Types of Christians….what type are you?

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Well-Known Member
May 15, 2022
New Hampshire
United States
Ive noted two places where it says the earth is round or an orb. What verses convince them it is flat?

I suppose it's an inference from "corner" references or "ends" references. Maybe Revelation 7:1? Isaiah 11:12? Deuteronomy 13:7?


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2018
United States
I suppose it's an inference from "corner" references or "ends" references. Maybe Revelation 7:1? Isaiah 11:12? Deuteronomy 13:7?

Oh…okay. Thanks! I always took that to be meaning the ends of the four directions, N,S,W,E…but I can see how someone would see it as a flat and square earth.

It sort of reminds me of a conversation I had with a simple and childlike man once, where he said something about the verse that talks about earthquakes and tsunamis in the ocean. I was so positive there was no such verse that I asked him where it was, but he didn’t know but was positive it was in the Bible. It took a concordance and no small amount of time, but when I read one of the verses I’d looked up in the concordance, he said, that’s it! Except my translation is different than what you just read. (I had NLT and he’d always read KJV). So I told him to look it up in his Bible. He read to me there would be earthquakes in divers places, then said, see! Divers dive in the ocean! So there will be earthquakes in the ocean, which makes tsunamis!
I began to try to explain to him that it was an old way of spelling diverse, but he was so convinced that I thought, well, earthquakes do sometimes happen in the ocean, creating tsunamis, so….there’s really no harm in him thinking it’s saying something different since a large percentage of earthquakes DO happen in the ocean and create tsunamis. I really miss that old guy…
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Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2017
United Kingdom
.we should always strive tor the truth and leave the fantasies to the fiction writers.

So what is truth ?
So sneered at those who doubt science and evolution.

Strawmen tactics.

Lets get real, is Jesus a liar or not?

Jesus said that Adam was from the begining of creation. That leaves no room for evolution.

Where do you stand on the truth, or do you prefer science fiction?


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
@Grailhunter ...good topic
As I view this subject and thread of yours, I ask myself this question.

What is our first love and what drives our hearts?

Is it the truth in science?
Is it the truth in material things?
or the truth in the word of God?

There is nothing wrong with using science and materials things for our own benefit in life and improving in these things, as long as it should not overtake our first love in Christ and the Father's words and his will for our lives.

It's a question of balance in all things, except with excessive prejudice for the truth of God, and in scripture.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
Jesus said that Adam was from the begining of creation. That leaves no room for evolution.

Again still speaking at the level of what people would understand in that time period.

There is nothing wrong with using science and materials things for our own benefit in life and improving in these things, as long as it should not overtake our first love in Christ and the Father's words and his will for our lives.

Some people do not think about ramifications or principles.

Is criticizing science but surrounding yourself with it, enjoying the luxuries and conveniences of it, counting on the medical to cure your ills and save your life, ...but proclaiming your beliefs as Bible Only...does it even make since? is it hypocrisy or a disconnection from reality?

If you are Bible only, and you get ill, why not trust in the Lord, trust in the Bible and just sit and read it until you get over it or die.

The ramifications of the opening post is very far reaching.....or you could say "deep" The reality of it easily escape those that do not think it through.

It is not just science it includes polygamy, concubinage, slavery, and the ethical treatment of women.
It points out the things we have learnt and reveals the fact that practicing true Bible only would be a very bad thing.
Christians in modern times owning slaves.....having multiple wives and concubines, and the whole lord and master thing over their women and selling their daughters as sex slaves....that would be what true Bible only would be like today.

And again, not too many people are going to do that....they are just going to say "Bible Only" because it sounds good.
Practicing polygamy, concubinage, slavery, and selling your daughter to be a sex slave does not mean you believe in God!

The Holy Spirit has taught us many good and right things, there is no reason to think it demeans the Bible.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
@Grailhunter ...good topic
As I view this subject and thread of yours, I ask myself this question.

What is our first love and what drives our hearts?

Is it the truth in science?
Is it the truth in material things?
or the truth in the word of God?

There is nothing wrong with using science and materials things for our own benefit in life and improving in these things, as long as it should not overtake our first love in Christ and the Father's words and his will for our lives.

It's a question of balance in all things, except with excessive prejudice for the truth of God, and in scripture.

