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So all this proof stuff comes down to who's happier in their beliefs, the person who is more happier and content has the right belief's.
Proof? Is that what you want? So faith is your enemy huh. You don't want to believe, you want God to step down out of heaven and show His face to 'prove' He loves you and everything we talk about is real. Well guess what. He has already done that, and you still don't believe. So it isn't what God requires, or what you require. It isn't about faith and proof. It is all about your willingness or unwillingness to accept whatever evidence is laid out before you. It your stubbornness that is the issue, and nothing to do with 'proof' or faith.
There is evidence throughout nature...there is evidence in our testimony...there is evidence in history. The problem is that you do not want to accept it.

Project Panda

Active Member
Apr 23, 2018
Proof? Is that what you want? So faith is your enemy huh. You don't want to believe, you want God to step down out of heaven and show His face to 'prove' He loves you and everything we talk about is real. Well guess what. He has already done that, and you still don't believe. So it isn't what God requires, or what you require. It isn't about faith and proof. It is all about your willingness or unwillingness to accept whatever evidence is laid out before you. It your stubbornness that is the issue, and nothing to do with 'proof' or faith.
There is evidence throughout nature...there is evidence in our testimony...there is evidence in history. The problem is that you do not want to accept it.
Actually I'm trained in the ways of the force.


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2017
United Kingdom
He said it was written by wealthy Greeks, most likely with an agenda.
He also says that the Gospels are riddled with inconsistencies & contradiction's.

And how does that alergation prove that the NT is not true or accurate?

If it is riddled with contradictions, why haven't you supplied any?


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2015
United States
One day no one will follow these ancient beliefs.

You mean like the way it was before the global flood when every thought and intent of the man was evil continually, except for Noah & his family?

Jesus prophesied indirectly by asking this question of how bad it will be before He come which I believe He is referring to coming as the Bridegroom rather than at the end of the great tribulation as the King of kings.

Luke 18:8 I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?

It would be the reason why God would judge His House first at the pre great tribulation rapture event before He judges the world afterwards.

1 Peter 4:17 For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God? 18 And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear? 19 Wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to him in well doing, as unto a faithful Creator.

Something to think about. Just because a world forgets God, it doesn't make God go away. And death will have the world before Him on judgment day.

Sinner would sometime joke about how they would rather be in hell partying with their friends than be with God as if they have a say where they would be at in hell, let alone even still wanting to even party under suffering conditions.

The thing you need to convey is what turned you away from believing in Jesus Christ specifically, and in light of eternity, is it really a valid reason? Or is it just a mocker's point of contention without really putting any thought to it?


Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
They hold us back as a human race, they tell us that we don't have an innate sense of right or wrong, they condem all our efforts for self learning and understanding, they strip us from our base human integrity, they give us a faulty view of the universe and how it operates, and it hopes for the end of thing's and wishes destruction on us all.
that is religion, yes, and that is also plainly discussed in the Bible, and condemned. However as a guide for the stages of life that you will experience, the Bible is pretty valuable imo. Iow put yourself in the place of Adam and Eve, and then Cain and Abel, etc.


Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
It doesn't matter, I've done that before and I get the goal post moved back.
fire the ref then, and see that the contradictions are intentional, meant to be worked out.
human nature doesn't change, see, or changes very slowly anyway. We all go through similar stages of maturing
Cain and Abel is prolly just Romulus and Remus revised, the Ten Commandments predate Hammurabi, or at least 5 of them do, etc
Genesis is acknowledged to be derived from mythology, at least by many


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2015
United States
you could maybe give us a preview or something, i mean why be coy now? why not be coy in your teaching instead?
your "enemies" help you to reap what you sow, i guess

Because like anything on the internet, how can any one believe anything being shared? If I say that my enemies are lively and quick to cause mischief in making me lose my jobs, not get a job, cannot seek a wife, even cutting a woman off the path from even thinking about having one with me, cannot have a friend, being able to betray a trust between me and that person of what was shared in confidence, the how they can do that is why you will not believe what I am telling you as it is the means for why I cannot go to church or eat out or go to the theater without some prank or rip off going on.

