Gender neutral family raising baby as a "theyby"

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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
Here is the scripture that I can use to prove that all homo's are liars so can't be trusted.

I am allowed to not hang out with untrustworthy people, arent I? Thank you.

Roman 1:20
20 For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God.../NLT

Everyone knows that sins are wrong because one other invisible quality that he gave men, was a Conscience. We dont need the 10 commandments to know that putting a nail under the tire of the guy who wont pay you back the $20 he owes you is wrong. And men know that it is wrong and not natural to lay down with another man sexually.

They know that, it is not good for man to be alone, so God made us a helper and companion.

Genesis 2:18
18 And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.../KJV

It goes on to say that God made a Woman for man, out of a part of the man. It was decidely Not another man. It was not Steve. Her name was Eve, and she was a Woman. I bet she was knock down Beautiful for she was fashioned by the very hand of God!

There is no confusion in that. When a man and a woman come together they bear fruit in their children. The woman completes the man. The man completes the woman.

Homo's bear no fruit. Two men cant have a baby. This is not a grey area and can not be a grey area. It is decidely, Not complex at all. You christian gay sympathizers also know within the depths of your conscience and hearts, that...I speak the truth to you. It's wrong and you know it. They know it. That makes them liars and untrustworthy.

Where do they get off bringing judgment upon me for doing the right thing? Trying to force their little ideologies upon me that we all know is bunk! I don't have to be gay and they cant make me!

Why would a man lie down with a man anyway? Even in these last days...have you seen the women on this planet?! They're beautiful and have unique qualities to them that us men need and that no man has. So sorry Brothers, but, no sale.
Could the person bear fruit if they abide in the vine, that is Christ?

I have somewhat to say about this subject because of what I was born into, and being abused by both males and females (although mostly males where it was sexual trauma/abuse). There are many MK/SRA survivors who are in this lifestyle because the trauma they experienced introduced so much confusion. So I do have a huge amount of compassion. But I also have to guard my own heart, live in the truth, speak the truth, stand for the truth, and protect the little ones that have been entrusted into my care. That isn't hate. It's just a respect and love for God's truth.

I don't use labels like "homos" or the other words. To me, that is an attack on the person. I've never verbally attacked someone living in that perversion, but if they impose their perversions into my home, or on my children or grandchildren, they'll meet mama bear.

There are some who have struggles with sexual identity confusion, or same-sex attraction, etc. who have come to Christ and allowed Him to be Lord of their lives, and have chosen truth over what their flesh tells them.
Maybe a person can produce fruits and works of love with God in and through them, despite their disposition.

Praise be to Yahavah! Who allows all people to have access to him, through the Son of God.


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
Scripture says?
Chapter and verse please.

"Scripture says they know they lie when they say ...":
- "it is ok, they were born like that ..." - Where?
- "they cant stop who they are ..." - Where?
- "or who they are attracted to ..." - Where?


Oh stop trying to muddy the water. You know very well that scripture doesnt list any exceptions to sexual immorality. I can sure post them for you if you havent read them before. But I cant understand it for you and frankly you seem sorts obtuse about the subject. Do you really need me to post them for you, christian brother? Have you not read and learned these things from your own Field Manual? (Bible)...


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
I have somewhat to say about this subject because of what I was born into, and being abused by both males and females (although mostly males where it was sexual trauma/abuse). There are many MK/SRA survivors who are in this lifestyle because the trauma they experienced introduced so much confusion. So I do have a huge amount of compassion. But I also have to guard my own heart, live in the truth, speak the truth, stand for the truth, and protect the little ones that have been entrusted into my care. That isn't hate. It's just a respect and love for God's truth.

I don't use labels like "homos" or the other words. To me, that is an attack on the person. I've never verbally attacked someone living in that perversion, but if they impose their perversions into my home, or on my children or grandchildren, they'll meet mama bear.

There are some who have struggles with sexual identity confusion, or same-sex attraction, etc. who have come to Christ and allowed Him to be Lord of their lives, and have chosen truth over what their flesh tells them.

That is well said, Sister. It is true that I use the word homo and gay and queer quite a bit. But I never really thought about it as an attack or an affront to them. It's merely an identifying label. If it has negative connotation to it, then Wouldn't that be most likely connected to the social stigma of being a homosexual. It has been like that since the dawn of History. It's never been legal to be a homo before. It used to be a Capital offense. If I was trying to be mean to them, I would call them Sodomites. That sounds a lot worse than homo I think.

But you do make a good point, it dont even sound good to be homosexual. If I dont call them homo's, what should I call them? By their abc lettering portfolio?! No. That's weird to me and and it is confusing and they're always adding more letters to it and everything. I dont respect them enough to try and keep that straight for them. Or even to capitalize gbtz+p or whatever it is this week. They are simply lying Sister. They own a conscience. They will have no excuse. It does sort of seem harsh in a way....but it was the Lord that said, the wages of sin is death. So it it all black & White. It is not an attack on them. It is a Defense! They came here and started talking about these things, and I know the truth so answered them. What greater love can I give my neighbor than to speak the Lord's truth to them?

I've never had a homo say I was offending them by saying gay or homo. Not on this site at least! (Yay!)

This is so good and succinct that it needs repeated even again!:

But I also have to guard my own heart, live in the truth, speak the truth, stand for the truth, and protect the little ones that have been entrusted into my care. That isn't hate. It's just a respect and love for God's truth. ../

That isnt being judgmental and it is walking in love towards our neighbor as we would ourself. That's all it is.

