What is the Lords Day?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2009
South Florida
United States
Now, as the apostasy of the church at Rome spread throughout the empire, there did appear the usage of the 'lords day' but it was from another origin, and this is where we see it today in many peoples minds. Here is a great explanation from my buddy Amo..
'As we have already noted, excepting for the Roman and Alexandrian Christians, the majority of Christians were observing the seventh-day Sabbath at least as late as the middle of the fifth century [A.D. 450]. The Roman and Alexandrian Christians were among those converted from heathenism. They began observing Sunday as a merry religious festival in honor of the Lord's resurrection, about the latter half of the second century A.D. However, they did not try to teach that the Lord or His apostles commanded it. In fact, no ecclesiastical writer before Eusebius of Caesarea in the fourth century even suggested that either Christ or His apostles instituted the observance of the first day of the week.

"These Gentile Christians of Rome and Alexandria began calling the first day of the week 'the Lord's day.' This was not difficult for the pagans of the Roman Empire who were steeped in sun worship to accept, because they [the pagans] referred to their sun-god as their 'Lord.' "--EM. Chalmers, "How Sunday Came Into the Christian Church," p. 3.

Certain historians agree that it was the pagan sun-worshipers--and not Christians--who first gave the name 'Lord's day' to Sunday. "The first day of each week, Sunday, was consecrated to Mithra [the most widely known sun-god of the early Christian centuries] since times remote, as several authors affirm. Because the Sun was god, the Lord par excellence, Sunday came to be called the 'Lord's day,' as later was done by Christianity."--Agostinho de Almeida Paiva, 0 Mitraiomo, p. 3.

In Revelation 1:10 we are told of "the Lord's Day," but we are not there told which day of the week this is. Else where in Scripture the "Lord's Day" is clearly explained: only the Seventh-day Sabbath is His day (Ex 16:23,25; 20:10; 31:15; 35:2; Lev 23:3; Deut 5:4; Isa 58:13; Matt 12:8 and Mark 2:28). But it was pope Sylvester, Bishop of Rome (314- 337 A.D.--the "pope" during the reign of Constantine) who officially called Sunday the "Lord's Day." "He officially changed the title of the first day, calling it the 'Lord's Day' "--M. Ludovicum Lucium, Historia Ecclesiastica, "Century IV," chap. 10. pp. 739-740, Edition Basilea, 1624.

"The keeping of the Sunday rest arose from the custom of the people and the constitution of the Church . . . Tertullian [155-225 A.D.] was probably the first to refer to a cessation of affairs on the Sunday; the Council of Laodicea [337 A.D.] issued the first conciliar church council] legislation for that day; Constantine I [321 A.D.] issued the first civil legislation."--Vincent J. Kelly, Forbidden Sunday and Feast-day Occupations, 1943, p. 203. [Kelly is an American Catholic priest of the Redemptorist order].

Though Sunday is mentioned in so many different ways during the second century, it is not till we come almost to the close of the second, century that we find the first; instance in which it is called “Lord’s day."

Hmm... I think we can see how it came about into use and from where..

Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
I think if such a change had been made, much would have been written in scripture, and yet not one word
There was no change of day of worship for the Jews. The Gentile Christians were not given the Law to abide by, that was too much a yoke for the Jews to handle.
The Sabbath is part of the Law.
The yoke of the Jews is the Law.
The yoke that Jesus wants us to put on is grace.
Acts 15:10
Since this is the case, why are you putting God to the test by placing upon the neck of the disciples a yoke which neither our forefathers nor we have been able to bear?
And when the Jews were gone out the synagogue ...
The "Jews ... out of the synagogue" ...
I don't go to a synagogue.

Of course the Disciples who taught in Jerusalem or any other city that had a synagogue, gave the message there. But the entire Gentile world did not attend synagogue nor were they required to keep the Sabbath ( part of the Law).. They met in any day and wherever, outside, by a river or a lake.

The RESURRECTION on Sunday set a precedent. Jesus greatest achievement happened on that day!

On the evening of that first day of the week, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!”

