A God of Hate

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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
“Note carefully, then, that God is both kind and severe.”

(Romans 11:21a, NTE)
As paul once wrote . Behold both the GOODNESS and SEVERITY of GOD .
And its best we always do . GOD desires not the death of the wicked but rather they would repent .
It is always good for us to behold both the goodness and severity of GOD .
Truth is , every GOD inspired word in that bible is good for us to take heed unto .
From every promise to every warning .
All the good examples, that we learn of them
and the bad examples that we do not do as they did .
Every reminder of GOD is so good for our souls .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
pfft !! God could zap you into non-existence in a Nano-second and be totally just in doing so ....
he owes you nothing .. get over yourself

Man's last day in God's court ... part 1 of 3
Man's last day in God's court ... part 2 of 3
Man's last day in God's court ... part 3 of 3

It is soley by the mercies of GOD that we are not consumed .
You are right my friend . Man needs to get over himself and rather start thanking and praising GOD
for the mercy He has given unto us in Christ JESUS .
We aint the big kahoona . We are but sinners saved and even changed by His grace .
This generation is real big on self . And that my friend IS A DEADLY problem .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States

Perfect love is what God has promised to do and to be. In love He reaches out to you—love not based on shifting emotions or what you deserve, but bound up in the very nature of who He is .... But can you really take Him at His word? If God is love, how do you explain those nagging questions we all have but dare never ask aloud?

Does God love everyone the same?
How can a loving God allow people to suffer?
If God loves the world, why did He choose to save only some and not everyone?
If God’s nature is to love, how can He be so filled with wrath and judgment toward sinners?

In The Love of God, John MacArthur offers a passionate, well-argued defense for what the love of God is—and what it is not. This series tackles the difficult questions head on and provides frank, thoroughly biblical answers.

PS: ..... to the revernt ATHEIST ....
you believe (by faith) that God does not exist ?
well, then don't worry about it .... right ?
you have no dog in this fight

Love is not based on shifting emotions . YOU are right my friend .
And you are right about the what we deserve mindset .
I know what i deserved and had it no been soley for the grace of GOD in CHRIST
the lake that burns fierce and hot would have been my eternal residence at the end .
Man needs to get over himself . We didnt earn the love or grace of GOD at all .
We were all sinners , loving darkness and not light , hating GOD . Yet one day the grace of GOD
appeared and drew us to CHRIST . GOD changed us , GOD put HIS own desires into our heart .
The only ONE we can boast in IS , GOD the FATHER of our LORD and savoir JESUS CHRIST
for the abundant and non deserved GRACE HE GAVE US IN CHRIST .
Man need to get over himself . We are not entitled . We earned the lake of fire . THANK GOD FOR CHRIST JESUS
is all i can say . Let our faith be in HE whom GOD DIDSEND . LET our HOPE be in HE whom GOD DID SEND
and LET US BOAST in HE whom GOD did send .
This generation has produced the most heavy laden with self love generation ever seen .
TIME TO LOVE GOD < HIS CHRIST above all . And time to DIE to self .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
So you accept God's plan to commit genocide, right?
Yes . Cause all the judgments of GOD are righteous .
And do take note the fault lies on man , not GOD .
God told adam NOT to eat of that tree .
MAN did this . man brought on the curse
and we cant just finger point at old adam , WE ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God .
PS , FOCUS on the true LOVE OF GOD which is WHY HE SENT the SON so that all who do beleive could be saved .
Fault not the creator . the fault of anyones own demise lies on them .
Thus its time folks quite blaming GOD for our own wickedness and all the evils on this earth ,
and rather point to CHRIST whereas one can be saved .
Who wants to live in a world forever filled full of evil . GOD is gonna destroy all evil one day .
My advice , CLING TO CHRIST and forever shall we live with HIM FOREVER in a new earth
new heavens wherein righteousness does dwell .
The fault of our destruction is ours , the answer to our salvation COMETH OF GOD .
or perish with all evil one surely will .
Man did this to the earth . MAN DID . NOT GOD
GOD told adam DO NOT
and HIS WIFE and HE DID . the lesson , OBEY GOD and recieve HIS BLESSINGS
DENY HIM and HE will deny you .
TIS TIME to preach CHRIST JESUS and leave off this other stuff .


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
God could zap you into non-existence in a Nano-second and be totally just in doing so ....
he owes you nothing .. get over yourself
Exactly! Atheists are so lost. They think the Creator has to justify himself to them. They're too arrogant to realize it is us who have to justify ourselves to him.

Atheists are so lost, they actually believe their life belongs to them rather than to God who gave them live.

This Atheist always moves the goal posts. First, his thread begins by talking about God's emotions. Then he asserts being an Atheist qualifies him to be in the judgement seat of God - and finds God wanting. No. The Atheist will be judged and found wanting.
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Feb 16, 2014
United States
So you accept God's plan to commit genocide, right?

And I'll bet yall 5 bucks that Mr Atheist is one who supports Abortion on Demand ... please correct me if I'm wrong
Give me a number Mr Atheist .... how many 'terminations' have been conducted World wide since 1973

Mar 23, 2022 — Of these unintended pregnancies, 61% ended in abortion. This translates to 73 million abortions per year.

