So, should Biden be burned at the stake with Trump?

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Active Member
Nov 16, 2022
United States
Funny how Dems have Labeled Trump a liar...Yet BELIEVE him when he confesses his love of beautiful women, his affairs, his liking of fast food, business adventures, surrounding himself with beautiful material things....
....oh the scandal, of him taking risks on his own dime!
....oh the scandal, of his generosity of donating his entire presidential salary.
....oh the scandal, of his desiring to tidy up American’s Porch First.

And old Joe, a darling at his life-long dependency (he extends to his whole family) on the tax-payers dime, taking risks on the people’s dime, and lies continuously about his personal creepy life, and creepy behavior toward LITTLE GIRLS. A real role model ... GAG!
They dislike Trump most of all because he likes women rather then men, and he likes women rather than things that can't properly be classified as either women, or men, ewwwwweeeee :D


Active Member
Nov 16, 2022
United States
No, only Biden should be burned at the stake, and former POTUS Donald Trump should get a metal when he does so, lol :p
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Active Member
Nov 16, 2022
United States
It is my opinion that the question should be: - "Who would you not burn at the Stake with Trump?" This is a more appropriate question.
No, the appropriate question would be, which democrats amongst them should we not burn at the stake, because that would be a rare few. We could use pitchforks to shorten the democrats harvesting process as well, lol :D
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Mar 3, 2021
United States
Agreed. Because we don't have a parlimentary system, but winner take all, it forces a polarizing 2-party system. In truth, there is one party, with a D-wing and an R-wing of the party.

Proof is seen in the singular political issues I've had for nearly 4 decades, the debt. No matter who holds Congress, no matter who is POTUS, the debt goes up. All the bluster does not affect enslaving my grandchildren. :mad:
To be fair, I do think that a strong third party of independents would help. I think Tulsi Gabbard, Andrew Yang and that woman from Texas, Marianne Williamson, could perhaps start something meaningful and productive if they ALL worked together.

I don't support the Democrats, the American left has indeed become way too vicious and hateful, and hostile towards faith and spirituality, in recent years. Hence why Andrew and Tulsi left their party in the first place. But I don't think Republicans are perfect either, far from it. Lots of working-class Americans are indeed sick and tired of BOTH mainstream parties.

The issue is not necessarily, "Biden, Biden, Biden", it is that the Democrats have become as judgmental, controlling and pro-war as the Republicans that they once hated. Even today, quite a few comments I've read online by certain left-wingers shocked me, and made me realize just how extreme some of them have truly become.

Millions of Democrats spend hours every day arguing and screaming over nearly pointless and distracting race and gender issues, while doing almost NOTHING to help further world peace and harmony. :(
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Feb 6, 2018
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United States
Biden should be sent out to pasture, where he can live in one of his own homes, where he can keep an open door for his grandchildren, drug addict family members and illegals whom he can harbor, feed, supply their needs on his own dime.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
Millions of Democrats spend hours every day arguing and screaming over nearly pointless and distracting race and gender issues, while doing almost NOTHING to help further world peace and harmony.
Not surprising since their goal is not world peace and harmony but power and control by dividing and ruling.
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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
Not surprising since their goal is not world peace and harmony but power and control by dividing and ruling.
Divide and conquer has worked well for America's rulers. It's actually amazing how many realize this considering that the Satanic media is ruled by Jesus hating Liberals.

Luke 4
5 Then the devil, taking Him up on a high mountain, showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time.
6 And the devil said to Him, "All this authority I will give You, and their glory; for this has been delivered to me, and I give it to whomever I wish.


Active Member
Nov 16, 2022
United States
Biden should be sent out to pasture, where he can live in one of his own homes, where he can keep an open door for his grandchildren, drug addict family members and illegals whom he can harbor, feed, supply their needs on his
Biden the Cow, says he too must be banned!!!!



Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
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United States
Biden the Cow, says he too must be banned!!!!

View attachment 28854

Climate “change” has nothing to do with the Weather.

Climate “change” the Politicians spout is the SAME “CHANGE” Obama was blathering....of a hope to fulfill the dreams of his father...

Obama’s daddy’s idea of CHANGE was a RADICAL, by any meaning possible, to extinguish the LIGHT of Christ the Lord Jesus and the Heavenly God...
TO an insignificant, irrelevant, myth.

When “Politicos” are on their platforms blathering “Climate Change”...
They ARE speaking expressly of the their “hopes to CHANGE the WHOLE POLITICAL CLIMATE to BE anti-Christ”....and “THEY” be your Master!
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Active Member
Nov 16, 2022
United States
Climate “change” has nothing to do with the Weather.

Climate “change” the Politicians spout is the SAME “CHANGE” Obama was blathering....of a hope to fulfill the dreams of his father...

Obama’s daddy’s idea of CHANGE was a RADICAL, by any meaning possible, to extinguish the LIGHT of Christ the Lord Jesus and the Heavenly God...
TO an insignificant, irrelevant, myth.

When “Politicos” are on their platforms blathering “Climate Change”...
They ARE speaking expressly of the their “hopes to CHANGE the WHOLE POLITICAL CLIMATE to BE anti-Christ”....and “THEY” be your Master!
Climate change is their lie, they use to attack Christianity. Al Gore wrote basically how he blamed Christianity for killing mother nature, etc.., It's been years, so I don't remember the exact quote, but he is not the only one blaming and attacking Christianity. It's all smoke and mirrors to help bring about the Antichrist's one world rule.