After he said this, he showed them his hands and side. The disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord.
Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” And with that he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit." JOHN 20:18-22

The appearance of Christ, His fellowship, a blessing and a commission accompanied by the Holy Spirit and their worship of Him ... sure sounds like an appropriate day to begin anew.
A week later, Thomas sees Him as well and worships Him.
After his resurrection, Jesus appeared to them ten times within a 40 day period. Why didn't He appear to them on the Sabbath or in a synagogue IF it was to be a day and place of worship???

Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
Its there in words as plain as the proverbial nose on ones face, but as they say 'a man convinced against his will'.... So you must decide according to your conscience what is written here in Gods Word, as the Lords Day from Creation was the Sabbath, and John clearly put it down in many verses.
The belief that the New Testament excludes the Old Testament is not a matter of "Christian opinion," but is standard theology. You are on the outside, hopefully looking in?

St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
Of course the Disciples who taught in Jerusalem or any other city that had a synagogue, gave the message there. But the entire Gentile world did not attend synagogue nor were they required to keep the Sabbath ( part of the Law).. They met in any day and wherever, outside, by a river or a lake.
Good post, thanks.
Things were much stricter than gentiles not attending synagogue by choice.
Even Jewish Christians were being put out of the synagogues.
  • John 9:22
    His parents said this because they were afraid of the Jewish leaders, who already had decided that anyone who acknowledged that Jesus was the Messiah would be put out of the synagogue.

  • John 12:42
    Yet at the same time many even among the leaders believed in him. But because of the Pharisees they would not openly acknowledge their faith for fear they would be put out of the synagogue;

  • John 16:2
    They will put you out of the synagogue; in fact, the time is coming when anyone who kills you will think they are offering a service to God.

Rella ~ I am a woman

Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2023
United States
Well, why dont we extend the whole way, and see a bit of how far it goes in these false doctrines and corruption that was brought in using this method..

1. The Midsummer festival of the Pagan was held on June 24 of each year.
The Nativity of St. John is held every year on June 24 by Papal Rome.

2. The assumption of Semiramus who became the mother godess of all Pagans.
The assumption of Mary, who became worshipped as the mother of God rather than just a good woman.

3. The mother goddess was given the title, and worshipped as the Queen of Heaven. Jer. 7:18
The Virgin Mary is given the title, and worshipped as the Queen of Heaven by Papal Rome.

4.The "Queen of Heaven" is wrath subduer of the Pagan god.
Mary, "Queen of Heaven" subdues the wrath of Christ and His Father against sinners.

5. Cakes decorated to the goddess with a "+" drawn on it. Jer. 44:17,19
Hot cross buns are backed for Mary in most Roman Catholic churches

6. 40 days fasting before Easter for Tammuz, Ezek. 8:14
The fast of 40 days (Lent) before Easter is doctrine with no scripture to support it.

7. Pagan festival of Easter. Ezek 8:16
The Roman Catholic church initiated the pagan festival of Easter first in Christiandom.

8. The resurrection of Tammuz on Easter, and the procession of graven images during Easter holy week
All Roman Catholic churches parade partake in processions of graven images of Jesus, Mary, and Peter, and of the saints during Easter week

9. Veneration of graven images of Baal, Ishtar, Tammuz and lesser gods in the heavens
All Roman Catholic churches venerate graven images of Jesus, Mary, Peter, and of the "lesser" saints in the heavens.

10. The belief of the constant immortality of the soul, and burning place of eternal torment.
Rome teaches the belief of immortality of the soul and a burning place of eternal torment.

11. Pagans believed in the doctrine of purgatory.
Papal Rome teaches the doctrine of purgatory.

12. The belief of the dead visiting the living on a certain day each year. A feast is then held for all the dead on first day of November.(Called all souls day).
Papal Rome teaches they must hold a festival for the dead on all souls day held Nov. 2, and all saints day held Nov. 1 of each year.

13. Burning candles to the gods Jer 11:17; Ezek 8:11.
Papal Rome, has the people burn candles in their "masses".

14. Chants and repetitive prayers. Beaded prayer chains.
Papal Rome uses chants and the beaded prayer chains.(Rome calls the chant "Gregorian chant" and the beaded chained "Rosary").