For a long time, they had me going at the theater with the headphones by turning it off sometime during the movie to have me hear static. They told me that I was the only one having a problem with it. Then years later they got new headphones and closed captions device. They made the headphones where the lowest volume is too loud and so I was content with the closed caption device until they had figured out a way to turn that off and even put a message in there for me to read when I was wondering why it was not working; It said "You are reading closed captions, honey". But I did not spot that until I was walking out og the theater in approaching the popcorn counter and I did not comprehend that it was a message for me till I got home after realizing that it could never have been a line from another movie that I had thought it was picking it up from. Not to mention the free popcorn one gets on Monday had been like scooped from the bottom of the machine to get kernels and crumbs from the popcorn and set aside to make sure I get that when I come in.

I used to work at Wal-Mart as an overnight stocker and one night going to work, a mother deer & 2 fawns were crossing the road and so I stopped enjoying the scenery as they were right in front of me. No other cars were around me. A stupid thought came into my head to run over the 2 fawns. It was hardly tempting as if I am looking to increase my car insurance. Just a stupid thought. When I got to work, after having cocked in and on the floor, a female associate whom was leaving her shift, was shopping on the grocery side of the supercenter where I was in Paper Goods. She was listening and talking to somebody on the phone when she marched over and yelled at me for thinking about running over two fawns.

So am I crazy to think that I am being messed around with on a technological level? It was that moment that made me think all the way back to high school for all the times since then as to why people were behaving the way that they were around me and saying things to me that they would not be able to say unless they had access to the privacy of my life and moreso to my thoughts and being unfairly judged by them. Christians too.

I mean they all admit that the battlefield is in the mind and that the scripture says to cast down wicked imagination or anything going against the knowledge of God and to think on good things, but when it comes to these "passive" harassment by these people in making sport of me, it is enough to make a guy go postal or commit suicide and those people that have done it, have done it for far less.

So I thank the Lord for carrying my through all those times as it was obvious that they were trying to provoke me.

There was a web site that talked about devices that read the innermost thoughts and I found one today that was disturbing, because the algorithm is my last name. It does bring to question to my mind about my being a guinea pig while hiding an even more sophisticated device from the public because I am not wearing any cap. Did they implant some kind of a chip in my brain when I was knocked out for my wisdom teeth operation? I do not know how they had done it, but the evidence in my reality is proving that wild sci fi conclusion.

iBrain, a Device That Can Read Thoughts

Another new article I found on the internet today insinuating that eavesdropping on inner thoughts for the first time.

Scientists Develop Brain Decoder That Can Read Your Inner Thoughts

Only NOW are they applying the means which was at my expense to do some good while leaving me in the hands of juvenile delinquents in a new form of cyber bullying of humiliating and provocative proportions?

Okay. I guess I should talk about it. It may indeed be a preview of what is to come that others may fall victim to. As it is, it is by that means that my life is over. I can thank God for providing for me as I live with my folks, but hey. That could change too, since I was forced out of the house twice in my lifetime and I knew not why they were angry, but Jesus is in me and is with me always, even if I do become homeless.

Psalm 27:9 Hide not thy face far from me; put not thy servant away in anger: thou hast been my help; leave me not, neither forsake me, O God of my salvation. 10 When my father and my mother forsake me, then the Lord will take me up. 11 Teach me thy way, O Lord, and lead me in a plain path, because of mine enemies.

Maybe then, the rapture will come, if not before, but if the Psalmist can feel that way and the Lord helped him through it, I can have confidence in Him to do the same.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Aug 10, 2012
Because like anything on the internet, how can any one believe anything being shared? If I say that my enemies are lively and quick to cause mischief in making me lose my jobs, not get a job, cannot seek a wife, even cutting a woman off the path from even thinking about having one with me, cannot have a friend, being able to betray a trust between me and that person of what was shared in confidence, the how they can do that is why you will not believe what I am telling you as it is the means for why I cannot go to church or eat out or go to the theater without some prank or rip off going on.

