This is why Christians need to be in Politics

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THE Gypsy

New Member
Jul 27, 2011

Well I said we need to be in the government part of our country...This needs to listen up it will be beacuse we post on a Christian site

Sorry...That is not "persecution". I lived in that area and there was a study a couple doors down from us. It was a nightmare!

Those houses, as with most of Southern California, are built right on top of each other. EVERY Thursday tons of cars would show up at about 6 PM. They would take up all the parking spaces so, if the know the ones that make the mortgage payment, didn't get home from work BEFORE then, well they were just out of luck. Some of the "attendees" even blocked drive ways! When you finally manage to get home, sometimes walking for blocks after a long days work, there is no just kicking off your shoes and relaxing in your own home, nope there's an hour of singing you have to listen to. THEN between 10-11 PM, when the study is over, these people do not simply file out quietly, in respect of the neighbors. Nope...They stand around LOUDLY laughing, talking, etc. so there is no rest until well after midnight. And forget about the test your kid has tomorrow that he needs to be well rested for.

The thing people are forgetting is the rest of the residents in the neighborhood have rights too and this behavior is not a very good witness.

Gatherings this size do not belong in a tight neighborhood. I don't care if it's a loud, weekly drinking and poker party or if it is a Bible study. It disturbs the neighborhood.


New Member
Feb 27, 2011
Sorry...That is not "persecution". I lived in that area and there was a study a couple doors down from us. It was a nightmare!

Those houses, as with most of Southern California, are built right on top of each other. EVERY Thursday tons of cars would show up at about 6 PM. They would take up all the parking spaces so, if the know the ones that make the mortgage payment, didn't get home from work BEFORE then, well they were just out of luck. Some of the "attendees" even blocked drive ways! When you finally manage to get home, sometimes walking for blocks after a long days work, there is no just kicking off your shoes and relaxing in your own home, nope there's an hour of singing you have to listen to. THEN between 10-11 PM, when the study is over, these people do not simply file out quietly, in respect of the neighbors. Nope...They stand around LOUDLY laughing, talking, etc. so there is no rest until well after midnight. And forget about the test your kid has tomorrow that he needs to be well rested for.

The thing people are forgetting is the rest of the residents in the neighborhood have rights too and this behavior is not a very good witness.

Gatherings this size do not belong in a tight neighborhood. I don't care if it's a loud, weekly drinking and poker party or if it is a Bible study. It disturbs the neighborhood.

Brad Dacus, an attorney for the Public Justice Institute, said the Fromms live in a semi-rural area and have not caused any parking problems for neighbors.

“Dakota is a very well-grounded 14-year-old,” she told Fox News Radio noting that her son is an honors student, plays on the football team and is active in his church youth group. “He’s been in church his whole life and he’s been taught to stand up for what he believes.”

And that’s what got him in trouble.

Dakota was in a German class at the high school when the conversation shifted to religion and homosexuality in Germany. At some point during the conversation, he turned to a friend and said that he was a Christian and “being a homosexual is wrong.”

“It wasn’t directed to anyone except my friend who was sitting behind me,” Dakota told Fox. “I guess [the teacher] heard me. He started yelling. He told me he was going to write me an infraction and send me to the office.”

Dakota was sentenced to one day in-school suspension – and two days of full suspension. His mother was flabbergasted, noting that her son had a spotless record, was an honor student, volunteered at his church and played on the school football team

THE Gypsy

New Member
Jul 27, 2011
“Dakota is a very well-grounded 14-year-old,” she told Fox News Radio noting that her son is an honors student, plays on the football team and is active in his church youth group. “He’s been in church his whole life and he’s been taught to stand up for what he believes.”

And that’s what got him in trouble.

Dakota was in a German class at the high school when the conversation shifted to religion and homosexuality in Germany. At some point during the conversation, he turned to a friend and said that he was a Christian and “being a homosexual is wrong.”

“It wasn’t directed to anyone except my friend who was sitting behind me,” Dakota told Fox. “I guess [the teacher] heard me. He started yelling. He told me he was going to write me an infraction and send me to the office.”

Dakota was sentenced to one day in-school suspension – and two days of full suspension. His mother was flabbergasted, noting that her son had a spotless record, was an honor student, volunteered at his church and played on the school football team

You seem to be confusing two different stories.

Apparently there is a neighbor that has a problem with this...

..."We have a neighbor that's cross at us and contacted the zoning department," Chuck Fromm said. "It feels sort of like a snitch system. There's no due process. It's arbitrary. We're reasonable, rational people but we don't have a reasonable, rational system."
You seem to be confusion two different stories.