15. Pagans wear amulets and idols to scare away evil spirits.
Roman Catholicism teaches the wearing of crucifixes and medals as a method of protection. The scapular is proof of that fact.

16. Pagan's would paint the child Tammuz and his mother Semiramus with the glory of the Sun around their heads.
Rome paints the child Jesus and his mother Mary with halos of the Sun around their heads.

19. Pagan's performed infant baptism, and the sprinkling of holy water.
Papal Rome practices infant baptism, as well as the sprinkling of holy water.

20. Pagans taught Necromancy (Talking to the dead).
Papal Rome teaches Mysticism (Novenas/prayers to the dead).

21. The first day of the week kept sacred to honor the sun god Mithra. The name of the day was changed to "SUN"day .
Papal Rome admitted they changed the Sabbath from day 7 to day one in honor of "SUN"day.

22. The title Pontifex Maximus was given to the chief head of the pagan Babylonian system of idolatry.
The title Pontifex Maximus is the main title of the Popes of Rome.

23. Pagan gods (Janus and Cybele) were believed to be holders of the keys to Heaven and Hell.
The pope claims to have the keys of Peter or Heaven and Hell within his clutches.

24. The Pagan high priest king is believed to be the incarnate of the Sun god.
The Pope proclaims to be Jesus Christ in the flesh on Earth.

.....It just keeps going.They took the ancient pagan mystery religions and system of worship and brought it into the church, and subverted the true worship in the early church. So need to be careful how far you extend in this manner....
Can you give me documentation or links on #21... I would like to use it elsewhere?

Never mind Hobie.... I found enough and I am sickened by it.

Constantine the Great changed the Sabbath to Sunday​

On March 7, A.D. 321, Constantine the Great issued the first civil Sunday law, compelling all the people in the Roman Empire, except farmers, to rest on Sunday. This, with five other civil laws decreed by Constantine concerning Sunday, set the legal precedent for all civil Sunday legislation from that time to the present.

In the 4th century, the Council of Laodicea urged Christians to honor Sunday by abstaining from work on that day if at all possible, and prohibited them from abstaining from work on the Sabbath.


Sabbath to Sunday
What Really Happened Under Constantine?​

You may have heard the story of how Constantine changed the Sabbath to Sunday. According to the story, the early churches kept the Sabbath until Constantine, who was the high priest of paganism and who honored the sun god, changed the Sabbath, the 7th day, to the day of the sun, the 1st day.

Further: Pope Sylvester I (314-335 A.D.) Decrees the Transfer of Sabbath Rest to Sunday:

Knowing that was going to happen, why in the world do you suppose that it was the morning of that day they discovered the tomb to be empty, after the weekly Sabbath?

Personally I still feel it appropriate to worship separately from the Sabbath services....

But now you have no idea what I want to do to Frankie................................. even though he was just a downline offshoot.

BTW #24 is factual.... Frankie has alluded to it.

St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
Never mind Hobie.... I found enough and I am sickened by it.
Be careful. The Sabbatarians have are making very spurious claims to support their position.
I think Peter said it best.

Acts 15:10 NIV
Now then, why do you try to test God by putting on the necks of Gentiles a yoke
that neither we nor our ancestors have been able to bear?

St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
Be careful. The Sabbatarians have are making very spurious claims to support their position.
I think Peter said it best.

Acts 15:10 NIV
Now then, why do you try to test God by putting on the necks of Gentiles a yoke
that neither we nor our ancestors have been able to bear?
Here's the actual change from the Council of Laodicea Canon 29.
Notice that the day of worship is ALREADY the Lord's Day (Sunday).
The day of rest, NOT THE DAY OF WORSHIP, is being changed to Sunday.

Canon 29: Christians shall not Judaize and be idle on Saturday,
but shall work on that day; but the Lord’s day they shall especially honour,
and, as being Christians, shall if possible, do no work on that day.
If, however, they are found Judaizing, they shall be shut out from Christ.