See post 49

The opening post is very deep. Over all it opens the question....how should we apply the Bible to our life.....is it the theology or is it about going back to Romans times and live like they did?

Bob Estey

Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2021
Sparks, Nevada
United States
Besides the denominations….Catholic….Eastern Orthodox….. Protestant….I am sure there is more and even non-denominational and stand alones that do not attend church, and each interprets the Bible many many ways. But the Bible Only people are mostly in the Protestant denominations.

Now first before I go on I need to say I am multi-denominational or you could say I am non-denominational and attend several types of churches.

I do attend Catholic Churches but 98% of the time I attend Protestant churches and of them I prefer the Holy Ghost churches. And most of them consider themselves Bible Only.

Now I contend that there are two major types or concepts in regard to Bible Only. Beliefs, Truths, Facts

The first type….the True Bible Only’s are as the term implies….they only believe what is in the Bible and conduct their lives in accordance to biblical beliefs only. The true Bible only’s….their beliefs were more or less set in stone thousands of years ago. Only is the keyword.

And this can be very difficult living in the modern age.

This type of Bible Only’s do not consider science as real or correct.

Because of what the Bible says, they must believe that the world is flat and stars can fall to earth. That the earth is fixed, stationary on a foundation of pillars and the sun and moon and universe revolves around the earth.

And diseases are caused by the devil or demons. Mental illnesses are caused by demons and probably women that are affected with bad cases of PMS are caused by demons. And they do not pay much attention to documented history. If they do not believe this, and conduct themselves accordingly they are not true Bible only.

Because of their distain for science, if they get ill they do not call an ambulance or go to a doctor or hospital. But instead will pray and read the Bible. Maybe some home remedies.

They do not own a vehicle or a tractor, they ride horses and use horse drawn equipment.

Because of their distain or unbelief in science. They have none in their life. Their houses are built with saws and axes and hammers. They do not have electricity in there houses, then of course no electrical appliances or equipment. No A/C, no refrigerators, no TV. Running water comes from a hand pump of some sort. They light their homes with candles and lamps. And probably entering into a building that had electricity would probably be considered corrupting themselves some how. So of course their churches would not have any of these either.

In accordance with the Bible they can have polygamous marriages and have concubines and can sell their daughters into concubinage. Because the Bible defines these relationships and regulates them and never states a moratorium on these relationships or actions, they are technically still legitimate relationships. They do not have to have wedding ceremonies because the Bible does not require a wedding ceremony to be married.....so optional. The concept of lord and master over their wives is firmly in place and the submissiveness of the wives are required….. the status of females in their religious society and the church are considered subordinates ….no teaching or preaching in church and no authority over any man. All I can say is....Ladies do not marry into this! If you do, ask them how many wives they have.

Odds are, some in this group do not know that there were two distinct groups of Christians in the biblical era....Jewish-Christians and Gentile-Christians....so some in this group will be attempting to mix Christianity and Judaism to varying degrees.

They are pacifists.

Sunday as the Christian day of worship would probably be debatable.

Some in this group do not believe in modern miracles, believing that miracles only occurred during the biblical era.

Would voting be considered “of the world?”

I am thinking this would fit somewhat a long the lines of Amish.

The other type could be called Partially Bible Only.

In a lot of ways it would be hard to define this category because it would be up to the individuals to juggle all that is now.

They can pick and choose what part of science they want to agree with. Maybe some of the science that is around them or in their house. They can drive cars and trucks and use computers, tablets, Smart Phones, use the airlines to take trips. This group can enjoy all the modern realities and conveniences afforded to them because of science. But still claim that parts of science are bunk or even a deception.

They may or may not use doctors or medical facilities, dental, psychiatrists, etc. But still there is no reason that they cannot be doctors themselves.

They may go to schools and colleges. Education can be important to them.

They have monogamous relationships and have various beliefs regarding sex and believe wedding ceremonies are required to be married and require a wedding ceremony before making love. And most will believe it came from the Bible and do not know that it was actually the Protestants that first required wedding ceremonies to be married. And this is because many in this group do not pay a lot of attention to history.

The concept of lord and master over the wives can be part of their beliefs so the submissiveness of their wives maybe required…..it is not a firm belief but is mostly held that a woman’s status in society and the church are subordinate….no teaching or preaching in church and no authority over any man. And then there are still grey areas in their beliefs. But the phrase, "A woman should know her place"….comes from these last two groups. So ladies, before you marry one of these guys, ask were your place is.

