The Unity Thread

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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
ha, you'd think so, huh? might make for more rapid turnover

well, i gotta agree, but we are talking about like, i dunno, Canadians or something lol :D
but it is no longer up though? i mean, see? Btw what was the name of the site? i wanna go look (in Wayback Machine iow)

Oh it's gone now..the old guy who was the main Admin pulled the plug on it.
I agree it wasn't "perfect" and I agree we will always get people join who LOVE rude , agro arguments....and join sites just for that reason.
My brother picked it up and dusted it off, but now there are only 6 or seven.
The good old site was a Creataforum , but they it was switched to Proboards....peronally I hate navigating proboards.
Plus now it's turned into "what I did in my garden this weekend" and friendly facebook with the occasional scripture discussions between my brother and my hubby.
That is why I am here. :)
Both Butterfly and Amadeus still post on there from time to time.
In it hey-day mjrhealth , Twinc and Pia were on there too.
I still maintain that peaceful discussions do not kill a Site...I can disagree quite strongly with someone ( hubby case in point) ..yet maintain a wholesome atmosphere. I am much more likely to leave a Site when the atmosphere is aggressive and heated.
I guess we are all different , different strokes
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Frank Lee

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2017
Ouachita Mountains
United States
May I share an opinion? Actually a knowledge.

I believe that many, most disagreements come because of the very fact that multitudes are not baptized with, filled with the Holy Spirit of God. I see this on every so called Christian site I visit. Even the most straight forward scripture is cause for a verbal war if one person is not filled with the Holy Spirit.

These forums are more arenas for verbal fist fights than fellowship.

There should be no contention if one person is baptized in the Holy Spirit. That person has the ability to withdraw from these useless arguments. In an older age age now I finally have learned to withdraw from such things. I have by God's grace learned.

If any man be ignorant let him be ignorant. The ignore button is a fine invention by the way. If you'll notice those that contend so often and loudly always want to be right. There is zero edification.

We are used to being alone with no outside encouragement. Not that we particularly like it. I'd rather seek God here in the wilderness as I have for 40 years than sit with a group listening to a message on seed faith and how God wants to enrichment me. Like an ancient American religious column said "can the loss of a nap expose my soul to perdition"?

We want to play nice but the flesh driven person wants to fight.

There is a great need for edification, encouragement among serious believers. With those that seem to pursue strife and self there is never a thought toward being of a humble meek spirit.

Not having a church I try to seek a few meager crumbs of fellowship at these sites. Those having not the spirit (read brother Jude's letter) only want to disrupt. Like an undisciplined teenager in school they want everyone to know how smart, clever they are. This does not foster any Christian edification. Shake off the dust of your feet at such knowing they are a skinny cow.

Skinny cows are ever learning but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

Peace unto all that seek peace. Amen

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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
When concerning the gospel (which I have specified in my comments), this is exactly what we are instructed to do! We are to stand for the truth of the gospel and "avoid" those who teach a false gospel. I do understand what this thread is about, which is exactly why I felt it necessary to bring this point to the table for consideration. Do we follow the Word of God in this or not?

Like I have already all comes down to attitude.

We should always ask ourselves..."Do I say what I say ( write) to sort the other person out and show them just how wrong they are, OR do we write and say what we say because we, like Jesus, come to redeem ..and also move in the commandments Jesus left us...LOVE GOD, LOVE NEIGHBOUR.

If there is no redemptive heart in what we write or say , then it is nothing more than self-righteousness.

Just saying....
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
In my mind, this statement was suggesting compromise. Doctrine concerning salvation cannot be bent, or compromised.
You were perhaps speaking of semantics. Hopefully I am really speaking from and about the heart:

"Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life." Prov 4:23

"Every way of a man is right in his own eyes: but the LORD pondereth the hearts." Prov 21:2

Let all of us together prepare our hearts and/or allow God to prepare our hearts for Him.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2018
North America
It’s the ones who sound the warning and issue the challenge that bear the risk—the risk of being labelled “haters.”

There’s more patience for those who smilingly subvert the truth than for those who boldly defend it.

Conviction is a sign of arrogance, while humility is expressed in uncertainty.

Love, it seems, requires us to bear patiently with any amount of error. And this kind of love, we are told, is modeled after Jesus.
Jesus did not judge, Jesus welcomed all opinions, Jesus would have accepted different kinds of teachings—so long as those teachings contained love and hints of truth.

A quick scan of the gospels, however, shows that this impression is a far cry from the Jesus of the Bible.