You best be turning that long bony self-righteous pointed finger at the one looking at you in the mirror Mr Atheist

It's time to lay your sin/s at the foot of the cross of Jesus Christ ... in other words ... get the beam out of your own eye first
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Most folks hope is the all inclusive false love god . The god of this world that didnt create this world
has sold man a love that feeds and honors the flesh and a hope they have salvation under this very broad love path .
That is what most all folks are now hoping in and recieving from . A love that dishonors GOD
a god that has made itself god . Which believe me the flesh loveth .
A god that has made the path to GOD so broad a man could hold a rainbow flag
give allegiance to satan , deny Christ and STILL IS SAVED . I shun that love to hades .
Any love that rejoices not in TRUTH , well it aint coming FROM GOD
and any hope that is false , WELL IT AINT NO hope . YOU LIFT THOSE HANDS UP MATTHIAS
and praise the glorious LORD . Lambs are gonna honor GOD .


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
There are many passages in the Bible that explicitly say that Yahweh, the God of the Bible, is merciful and loving. Here’s an example:

But that’s far from the whole story. The Book of Joshua describes the conquest of the lands promised to the Israelites. Chapter 12 lists 31 kingdoms that were conquered under the leadership of Joshua. But those kingdoms weren’t just conquered. Every one of the kings of those kingdoms was killed. And not only that, but every one of the cities and towns over which those kings ruled was destroyed. And not only that, but all of the men, women, and children who lived in those cities and towns were killed:

God himself actively participated in this slaughter:

Furthermore, God ordered this slaughter:

Exactly why did God plan to slaughter all of those people? The answer is provided elsewhere in Deuteronomy:

So God didn’t want the Israelites to intermarry with the people of that region. But if God were actually merciful and loving, was there no other way to prevent the Israelites from intermarrying the indigenous people of the promised lands, or was slaughter the only possible option?

An omniscient God would have known that this problem would arise, and he could have planned for it at the time when he created the sun, the moon, the planets, the stars, the galaxies, and the earth itself. An omnipotent God could have created a force field around the entire region to prevent anyone else from entering. Then, when the Israelites arrived, he could have disabled the force field to let the Israelites enter a region that would have been fertile, lush, and unpopulated.

Or alternatively an omnipotent God could have left the promised lands at the bottom of the Mediterranean sea. Then when the Israelites arrived he could have lifted up the promised lands from the sea floor and the Israelites could have entered a region that would have been pristine, new, and uninhabited.

Or a truly omnipotent God could have lifted up all of the 31 kingdoms to carry them out of the way. If God had done that the inhabitants of that region would have been immensely grateful-- and he would thereby have gotten thousands of new followers as a result. Instead the only new followers he got were Rahab of Jericho and the other members of her whorehouse.

Slaughtering people simply for their beliefs is genocide. Yahweh certainly had plenty of time and opportunity to choose another path. Why didn’t Yahweh choose any of the options listed above? There is only one possible conclusion: Yahweh, the God of the Bible, is a God of genocide, not of love and mercy.
There are for sure some hard things to read in the OT. I had a counselor once tell me to stay out of the OT and to only read the NT because I would hate the God of the OT. I didn’t listen.

I have a question for you. All the passages that collect a people without the gate In the Old Testament…for example the woman raped but doesn’t scream. The women and children as the spoils of war… the unclean lepers…all those “unclean” collected without the gate throughout the OT. A constant take it without the gate in “an unclean place” The question I have is why did Jesus Christ being rejected by His own city go to suffer without the gate to purify a people “unclean”by His blood? Who are those people without the gate He suffered with?

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
There are for sure some hard things to read in the OT. I had a counselor once tell me to stay out of the OT and to only read the NT because I would hate the God of the OT.

I have a question for you. All the passages that collect people without the gate In the Old Testament…for example the woman raped but doesn’t scream. The women and children as spoils of war… the unclean lepers…all those “unclean” collected without the gate throughout the OT. The question I have is why did Jesus Christ being rejected by His own city go to suffer without the gate to purify a people in His blood? Who are those people without the gate He suffered with?
And that counselor WAS FALSE .
I , by grace do read the OT , AND I DO NOT hate THAT GOD , NOR HIS CHRIST .
Folks we getting duped by men and by the lusts of our flesh .
I repeat that counselor was FALSE . FALSE . and i will die saying it .
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
And that counselor WAS FALSE .
I , by grace do read the OT , AND I DO NOT hate THAT GOD , NOR HIS CHRIST .
Folks we getting duped by men and by the lusts of our flesh .
I repeat that counselor was FALSE . FALSE . and i will die saying it .
Why do you think all those unclean were put without the gate in an unclean place?


