It's about time to set China right.

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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
Yes, but also the devil is a liar and cannot speak the truth as lying is in his nature. The devil tells these lies all the time; they seem wise though, but he is temporary.
The devil does not have the authority, God has all authority and know that now Christ has all authority, it is correct to say the devil spoke this to Christ, the devil however was lying. God though grants-gives power to whom He wills. And the devil mimics that in speaking to Christ as the devil desires to be God.

Devil said this
Luke 4:6
And the devil said to Him, “All this authority I will give You, and their glory; for this has been delivered to me, and I give it to whomever I wish.

Christ says this, and He was given this authority by the Father God.

Matthew 28:17-19​

New King James Version​

17 When they saw Him, they worshiped Him; but some doubted.
18 And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go [a]therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

John 17, Christ has true authority over all people to establish the kingdom of God, which will destroy the devil and all he has, including this world.

Jesus spoke these words, lifted up His eyes to heaven, and said: “Father, the hour has come. Glorify Your Son, that Your Son also may glorify You, 2 as You have given Him authority over all flesh, that He [a]should give eternal life to as many as You have given Him.
Don't you ever wonder why our government is filled with liars, thieves and criminals?
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Scott Downey

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2021
New Brunswick
Don't you ever wonder why our government is filled with liars, thieves and criminals?
Of course the nature of the unsaved is still evil to the core of their being. And still have their allegiance bent towards Satan who they follow.
Just because Christ now has all authority over earth and heaven, does not mean evil is not allowed by Christ to continue for a time until the end. Then at the end we get a new earth and a new heaven, and all the evil will be gone, and the new creation is no more tainted with evil.
The new creation has no evil nor can evil touch it. It begins now with people becoming new creations, but at the end the universe will become new again, with no evil like it was at the beginning of the first creation in Genesis. The wicked one cannot touch God's new creation to corrupt it from what God has done.

1 John 5:18
We know that whoever is born of God does not sin; but he who has been born of God keeps himself, and the wicked one does not touch him.

1 John 5:19
We know that we are of God, and the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one.

v18 is the new creation, Satan cannot touch as in corrupt that. It will be extended from people to the entire universe in the future.
v19, Christ and God allow evil to continue as this serves the purposes of God, or God would have wiped it out already to the utmost.

This current world is reserved for fire and destruction, as Christ said the works of the world are evil. And all that is of the world will go into the fire. However, we are not of the world and will not share its fate.
The following is still in the future but this is certain to occur.

Revelation 21
Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also there was no more sea. 2 Then I, [a]John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. 3 And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, “Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God. 4 And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.”

5 Then He who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.” And He said [b]to me, “Write, for these words are true and faithful.”

6 And He said to me, “It[c] is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give of the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirsts. 7 He who overcomes [d]shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be My son. 8 But the cowardly, [e]unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”
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Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2023
United States
Not to mention the Labs in Ukraine as well.

Now why such involvement in Ukraine Labs ? and such things that you can not do as it's illegal in every other country in the world, but in Ukraine that was a no mans land in regards to the worlds set laws, even Russia and China has to follow the set Laws regarding limits, but Ukraine was free and the only Country that is free to do what ever experiments it wants to do, such is open slather ! A Nazi breading ground right their under the worlds nose, that is clear to do as it pleases, just as in Hitler days did.

When one talks about the Ukraine Labs, it falls on deaf ears ! same with Nazis ? it just does not exist or is a non issue. But in Australia just one mention of a bunch of just brat kids claiming to be Nazis will have people in total dread and fear for their lives and Laws changed by spastic hype ! but Ukraine Nazis do not exist and not an issue at all, but Australia supports such total morons ! ( What a spastic world we are living in ) full on hype and BS is swallowed !

Clearly COVID was all a setup ! created by evil people, even within the USA ? or the UN and NATO ?