I would be "cross" too.

Do you believe these people are above the law?

...Chuck and Stephanie Fromm, residents of San Juan Capistrano, home to the oldest church in California, were fined $300 for the religious activities, which the city said violated a municipal code that prohibits "religious, fraternal or non-profit" organizations in residential neighborhoods without a conditional-use permit," the Capistrano Dispatch reported.




Well-Known Member
Staff member
Feb 12, 2006
South Carolina
United States
We are not to be of this world. And our battle is not with flesh and blood! We just seem to think somehow there is such a thing as 'good' politics, and a 'christian nation'. Both those things do not exist under the reign of the enemy.

Do spirit things never manifest in the material (the physical)?

The simple answer to that question is no.

I look at things this way and thanks to both a pastor and then a politician for showing me a little something about this in the debate the other night. If we go into the Bible and actually examine the laws that the new covenant was built on, we'll see that heterosexual immorality was just as bad as homosexual immorality. Yet we don't have prohibitions against the former. All we can do is punish everyone involved in the process (probably the reason Jesus hated divorce so much because it breaks God's will and thereby hurts those involved so much) by presenting the victim spouse with a long and drawn out divorce process. In such a case, the physical is clearly part of the spiritual.

I think your youth - and I'm not attacking you based on your age because I started this forum in my teens and took many years of "you're to young too know better" myself - is not letting you look at the full meaning of that statement. I was definitely wrong on some things, and Jesus in his great mercy gave me the life experiences to let me see the Bible clearly. This is not a negative statement saying that we're never going to deal with battles of the flesh - on the contrary, life will teach you otherwise. It simply means we keep in mind that the spiritual realm is the ultimate source and that Satan is the ultimate general of evil in the world.

For us Christians, that means not getting obsessed with hating the person. (IE: Recent Obama politics as an example.) It means going after the spiritual and therefore quite often going after the heart of the person. The physical becomes a part of the spiritual battle.

Shep, I'm not sure in what capacity that grieves you but I will offer some commentary on the story. I'm not trying to justify the clapping because I don't believe people in need should suffer (IE: perfect place for the church to step in), but it's not that Americans are generally heartless. We just need for the world to treat us politically correct and understand our culture. Our culture is that you do it yourself. If you cannot do it yourself, your family is next in line. If they cannot, then friends. And still if they cannot, then acquaintances within the community (IE: church!) should do it. Possibly then private organizations, and finally government as a fall back.

I'll match our private citizens against any other nation's citizens in any philanthropist project any day. We truly give like no other.

Unfortunately, government systems tend to be abused in their beneficence, and thus the strong dislike for such systems. That's pretty much a result of one 1) man-made laws structured to be as friendly and forgiving as possible and then 2) the character of most humans' love for money. I actually work for a government-based health system and can attest to the abuse of the system. Many needy and deserving folks are helped, but others simply use the system to get out of working. I've seen people rip off braces as they've left the building with my own eyes. I've seen others with a cane, lean over quickly to pick up a coin they dropped or tie a shoe. I don't want to go further into my work than that, but I've seen far worse.

Christians need to be in everything but sin (themselves). Christ was a friend of sinners (and if ya think politicians are sinners, just substitute words for a moment there). He ate with the tax collectors (and even had one as his disciple!) and they bear a remarkable resemblance to our politicians. The thing is, if nonChristians saw a large block of Christians committed to the service of their God in the form of truly pure service to the community...well how is that not going to be a spiritual victory?

That juxtaposes with the current landscape of character assassination and hate. Politics is by nature, evil. All men, are by nature, evil. Yet there is grace in the form of Jesus. It's easy to love your brother, but much harder to love your enemy. The whole city on a hill thing.


New Member
May 25, 2011
Montreal, Qc
Sorry, HammerStone, but I don't understand the point you're making :)

Of course, the church manifests physically by the communion of brothers and coming together. But things change spiritually BEFORE they change physically. For example; a person has a change of heart, and then decides to dress modestly, be loving, whatever it is.

We don't work in politics. It doesn't say 'become a leader (politically) that you might change things', it says 'pray for all men, kings and those in authority'. If we change things politically we will only have change the flavour of the ice cream. The devil is still the king of this world. By the Spirit we overcome those things, and it is in the Spirit that things really change.

Otherwise our revolution are merely moral, not spiritual, and they only bring law, not the life of Christ.


