Gender neutral family raising baby as a "theyby"

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St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
Scripture says they know they lie when they say, it is ok, they were born like that, they cant stop who they are, or who they are attracted to, and all sorts of tripe which, they know are lies, and we know are lies, so to ask for compassion and love while in their a deception and makes them untrustworthy liars and you must leave right now...that is the response.
Scripture says?
Chapter and verse please.

"Scripture says they know they lie when they say ...":
- "it is ok, they were born like that ..." - Where?
- "they cant stop who they are ..." - Where?
- "or who they are attracted to ..." - Where?



Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
Not a homo, right.
No, asking for acceptance of them as human beings is NOT agreement with them.


No, I don't agree.
If I was taking a stand for racial equality would claim that I was black?

See, this one needs a little work (and could be why you're being confused with TinMan). He's still wrong, of course, but nothing sinful can come from merely having black skin.

Mankind lying with mankind, as with a woman, however, can result from cultivating fantasies about such a thing, just as could happen with a man and a woman who aren't married to each other.

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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
People love to sit in judgment seats not realizing they need to let God deal with people, and we are to love others as we go along - it doesn’t mean we gotta get into the homosexual chit chat, but talk on matter concerning life and God, himself.

Call the Chit Chat Police.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
We don't have to AGREE with these things, but it is important that we understand them.
The church has made a black and white issue of something that is very complex.
The message of the church to these people is irrelevant to them. All they see is bigotry and hatred.
Look at all the heat I am taking for merely trying to explain the issues.

No sir. The gays are trying to create a grey area where the bble is very black and white like you said. The girl can't be just a little bit pregnant. She either is or she isnt. All they see is bigotry and hatred because they do not want to give up their lifestyle of sin.
No wait, they say. If I can just explain it to you then you will see that the homo's arent so bad after all...let us reason together. Their just good people, do you know I seen one give a dollar to a homeless guy once?! (Lol!)

Are you kidding me? The Lord left me a Field Manual to teach me how a Christian man should be. Inside of it, are instructions which say Be not Deceived! To Guard your heart diligently so what am I to do with that when a homo says Let me explain all for you real nice....???...!!!

Look at all the heat I am taking for merely trying to explain the issues.

I'm sorry about the heat brother. I'm merely trying to heed the advice that's in my bibe. To be diligent about what I allow myself to believe. I dont want it "explained" to me. I am of the position that my bible is very clear and very black and white that about all types of sexual immorality, so I have already made up my mind to be diligent about my own heart. And life! Geez, if I had a homo over for dinner then the neighbors might think I am gay if they seen him coming and going! No thanks bro, not even the appearance of evil. I can respect he has his own life to live and makes his own choices...and then he can respect my choices in my life to tell him to gtfo. I dont hang out with those kind of people.

And I don't need to hear gay testimonies. I dont even need to click on that. If the Lord wants me to watch gay testimonies then He will show me the video and give me an unction to watch it.

Not a homo, right.
No, asking for acceptance of them as human beings is NOT agreement with them.

I disagree. They are living a lifestyle of sin, and you are supporting them at it. So, is being an accessory typically charged with the same crimes? I think they are.

No, I don't agree.
If I was taking a stand for racial equality would claim that I was black?

What does that even have to do with anything? Being Black isnt a sin.


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
Is this a thread to judge homosexuals and lgbt? Would not God deal with all that? I’m not the judge.

Is that what it seems like to you? Are you sympathetic to the gay cause?

I'm not judging gays. I'm guarding my heart from deception. Do you have any concept of what diligently guarding ones heart even means?

I mean, are you meaning to imply that if I dont cuddle up with the gays in spirit that I am judging them? Because that would be incorrect.

So if some gays moved in next door and I didnt want to be friends with them because their gay, then you assert that I judge them. Where is my right to say no? They can stay over in their own house and be as gay as they want to be, that is between them and God.

And if I wont let them cross the threshold of my door because of my beliefs in what my Lord has spoken to the whole world, then that is not judgment. And if you think it is then you definitly need to start praying more.

If you dont like these kinds of threads then you could tell them to stop starting the threads! I would be cool with that. I dont start these threads. But if they do and I hear them on here spouting sinful nonsense then as a prudent christian man I am bound to say something!

Al that is needed for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.

Whupp! He did something, He's being Judmental !!!!

Nice try young man, lol! They can stop any time. I wont complain. Then they wont have to feel judged by me. (Liars. Every one of them).
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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
Sounds as if TinMan was a previous member that the Christians ran out of town?