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
There are many passages in the Bible that explicitly say that Yahweh, the God of the Bible, is merciful and loving. Here’s an example:

But that’s far from the whole story. The Book of Joshua describes the conquest of the lands promised to the Israelites. Chapter 12 lists 31 kingdoms that were conquered under the leadership of Joshua. But those kingdoms weren’t just conquered. Every one of the kings of those kingdoms was killed. And not only that, but every one of the cities and towns over which those kings ruled was destroyed. And not only that, but all of the men, women, and children who lived in those cities and towns were killed:

God himself actively participated in this slaughter:

Furthermore, God ordered this slaughter:

Exactly why did God plan to slaughter all of those people? The answer is provided elsewhere in Deuteronomy:

So God didn’t want the Israelites to intermarry with the people of that region. But if God were actually merciful and loving, was there no other way to prevent the Israelites from intermarrying the indigenous people of the promised lands, or was slaughter the only possible option?

An omniscient God would have known that this problem would arise, and he could have planned for it at the time when he created the sun, the moon, the planets, the stars, the galaxies, and the earth itself. An omnipotent God could have created a force field around the entire region to prevent anyone else from entering. Then, when the Israelites arrived, he could have disabled the force field to let the Israelites enter a region that would have been fertile, lush, and unpopulated.

Or alternatively an omnipotent God could have left the promised lands at the bottom of the Mediterranean sea. Then when the Israelites arrived he could have lifted up the promised lands from the sea floor and the Israelites could have entered a region that would have been pristine, new, and uninhabited.

Or a truly omnipotent God could have lifted up all of the 31 kingdoms to carry them out of the way. If God had done that the inhabitants of that region would have been immensely grateful-- and he would thereby have gotten thousands of new followers as a result. Instead the only new followers he got were Rahab of Jericho and the other members of her whorehouse.

Slaughtering people simply for their beliefs is genocide. Yahweh certainly had plenty of time and opportunity to choose another path. Why didn’t Yahweh choose any of the options listed above? There is only one possible conclusion: Yahweh, the God of the Bible, is a God of genocide, not of love and mercy.

The cartoon characters speak.

You obviously do not understand your surroundings. You, me, and everything you associate with "slaughter" is a "creation." Yes, the blood is red, and so are we. But what you in your miniscule understanding has not put together, is that if you yourself created a creation and painted the blood red--none of it would be real--except to the cartoon characters. How foolish--this is not what shall be, but is only a created "image" foretelling it! Indeed, the cartoon characters know nothing more...and you yourself are not looking to anything but the creation.

Even worse, you are plugging your ears to any explanation. So, go ahead, keep blabbing away about what you have no advantage of. But, just as even you yourself after creating a thing would crumple up what you do not find pleasing and dispose of it--that is what is coming. And just as you yourself would do, that is what God is doing and will do.

Question is...are you to be found "pleasing" to Him who created you? Are you so short-sighted, so stubborn about what you do not know that you will not change to become pleasing even if it means your own demise? Have it your way--the terms are yours, just as they are His.
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Jan 11, 2018
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
The cartoon characters speak.

You obviously do not understand your surroundings. You, me, and everything you associate with "slaughter" is a "creation." Yes, the blood is red, and so are we. But what you in your miniscule understanding has not put together, is that if you yourself created a creation and painted the blood red--none of it would be real--except to the cartoon characters. How foolish--this is not what shall be, but is only a created "image" foretelling it! Indeed, the cartoon characters know nothing more...and you yourself are not looking to anything but the creation.

Even worse, you are plugging your ears to any explanation. So, go ahead, keep blabbing away about what you have no advantage of. But, just as even you yourself after creating a thing would crumple up what you do not find pleasing and dispose of it--that is what is coming. And just as you yourself would do, that is what God is doing and will do.

Question is...are you to be found "pleasing" to Him who created you? Are you so short-sighted, so stubborn about what you do not know that you will not change to become pleasing even if it means your own demise? Have it your way--the terms are yours, just as they are His.
Disagree in cartoon characters. To me that doesn’t help in soothing over the question of why a God of hate? by reducing the characters to fictional cartoon characters. For me it is like suggesting bleeding isn’t really real. But to imagine it is all make belief. Reducing all this to …don’t be alarmed it is only a carton …as if to soften the blow of discarding of the cartoon characters. Like …the gun slinging character…it is all a cartoon with fake blood and fake bullets, no harm done. God just destroys the cartoon characters in the show. They aren’t real people. You may say …no you just don’t get it. But He bled. Should we look at the crucifix and not feel pain saying it was just a cartoon and not real blood shed? Minimizing His asking “why do you seek to kill Me?”


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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
Disagree in cartoon characters. To me that doesn’t help in soothing over the question of why a God of hate?
Why do you suppose anything can or should sooth over the Scriptural fact that God hates?

To me this is elementary. We are capable of hate. God is more capable than we are. It is preposterous to suppose he is incapable of the full range of emotions.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
Why do you suppose anything can or should sooth over the Scriptural fact that God hates?

To me this is elementary. We are capable of hate. God is more capable than we are. It is preposterous to suppose he is incapable of the full range of emotions.
Why were unclean people collected throughout the OT, told to be put without the gate in an unclean place?


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
To me it is. If you will answer the question you might see why to me it is an answer to your question about a God of hate.
I might see the answer to my question if you answer my question. Why do you suppose anything can or should sooth over the Scriptural fact that God hates?