New Member
Apr 7, 2011
I have to agree with Prentis on this one that was a ridiculously loaded question meant to upset people and it has obviously done it's job. The people cheering that are probably some sarcastic democrats doing it in the spirit of mockery or meanness or whatever. The politician answered the question well the rules in the USA are simple less taxes choose to pay for Health care if you want. Everyone knows that and they make their own choice, unless you are Micheal Moore but easy for me to say though I get painkillers paid for by the Canadian government so yeah !


New Member
Feb 27, 2011
Australian I did not confuse the two stories...I just added another in the same post..

Darling HammerStone...can't let you think that I am Australian...darling I am as American as an Georgia Redneck can be, sorry if people think I am Australian..been in Australia only 7 years...Raised in the South..lived in the Bible belt all my life..including the Carolinas, Texas and Alabama..Just so you know....And darling I agree with you 100%..That is why it grieves me about these two stories is down right UNAMERICAN...


New Member
May 25, 2011
Montreal, Qc
Are we, by nature, Americans, Canadians, people of this world, or do we have a new nature, making us citizens of the heavenlies?

We have no home here, we are simply ambassadors of another Kingdom. We cannot preach the politics of this other Kingdom (spiritual) and also teach politics of this world (carnal). Churchill said that 'Democracy is the best system that doesn't work' :lol:

That's brilliant! He understands that none of the world's systems ultimately work, they are all enslaved to the fallen nature and to the devil. God has another way, which can only be lived in another, spiritual, kingdom, since that very way is spiritual.

Patriotism for an earthly kingdom goes directly against the way of God.

If I change a law to bring a higher level of morality to the law, does it change a single heart? Of course not. The Bible itself tells us that people are a law to themselves by their conscience. Man needs to change on the spiritual level, otherwise the change is only in appearance, and meaningless. Politics can only clean the outside of the cup.


New Member
Aug 6, 2010
Southeast USA
Are we, by nature, Americans, Canadians, people of this world, or do we have a new nature, making us citizens of the heavenlies?

We have no home here, we are simply ambassadors of another Kingdom. We cannot preach the politics of this other Kingdom (spiritual) and also teach politics of this world (carnal). Churchill said that 'Democracy is the best system that doesn't work' :lol:

That's brilliant! He understands that none of the world's systems ultimately work, they are all enslaved to the fallen nature and to the devil. God has another way, which can only be lived in another, spiritual, kingdom, since that very way is spiritual.

Patriotism for an earthly kingdom goes directly against the way of God.

If I change a law to bring a higher level of morality to the law, does it change a single heart? Of course not. The Bible itself tells us that people are a law to themselves by their conscience. Man needs to change on the spiritual level, otherwise the change is only in appearance, and meaningless. Politics can only clean the outside of the cup.

The nation idea is still... very important to God. You should try reading His Word about it sometime.

The "commonwealth of Israel" which Apostle Paul spoke of involves peoples of all nations that claim Jesus Christ as their Saviour. That commonwealth has already manifested on earth today in part, with the historical western Christian nations that were first to receive The Gospel of Jesus Christ on national scales, and with kings and queens upon thrones under Christ Jesus (seems like we've had this discussion before).

God promised David that his throne would continue to exist on earth throughout all generations until Christ comes to inherit it (Gen.49:10). So God's people still... today, have certain responsibilities on this earth. Our main duty as His people is to spread The Gospel of Jesus Christ to other nations that haven't yet heard. That's why God has historically blessed the western Christian nations with such bountiful lands and resources, to help fulfill that mission of taking The Gospel to the nations.

Another reason why God has so blessed the western Christian nations, is because they are to serve as His arm of strength on earth (Ps.60:7). And they have done that, and are still doing that.

Yet in the last days, per God's prophecy through Joel, another "nation" was to come upon God's people, working like locusts do, raping the land of God's people. That has started already, and it's going to keep getting worse until Christ returns to end it.


New Member
May 25, 2011
Montreal, Qc
The commonwealth of the people of God is not on this earth, but in the coming kingdom. To understand spiritual things, one must understand that a Christians treasure is not on earth but in heaven.

Who offers Christ power over all the kingdoms, God or the devil?

Woe to you when men speak well of you! The people of Christ will not be loved on earth in this time and age. Only false peace with the enemy can accomplish this, and to be friends with the world is to make oneself enemy of God.


New Member
May 25, 2011
Montreal, Qc
Yes, but not things of this earth. We are stewards of the mysteries of God, and our ministry is spiritual. We are here to make people partakers of the life of Christ. We are to be, as Christ was, the link between men and God, bringing them his life.