Can we trust the UN or NATO ? Tell me why such blind faith in un elected and well known criminals and murders within such organisations !
Do people in the West have no regard to what goes on in such organisations ? is it true that the people in the West could not give a rats or are that stupid that they let mongrel organisations run loose or do such organisations run loose ? or are they above the People and answer to no one ? So who are you then, a slave or just someone who is a degenerate ? Who is keeping an eye on all such or don't you care less !
Look at the War in Vietnam, the USA was so hopeless, why ! well the UN and NATO informed the Communist of what the USA was going to do beforehand, so the USA had it's hands tied and the War went on and on and got USA people killed, but who was getting drugs out from such ? Something was not right, their was a underhanded game being played and the War was just a side dish ?
Oh the war was one thing but what about the other agendas ? and who had such agendas ? Same with the Arab Wars, if it was not for oil ? would the USA be their at all !
If their is not money to be made does a War get off the ground !

All wars are about Money, Power or military Position.

COVID was the biggest load of BS fear mongering setups that the world was played for fools in fact and the majority still are that stupid that they do not question everything about all and everything ! they just do not care ? or they are idiots or stupid fools ! No questioning of the Chemical Company's not to mention deals done with Governments and all involved within such.
Not to mention that people are that stupid that they would let an experimental way out their drug be put into you and not to mention being forced to do it ! What a outrageous joke ! People do not know their rights !
The Nazis and Communist can force people to such lengths, but not in a Healthy Democracy they can not experiment on you.
Have you yet seen those long infomercials by an organization boasting as a Christian and Jews charity?

Just one of many that bilk the public to $upport their efforts to feed the needy in Ukraine.

Here's the thing.

They're "at war" with Russia. Chaos reigns. Russia is gaining ground every day. (That's the propaganda at least)

So, how is all that food and supplies going to get into that red zone?
Oh, I got it.

Russia wants to destroy the Ukraine resistance. But as soon as they see a charity caravan or plane coming to help the Ukrainian's, Russia will cease fire and let them proceed.

Remember the Afghan "war" news during Bush43's term ? It was discovered that America was paying AlQ $$ to let our supply chain through so to supply our troops with war materials, bullets, etc... Food and water.


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2021
Birmingham, Al
United States
Well I don't think China supports the Ukraine war. Perhaps they did, but recently I saw a news article where they call for an end of the Ukraine war: China Urges End to Ukraine War, Calls for Peace Talks

It was Putin that put up the nuclear guns at ready. Which is terrifying the nations.

And it was Trump that supplied Ukraine with weapons that ultimately intimidated Russia into attacking. Let's face it Ukraine is next door to Moscow and Putin knows that.

It really is a mixed up and sad state of affairs, but Putin went too far by attacking Ukraine out of fear probably. And we all can see that.

So what now? We should all be praying for world peace! God is ultimately in charge of the nations.

And yes Russia is a type of Christian country which makes it even more disturbing.

Because Obama and Biden were sending blankets instead of hardware.....I wonder if Obama was sending Barbie dolls with each shipment?

We need someone with the courage to send the Marines on his first day in the White House, surround the UN and send them all home. They do not need to be on US soil.
Then inform John Kerry he is fired and tell the Epstein Island is his for the taking ....

It's past time to get the Dictators and Communists out of NYC.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2021
Birmingham, Al
United States
Not to mention the Labs in Ukraine as well.

Now why such involvement in Ukraine Labs ? and such things that you can not do as it's illegal in every other country in the world, but in Ukraine that was a no mans land in regards to the worlds set laws, even Russia and China has to follow the set Laws regarding limits, but Ukraine was free and the only Country that is free to do what ever experiments it wants to do, such is open slather ! A Nazi breading ground right their under the worlds nose, that is clear to do as it pleases, just as in Hitler days did.

When one talks about the Ukraine Labs, it falls on deaf ears ! same with Nazis ? it just does not exist or is a non issue. But in Australia just one mention of a bunch of just brat kids claiming to be Nazis will have people in total dread and fear for their lives and Laws changed by spastic hype ! but Ukraine Nazis do not exist and not an issue at all, but Australia supports such total morons ! ( What a spastic world we are living in ) full on hype and BS is swallowed !

Clearly COVID was all a setup ! created by evil people, even within the USA ? or the UN and NATO ?