God is great, and came as Christ to offer us salvation in Him. Praise God, and always remember God loves us. And God shows us His love, in contrast to the Hate that drives the lost.


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2022
United States
Climate change is their lie, they use to attack Christianity. Al Gore wrote basically how he blamed Christianity for killing mother nature, etc.., It's been years, so I don't remember the exact quote, but he is not the only one blaming and attacking Christianity. It's all smoke and mirrors to help bring about the Antichrist's one world rule.

God is great, and came as Christ to offer us salvation in Him. Praise God, and always remember God loves us. And God shows us His love, in contrast to the Hate that drives the lost.
Al Gore, John Kerry and the movie stars who preach to us about climate change and our carbon footprint fly to their meetings and conferences in private jets, and have the biggest carbon footprints of anyone. They’re a bunch of hypocrites. It’s not about saving the planet it’s about control and power.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2021
Birmingham, Al
United States
You cannot be serious?

Chinese CITIZENS proven to be spies for the communist cause. University Research Team sent back to China for conducting illegal Gain of Function Research at a University lab that was not a level three or four lab. Chinese Business Partners that were conducting work of the Party. Biden's Office dweller that was there at the request of HUNTER!

Fang Fang that has disappeared ......known Spy ....sned them back, as you woud a Russian operative .....Oh that's right ....they already work in the FBI and the DOJ ...
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Active Member
Nov 16, 2022
United States
Al Gore, John Kerry and the movie stars who preach to us about climate change and our carbon footprint fly to their meetings and conferences in private jets, and have the biggest carbon footprints of anyone. They’re a bunch of hypocrites. It’s not about saving the planet it’s about control and power.
Yes they do nothing but blatantly lie, for the purpose of using climate change, to try and use it to bring about a one world governance for the NWO, to try and set up said one world governance for the Antichrist to rule. And they hoped since 1994, etc.., to keep provoking Russia, and Putin, because they know Putin is an idiot who retaliates to everything with military cations, to try and instigate Putin into a nuclear war, they hope will kill up to 2 billion people, so China can take over. President Clinton was the one who convinced Ukraine to give their nukes back to Russia, and gave China MFNS Most Favored Nation Status, and got China into the WTO, etc.., to help them rise, and be in position to take over the world for communist rule, once they get Russia and the USA and the EU to annihilate each other, ( But God is in charge, and not them, so we will have to see God's timing, if such a nuclear war will come very soon, or not. )

I watch a lot of public television specials and series on cable, on a lot of such channels from the History, Biography, History International, Discovery Time, Nat Geo, Science, Military, Channels, etc.., and watched a one hour climatologist's special, on how he knew the only thing we were really doing to add, to the rest of their fake climate change religion, was to fly commercial airlines high enough to interfere with the natural atmospheric buffer zones, and thus raise world temperatures thru that. He used 9/11 to collect USA nationwide temperatures before 9/11, and then on 9/11 for the couple of days our airspace was shut down, and again after our airlines started up again, and found a nationwide average temperature drop of about 4 degrees fahrenheit due to the 9/11 complete airspace shutdown.

And they have known this since the 1960's because a book was written in the early 1970's where they declared they would use climate change, and began to start to push that in line with propaganda they engaged in after Star Trek IV, etc.., and everywhere else they could find a save the planet message. ****and so since the FAA had a plan to install a GPS tracking system in all commercial airlines, to eliminate simply flying around to avoid close encounters otherwise, with said system calculated to save 3.4 billion gallons of jet fuel per year, in making commercial travel that much more efficient,

I decided to write the Obama Book on that plan, for Obama to fast track that system, and it's installations. I never liked Obama, and vetted him more than Sean Hannity had, and knew he was evil, but gave him a chance to put his money where his mouth was. And I was voted thru the roof on my proposal that he fast tracked that system, and Obama did nothing. NJ and NY as well had a new proposed port authority tunnel project, which included a train within it, but the NJ Gov. Chris Christi cancelled it, because NJ would have been stuck with the $5 billion dollar bill projected cost overruns on the project. And so the Feds recalled their I think it was $700 million in grant money for the project, and Dems attacked Christi for it.

That Lying Worm Obama ran around with his $787 Billion dollar stimulus package, and in the end lied, and said he could not find any shovel ready projects, and so spent just about nothing, and didn't do anything useful at all - even after I wrote the FAA plan was shovel ready, if they only had the money, and the NY / NJ commuter tunnel project was hovel ready, if only Obama would reinstate the some odd $700 million dollars grant, and pay for the $5 billion dollars in overruns.

There were tons of such shovel ready projects, which Obama could have even spent a fraction of his $787 billion dollar stimulus package on, to greatly improve air travel, saving 3.4 billion gallons of jet fuel per year, and thus do some environmental and financial good for the country, as well as the NY / NJ Port Authority new commuter tunnel, which included a train system within, etc.., That Bastard Obama could have done something to improve the USA on many levels, since he already drained the $787 billion from the US economy, and did nothing with it.

These bastards don't want to improve the economy, environment, more efficient commuting, etc.., etc.., etc.., ---But only want to pretend they do. The only thing we are really doing to create any climate disruptions at all, is thru a very sloppily run commercial airline system, in which the USA alone could be saving 3.4 billion gallons of commercial jet fuel per year, and inspiring the EU, and everyone else to follow our example, and it actually being the only real thing we are doing to cause climate problems, and being shovel ready to boot, and the Bastards will do nothing but talk - and blame us on the right, for something they actually could have done without us - But blaming the Right is more important to them rather than actually doing anything real.
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