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robert derrick

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2021
Houston, tx
United States
You are not familiar with the Ministry of Christ on the Cross, based on your endless need to talk about everything but the finished work of Jesus on the Cross.

So, Here is what Paul said about MOSES Law that you are obsessed with, Robert Derrick.

"Christ is the END OF THE LAW......for Righteousness".

"END of the LAW"


What does that mean? It means that God gives you RIGHTEOUSNESS, that is NOT BASED ON MOSES LAW, that is OLD COVENANT.

Jesus is the author of the NEW COVENANT, that is not "Moses LAW" .

"The LAW came by Moses"",.......that is the OLD TESTAMENT, OLD COVENANT.
"Grace and TRUTH".... came by JESUS"........and that is the NEW COVENANT and NEW TESTAMENT.

Robert, in case you didn't notice, let me point out that there is NO CROSS OF CHRIST in the OLD TESTAMENT and in the OLD COVENANT. And that is why the LAW can't save you, or help you go to Heaven.
The law and the commandment have NO POWER TO FORGIVE SIN.
And if your sin is not forgive, you will go to hell when you die.
That's a FACT.

Moses LAW was given to show you that you are a DIRTY ROTTEN SINNER in the eyes of a HOLY GOD. !.
MOSES LAW is given to lead you to the CROSS OF CHRIST, so that your SIN, that can't be forgiven by the LAW or Commandments, can be forgiven by GOD, through CHRIST'S BLOOD AND DEATH.
1. You have no counterpoint to my points, because you are learned tradition only.

Your mind does not have willing capacity to refute what you don't already think.

2. You therefore agree your whole problem is the word 'obedience', which has no place with your imaginative faith.

3. The end of the law in Christ is the end destination and fulfillment of it's righteousness with a pure heart. It is not the end and death of the law of God on earth:

Now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned.

4. The law of Christ written by Moses, called the law of Moses, is dead and nailed to the cross.

The law of Christ written by His apostles, called the apostles' doctrine, is alive and well and can be read by any faithful believer that would be a doer of His law and word as written on paper.

4. Doing the law outwardly with faith from the heart, is not being saved by the law without faith: this is the standard silly feint of all OSAS. It won't help you in the judgment of the dead.

5. The OSAS lie of sins and transgressions being covered and unseen by grace, is the filthy degenerate hypocrisy of those who rate the blood of the Lamb of God as no better than that of bulls and goats, which could not wash away sins and purify the conscience.

You are a goat idolizer, not a worshipper of the Lamb.

Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.

Where there is not keeping the commandments of God as written, there is no faith of Jesus, but only the vain imagination of self-justifying idols.

robert derrick

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2021
Houston, tx
United States
I kinda of neither believe in OSAS nor do I believe in works for salvation. I think we will be saved if Jesus decides to. But works meet for repentance is a good way to please God. And accepting that Jesus can only save us also pleases God me thinks.
Jesus decides to save us from our lust and sins and purify our hearts, when we decide to let Him.

Salvation is a partnership where we choose to partake of His divine nature:

Jesus does not force His way into any heart. Opening the door to Him that knocks, is them ready to obey Him in all things, within the heart first.

robert derrick

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2021
Houston, tx
United States
The law crushes you to powder to dust.

That is what it does, it was even worse when Satan came around accusing others, thankful he done away with today.
The law does not crush them that love to do it. It only crushes them that love to transgress it:

Good understanding giveth favour: but the way of transgressors is hard.

Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them.

I hate and abhor lying: but thy law do I love.

Your hatred for the law and righteous judgement of God is just as good as the devil's, though more vailed.

That is what it does, it was even worse when Satan came around accusing others, thankful he done away with today.

Satan still accuses the brethren. He never accuses sinners and transgressors.

You really have no idea what you're talking about, do you?

Now it is human beings that condemn people by the use of the law for some people in the Christian religion.

True, the Christian religion is the problem, even as that of the Jews:

For ye have heard of my conversation in time past in the Jews' religion, how that beyond measure I persecuted the church of God, and wasted it.

The puny and silly thing about you people in the Christian religion, is you don't physically persecute the saints. You just lukewarm us to death.

I prefer a Saul of Tarsus, rather than the bad taste in my mouth from hearing your feel goodism for sinning against the law in the name of Christ.

And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.

You're such a good sinner.

No more of that law-crushing stuff. Just live by your own faith, and you'll be ok.

Just feel the love, and all will be well. The more I read of OSAS love-dove-hippyism, the more I run to Jesus for purity of heart, soundness of mind, and cleanness of soul.

So, I guess I ought be thanking you.

Westboro Baptist share the message of “God hates fags” on big poster board signs

God doesn't hate fags. He hates fagging. Still dead fags, thieves, liars, rapists, extortionists, etc...are not resurrected with the just.

I know, you're 'nicer' than that. That's plain for all to see. Thank God you're not God. You'd populate all eternity with people like yourself.

Talk about the bogus primordial mush of evolutionism. Gross.