TinMan put the last nail in his coffin with this post, I believe:
(It has disappeared except as you have here quoted it.)


I didn't report it myself, but when he disappeared, I went looking through his history and found it. He had made many enemies and I'm sure someone was very pleased to find this.



Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States
Sounds as if TinMan was a previous member that the Christians ran out of town?
Once again... when will they learn?

Not, we?

Unless @BarneyFife knows you off-line, I think he's off the mark thinking you are not TM.

You sound like TM. You've tampered down your aggressive militancy regarding LGBTQ I think because that got you banned.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States
@MA2444 - it’s just like when the child molester told me why he had charges, lives next door to me. Hey I don’t hate the guy, but if there are children over there that are seen the law needs to be called. What that man does between himself and God ultimately is not my business; unless it involves people being hurt like children, and something can be done about it.

Convicted child molesters are not allowed near children once they are released from prison.

Some states require those parolees to put a sign in their yard warning they are a sex offender.

I'd be surprised if one admitted such a thing to their neighbor.

However, if you saw a child, or children, entering his home would you call police?


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States

Convicted child molesters are not allowed near children once they are released from prison.

Some states require those parolees to put a sign in their yard warning they are a sex offender.

I'd be surprised if one admitted such a thing to their neighbor.

However, if you saw a child, or children, entering his home would you call police?
Yes. As long as I’m not high on drugs and not caring. If I’m high on drugs and not caring, no.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
Well, I for one hope you abandon the drugs.
Thanks. It’s been a hard one for me. And at least I can be honest and admit my abuse with meth, and marijuana. Even with God about my hatred for people. It’s been good to get those things out and give them to God. He still lets me choose though.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
TinMan put the last nail in his coffin with this post, I believe:
(It has disappeared except as you have here quoted it.)


I didn't report it myself, but when he disappeared, I went looking through his history and found it. He had made many enemies and I'm sure someone was very pleased to find this.

And some person in this thread thinks this person was a Christian??? WOW!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
It is a matter of right and wrong. Call that "judging" if you want to.
There is nothing wrong with looking at what is right or wrong. There is a wrong way to handle situations just as much as a right way to handle situations by and through the spirit, wouldn’t you say?


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
Here is the scripture that I can use to prove that all homo's are liars so can't be trusted.

I am allowed to not hang out with untrustworthy people, arent I? Thank you.

Roman 1:20
20 For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God.../NLT

Everyone knows that sins are wrong because one other invisible quality that he gave men, was a Conscience. We dont need the 10 commandments to know that putting a nail under the tire of the guy who wont pay you back the $20 he owes you is wrong. And men know that it is wrong and not natural to lay down with another man sexually.

They know that, it is not good for man to be alone, so God made us a helper and companion.

Genesis 2:18
18 And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.../KJV

It goes on to say that God made a Woman for man, out of a part of the man. It was decidely Not another man. It was not Steve. Her name was Eve, and she was a Woman. I bet she was knock down Beautiful for she was fashioned by the very hand of God!

There is no confusion in that. When a man and a woman come together they bear fruit in their children. The woman completes the man. The man completes the woman.

Homo's bear no fruit. Two men cant have a baby. This is not a grey area and can not be a grey area. It is decidely, Not complex at all. You christian gay sympathizers also know within the depths of your conscience and hearts, that...I speak the truth to you. It's wrong and you know it. They know it. That makes them liars and untrustworthy.

Where do they get off bringing judgment upon me for doing the right thing? Trying to force their little ideologies upon me that we all know is bunk! I don't have to be gay and they cant make me!

Why would a man lie down with a man anyway? Even in these last days...have you seen the women on this planet?! They're beautiful and have unique qualities to them that us men need and that no man has. So sorry Brothers, but, no sale.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
I have somewhat to say about this subject because of what I was born into, and being abused by both males and females (although mostly males where it was sexual trauma/abuse). There are many MK/SRA survivors who are in this lifestyle because the trauma they experienced introduced so much confusion. So I do have a huge amount of compassion. But I also have to guard my own heart, live in the truth, speak the truth, stand for the truth, and protect the little ones that have been entrusted into my care. That isn't hate. It's just a respect and love for God's truth.

I don't use labels like "homos" or the other words. To me, that is an attack on the person. I've never verbally attacked someone living in that perversion, but if they impose their perversions into my home, or on my children or grandchildren, they'll meet mama bear.

There are some who have struggles with sexual identity confusion, or same-sex attraction, etc. who have come to Christ and allowed Him to be Lord of their lives, and have chosen truth over what their flesh tells them.
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