Can we trust the UN or NATO ? Tell me why such blind faith in un elected and well known criminals and murders within such organisations !
Do people in the West have no regard to what goes on in such organisations ? is it true that the people in the West could not give a rats or are that stupid that they let mongrel organisations run loose or do such organisations run loose ? or are they above the People and answer to no one ? So who are you then, a slave or just someone who is a degenerate ? Who is keeping an eye on all such or don't you care less !
Look at the War in Vietnam, the USA was so hopeless, why ! well the UN and NATO informed the Communist of what the USA was going to do beforehand, so the USA had it's hands tied and the War went on and on and got USA people killed, but who was getting drugs out from such ? Something was not right, their was a underhanded game being played and the War was just a side dish ?
Oh the war was one thing but what about the other agendas ? and who had such agendas ? Same with the Arab Wars, if it was not for oil ? would the USA be their at all !
If their is not money to be made does a War get off the ground !

All wars are about Money, Power or military Position.

COVID was the biggest load of BS fear mongering setups that the world was played for fools in fact and the majority still are that stupid that they do not question everything about all and everything ! they just do not care ? or they are idiots or stupid fools ! No questioning of the Chemical Company's not to mention deals done with Governments and all involved within such.
Not to mention that people are that stupid that they would let an experimental way out their drug be put into you and not to mention being forced to do it ! What a outrageous joke ! People do not know their rights ...!
The Nazis and Communist can force people to such lengths, but not in a Healthy Democracy they can not experiment on you.

Nazis.....Barisma........No wonder they are a Liberal dream ...
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Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2023
United States
Not to mention the Labs in Ukraine as well.

Now why such involvement in Ukraine Labs ? and such things that you can not do as it's illegal in every other country in the world, but in Ukraine that was a no mans land in regards to the worlds set laws, even Russia and China has to follow the set Laws regarding limits, but Ukraine was free and the only Country that is free to do what ever experiments it wants to do, such is open slather ! A Nazi breading ground right their under the worlds nose, that is clear to do as it pleases, just as in Hitler days did.

When one talks about the Ukraine Labs, it falls on deaf ears ! same with Nazis ? it just does not exist or is a non issue. But in Australia just one mention of a bunch of just brat kids claiming to be Nazis will have people in total dread and fear for their lives and Laws changed by spastic hype ! but Ukraine Nazis do not exist and not an issue at all, but Australia supports such total morons ! ( What a spastic world we are living in ) full on hype and BS is swallowed !

Clearly COVID was all a setup ! created by evil people, even within the USA ? or the UN and NATO ?

Can we trust the UN or NATO ? Tell me why such blind faith in un elected and well known criminals and murders within such organisations !
Do people in the West have no regard to what goes on in such organisations ? is it true that the people in the West could not give a rats or are that stupid that they let mongrel organisations run loose or do such organisations run loose ? or are they above the People and answer to no one ? So who are you then, a slave or just someone who is a degenerate ? Who is keeping an eye on all such or don't you care less !
Look at the War in Vietnam, the USA was so hopeless, why ! well the UN and NATO informed the Communist of what the USA was going to do beforehand, so the USA had it's hands tied and the War went on and on and got USA people killed, but who was getting drugs out from such ? Something was not right, their was a underhanded game being played and the War was just a side dish ?
Oh the war was one thing but what about the other agendas ? and who had such agendas ? Same with the Arab Wars, if it was not for oil ? would the USA be their at all !
If their is not money to be made does a War get off the ground !

All wars are about Money, Power or military Position.

COVID was the biggest load of BS fear mongering setups that the world was played for fools in fact and the majority still are that stupid that they do not question everything about all and everything ! they just do not care ? or they are idiots or stupid fools ! No questioning of the Chemical Company's not to mention deals done with Governments and all involved within such.
Not to mention that people are that stupid that they would let an experimental way out their drug be put into you and not to mention being forced to do it ! What a outrageous joke ! People do not know their rights !
The Nazis and Communist can force people to such lengths, but not in a Healthy Democracy they can not experiment on you.
People are blind to the truth of Ukraine. They have a neo-nazi faction in their military!