Some in this group do not believe in modern miracles, believing that miracles only occurred during the biblical era. Then again some in this group believe modern miracles and some in this group believe in the works of the Holy Spirit and tongues to deliver messages and guidance and healing.

On the down side, most of the cults and false religions fall in this group. The Calvinists….OSAS….the Jehovah’s Witnesses???

The next type I will call Dynamic Christianity.

They are not Bible only and do not believe that Christianity is a static religion....hence the name dynamic. They believe that God continued to interact with Christians and continued to communicate beliefs that were additions and corrections to the Bible and believe that the miracles and visitations continued on throughout history. They believe that Churches have the authority to administrate. Introduce new rules and sacraments…..The requirement for wedding ceremonies and vows by the Protestant churches is an example. Of course the Catholics got carried away! But I do agree with them making marriage a sacrament.

On this point they believe the Holy Spirit can deliver personal revelations in tongues and ministry to those that are hurting and need direction.

This group can embrace science and history and do not believe it contradicts the Bible because the Bible was written at the level that the people of the time periods would understand. Trying to explain Quantum science and the universe to Adam and Eve would have probably went over their heads.

As a whole they are going to see the end of slavery and the women’s rights movement as driven by the Holy Spirit. And lord and mastering over your wife is considered abuse. And female authority in the church is a wonderful thing.

This group also believes in monogamous relationships and wedding ceremonies and vows. They have a more positive attitude towards romantic love and sex….Still it is hard to put firm dividing lines between the categories on sex. Is sex inherently corrupting or is sex a blessing of God that should be approached with all seriousness, love, and mutual respect? All three of these categories actually profess a belief that the wedding should occur before sex. How often that happens is anybody’s guess. Even though the Bible Only's do have weddings, it would be considered extrabiblical because there is no requirement for wedding in the Bible....marriages were formed by the union.

This group can enjoy all the modern realities and conveniences afforded to them because of science. Which includes modern medical facilities.

All three categories believe in the basic concepts of sins and moralities. All three categories my have a ton of man-made sins imbedded in them.

All three beliefs are valid. That is why I keep saying Beliefs, Truths, Facts.

On Judgment Day could Yeshua condemn you for believing and doing what the Bible said? I think not.

I am one of the few who believe the Word of God is those instances where God or Jesus are directly quoted.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
I am one of the few who believe the Word of God is those instances where God or Jesus are directly quoted.

Probably not bad advise. But might have a sprinkling of Judaism in it. Of course you might want to include Acts 2:38.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
So then again on the deep ramifications of the Opening Post.....

I have said several times on the forum that the Protestant reform was a good thing. Because it allowed for a branch of Christianity that placed salvation between God and men and women.
I'm not one for using labels ("Judaism"). Compare Acts 2:38 to Matthew 4:17.

Well then if you think the Mosaic Law was spoke by God.....there are going to be some issues.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
So then again on the deep ramifications of the Opening Post.....

I have said several times on the forum that the Protestant reform was a good thing. Because it allowed for a branch of Christianity that placed salvation between God and men and women. Got rid of some of false doctrines and intrigue and corruption....

And some may have noticed that I have poked fun at the 30,000 Protestants denominations....
You might define "Mosaic Law" for me.

The 613 Mosaic Laws....

There is a site called the Jewish Virtual Library.

Bible Highlighter

Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2022
United States
Besides the denominations….Catholic….Eastern Orthodox….. Protestant….I am sure there is more and even non-denominational and stand alones that do not attend church, and each interprets the Bible many many ways. But the Bible Only people are mostly in the Protestant denominations.

Now first before I go on I need to say I am multi-denominational or you could say I am non-denominational and attend several types of churches.

I do attend Catholic Churches but 98% of the time I attend Protestant churches and of them I prefer the Holy Ghost churches. And most of them consider themselves Bible Only.

Now I contend that there are two major types or concepts in regard to Bible Only. Beliefs, Truths, Facts

The first type….the True Bible Only’s are as the term implies….they only believe what is in the Bible and conduct their lives in accordance to biblical beliefs only. The true Bible only’s….their beliefs were more or less set in stone thousands of years ago. Only is the keyword.

