Who would you want with you on a deserted Island?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
I better understand your meaning now maam. Being a Christian was forewarned to as as not being easy. Perhaps these passages will help: (Acts 14:22) . . .“We must enter into the Kingdom of God through many tribulations.. . .
(Matthew 10:38) And whoever does not accept his stake and follow after me is not worthy of me.
(John 15:19) If you were part of the world, the world would be fond of what is its own. Now because you are no part of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, for this reason the world hates you.
(1 Thessalonians 3:4) For when we were with you, we used to tell you in advance that we would suffer tribulation, and that is what has happened, just as you know.

Even the Apostle Paul struggled constantly to remain obedient to the faith: (Romans 7:18-25) . . .For I know that in me, that is, in my flesh, there dwells nothing good; for I have the desire to do what is fine but not the ability to carry it out. 19 For I do not do the good that I wish, but the bad that I do not wish is what I practice. 20 If, then, I do what I do not wish, I am no longer the one carrying it out, but it is the sin dwelling in me. 21 I find, then, this law in my case: When I wish to do what is right, what is bad is present with me. 22 I really delight in the law of God according to the man I am within, 23 but I see in my body another law warring against the law of my mind and leading me captive to sin’s law that is in my body. 24 Miserable man that I am! Who will rescue me from the body undergoing this death? 25 Thanks to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! So, then, with my mind I myself am a slave to God’s law, but with my flesh to sin’s law.

But we need not fear Vicky, God promises to: (1 Corinthians 10:13) . . .No temptation has come upon you except what is common to men. But God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear, but along with the temptation he will also make the way out so that you may be able to endure it.

I know this to be true as when I am tempted to commit a serious sin, I see the way out that has been provided, every single time. And most of the time, that is simply walking away.

Was thinking more about the Psalms yesterday and how much they remind of
…God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father. Galatians 4:6

The Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying Abba, Father.
Makes me think of the Spirit also helps our infirmities…the Spirit making intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. Romans 8:26 yes, reminds me of the Spirit of His Son, crying Abba Father. Which reminds me of the Psalms…

Was also considering how without Faith it is impossible to please God
^with when the Father spoke and said “This is My Son in whom I am well pleased.


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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
what I don’t get is I’m always so whipped and exhausted. Recently I went to sit out at the ER because my heart was flip-flopping in my chest…my blood pressure 120/43. There was this man I had seen a couple days before at work…a young guy maybe in his twenties that walked up to me. He point blank asked me “do you like blowing people up? Do you like blood?” I could tell he wasn’t playing and was on something. I stood frozen thinking “what?”
I asked “no. Do you?” I didn’t know what to say or do, but felt threatened. I was afraid to walk off from him, but also felt like I needed to go get help. So I just stood there and asked “are you ok?” He reached for the stack of papers I was holding, kept coughing and making gurgling sounds into his hands and then rubbing his hands all over the papers, handing them back to me. I still stood there, telling him “I not going anywhere. I’ll stand here with you as long as you want me to.” Finally he left and I watched him leave the store…immediately I went to tell security. I saw him come in three more times that day. Just lurking off by himself. Reason for telling you this is…odd then while I was in the ER a couple of days later…he walked up to me being there too. It wasn’t just him, but so many that were in far worse shape than I was in. I sat there watching… a man who fumbled over putting money in a machine to get a drink and snack …going to him to ask if he needed help. He handed me money with blood all over it, having blood all down his pants from an accident…not able to clearly speak but urging me to take the money and help him with the machine he couldn’t understand. Honestly, in my head a voice was screaming “don’t you dare touch that money! There is blood on those dollar bills!” But I did any way. I sat there for hours in a crowd and thought “how the hell can you think there is no purpose?” I get someone comes in to ask “do you need a blanket”
But there seemed be such a need for constant … “I see you.” Such a need for a smile or some positivity. As many Christians as there are in the world it seems there would be an endless flood of opportunities…and more than enough that the whole doesn’t get drained …
It's hard when you don't feel validated as a human being. My hurdle is getting over wanting people to like and speak with me, getting much better as I learn not to take offence in my heart. We are called to love these people who hate us...not an easy task without Christ in us.
NOT an easy walk, for sure.
I hope your BP is back to normal.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
It's hard when you don't feel validated as a human being. My hurdle is getting over wanting people to like and speak with me, getting much better as I learn not to take offence in my heart. We are called to love these people who hate us...not an easy task without Christ in us.