Anyway what the Law was made to do, was to crush you and lead you to Christ, for he done everything we couldn’t do.

Which certainly does not include you.

Hint: what no man could do on earth, but Jesus Himself, now any man can do on earth with Jesus Himself.

I don't know what's worse, the lukewarmness of nice sinners, or those bragging about being lawbreakers, or worse yet disguising their envy of doers of the law by preening humility of not doing the law.

Now before Jesus came it seems the only blameless pair was Elizabeth and Zachariah, and Joseph and Mary when it came to be blameless according to the ordinances which they had followed due to having been Israelites, they would give sacrifices and things like this in actions of Love towards God even though their faith made them right with God.

Don't forget Abel, Noah, Abraham, the Psalmist, Nehemiah, Saul of Tarsus, and then Paul the Apostle:

Ye are witnesses, and God also, how holily and justly and unblameably we behaved ourselves among you that believe.

You do know that you have everything to do with your own Christian religion, and nothing to do with the pure religion and doctrine of Christ, right?

Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.

The Law it is useful,

Well, at least you still think it's useful. I'm sure Jesus appreciates that.

It is good to think about doing good from time to time. God will take what He can get.

however no one can boast as though they keep is perfectly cause no one has

But you certainly can boast of not doing so, that's for sure.

Let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshipping of angels, intruding into those things which he hath not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind.

however no one can boast as though they keep is perfectly cause no one has, falling short in one part means failing everywhere else.

True, which is why by your own confession you are all fallen apart. Nothing about you is any good with God nor to God.

Now, if you could stop bragging about it long enough to repent, that would be good for you.

Thus Christ - is whom we look to even if we go back and read the Law which interestingly enough had blessing and cursing materially for those people which were given it (the nation of Israel).

Hmm. That law of God is not only useful, but also interesting.

Maybe interesting is it's usefulness?

It certainly isn't the blessing of doing it.

You know, the law isn't worried about crushing your spirit. You don't have any spunk to speak of at all, much less crush.

So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.

Crushing you would just get melted gum on the shoe of the law of the Lord.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2021
United States
United States
OSAS is the viral doctrine commanding sinners to keep on sinning, and if not, the saints are condemned for doing the word as written.
Yes, we will go to hell for obeying God Almighty.

Those who absorb and accept that lunacy almost deserve to go to hell.

Sadly, God declares that they do deserve it for not developing a love for the Truth and, by which, seeing through the outright lies of the devil.

What a crazy battle we are in.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
Hello there @robert derrick,

If you don’t like me that is fine, if you wanna try to mock me it is fine.

Thank God for the spirit of Christ that lives in believers who know better than the fight others for no good reason or try to down play others and throw them in the dirt.

God bless you and your family.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
I believe the Bible is the most useful tool we have in this life and everyone is individually responsible before God when they pass away. It’s a great thing to study, Old Testament and the Apostlic Record.

I myself sin, I have come to accept my faults that I am never going to be righteous. Only Jesus is the righteousness of God.

So just remember that, all of us fall short, and if you believe you can keep the law by your own self effort go ahead but remember when you fall one time you are guilty of it all.

Jesus is our righteousness. Placing faith trust in Him for doing everything we couldn’t do. We learn and grow and read scriptures and hope to grow by the spirit and in love, and patience and kindness and goodness.

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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
Which ever I choose to do. I can do both, at any time.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
Surely everyone makes their own choices as well.

intention or not God knows the secrets of the heart.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
God is far more than people policing others. Haha. That is for sure.

robert derrick

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2021
Houston, tx
United States
Another rant saying that the salvation of God is not forever?

Eternal salvation for them that obey Him is eternal. Your mystical salvation by your own saving grace is temporal only.

But you miss the point. You refer to "obedience", not even considering that the dead do not obey, for they are dead.
They that are dead to sin are they that obey the gospel. They that are dead in their sins and trespasses are they that obey not the gospel.

No matter how cutely you have learned to write mystery for doctrine of Christ, You're dual nature theology is still rubbish.

You do so hate the word of obedience.

So then, if dead, who is it that lives--what do the scriptures say? That person, or Christ?

If you say, "that person"-- you deny the scriptures.

If you say "Christ"--you deny Christ--by accusing Him of sins.​

Hmm. Tough choice.

I'll pick A: you that sin are 'that person' that sins, not Christ.

The soul that sinneth, it shall die.

But B is also good: you that sin, deny Christ.

They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.

And then there is C: you that sin and say it is not you, but Christ that liveth in you, you are accusing Him of ministering sin.

But if, while we seek to be justified by Christ, we ourselves also are found sinners, is therefore Christ the minister of sin? God forbid.

Strong delusion: them in Christ Jesus is no more they. And so them that sin with the body is no more they that sin.

And to say they are doing the sinning, is to accuse Jesus of doing the sinning, because it is no more they that live, but Christ Jesus in them.

And so, when your body sins, to say you have sinned, is false accusation, since there is no more law against sinning written on earth, and since it is Jesus in you doing the deed, it cannot be sin.

