The Unity Thread

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Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2016
United States
It is always possible to find some fellowship among believers on a forum. But it will always be 'some'. This is why it is so important to have a local church you attend. That is the place where you will experience a complete fellowship. The forums cannot take the place of that. I'm sure there are web sites set up for just friendly discussion with no debate or arguing allowed. But neither do they replace a local fellowship.

I joined an atheist forum once, and a forum for so-called 'ex-Christians', (oxymoron). I did so just to see how the argument goes. They didn't mind me be being there, though they would get aggravated. But I learned there that some of these people go to Bible schools and Seminaries just to study to be able to some how cast doubt on the Christian faith. And they then join Christian forums to ply their trade. They don't join as atheists. They join as Christian. Then insert their heretical teaching. Hoping to disrupt the faith of some believer.

muslims will do the same. Either by pretending to be Christian and preach an all inclusive Christian faith which incorporates the muslim faith also, or by being a muslim and preaching that islam supercedes the Christian faith because it is the latest revelation. They pretend to honor Christ, but the christ they speak of is not the Christ of the Bible.

My point is this, don't get discouraged over the fighting and arguing that takes place on a forum. It is important things that are being fought over. There are heresies and mistaken views that need to be addressed. There is false teaching that needs to be addressed. It won't happen peacefully.

A believer needs the fellowship. It is my belief that you should not expect it on a forum. You must have it with a local fellowship of believers.

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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
It breaks my heart to see the Body of Christ in the state it's in. I hate how brothers and sisters can be so bitter and hateful to one another just because of theological disagreements. Jesus said this is how the world will know we're His disciples:

John 13:35 “By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”

Sure, we're going to have disagreements and differences of opinion. But that doesn't mean we can't love each other and be on the same team. This world has enough evil and bad stuff in it that we who are in the same family don't need to add to it and be at each other's throats. Imagine what God's people could accomplish if we would spend less time trying to prove we're right and other Christians are wrong, and we worked together to see the gospel brought to our communities and to the world. The Bible has this to say about how powerful unity is:

Psalms 133:1 A Song of Ascents, of David. Behold, how good and how pleasant it is For brothers to dwell together in unity!
Psalms 133:2 It is like the precious oil upon the head, Coming down upon the beard, [Even] Aaron’s beard, Coming down upon the edge of his robes.
Psalms 133:3 It is like the dew of Hermon Coming down upon the mountains of Zion; For there the LORD commanded the blessing–life forever.

So I apologize for promoting division in the name of trying to prove I am right, and I hope others will come alongside of me. This thread is for any discussion that will look past our differences and promote unity in the Body of Christ.

Scripture told us it was going to happen: There must be factions among you in order that those who are genuine among you may be recognized. How do we determine who is genuine amongst us?

Scripture also says: I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another in what you say and that there be no divisions among you and that you be perfectly united in mind and thought. How do we end this division amongst us and be perfectly united?

Scripture also says that ignorant and unstable people distort Scriptures to their own destruction. Who decides who is ignorant and unstable?

My prayer is that we may be all as one and that in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ that all of us agree with one another in what we say and that there be no divisions among us so that we will be perfectly united in mind and thought. How do we get there?

How do we, as you stated, "promote unity in the Body of Christ"?


PS...I find it interesting that you are apologizing for promoting division.


Active Member
Feb 10, 2013
United States
PS...I find it interesting that you are apologizing for promoting division.
Haha. It was completely unintentional. It sure isn't my heart to promote division. I guess maybe "help to cause division" is a better way to put it. My actions may have made it seem like I cared about being right more than I cared about people. But my heart is for unity and loving people.

And don't get me wrong. I'm completely against heresy. But the danger is that people are so divisive that they call theological disagreements and differences in interpretation of the Bible heresy. Just because you don't agree with me about something doesn't mean I'm a heretic. ;)


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
I totally understand. I am very sensitive to all the political fighting and wanted to come somewhere where people would be respectful and not jump to negative conclusions about a person who was just trying to state their opinion of a topic.
You would really love listening to Francis Chan. If you go on youtube, he really has the biblical teaching as well as getting the total love that the church should be showing each other so that by THIS love, the world would know who Jesus is.
He actually left his mega-church to start many volunteer led home churches. My prayer is that we can get away from spending so much money on buildings and salaries to having many many house churches in which people are actually a family and then all their tithes/giving can go 100% to help others and missions. What an amazing thing if the church started really taking foster care and adoption seriously. We have fostered and adopted and I can tell you that nothing in all my years brought me closer to my Lord and Savior. People will comment how we are "good" for adopting special needs and I tell them. No...we are not good. Only God is good. But, out of our thankfulness and love for what Jesus has done, we want to show Him that we care about His children. God loves all of us. I will pray for your encouragement because I know how much stress all this fighting in the US is causing me. It is crippling some days when you realize that people who you thought love you, actually are filled with hate. It was a sad eye opener. My own parents will not even talk to me. It is heartbreaking.