For a long time, they had me going at the theater with the headphones by turning it off sometime during the movie to have me hear static. They told me that I was the only one having a problem with it. Then years later they got new headphones and closed captions device. They made the headphones where the lowest volume is too loud and so I was content with the closed caption device until they had figured out a way to turn that off and even put a message in there for me to read when I was wondering why it was not working; It said "You are reading closed captions, honey". But I did not spot that until I was walking out og the theater in approaching the popcorn counter and I did not comprehend that it was a message for me till I got home after realizing that it could never have been a line from another movie that I had thought it was picking it up from. Not to mention the free popcorn one gets on Monday had been like scooped from the bottom of the machine to get kernels and crumbs from the popcorn and set aside to make sure I get that when I come in.

I used to work at Wal-Mart as an overnight stocker and one night going to work, a mother deer & 2 fawns were crossing the road and so I stopped enjoying the scenery as they were right in front of me. No other cars were around me. A stupid thought came into my head to run over the 2 fawns. It was hardly tempting as if I am looking to increase my car insurance. Just a stupid thought. When I got to work, after having cocked in and on the floor, a female associate whom was leaving her shift, was shopping on the grocery side of the supercenter where I was in Paper Goods. She was listening and talking to somebody on the phone when she marched over and yelled at me for thinking about running over two fawns.

So am I crazy to think that I am being messed around with on a technological level? It was that moment that made me think all the way back to high school for all the times since then as to why people were behaving the way that they were around me and saying things to me that they would not be able to say unless they had access to the privacy of my life and moreso to my thoughts and being unfairly judged by them. Christians too.

I mean they all admit that the battlefield is in the mind and that the scripture says to cast down wicked imagination or anything going against the knowledge of God and to think on good things, but when it comes to these "passive" harassment by these people in making sport of me, it is enough to make a guy go postal or commit suicide and those people that have done it, have done it for far less.

So I thank the Lord for carrying my through all those times as it was obvious that they were trying to provoke me.

There was a web site that talked about devices that read the innermost thoughts and I found one today that was disturbing, because the algorithm is my last name. It does bring to question to my mind about my being a guinea pig while hiding an even more sophisticated device from the public because I am not wearing any cap. Did they implant some kind of a chip in my brain when I was knocked out for my wisdom teeth operation? I do not know how they had done it, but the evidence in my reality is proving that wild sci fi conclusion.

iBrain, a Device That Can Read Thoughts

Another new article I found on the internet today insinuating that eavesdropping on inner thoughts for the first time.

Scientists Develop Brain Decoder That Can Read Your Inner Thoughts

Only NOW are they applying the means which was at my expense to do some good while leaving me in the hands of juvenile delinquents in a new form of cyber bullying of humiliating and provocative proportions?

Okay. I guess I should talk about it. It may indeed be a preview of what is to come that others may fall victim to. As it is, it is by that means that my life is over. I can thank God for providing for me as I live with my folks, but hey. That could change too, since I was forced out of the house twice in my lifetime and I knew not why they were angry, but Jesus is in me and is with me always, even if I do become homeless.

Psalm 27:9 Hide not thy face far from me; put not thy servant away in anger: thou hast been my help; leave me not, neither forsake me, O God of my salvation. 10 When my father and my mother forsake me, then the Lord will take me up. 11 Teach me thy way, O Lord, and lead me in a plain path, because of mine enemies.

Maybe then, the rapture will come, if not before, but if the Psalmist can feel that way and the Lord helped him through it, I can have confidence in Him to do the same.

I do not believe such a technology exists to read minds. They are able to tap into basic signals via nerve endings, but only in the most basic way as to cause a feeling in one part of the body. Complex signals that would be required to transmit thought are beyond us.