I definitely have a problem with needing validation. But at the same time there is a sadness because what I read about …fellowship…being much desired.

I hope your BP is back to normal.

thank you. It is never normal. but I’ve been watching these YouTube videos from a cardiologist which have helped so much. He has several on the stress and anxiety surrounding blood pressure. he goes over how is the number as important as we think. Explaining how you can take pills that make your blood pressure number look appealing(not saying it is wrong to take medicine, which I do)…but the numbers are a symptom where good numbers may just mask the deeper problem. He used the example of a brain tumor where you have headaches…the doctor gives you pain medicine to take away the headache but never addresses the tumor. He teaches how sometimes masking the numbers for the sake of comforting blood pressure numbers …doesn’t address exercising, eating habits, water intake, stress levels, sleep and yes cigarettes. :oops:
Point is…thank you for asking. I’m slowly trying to exercise daily, drink lots of water (which has really helped), and watching the way I eat. Getting rid of the cigarettes would be a tremendous help.

Blue Dragonfly's

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2022
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United States
Was thinking more about the Psalms yesterday and how much they remind of
…God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father. Galatians 4:6

The Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying Abba, Father.
Makes me think of the Spirit also helps our infirmities…the Spirit making intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. Romans 8:26 yes, reminds me of the Spirit of His Son, crying Abba Father. Which reminds me of the Psalms…

Was also considering how without Faith it is impossible to please God
^with when the Father spoke and said “This is My Son in whom I am well pleased.
The Psalm, sending the spirit of his son.
God is holy, spirit.
Son of God - Holman Bible Dictionary -

Which is how Christians are able to understand Isaiah 55 [The Word] - see:John1]
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Blue Dragonfly's

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2022
not this Christian parody site
Other Faith
United States
Add a fishing pole or two, a bible, and my dogs along with a good strong Christian.
I thought the OP asked what one thing would you want with you?

If it can be more than one, forget the boat builder.
I'll take a good size Boston Whaler, full of file with file to spare. A satellite phone and rifles.[there are real pirates to this day out there ya know].
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Well-Known Member
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
I thought the OP asked what one thing would you want with you?

If it can be more than one, forget the boat builder.
I'll take a good size Boston Whaler, full of file with file to spare. A satellite phone and rifles.[there are real pirates to this day out there ya know].
Oops, okay then, a strong Christian to gather with and trust God for all our needs :)


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
I definitely have a problem with needing validation. But at the same time there is a sadness because what I read about …fellowship…being much desired.

thank you. It is never normal. but I’ve been watching these YouTube videos from a cardiologist which have helped so much. He has several on the stress and anxiety surrounding blood pressure. he goes over how is the number as important as we think. Explaining how you can take pills that make your blood pressure number look appealing(not saying it is wrong to take medicine, which I do)…but the numbers are a symptom where good numbers may just mask the deeper problem. He used the example of a brain tumor where you have headaches…the doctor gives you pain medicine to take away the headache but never addresses the tumor. He teaches how sometimes masking the numbers for the sake of comforting blood pressure numbers …doesn’t address exercising, eating habits, water intake, stress levels, sleep and yes cigarettes. :oops:
Point is…thank you for asking. I’m slowly trying to exercise daily, drink lots of water (which has really helped), and watching the way I eat. Getting rid of the cigarettes would be a tremendous help.