Cheer up friend..

First my parents, then my siblings, then my children, all left me/us to the comforts of the world. My mother even fought with my wife over the subject: 'what is a Christian!.'

Yes it hurts, we are human and weak at times. When the emotions and feelings subside, Jesus always comes to me. I see him standing before me, smiling, and I smile back. I know I chose wisely, because he is my perfect parents, siblings and children. He is my dear loving brother and my Lord and my savior. My future is with him and not with the 'dead.'

(Luk 12:49) “I came to cast fire on the earth, and would that it were already kindled!
(Luk 12:50) I have a baptism to be baptized with, and how great is my distress until it is accomplished!
(Luk 12:51) Do you think that I have come to give peace on earth? No, I tell you, but rather division.
(Luk 12:52) For from now on in one house there will be five divided, three against two and two against three.
(Luk 12:53) They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.” (ALL ESV)

(Mat 12:46) While he was still speaking to the people, behold, his mother and his brothers stood outside, asking to speak to him.
(Mat 12:48) But he replied to the man who told him, “Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?”
(Mat 12:49) And stretching out his hand toward his disciples, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers!
(Mat 12:50) For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.” (ALL ESV)

God Bless you,

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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
PLEASE @Marymog and @Triumph1300

For the love of Jesus , ✟ do NOT turn this thread also into another of your contentious stupid argument about Catholic V Protestant. Who's right and who is wrong etc.

If you want and desire to do that, then just go and start your own argumentative thread somewhere else.

Did you read NOTHING in all the posts on this thread? :eek:

Did you not feel any sense of the heartbeat of us who have posted from our hearts
, desiring to come on this Site and find SOMETHING encouraging and uplift for once.

Please be sensitive to what you are doing here....again.
Show some spiritual respect.

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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
It sure isn't my heart to promote division. I guess maybe "help to cause division" is a better way to put it. My actions may have made it seem like I cared about being right more than I cared about people. But my heart is for unity and loving people.

Anyone with half a crumb of discernment could tell that from your opening post.
Don't apologize.
Unity of the Spirit and unity of Doctrine are two different animals.
Sadly too few Christians are wise enough to know the difference.

* When you started this thread you gave me hope once again for this Site... to rekindle once again some of what it has been lost in the fellowship area.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2018
North America
Well I started several other threads and there's no desire for anyone to post.
You can't say I didn't try something different here.
I'm fed up with the constant yepping by Marymog and I'm sure not the only one.
Heck, I even have agreed with a few Catholic posters.
So, don't give only me heck, give them all heck.
Probably the moderators should have stepped in here a long time ago.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
I'm fed up with the constant yepping by Marymog and I'm sure not the only one.
Heck, I even have agreed with a few Catholic posters.
So, don't give only me heck, give them all heck.
Probably the moderators should have stepped in here a long time ago.

Well bro, we are all fed up with her asking the same endless questions as if she really is interested...I read where you said that you weren't going to respond to her any more. Why did you fall once again into her trap?
Why react, why respond? She won once again and you lost, by getting frustrated with her.
You know that she tries to turn every thread into the same ol' same ol'...put her on IGNOR , you life will be more peaceful I am sure.

I agree, I for one will not debate re Catholic v Protestants..neither will I "get into it" with people who believe differently from me. So no, I will not "give them heck" or give anyone else heck.
Before our own Master we stand or fall. They choose what they believe.
A discussion is one thing, but " giving heck" does nothing but cause contention on the Site and lowers the whole atmosphere.
My rule of thumb is.. to state my case and move on.
Arguing a point never changes anyones mind.
Either the Holy Spirit can change someones heart ,...we sure cannot.

Well, that's my second 'nag' for the day. :D


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2017
United States
It is always possible to find some fellowship among believers on a forum. But it will always be 'some'. This is why it is so important to have a local church you attend. That is the place where you will experience a complete fellowship. The forums cannot take the place of that. I'm sure there are web sites set up for just friendly discussion with no debate or arguing allowed. But neither do they replace a local fellowship.

I joined an atheist forum once, and a forum for so-called 'ex-Christians', (oxymoron). I did so just to see how the argument goes. They didn't mind me be being there, though they would get aggravated. But I learned there that some of these people go to Bible schools and Seminaries just to study to be able to some how cast doubt on the Christian faith. And they then join Christian forums to ply their trade. They don't join as atheists. They join as Christian. Then insert their heretical teaching. Hoping to disrupt the faith of some believer.

muslims will do the same. Either by pretending to be Christian and preach an all inclusive Christian faith which incorporates the muslim faith also, or by being a muslim and preaching that islam supercedes the Christian faith because it is the latest revelation. They pretend to honor Christ, but the christ they speak of is not the Christ of the Bible.

My point is this, don't get discouraged over the fighting and arguing that takes place on a forum. It is important things that are being fought over. There are heresies and mistaken views that need to be addressed. There is false teaching that needs to be addressed. It won't happen peacefully.