And so, fornication is no more sin by them in Christ Jesus, but rather is the law within their heart being established as the new righteousness of God: Fornication by grace through faith.

The only antichrist here is someone saying they are no longer in the physical body of flesh, and so it is no more their dead souls that sin, but only their dead flesh.

And yes, when you are sinning, it is not Christ Jesus in you, because He is not in you at all.

They accused Paul of being mad by much learning. They would say you are simply insane, and wouldn't give you another minute of their time. They wouldn't even bother to persecute you.

One who does not understand should not preach.

I don't agree. Errors can be very instructive.

Remember what I said in private: I only wanted to know exactly what you are teaching. I never said I agreed with any of it. And after much mystical pseudo-spirit speak, you finally said it plainly:

It is not I that sinneth, but that old sinful body that sinneth without me, while Christ yet liveth within me.

Keep it up.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
Yeah @robert derrick I can't respond to all you wrote, so sorry about that. Either way, you are highly more intelligent than I am.

@GEN2REV What about you do you sin intentionally or unintentionally?

To the both of you I am glad that God is good, and that we can be honest with ourselves that we do fail. However because of the Lord Jesus Christ and believing on him, we are able to follow and grow and become rooted in Christ and overflow with thankfulness for God and those who do the will of God will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.

What is the will of God? To believe on the one whom He had Sent, and to Love one another.

Continuing to have faith never departing. We have faith the other side of the coin is We have Love.

We die to our own will, and look towards his will.

What a difficult task God has left us all with to think about!

robert derrick

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2021
Houston, tx
United States
Can you present actual documented evidence for this? And what exactly is a "BOD" word?
Good catch. Obediance is a bad word. Including Bod, instead of Bad.

I asked the moderators to correct my spelling.

So far as documenting evidence, just read their posts for yourself. I don't make up anything of theirs. I couldn't if I tried.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2021
United States
United States
Which ever I choose to do. I can do both, at any time.
Wow, that's tricky.

So you can ... intentionally sin ... unintentionally.

That is wild.


And the intentional sin, that's not a problem with God, huh?

That's one tight relationship you got there.

Sin separates most of us from God, but when you sin, ... God just shrugs it off.



Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
Wow, that's tricky.

So you can ... intentionally sin ... unintentionally.

That is wild.


And the intentional sin, that's not a problem with God, huh?

That's one tight relationship you got there.

Sin separates most of us from God, but when you sin, ... God just shrugs it off.


Pretty aware of what I do most of the time, so is God, but that doesn't stop me from having a relationship with God.

Very thankful for Jesus and what He has done, but I am not perfect in my flesh at all and those who believe they are never gonna sin again in their flesh, well that is just not biblical. Look at a what Moses done, David, and Rahab the Harlot.

To be honest with God, and ask him to heal us in our lives sure that can help us. Our flesh is weak but the spirit is willing.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
I got problems man,

sometimes I like to look at porn,
sometimes I become bothered when someone needs something, like a ride,
sometimes I become angry ... with others or down play them in my mind, being very judgmental.

I am fully of problems man. God knows these things about just like he knows everything that lies secretly in the heart.

I should not mind how people view me or look at me being honest with you @GEN2REV something said is useful for other peoples to understand no one is perfect, but we do have a Saviour we can look too!

Abiding in Christ is where the flesh starts to die away, the porn becomes not so much of desire to look at.
The person who might be bothering me, will receive a ride.
The anger inside becomes died down, and the judgmental calls reside, and the down playing starts to cease.

We have two things we live by...

Naturally our Flesh.
Spiritually by the given spirit from God that comes by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ!

Praise be to God, let us sing to him and rejoice for the miracles that he does in healing the heart, and mind, and will. :)


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2021
United States
United States
MatthewG said:
What about you do you sin intentionally or unintentionally?
I do my level best to obey the 10 Commandments with the assistance of God (Holy Spirit).

Believe it or not, it's not that difficult.

Which Commandment of the 10 is impossible to keep?



Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
Please refer to post number #36, @GEN2REV.

Good for you if you do that. I do not try to do anything, I just believe and abide in Christ. Maybe that is the difference between me and you.

We also can read the Word of God itself and see what it has to say that reinforces our faith.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2021
United States
United States
those who believe they are never gonna sin again in their flesh, well that is just not biblical.
A lot of people on here bring up this point A LOT, but the funny thing is that nobody ever makes this claim.



Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States

Okay, but some people really believe that they are more righteous than others.

Only God knows the secrets of the heart in that case. I can't judge those people if that is what they are like...

Saying for say look at MatthewG, I am better than him because of whatever whatever.

So, even though it might not be claimed doesn't mean it doesn't reside in someones heart and mind out there.

To look and be openly honest about this subject when I first became a Christian the first thing I did was look at everyone else, and thought I personally was better than them, I was arrogant, and confrontational. Thank God for the Lord Jesus Christ and drawing closer to God and He helped me realize how wrong that I really was.
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