And this can be very difficult living in the modern age.

This type of Bible Only’s do not consider science as real or correct.

Because of what the Bible says, they must believe that the world is flat and stars can fall to earth. That the earth is fixed, stationary on a foundation of pillars and the sun and moon and universe revolves around the earth.

And diseases are caused by the devil or demons. Mental illnesses are caused by demons and probably women that are affected with bad cases of PMS are caused by demons. And they do not pay much attention to documented history. If they do not believe this, and conduct themselves accordingly they are not true Bible only.

Because of their distain for science, if they get ill they do not call an ambulance or go to a doctor or hospital. But instead will pray and read the Bible. Maybe some home remedies.

They do not own a vehicle or a tractor, they ride horses and use horse drawn equipment.

They may or may not use doctors or medical facilities, dental, psychiatrists, etc. But still there is no reason that they cannot be doctors themsel

They have monogamous relationships and have various beliefs regarding sex and believe wedding ceremonies are required to be married and require a wedding ceremony before making love. And most will believe it came from the Bible and do not know that it was actually the Protestants that first required wedding ceremonies to be married. And this is because many in this group do not pay a lot of attention to history.

On Judgment Day could Yeshua condemn you for believing and doing what the Bible said? I think not.

The fact that you don’t see a problem with beliefs in Catholic and Orthodox churches and that you attend them and Protestant churches shows you are liberal in your approach to God’s Word. Liberals do not approach the Bible as God’s Word in the same way as those who are conservative, evangelical, etcetera. While I do not agree with Protestantism because most of them teach you can sin and still be saved on some level, they do teach that the Bible Alone is our guide for all matters for faith and practice. Anyways, at the end of the day, we will all be at the judgment facing Jesus Christ. We will have to give an answer for the things that we believe in regards to our understanding on His Word. I believe justifying sin is what will blind people to seeing the truth that is in God’s Word. Catholics and Orthodox churches are into idolatry (statue worship), and praying to dead people (among other problems). Even Protestants who are babies can see the errors of the Catholic and Orthodox churches. But Protestants cannot see certain things in the Bible, as well. They take all warnings against sin involving hellfire for the believer, and they seek to change it or ignore it in some way. Anyways, liberals tend to believe in Evolution, and they allegorize parts of Scripture that are not meant to be allegorized. Hence, they take a liberal approach to God’s Word. Thats what I believe you do (since last we have exchanged words). This leads to the acceptance of dark things like Halloween, and or worldly things. The fact that you cannot see that sex outside of marriage is a sin is one of your major downfalls, as well. It’s like Christians today who think porn is not a sin or a sin that will condemn them. But Jesus says to look upon a woman in lust means one is in danger of being cast bodily into hellfire. It’s why you think psychiatry is compatible with Christianity and other silly things you believe.

You say that Jesus will not condemn us for not doing what the Bible says.
But in John 12:48, Jesus says he that will not receive his words, those words will judge us on the last day.
Romans 8:13 says if you live after the flesh (sin), you will die, but if you put to death the misdeeds of the body (sin) by the Spirit,, you will live (live eternally). Jesus even told certain believers who did wonderful works in His name to depart from Him because they worked iniquity (sin) (See: Matthew 7:22-23). The context here is in doing what Jesus says (Matthew 7:26-27).


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
So then again on the deep ramifications of the Opening Post.....

I have said several times on the forum that the Protestant reform was a good thing. Because it allowed for a branch of Christianity that placed salvation between God and men and women. Got rid of some of false doctrines and intrigue and corruption....

And some may have noticed that I have poked fun at the 30,000 Protestants denominations....

And some may notice I have a couple slogans of my own....Beliefs, Truths, Facts ..... Be good and do good.
The fact that you don’t see a problem with beliefs in Catholic and Orthodox churches and that you attend them and Protestant churches shows you are liberal in your approach to God’s Word.

As noted by several on this forum, you either cannot read or you intentionally twist what others say.
Never said I that don't see a problem with Catholic and Orthodox beliefs.....but I love them and I love the Mormons.
And I love the Protestants.....and they have more false beliefs than the Catholics....but are better at keeping corruption out of their leadership....better not perfect...nothing is perfect.