A believer needs the fellowship. It is my belief that you should not expect it on a forum. You must have it with a local fellowship of believers.




Active Member
Jan 16, 2018
South East/Tuscaloosa
United States
It breaks my heart to see the Body of Christ in the state it's in. I hate how brothers and sisters can be so bitter and hateful to one another just because of theological disagreements. Jesus said this is how the world will know we're His disciples:

There are times I fail and allow myself to react from the flesh. For those times I am truly sorry and apologize. I think perception has a lot to do with this. It's hard for some of us to communicate correctly the delivery of a comment sometimes because we are all different. I think many times we can come across as being "bitter and hateful" when we really don't have those feelings at all. Speaking for myself it's mostly frustration coming out. There are certain truths of scripture I have learned over the last 5 years of daily study that I try to share with others because it has had such an impact on my life. I always try to include scripture support for what I'm trying to communicate because it's where truth is found. It's most always more than one verse, and if someone doesn't recognize right away what it's teaching, instead of building a wall against it, take the time to discuss it. Some of it takes a little time to study, but most of it is so clear it can't be interpreted any other way unless someone really tries hard to bend the meaning.

I have tried to identify those that I believe will never consider any scripture I present and just ignore them, so if I am communicating with someone now, it means I believe they might actually consider what I've said, and the scripture I use to support it. I am trying to have descent bible study with some people, but if someone doesn't care to recognize scripture, I can't do that so I don't continue trying. Some people are only here to confuse and distort truth. I don't waste my time with them until they stop. "Bible study" with others must include scripture references, and both sides must consider and discuss scripture rather than just ignore it. I am very confident in what I believe God has shown me in the last few years, because I allow Him to give the final direction of truth, not my own opinion or that of others. Scripture will prove itself if given the time to thoroughly investigate. One thing to remember that will simplify things, scripture can never contradict itself.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
One thing to remember that will simplify things, scripture can never contradict itself.

Oh wow, that takes me back so many decades :)
Our first dear old pastor, long dead now...showed us not to ever worry about scripture which seems to contradict, because whoever quote a scripture , someone else can come along and find one which says the opposite.
1) Matt 27 5 and 2) Luke 10:37
1) "So Judas threw the money .... Then he went away and hanged himself."
2) "Then said Jesus unto him, Go, and do thou likewise." :D

Hence I will discuss scripture and use scripture but never 'argue with' scripture to "prove a point" :)
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Active Member
Feb 10, 2013
United States
Oh wow, that takes me back so many decades :)
Our first dear old pastor, long dead now...showed us not to ever worry about scripture which seems to contradict, because whoever quote a scripture , someone else can come along and find one which says the opposite.
1) Matt 27 5 and 2) Luke 10:37
1) "So Judas threw the money .... Then he went away and hanged himself."
2) "Then said Jesus unto him, Go, and do thou likewise." :D

Hence I will discuss scripture and use scripture but never 'argue with' scripture to "prove a point" :)
Haha. I've used that exact same example. :)
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Active Member
Jan 16, 2018
South East/Tuscaloosa
United States
1) "So Judas threw the money .... Then he went away and hanged himself."
2) "Then said Jesus unto him, Go, and do thou likewise."

Ha ha ha, funny :)

To try to "prove a point" would be to try to prove only my opinion. My intention is never to "argue" scripture, but to show what I believe to be the truth of scripture and why. Most of the time it will be concerning the gospel of salvation. Scripture cannot contradict itself, only our understanding of it. So, if it seems two verses are contradictory to one another, we have misunderstood something and need to study further to clarify our understanding.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011

Hey bbyrd
Not so...Peace is found on the inside. In fact...peace has to be found firstly inside before well ever see it 'outside'.
Case in point, you and I don't see everything eye to eye....yet as far as I know , we are 'at peace' with one another. ?

Fellowship and spiritual harmony is very different from doctrinal harmony.
I don't have to agree with you to have peace with you or fellowship with you in a good attitude.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
Scripture cannot contradict itself, only our understanding of it. So, if it seems two verses are contradictory to one another, we have misunderstood something and need to study further to clarify our understanding.

Well said...agree, but so many people do NOT know that, they are blind. They stubbornly believe that how "they" interpret scripture is right therefore what they say and quote is final proof.

The wise will always be confident in what they believe about the scripture , yet they will still keep and open heart for the Lord to continually speak and reveal more through some chapter or scripture.

Bless you...H
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Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Hey bbyrd
Not so...Peace is found on the inside. In fact...peace has to be found firstly inside before well ever see it 'outside'.
that is kind of the point, yes; you cannot artificially manufacture peace among brethren, it has to be within. Your friend Job is welcome in my home, iow, but what do you think he might have to say about coming down for a little visit? lol
so i agree with you, but imo get comfy in the furnace, and just don't be offendable, and then you won't be offended
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Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
i say this bc Christians dread Armageddon, right?
Fear of Armageddon demonstrates lack of understanding, to those who are told to have no fear.
satan is defeated in Armageddon, right