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2009
South Florida
United States
Can you give me documentation or links on #21... I would like to use it elsewhere?

Never mind Hobie.... I found enough and I am sickened by it.

Constantine the Great changed the Sabbath to Sunday​

On March 7, A.D. 321, Constantine the Great issued the first civil Sunday law, compelling all the people in the Roman Empire, except farmers, to rest on Sunday. This, with five other civil laws decreed by Constantine concerning Sunday, set the legal precedent for all civil Sunday legislation from that time to the present.

In the 4th century, the Council of Laodicea urged Christians to honor Sunday by abstaining from work on that day if at all possible, and prohibited them from abstaining from work on the Sabbath.


Sabbath to Sunday​

What Really Happened Under Constantine?​

You may have heard the story of how Constantine changed the Sabbath to Sunday. According to the story, the early churches kept the Sabbath until Constantine, who was the high priest of paganism and who honored the sun god, changed the Sabbath, the 7th day, to the day of the sun, the 1st day.

Further: Pope Sylvester I (314-335 A.D.) Decrees the Transfer of Sabbath Rest to Sunday:

Knowing that was going to happen, why in the world do you suppose that it was the morning of that day they discovered the tomb to be empty, after the weekly Sabbath?

Personally I still feel it appropriate to worship separately from the Sabbath services....

But now you have no idea what I want to do to Frankie................................. even though he was just a downline offshoot.

BTW #24 is factual.... Frankie has alluded to it.
Well, thats the thing, that the church then got the state to come in and pass laws which basically forced people to worship on this substitute for the Sabbath, and the pagan converts flocked in because it was what they were used to.,,

"The Church made a sacred day of Sunday largely because it was the weekly festival of the sun; for it was a definite Christian policy to take over the pagan festivals endeared to the people by tradition, and to give them a Christian significance."
Source: Arthur Weigall, The Paganism in Our Christianity, p. 145. Copyright 1928 by G. p. Putnams Sons, New York.

The pagan festival was used to allow the pagans to come into the church and continue the practice, of what basically was Easter and it formed the basis of Sunday worship.

Now Easter isn't really about Jesus, as you will find it was really celebrating the spring equinox, while Christians are told it was about the resurrection of Christ. The Cybele cult flourished on today's Vatican Hill. They held that Cybele's lover Attis, was born of a virgin, died and was reborn annually. This spring festival began as a day of blood on Black Friday, rising to a crescendo after three days, in rejoicing over the resurrection. There was violent conflict on Vatican Hill in the early days of Christianity between the Jesus worshippers and pagans who quarrelled over whose God was the true, and whose the imitation.

Christianity came to an accommodation with the pagan Spring festival and used it to bring in unconverted pagans. Although we see no celebration of Easter in the New Testament, the church in Rome celebrated it and used its power to spread it throughout the empire, and today we see many churches offering "sunrise services" at Easter, if you think about it, a solar celebration.

St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
Christianity came to an accommodation with the pagan Spring festival and used it to bring in unconverted pagans. Although we see no celebration of Easter in the New Testament, the church in Rome celebrated it and used its power to spread it throughout the empire, and today we see many churches offering "sunrise services" at Easter, if you think about it, a solar celebration.
I guess you forgot that Jesus resurrection was discovered at dawn. (in fact, before dawn) Nothing to do with the sun.

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Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2009
South Florida
United States
Here's the actual change from the Council of Laodicea Canon 29.
Notice that the day of worship is ALREADY the Lord's Day (Sunday).
The day of rest, NOT THE DAY OF WORSHIP, is being changed to Sunday.

Canon 29: Christians shall not Judaize and be idle on Saturday,
but shall work on that day; but the Lord’s day they shall especially honour,
and, as being Christians, shall if possible, do no work on that day.
If, however, they are found Judaizing, they shall be shut out from Christ.
And what was the 'day of rest', if not the Sabbath made for man for reflection, enjoyment and worship for God’s people. It comes from where, well the seventh day of the creation week, when God stopped His work and took time to rest and savor what He had made.