Maybe you're just wired from birth to be more spirtually open. The enemy takes advantage of this, but you are not ignorant of their schemes.
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Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Because like anything on the internet, how can any one believe anything being shared? If I say that my enemies are lively and quick to cause mischief in making me lose my jobs, not get a job, cannot seek a wife, even cutting a woman off the path from even thinking about having one with me, cannot have a friend, being able to betray a trust between me and that person of what was shared in confidence, the how they can do that is why you will not believe what I am telling you as it is the means for why I cannot go to church or eat out or go to the theater without some prank or rip off going on.

For a long time, they had me going at the theater with the headphones by turning it off sometime during the movie to have me hear static. They told me that I was the only one having a problem with it. Then years later they got new headphones and closed captions device. They made the headphones where the lowest volume is too loud and so I was content with the closed caption device until they had figured out a way to turn that off and even put a message in there for me to read when I was wondering why it was not working; It said "You are reading closed captions, honey". But I did not spot that until I was walking out og the theater in approaching the popcorn counter and I did not comprehend that it was a message for me till I got home after realizing that it could never have been a line from another movie that I had thought it was picking it up from. Not to mention the free popcorn one gets on Monday had been like scooped from the bottom of the machine to get kernels and crumbs from the popcorn and set aside to make sure I get that when I come in.

I used to work at Wal-Mart as an overnight stocker and one night going to work, a mother deer & 2 fawns were crossing the road and so I stopped enjoying the scenery as they were right in front of me. No other cars were around me. A stupid thought came into my head to run over the 2 fawns. It was hardly tempting as if I am looking to increase my car insurance. Just a stupid thought. When I got to work, after having cocked in and on the floor, a female associate whom was leaving her shift, was shopping on the grocery side of the supercenter where I was in Paper Goods. She was listening and talking to somebody on the phone when she marched over and yelled at me for thinking about running over two fawns.

So am I crazy to think that I am being messed around with on a technological level? It was that moment that made me think all the way back to high school for all the times since then as to why people were behaving the way that they were around me and saying things to me that they would not be able to say unless they had access to the privacy of my life and moreso to my thoughts and being unfairly judged by them. Christians too.

I mean they all admit that the battlefield is in the mind and that the scripture says to cast down wicked imagination or anything going against the knowledge of God and to think on good things, but when it comes to these "passive" harassment by these people in making sport of me, it is enough to make a guy go postal or commit suicide and those people that have done it, have done it for far less.

So I thank the Lord for carrying my through all those times as it was obvious that they were trying to provoke me.

There was a web site that talked about devices that read the innermost thoughts and I found one today that was disturbing, because the algorithm is my last name. It does bring to question to my mind about my being a guinea pig while hiding an even more sophisticated device from the public because I am not wearing any cap. Did they implant some kind of a chip in my brain when I was knocked out for my wisdom teeth operation? I do not know how they had done it, but the evidence in my reality is proving that wild sci fi conclusion.

iBrain, a Device That Can Read Thoughts

Another new article I found on the internet today insinuating that eavesdropping on inner thoughts for the first time.

Scientists Develop Brain Decoder That Can Read Your Inner Thoughts

Only NOW are they applying the means which was at my expense to do some good while leaving me in the hands of juvenile delinquents in a new form of cyber bullying of humiliating and provocative proportions?

Okay. I guess I should talk about it. It may indeed be a preview of what is to come that others may fall victim to. As it is, it is by that means that my life is over. I can thank God for providing for me as I live with my folks, but hey. That could change too, since I was forced out of the house twice in my lifetime and I knew not why they were angry, but Jesus is in me and is with me always, even if I do become homeless.

Psalm 27:9 Hide not thy face far from me; put not thy servant away in anger: thou hast been my help; leave me not, neither forsake me, O God of my salvation. 10 When my father and my mother forsake me, then the Lord will take me up. 11 Teach me thy way, O Lord, and lead me in a plain path, because of mine enemies.

