accepting of these unrepentive individuals are not true Christians and are damned and being fooled by Satan himself to go against God’s word.

I hope this thread is not deleted and is left open for discussion, we as true Christians have a God given right to refuse such things into our flock or churches and the right to discuss it.

Thank you,
People have their own agenda, as they have forgotten GOD, but let us keep in mind to do His commands, The Destruction Of Sodom And Gomorrah. Genisis 19:1-29, The Sin Of Lot 30-38

Love, Walter

Jim B

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2020
Santa Fe NM
United States
Jesus said there are two commandments that must be followed: 1) Love God and 2) love your neighbor. I don't see anything there that justifies hating another person regardless of the sexual preference.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2017
Thomaston Georgia
United States
Jesus said there are two commandments that must be followed: 1) Love God and 2) love your neighbor. I don't see anything there that justifies hating another person regardless of the sexual preference.

Homosexuality is what a Christian is suppose to hate, not the human being Jesus Christ died for. While it's true anyone can come to the meetings unless you have been baptized you're not a true Christian. You don't baptize anyone who is practicing any form of sin. In this post we're talking about homosexuality. So anyone who is coming to the meetings and practicing homosexuality will not be baptized, therefore they are not members of the congregation, they're just people who are coming to the meetings. I don't see how that is encouraging homosexuality. If anything it's teaching that homosexuals have to repent of homosexuality and stop practicing it to be a member of the congregation.

Jim B

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2020
Santa Fe NM
United States
Homosexuality is what a Christian is suppose to hate, not the human being Jesus Christ died for. While it's true anyone can come to the meetings unless you have been baptized you're not a true Christian. You don't baptize anyone who is practicing any form of sin. In this post we're talking about homosexuality. So anyone who is coming to the meetings and practicing homosexuality will not be baptized, therefore they are not members of the congregation, they're just people who are coming to the meetings. I don't see how that is encouraging homosexuality. If anything it's teaching that homosexuals have to repent of homosexuality and stop practicing it to be a member of the congregation.

I am thankful that I am not a member of your congregation. We are supposed to love our neighbor as ourself. I'm certain that not everyone who comes to your church is completely sinless, so whom else do you exclude?
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Actually the death sentence for breaking a commandment of the law covenant applied only to the nation of Israel. The law covenant when given by YHWH God, was given only to the nation of Israel. YHWH God didn't give it to Israel and the Gentile nations. So when the law covenant was done away with all the death penalties of the law covenant were done away with. In the Christian congregation Christians are disfellowshipped from the congregation when a Christian is unrepentant regarding a sin a Christian is practicing. You don't put people in prison or put them to death when found out a Christian is practicing a sin. You disfellowshipped them if found guilty.
Banished ! for bastardising or promoting Godless things. Wrong is wrong regardless. 2 wrongs do not make a right.
Jesus never did away with the Law in fact, remember that !
The NT is the same Religion as the OT Religion, just that the egg has hatched one could say, It became of Age, Matured one could say, into it's true being.

Anyone claiming Jews and Christians is a idiot nowadays, there are no Jews ! Only an Atheist could make such stupid claims !
Under Christianity their is no Jew or Geek ? because all are the same under Grace ?

Now if one claims Jews and Christians one is not a Christian in fact.
The Jews of today are not Jews of the OT, they are not worthy of the OT Jews in fact. not to mention they are not worthy of God ! remember who came to Jesus Christ first ? well they were the worthy Jews, they were worthy of Israel ! = Gods people ? They were Jesus disciples ! They were called Christians. Now the Goyim only came in later, due to Grace.
Christianity has all of the OT ! such is the Blueprint of the NT ! Christianity did not just disregard the OT at all, and make up a new Religion, it came to Light ! before that it was in darkness ! But the Disciples seen the Light in fact, No stupid Goyim was involved up to that point.

The Goyim were stupid in regards to the OT ? They had no regards to such and not to mention the majority of Jews were mislead as Jesus talks about ? remember all of what Jesus was saying, he was pointing out that they were of their Father the Devil ? Remember the Vineyard ? who killed all of Gods Prophets ? remember who crept in unawares ! So who was undermining the Jews ? it was from within ! leading them astray ! The same thing is of today, regardless of who one is, but it's Sin ! such people are all under the curse of Sin ! and Jesus pointed out that he is not of this world ! why ? well because he said this world is full of delusions and deceptions, but he had his own world = the Kingdom of God !
Now Jesus Disciples came into the Kingdom of God ! for they were worthy of such once Jesus went to Heaven ! and bingo the Lights went on, they were Saved ! Born again ! Hallelujah !

There is only one continuous line from the beginning and not two lines. Now some are broken off and some have been grafted in. but at the end of the day you must be truly born again ! and if one is not you are not worthy Israel. Israel means Servant of God. who else serves God ? no one but they who are worthy of Jesus Christ. The so called Jews of today are not worthy, nor are any Islamic trash, for all outside of Jesus Christ are of Mans works religion, they are all about this world ! Not the Kingdom of God ! the same goes for all the un Saved claiming to know Jesus,
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