St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
And what was the 'day of rest', if not the Sabbath made for man for reflection, enjoyment and worship for God’s people. It comes from where, well the seventh day of the creation week, when God stopped His work and took time to rest and savor what He had made.
You are free to do that if you choose. You have my blessing.
But why do you rail against us? Do we not have the same freedom?
Or do you wish to enslave us?

You are working awfully hard to prove that Sunday is not in the Bible.

Why was circumcision on the eighth day?


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2009
South Florida
United States
You are free to do that if you choose. You have my blessing.
But why do you rail against us? Do we not have the same freedom?
Or do you wish to enslave us?

You are working awfully hard to prove that Sunday is not in the Bible.

Why was circumcision on the eighth day?
Is it in the Ten Commandments, of course not, need to keep in context.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2009
South Florida
United States
Now the festival of 'Easter' which the apostate church used to shift the worship from Sabbath to Sunday is much more documented in history, but it was done in a subtle way, basically in 'plain sight' but slowly and incrementally so they could get away with it. Here is a good explanation I came across..

"In addition, we are informed, “Neither the apostles, therefore, nor the Gospels, have anywhere imposed... Easter... The Savior and His apostles have enjoined us by no law to keep this feast [Easter]... And that the observance originated not by legislation [of the apostles], but as a custom the facts themselves indicate” (fourth century scholar, Socrates Scholasticus, Ecclesiastical History, Book V, chapter 22). The Apostle Paul confirms he maintained the customary observance of Passover, as was given to him by Christ Himself, when he said, “For I received of the Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed [not Easter Sunday!] took bread” (1 Corinthians 11:23). Keep in mind Jesus Christ was betrayed during the night of Nisan 14 (Luke 22:15-22), which was considered the evening portion of the day of Passover (Exodus 12:6-13). Remember, God begins a new day at evening, commencing at sunset (Genesis 1:5). With this established fact and connection in mind, how then was it changed from the 14th of Nisan (Passover) to the Sunday following the first full moon after the vernal equinox, and then assigned the pagan name Easter (Ishtarte)? Unquestionably, this is no minor change from the original observance that Jesus Christ exemplified (especially since people died refusing to obey this change). And furthermore, to supersede the authority of Jesus’ own example is obviously presumptuous at best; and at worst, it is outright heretical! How could such a blatant act of contradiction and disregard for our Lord’s example and commands be allowed to take place? This is a question all of us should seriously ask ourselves!

Assuredly, we must first understand the contention between the Western congregations led by Rome and the Eastern Asiatic congregations. This debate intensified during the second century, and is historically known as the Quartodeciman controversy.

“Quartodeciman” is simply a Latin term indicating fourteenth. What the ecclesiastical record of the second century reveals is that there was a controversy over the fourteenth— specifically, it concerned the change from the fourteenth of Nisan (Passover) to Easter, with all of its pagan connections, associations, and typologies of fertility and fecundity. This was unequivocally contested and rejected by the congregations of the Asiatic East. It came to a head when Polycarp, the bishop of Smyrna (who was personally taught by John the apostle), faced off with Anicetus, the preeminent bishop of Rome, in about 95 A.D.

Notice what history tells us from the Catholic Church itself, concerning this second century controversy: “The dioceses of all Asia, as from the older tradition [Passover], held that the fourteenth day of the moon, on which day the Jews were commanded to sacrifice the lamb, should always be observed as the feast of the life-giving Pasch Passover]... However, it was not the custom of the churches in the rest of the world [primarily the West, represented by Rome] to end it at this point [allegedly a non-biblical based fast ending on Easter Sunday], as they observed the practice, which from apostolic tradition has prevailed to the present time... Synods and assemblies of bishops [not Jesus Christ’s example or the Gospel records!] were held on this account and all with one consent through mutual correspondence drew up an ecclesiastical decree [superseding Christ’s personal example as recorded in the Gospels] that the mystery of the resurrection of the Lord should be celebrated on no other day but, the Sunday [Easter] and that we should observe the close of the paschal fast on that day only. A letter of Saint Irenaeus is among the extracts just referred to, and this shows that the diversity of practice regarding Easter had existed at least from the time of Pope Sixtus. Further, Irenaeus states that St. Polycarp [bishop of Smyrna], who like the other Asiatics, kept Easter on the fourteenth day of the moon [which is really the Passover], whatever day of the week that might be, following therein the tradition which he [Polycarp] claimed to have derived from St. John the Apostle, but could not be persuaded by Pope Anicetus to relinquish his Quartodecimen observance. The question thus debated was therefore primarily whether Easter was to be kept on a Sunday, or whether Christians should observe the holyday of the Jews... Those who kept Easter [Passover] with the Jews were called Quartodecimans” (Catholic Encyclopedia, emphasis added).