Do we feed the poor and help those in need? Yes. We take care of those in need.

But we do not make change in society by carnal means, but by waging war in the Spirit.


New Member
Aug 21, 2011
Bronx, New York, U.S.A

This makes me ashamed to the very depths of my being.

And you think getting into politics is going to stop that? It could. But your battle will not end. There is so much injustice going on and increasing daily, that it would take all of your time and effort that you would not have any time left to do what Jesus commissioned us to do. The more you try the more injustice multiplies......remember that the Bible tells us this. I think you have lost sight of the fact that it says in the Bible that Satan is the god of this world......the system is his system. So until you can restrain Satan from deceiving the world you are fighting a losing will be fighting him on your own because Satan is not slated to be bound untill after Jesus returns.


New Member
Aug 21, 2011
Bronx, New York, U.S.A

Well if people do not do something then this will be happening all around America....I am here in Australia and was considering coming home in March..Now I am not so sure anymore....

Don't think for a Minuit that no one is trying. They are but no matter how much they try things continue to get worse. Many Christians voted for Bush Jr. But what was the result? He waged war, and was responsible to the torturing of detainees. He denied it at first but after he was no longer in office he wrote a book about it. Many innocent civilians were killed as a result of what Bush in a sense those Christians are responsible for the deaths of those people.....they have blood on their hands (thank God that He has forgiven them). They elected a man who ended up committed war crimes but yet they are silent about bring him to justice. Why?


New Member
Apr 7, 2011
Are we, by nature, Americans, Canadians, people of this world, or do we have a new nature, making us citizens of the heavenlies?

We have no home here, we are simply ambassadors of another Kingdom. We cannot preach the politics of this other Kingdom (spiritual) and also teach politics of this world (carnal). Churchill said that 'Democracy is the best system that doesn't work' :lol:

That's brilliant! He understands that none of the world's systems ultimately work, they are all enslaved to the fallen nature and to the devil. God has another way, which can only be lived in another, spiritual, kingdom, since that very way is spiritual.

Patriotism for an earthly kingdom goes directly against the way of God.

If I change a law to bring a higher level of morality to the law, does it change a single heart? Of course not. The Bible itself tells us that people are a law to themselves by their conscience. Man needs to change on the spiritual level, otherwise the change is only in appearance, and meaningless. Politics can only clean the outside of the cup.

Oh you had this thread good but you spoke too much :) nations do matter Prentis, God addressed both disobedient and obedient nations at least a hundred times in the old and new testament. Those laws still apply today my friend and sometimes I wonder if Canada and USA aren't for a large amount of divine correction. You said a law can't change a mans heart ? I disagree what if a law is done in the spirit of pride or of greed ? For example it is only meant to line ones pockets and not to correct anyone may mislead a mans heart. Not only that any rich guy can break the law on a regular basis and get away with it, so what kind of spirit is that ? What good are mans laws ?


New Member
May 25, 2011
Montreal, Qc
Nations of course do matter in the sense that God judges them, and that all men must give account.

But as Christians, we are ambassadors of the heavenlies, it is not about what nation we are from, and national pride is not part of God's ways.

Trying to change politics only puts another set of politics in that is wrong another way.
We are to bring transformation, not reformation. The Kingdom of God brings new creation, not re-distribution.


New Member
Apr 7, 2011
Nations of course do matter in the sense that God judges them, and that all men must give account.

But as Christians, we are ambassadors of the heavenlies, it is not about what nation we are from, and national pride is not part of God's ways.

Trying to change politics only puts another set of politics in that is wrong another way.
We are to bring transformation, not reformation. The Kingdom of God brings new creation, not re-distribution.

Well Jesus said to love everybody Prentis even our crooked, proud, lawmaking brothers. Is it love to ignore them ? Don't get me wrong I love coming down on a lawyer or a cop it's something God is working on in me


New Member
May 25, 2011
Montreal, Qc
We love all. We do not walk in the world's ways. As men of God, we are to understand we do not fight with flesh and blood, otherwise we will be our generations version of inquisitors, popes, whatever man who, in the name of Christ, takes an earhtly throne.


New Member
Apr 7, 2011
We love all. We do not walk in the world's ways. As men of God, we are to understand we do not fight with flesh and blood, otherwise we will be our generations version of inquisitors, popes, whatever man who, in the name of Christ, takes an earhtly throne.

What book is that from fella ? :wacko:


New Member
May 25, 2011
Montreal, Qc
The epistle to the Ephesians.

Ephesians 6:12

[sup]12[/sup] For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.