It shows that society has reimagined Jesus through the relativism of our day. When Jesus interacted with people who were seeking, wandering, or misguided, he was invariably compassionate. He answered them with patience and gentleness.

But when Jesus engaged with religious hypocrites and false teachers, he responded with righteous fury and bold conviction.


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2018
North America
Jesus ensures his listeners know the full gravity of deadly doctrine.
He knows that adhering to such faulty teaching will have the most dire consequences, so six times he repeats the word “woe.”
This is a word of divine judgment, of abject misery that portends a final, miserable end.

“You serpents, you brood of vipers, how are you to escape being sentenced to hell?” (Matthew 23:32).
They will not, and neither will those who submit to odious error.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011

Okay, got it... :(
How many times in my 57 years have I seen that argument.
It's a good one to hide behind...and it costs us nothing.
I look for the cross in 'confessing Christian's' lives.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
There's never any contention for last place. The servant's place. The place Jesus took. The place we are supposed to fill.

Good one Frank...
BTW I sent you an INBOX message. No need to answer it. :)
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Active Member
Feb 10, 2013
United States
When concerning the gospel (which I have specified in my comments), this is exactly what we are instructed to do! We are to stand for the truth of the gospel and "avoid" those who teach a false gospel. I do understand what this thread is about, which is exactly why I felt it necessary to bring this point to the table for consideration. Do we follow the Word of God in this or not?
My heart in this thread was never to compromise the truth. There are certain basic tenets and truths that are the foundation of all Christianity, and every Christian denomination adheres to those truths. According to Paul, the chiefly important truth is Christ crucified. Jesus is the Son of the Living God. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and no man can come to the Father but by Him. He's the only way. His sacrifice on the cross paid the way for us to be reconciled to the Father, forgiven, reborn, and transformed into a new creation, and because of that, those who come to Christ are children of God. These are truths that are unwavering, and we should never bend from those truths or compromise them.

But aside from the central truths that bind the body of Christ together, we've seen right here on this forum that two people can read the exact same scripture, have completely different perspectives on what that scripture means, and both sides believe strongly that they are the one who is right. So how do you judge which one is actually right? Is it the one who puts up a better argument and is better at using the Sword of the Spirit to cut off the other one's ear? The one who is more eloquent? Don't fool yourself into thinking you're the only one who is studied in the Word and in original languages, so that must mean you are always right about everything.

My whole heart for this thread was twofold:

1) To remind us all that even though there are doctrinal disagreements in the overall Body of Christ, we're still brothers and sisters, and we should love each other and desire to be in unity in our hearts (even though that doesn't mean we're always going to agree). We have a greater enemy to reckon with than each other. We have a greater cause out there than to argue with people who are already saved about whether you can lose your salvation or not, and that cause is to actually lead unsaved people to salvation.

2) To give people a thread to talk about the stuff we agree about that binds us together. The thread was meant to be a place for people to come and be encouraged that we have brothers and sisters who will encourage us and link arms with us through this rough life. We have plenty of other threads to argue doctrine and theology, and I just wanted to make a thread available where people could come and not have to worry about that. I didn't even really envision this only being a discussion on unity and stuff. It was just supposed to be a thread where we don't argue. But it has just turned into a thread where people argue.

So I just wish that people could use other threads for your arguments, and save this one for promoting unity in the Body. If you don't want to participate in such things, nobody is asking you to. Let this be a thread where people can be happy and love each other, which doesn't mean compromising. If someone is going through a tough time, and they just need to be encouraged and made to feel like people care, of all places, they should be able to come to a Christian forum for that and not leave feeling like they were ripped to shreds because their beliefs don't line up perfectly with yours. I completely agree about the vital benefits of being a part of a local church for those needs. But let us not forget that we are an extension of Christ's Church, even right here on this forum.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States

I am completely on your side as far as what things should be, but as we already know there are too many people who believe not only that they are right [for who does not?] but that they must press their position onto every other person they encounter who even seems to believe it differently. This basically the reason for the existence of so many Bible based denominations. I continue to point out the importance of chapter 13 of I Corinthians. After doing so many will still in effect answer, "yes, but... (and so forth)".

Careful reading of that chapter shows that all of our knowledge and the mysteries which are not mysteries to us bring us to NOTHING without charity/love. But, who can anyone convince of this? God alone, but sometimes He does work through you and me.... that may be why we have this particular thread on this particular forum. Maybe just one person reading this thread will have his heart touched by the Master and find the real Love that God is.


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2010
United States
I greatly disagree.
I've never seen so much name-calling as I have on this site. I hate that.
And I can't say that I myself haven't got frustrated and done it too. :oops:
I'd have to say, all things considered, this site is one of the better sites that I've been on compared to some others that I had to leave because it got so bad with name calling and hateful comments.