Clearly, the historical record from the Catholic Church proves that they themselves (not Jesus Christ) chose to exercise authority to change and sever the connection of Passover. Undoubtedly, there was a long-term agenda to shift and undermine any and all associations connecting Jewish Israeli underpinnings that were foundational to the early Christian Church. Remember, Paul said, the household of God (the Church) is “built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets [not Synods, Councils, and bishops], Jesus Christ himself being the chief comer stone” (Ephesians 2:20). There was absolutely no authorization to change the framework of this major point of doctrine, disconnecting from Jesus Christ’s own appearance of worship exemplified by His life, habits, and customs (1 Peter 2:21; 1 John 2:6). It is important we remember: Jesus Christ never kept an Easter in His life! Unequivocally, it is undeniable that Easter has no Biblical connection, foundation, or authority on the name of Jesus Christ that requires observance and/or recognition by any who claim Christ as their Savior.

Yet, regardless of these verifiable facts; this trend finally became law in the year A.D. 325 at the Council of Nicaea. Again notice, from the Catholic Encyclopedia: “The emperor himself [Constantine] writing to the churches after the council of Nicaea, exhorts, ‘At this meeting the question concerning the most holy day of Easter was discussed, and it was resolved by the united judgment of all present [regardless of the example/commands of Jesus Christ and the original apostolic fathers, Matthew 26:17-30] that this feast ought to be kept by all and in every place on one and the same day [Easter Sunday]...And first of all it appeared an unworthy thing that in the celebration of this most holy feast we should follow the practice of the Jews, who have impiously defiled their hand with enormous sin... for we have received from our Savior a different way [Where, then, is the Biblical proof or Christological authorization?] ...and I myself [Constantine] have undertaken that this decision should meet with the approval of your sagacity in the hope that your wisdoms will gladly admit that practice which is observed [Easter Sunday] at once in the city of Rome and in Africa, throughout Italy and Egypt... with entire unity of judgement.”

And finally, under the article “Councils” in the Catholic Encyclopedia again, we read about the purpose of the Council of Nicaea. ‘The first ecumenical, or council, of Nicaea (325 A.D.) lasted two months and twelve days. Three hundred and eighteen bishops were present. Hosius, bishop of Cordova, assisted as legate of Pope Sylvester. The Emperor, Constantine, was also present. To this council we owe the Creed of Nicaea, defining against Arius the true divinity of the Son of God [Arius challenged the divinity of Jesus Christ], and the fixing of the date for keeping Easter [which opposed the Quartodecimans who observed Passover]

It was now made “official”: Easter Sunday, the day after the first full moon, after the spring equinox, became the day to celebrate Jesus Christ’s resurrection. This was a serious and critical shift of theology. Critical, because it not only changed the day of the observance, but changed the focus, the meaning of the observance. It now became an observance and celebration of His resurrection, contrary to the Biblical admonition of remembering His death!