And yes, people are experimented on in a Democracy. It's just very covert and is disguised as something else.

The COVID vax is just one example.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2022
Marietta, Georgia.
United States
Actually the West / NWO believes in some fairy tale incorporeal false utopia, and wants the world destroyed, because they all believe the Bible, the God of the Bible, and Christ Jesus, are the Evil Demiurge who created this evil physical world, and need to be set free from being imprisoned in the physical world, by the evil gods of the bible - to their twisted minds. But that is all Rock N Roll and Heavy Metal, as well as hollywood, etc.., are all about, secretly hating the physical world.

That is what the Bohemian grove has always been about, and their burning of the Owl Effigy, in their secret Cremation Of Care ceremony, and why FDR gave us the dollar bill with the pyramid and all seeing eye on the obverse of the bill, and the small hidden owl in the dollar bill on it's front as well.

View attachment 32835

And so with the Georgia Guidestones as well, which decalers to maintain humanity at under 500 million on earth. They want to kill 15/16th of us all.
The Georgia Guide stones were destroyed on July 2022.
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
How this for example a Ukraine born woman who's mum and dad and family were killed by Nazis in WW2 and is now a USA Citizen for many years comes out exposing Ukraine Zelensky and his Nazi mates !

But She got disregarded by the MSM a reporter who had no regard for her at all, when she was talking about all of her family being killed by Nazis ! but He just talked over her with no remorse at all !

The MSM do not like her speaking up in fact but only want to shut her up and abuse her in fact.

Her name is Roseanne Barr, a Ukrainian Jew, Who pointed out about the Nazis in modern day Ukraine over the last 10 years that has been going on !

The MSM nowadays do not want to expose Nazis in Ukraine ! Why is this ? the MSM are total Morons ! A TOTAL DISGRACE ! The MSM must be exposed for the Godless Whore that they are, no one could be so stupid in fact.

The reporter came down on her claiming the old game of being an Anti-Semitic ? But Roseanne came back at him, pointing out that not all Jews were good people, you idiot ! just as their are people regardless in any Nation or anyone in what ever religion who can be or are evil.

Zelensky is a Satanic person for sure i believe and as is Joe Biden. They have no regard for the People of East Ukraine and the blood of all who have been killed is on their hands, not to mention the damage done to the Lands homes etc, it's moronic ! Evil ! They are not going to win ! Who takes on Russia ? only a total moron does !

But who deprives people of a right to a Vote in them lands ? NATO and Biden !

Zelensky has become a Dictator in Ukraine in fact, Ukraine has no opposition Party's they were Banned in fact by Zelensky !
Ukraine was the most criminal Nation of earth before the War in fact ! I could totally believe that COVID was created in Ukraine because they could get away with such much so much more easy than any other Nation in fact could and that's why Putin blew them Labs up !

When the cat gets out of the bag all will be exposed, i hope.

I always felt sorry for the people of Ukraine under the Communist domination and all, but the key point of all such misery they suffered was not because of the Russian people but of the Cossack's a bastard type of so called Jew who dominated over Russia Communist Government. a so called Zionist Mob who plays the world for fools.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2021
Birmingham, Al
United States
Most of the population doesn't realize, China is one cruise missile away from being out of the manufacturing business for decades. The three gorges dam is unstable. If the dam bursts .....many manufacturing cities with millions of Chinese are in a dangerous path. One of those cities is Wuhan ......Another reason China is being very careful about the Taiwan issue. One cruise missile .......

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Most of the population doesn't know that China is one cruise missily away fromnever manufacturing goods for any country on earth again. Hit the Three Gorges Dam ......and every manufacturing sector on the river goes deep under water .....

Science, and we're told everyday to trust the science, reported today that the COVID virus was created in a lab and leaked ........ Seems to me, that if the President is not taking a nap .....China should be brought to the UN and made to pay every nation on the planet REPARATIONS for what did to us all .....
Just one problem here. China is a permanent member of the UN Security council and has veto power over anything that may come to a vote against them.


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2023
United States