Active Member
Feb 10, 2013
United States
I'd have to say, all things considered, this site is one of the better sites that I've been on compared to some others that I had to leave because it got so bad with name calling and hateful comments.
Were they Christian sites? If so, I repeat what I said in the OP. It breaks my heart to see Christians treating each other like this.


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
Haha. It was completely unintentional. It sure isn't my heart to promote division. I guess maybe "help to cause division" is a better way to put it. My actions may have made it seem like I cared about being right more than I cared about people. But my heart is for unity and loving people.

And don't get me wrong. I'm completely against heresy. But the danger is that people are so divisive that they call theological disagreements and differences in interpretation of the Bible heresy. Just because you don't agree with me about something doesn't mean I'm a heretic. ;)
Lol...Thank you. I sometimes also say things unintentionally OR what I wrote wasn't articulated very good. I hope everyone is against heresy and for unity and loving people. That is what scripture says and that is what Jesus prayed for in .

It is not a matter if you and I disagree with each other in our interpretation of Scripture (Gods word/The Truth). It is a matter if God disagrees with our interpretation. God told us to beware of those who twist and distort scripture to their own destruction and that we shouldn't be led away with the error of the wicked or we WILL fall from your own steadfastness or secure position. (2 Peter 3:16-17). That means that someone is not teaching heresy and someone is teaching heresy and we should know which is which. How do we decide which is which? One of the two is clearly wrong in their theological teachings.

The real question is who here on earth defines what is heretical? Who decides if one should be treated as a pagan or tax collector (Matthew 18:17) or who are the false prophets amongst us that bring DESTRUCTIVE heresies (2 Peter 2:1-3, 1 John 4:1) whom we should have nothing to do with (Titus 3:10) when they distort the gospel of Christ (Galatians 1:7).

Everyone can agree on the basics: Have faith. Show love. Believe in Him. Help the poor etc. etc. All churches and all Christians have those basic doctrines articulated in scripture. Those are the easy ones to figure out. So that means the heretical teachings that are destructive, of which we will be held accountable for, must be other teachings in scripture besides belief, faith, hope and love. What are those theological teachings that we are having disagreements on that we will be held accountable for?

Jesus, you and I are asking for unity (John 17:21). How do we get there?



Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
Well, not the pope that's for sure.
A internet troll is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.



Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
PLEASE @Marymog and @Triumph1300

For the love of Jesus , ✟ do NOT turn this thread also into another of your contentious stupid argument about Catholic V Protestant. Who's right and who is wrong etc.

If you want and desire to do that, then just go and start your own argumentative thread somewhere else.

Did you read NOTHING in all the posts on this thread? :eek:

Did you not feel any sense of the heartbeat of us who have posted from our hearts
, desiring to come on this Site and find SOMETHING encouraging and uplift for once.

Please be sensitive to what you are doing here....again.
Show some spiritual respect.

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Sounds good to me.;)

Can you quote me from this thread where I have made a "stupid argument about Catholic V Protestant"? Or where I was insensitive?

In my post I said a prayer, referenced scripture and asked questions based on statements that @forrestcupp made. What was wrong with my post? Are you suggesting my post is promoting disunity?

Curious Mary


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2014
United States
But the unity here is not Christ, the agreed etiquette in opinions of Christ are the agreement, the supposed “unity” here on this site. Hence this thread attempts to place the agreed etiquette that pleases you as the unity on this site, above the Truth of God which is God’s agreement (the everlasting covenant).

1Jn_3:18 My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.

2Jn_1:3 Grace be with you, mercy, and peace, from God the Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love.

2Jn_1:4 I rejoiced greatly that I found of thy children walking in truth, as we have received a commandment from the Father.

3Jn_1:4 I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.

in truth in truth in truth John says and he's the one you love to quote "God is love" and you insist one should love in word, and in tongue as you are all doing here on this thread.

were two are the Lord is amongst correct? what is between the true believers is the trust in Christ not in each other. you want excuse to contend with the messenger an not the Lord, by using your agreement etiquette that pleases you.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
I'd have to say, all things considered, this site is one of the better sites that I've been on compared to some others that I had to leave because it got so bad with name calling and hateful comments.

Oh , don't get me wrong...this IS one of the best Sites...lots of good people and lots of threads to choose from...enough that we can skip the negative threads..which I mostly do.

Probably T2O is one that you were thinking about on the negative side?
That is far to 'hot' for me to handle...I deregistered long, long ago. :)
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