Notice what Paul says, “For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord’s death [not His resurrection] till he come” (1 Corinthians 11:26). There is a purposeful point of significance our Lord placed exclusively on Passover concerning His death. It’s very fundamental, but crucial to understand; Passover was intended to distinctly address the impeccable fact that it was by Jesus Christ’s sacrificed life and shed blood that we have access to eternal life. Unfortunately, merging His death and resurrection into one holy day, as Easter describes, blurs the deep profound meaning of both these events by taking away the emphasis that each so richly deserves." HOW WAS PASSOVER REPLACED BY EASTER… And Who Did It? — The Church of God International

Rella ~ I am a woman

Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2023
United States
Well, thats the thing, that the church then got the state to come in and pass laws which basically forced people to worship on this substitute for the Sabbath, and the pagan converts flocked in because it was what they were used to.,,

"The Church made a sacred day of Sunday largely because it was the weekly festival of the sun; for it was a definite Christian policy to take over the pagan festivals endeared to the people by tradition, and to give them a Christian significance."
Source: Arthur Weigall, The Paganism in Our Christianity, p. 145. Copyright 1928 by G. p. Putnams Sons, New York.

The pagan festival was used to allow the pagans to come into the church and continue the practice, of what basically was Easter and it formed the basis of Sunday worship.

Now Easter isn't really about Jesus, as you will find it was really celebrating the spring equinox, while Christians are told it was about the resurrection of Christ. The Cybele cult flourished on today's Vatican Hill. They held that Cybele's lover Attis, was born of a virgin, died and was reborn annually. This spring festival began as a day of blood on Black Friday, rising to a crescendo after three days, in rejoicing over the resurrection. There was violent conflict on Vatican Hill in the early days of Christianity between the Jesus worshippers and pagans who quarrelled over whose God was the true, and whose the imitation.

Christianity came to an accommodation with the pagan Spring festival and used it to bring in unconverted pagans. Although we see no celebration of Easter in the New Testament, the church in Rome celebrated it and used its power to spread it throughout the empire, and today we see many churches offering "sunrise services" at Easter, if you think about it, a solar celebration.
No, But King Jimmy's men got it into the mix when Peter etc were put in jail.....
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Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
The funny thing is likely the Hebrew and Gregorian calendars are off and no one knows what day it really is. The Sabbath could be on Tuesday. The Father probably told Jesus, "Don't stress about the Sabbath, these bone heads misplaced it a thousand years ago."
You guys think the earth was created on this day, 5784 years ago? I think they are not only off on the days, but a couple hundred years as well.
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Rella ~ I am a woman

Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2023
United States
Rella said:
No, But King Jimmy's men got it into the mix when Peter etc were put in jail.....

That's a very interesting comment. Could you elaborate?

Brief history:

The original Old Testament writings were in Hebrew and the New Testament in Greek. Jerome (5th century) translated the Bible into Latin, called the Vulgate, which has become the official Roman Catholic Bible. The Council of Trent in 1546 met to consider doctrines and published a list of books, which were to be considered canonical, that is, to be included in the Bible.

This list included the 39 books of the Old Testament, plus 7 Apochraphal books, plus the New Testament 27. The Jews, however, do not accept the 7 Apochrapha as canonical. The Jewish Bible is limited to the Old Testament.

The Greek translation of these books is known as the Septuagint which is the oldest known translation of any large literary work and most widely used translation of any ancient writing. This is important to know and remember.... It is thought to have originated toward the end of the 3rd century BC or the beginning of the 2nd century BC. The earliest reference to this work dates around 132 BC. This translation is much older than the Masoretic translations of the first five centuries AD. And while we need to remeber this it is not all that important as to why I wrote that King Jimmy's men got "Easter" into the mix.

So: The King James Version of the Bible, which was released in 1611, was authorized by King James in order to have as accurate a translation as possible, which could be printed and widely circulated.

According to WIKI The translation was done by six panels of translators (47 men in all, most of whom were leading biblical scholars in England) who had the work divided up between them: the Old Testament was entrusted to three panels, the New Testament to two, and the Apocrypha to one.

NOW... look at Acts 12:4 in the King James Version of the bible

King James Bible
And when he had apprehended him, he put him in prison, and delivered him to four quaternions of soldiers to keep him; intending after Easter to bring him forth to the people.

This is the only translation that has Easter mentioned in it.... The link is for Bible Hubs list of translations for Acts 12:4
so you can readily see how it is written in other translations.

Note: even the NKJV corrected it to read after Passover.

The men did the translation , but it was King Jimmy's name that was put on his version.

And that is why I say he got into the mix.
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