St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
St. SteVen said:
No, I don't agree.
If I was taking a stand for racial equality would claim that I was black?
See, this one needs a little work (and could be why you're being confused with TinMan). He's still wrong, of course, but nothing sinful can come from merely having black skin.
That's not my point.
My standing up for LBGTQ people as human beings that need to be loved has resulted in my being called a "homo".
In my view this is no different than if I was standing up for racial equality and called black for doing so.
I'm not the problem. Bigotry is bigotry no matter who it is aimed at.


St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
Unless Barney knows you off-line, I think he's off the mark thinking you are not TM.

You sound like TM. You've tampered down your aggressive militancy regarding LGBTQ I think because that got you banned.
Barney is correct, I am NOT TinMan.
Maybe you owe me an apology? Or are you too proud?



Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States
I wonder why? - LOL

Maybe it is because Christians are treating them with bigotry and hatred.
It proves one thing for sure. They aren't blind.

Christians are bigots because we don't tolerate the insistence by unrepentant sinners that we tolerate their proud obstinate determination to continue in their sin, and adopt their language so they shall terate us?


They in their world shall hate us, just as the world hated Christ.

I can live with that.


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
Could the person bear fruit if they abide in the vine, that is Christ?

What person do you mean? "A" person can bear fruit if they abide in the vine that is Christ.

Are you about to tell me that homo's bear fruit too? Because I am unclear o what person do you mean? It depends on the person. Some people bear more fruit than others and for various reasons. Some people go home and watch television for 25 years after they get saved and sin has crept into their life and has become a lifestyle for them. And it could be anything, gluttony, thievery, homo's, cheating on the taxes, and a lot of things. Most people will say they are good people because the small things they do. I dont rob or murder. But who dont cheat on their taxes? And that fling with that woman, eh, that was an accident. I ttok the Lord;s name in vain yesterday when I was mad. And honestly I do have extra office supplies from work, but only post it notes and pens, come on! I am a good person.

But is that person in the vine? That person just admitted to being a lying, thieving, blaspheming adulterer.

In this sort of situation, I would lean towards the idea that this person is not abiding in the vine.
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St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
Here is the scripture that I can use to prove that all homo's are liars so can't be trusted.

I am allowed to not hang out with untrustworthy people, arent I? Thank you.

Roman 1:20
20 For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God.../NLT
I knew you would come back with that.
It says nothing of the sort. So lame.



Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
I wonder why? - LOL

Maybe it is because Christians are treating them with bigotry and hatred.
It proves one thing for sure. They aren't blind.


Why are being obtuse again? That's what you said to me. I was quoting you. Lol.
Nope, I'm not blind. I can see right through those lies that you speak. Whoever heard of a gay sympathetic christian? That sounds very odd to me.

St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
St. SteVen said:
Scripture says?
Chapter and verse please.

"Scripture says they know they lie when they say ...":
- "it is ok, they were born like that ..." - Where?
- "they cant stop who they are ..." - Where?
- "or who they are attracted to ..." - Where?
Oh stop trying to muddy the water. You know very well that scripture doesnt list any exceptions to sexual immorality. I can sure post them for you if you havent read them before. But I cant understand it for you and frankly you seem sorts obtuse about the subject. Do you really need me to post them for you, christian brother? Have you not read and learned these things from your own Field Manual? (Bible)...
You are the one who made a brash and un-provable claim.
Then you blame me for muddying the waters. Good work.



Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
I knew you would come back with that.
It says nothing of the sort. So lame.


You see? I knew you already knew that. I didnt have to post that all. Besides, you have a conscience and you aint stupid, am I right?

The there's only one answer left! You are lying on purpose trying to suck people in to your web of who knows what.

Or will you now tell me that you do not have a conscience? Lol! You crack me up.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States
St. SteVen said:
Scripture says?
Chapter and verse please.

"Scripture says they know they lie when they say ...":
- "it is ok, they were born like that ..." - Where?
- "they cant stop who they are ..." - Where?
- "or who they are attracted to ..." - Where?

You are the one who made a brash and un-provable claim.
Then you blame me for muddying the waters. Good work.

So, you admit to what has been true all along. There's no scripture sustaining your claims.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
St. SteVen said:
Scripture says?
Chapter and verse please.

"Scripture says they know they lie when they say ...":
- "it is ok, they were born like that ..." - Where?
- "they cant stop who they are ..." - Where?
- "or who they are attracted to ..." - Where?

You are the one who made a brash and un-provable claim.
Then you blame me for muddying the waters. Good work.


You know, I was just about to go ahead and post those scriptures for you, but you will say, I knew you would post those ones! Like you just did. You have read these scritpures before and know them well and you know it. But that's not on me, that's betwixt you and God.
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St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
The there's only one answer left! You are lying on purpose trying to suck people in to your web of who knows what.
I'm happy to tell you what I'm up to.
Getting Christians to wake up to this HUGE issue that the church has done a terrible job of dealing with.
The LGBTQ community is an unreached people group because Christians are too homophobic to cope with it.
Your posts are a prime example. Wake up man!

Here's the Christian solution to this issue.
"The LGBTQ community is welcome in our churches, provided they repent
of their sins BEFORE entering our churches. Otherwise they are banned."

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