You are now added to my prayer for one of my brothers to be able to quit the smoking, it is NOT easy at all but, I know you can do it. Also,, when I pray to bind the spirit of depression, you and a few others I know will be added to that list also.
Very interesting about the BP meds. I am only taking 25mg of Hydrochlorothiazide and it keeps me pretty good.
I sure wish it were easier for us all to pray in person as one.
God bless and keep you.


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2009
North America
You are now added to my prayer for one of my brothers to be able to quit the smoking, it is NOT easy at all but, I know you can do it. Also,, when I pray to bind the spirit of depression, you and a few others I know will be added to that list also.
Very interesting about the BP meds. I am only taking 25mg of Hydrochlorothiazide and it keeps me pretty good.
I sure wish it were easier for us all to pray in person as one.
God bless and keep you.
@Nancy I think you said you quit cigarettes, right? do you still find vaping helps?

(I guess on a desert island you would have plenty of time to vape away to your heart's content, so to speak.....)
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
@VictoryinJesus Thanks for the 'likes', above.......

I think you said you didn't reckon that vaping would help you quit cigarettes, right?

I have really considered vaping. I’ve considered more finally reading the book my husband bought by Allen Carr “easy way to stop smoking” …you caused me to go dig the book out to find the title. It was on my heart last night being bored, thinking I’m so bored what will fill all my free time if cigarettes go? There was a reply in my head “If you are so bored. why not read the book?”


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2009
North America
I have really considered vaping. I’ve considered more finally reading the book my husband bought by Allen Carr “easy way to stop smoking” …you caused me to go dig the book out to find the title. It was on my heart last night being bored, thinking I’m so bored what will fill all my free time if cigarettes go? There was a reply in my head “If you are so bored. why not read the book?”
@VictoryinJesus If you do the vaping slowly and gently - with a little nicotine added, the level of which can later be cut down - and avoid gasping and heavy breathing, you might find that vaping does work after all.

Nancy seems to find it does, anyway, according to what she has said.

(I suppose it gets a bit moot on a desert island; where are all the vaping supplies - or cigarettes - going to come from? :) )


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
sorry venting. Maybe somewhere some one else has felt or heard those voices of certain doom. Of Certain failure planted to where it becomes easy to be convinced: you most certainly will fall on your face.

Christianity seems so dang hard and impossible to achieve…no wonder many leave. Exhausted and worn out. …all the voices fighting over “faith lost”, “salvation loss”, “not able to finish the race”, “missing the mark”, “not going to be able to make it to a better land” “falling short”, “sinking” “not having sufficient food”, or “not having sufficient drink”

it does make me think of the saying concerning children… be careful what you say and repeat, because little ears might be listening.

Salutations Victory..
I disagree....Belief....Truth....Fact.
Salvation is clearly layed out in the Scriptures. Acts 2:38 I would recommend the bread and wine ritual....with bread and wine.
The details and digging up the factual details can be hard, but there is no quiz on Judgment Day. You do not have to be a theologian to make it to heaven. Christianity is the simplest and easiest religion....for my yoke is easy and my burden is light....the truth will set you free. Consider the early Christians, they did not have a Bible, they heard the Word and obeyed.

Love God....love each other....help one another. What else would you expect or want?

Want is the line of demarcation. Do you want to follow the path of the Way? Do you want to be Good? Don't let anyone tell you that you cannot be good. If you hear that voice or those words that you cannot be good....you are hearing demon speak.

Do your best....do good and be good.

But it is still your choice....you can walk with Satan. You choose your lifestyle and if it is the lifestyle of sin that is what will send you to hell. If you choose a sinful lifestyle Bon Appétit, enjoy it while you can, don't worry about. But you cannot have your cake and eat it too. Sooner or later you have to pay the piper.

All of us are sinners and Christ loves sinners, loved us enough to go to the cross for our sins. Forgiveness is ours because of Yeshua. But don't think for a minute any amount of faith or grace gives you a license to sin. A lifestyle of sin is a religion of its own, a dedication to Satan.

Do your best to be good and do good for others and you are on the right path.
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