Maybe then, the rapture will come, if not before, but if the Psalmist can feel that way and the Lord helped him through it, I can have confidence in Him to do the same.
but you are what, half my age, and i'm still twice the jerk you are, at least, prolly more like 4x lol.

imo you are just being refined, and that is hard. at your age i was actively trying to kill myself, fwiw.
leaving the world is hard, and your post expresses having one foot in each realm imo
the fact that you are being oppressed seems evil to you, but speaks volumes about your character, ok.

i went paranoid for a while myself, it's just a stage, hopefully anyway, but you might see that this puts a smell on you as plain as sexual desperation, and this is actually attracting the "attacks." Teasing ppl is no fun anymore when they don't react. You are naturally exhibiting pride right now, and it's just fun to deflate proud people, see.

you might search out "codependence," get a good working def of that, read Melody Beattie's book even, and maybe begin practicing gratefulness, which is hard when you have been raised by wolves, spoiled, etc, entitled, all that.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2015
United States
I do not believe such a technology exists to read minds. They are able to tap into basic signals via nerve endings, but only in the most basic way as to cause a feeling in one part of the body. Complex signals that would be required to transmit thought are beyond us.

Maybe you're just wired from birth to be more spirtually open. The enemy takes advantage of this, but you are not ignorant of their schemes.

Maybe, but I do believe you will be surprised if the Lord reveals to you what was really happening to me, because it is now obvious to me what is going on.


Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Well, pardon my wording but I'd rather be in Heaven with the Lord there than down here. Is that better?
i understand, and many prophets felt the same way right; go read what they were told imo. Which will not seem like much help in the moment i guess, but they are. Be in heaven with the Lord right here imo. But don't expect "Life, more abundantly" to be defined in the way you might expect either; the way your parents likely try to define it.

Learn to be happy with nothing. Which is admittedly really hard after you have been spoiled for xx years. But then anything you do get is gravy, see. The Bible is really light on this, not sure why, but "fasting" is the way it is presented to us.

i could suggest other stuff, but if it isn't for you it wouldn't matter anyway. Do you have a dog? Follow it around until you figure out why it is happier than you are :) dogs are great lessons in gratefulness imo

but mostly imo go read what the prophets who wanted to die were told, and go from there imo. Heaven is not some place that may only be attained after death, as Christ makes plain. The kingdom is beside you, or within you, right now. Those are the two choices for heaven

"all go to the same place"
"you and your sons will be here with me"

Last edited:


Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Maybe, but I do believe you will be surprised if the Lord reveals to you what was really happening to me, because it is now obvious to me what is going on.
he is giving you good advice imo, and i know this will come as a bit of a shock, but no one really pays you that much attention ok.
you do not even come up on anyone's radar, for the most part

that is codependence fwiw


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2015
United States
but you are what, half my age, and i'm still twice the jerk you are, at least, prolly more like 4x lol.

I am not sure how old you are, but I am in the 50's.

imo you are just being refined, and that is hard. at your age i was actively trying to kill myself, fwiw.
leaving the world is hard, and your post expresses having one foot in each realm imo
the fact that you are being oppressed seems evil to you, but speaks volumes about your character, ok.

I think my desire to belong and how much I hate this life now is the Lord's way of saying "You are supposed to hate this life anyway because I'll be coming soon, and more importantly, you belong to Me anyway so keep leaning on Me to be abiding and willing to leave this world when I come."

i went paranoid for a while myself, it's just a stage, hopefully anyway, but you might see that this puts a smell on you as plain as sexual desperation, and this is actually attracting the "attacks." Teasing ppl is no fun anymore when they don't react

Well, when they mess with your food when eating out and being hard of hearing, remove the devices to enjoy the movie at the theaters, sowing discord among fellow co workers & employers, sowing discord among church goers, sowing discord among family members, that goes beyond teasing. I do not have to react when they are causing reactions around me. They have more fun at my expense when I am unaware for why they are doing it.

Now I do. I wish it was a phase. But events were transpiring since high school and I have ignored the impossibility of it for a long long time. No longer.

I can't do anything about it. By His grace & by His help, He carries me through those moments where the devil is attempting to provoke me to wrath. I think they get more kick out of that knowing that they would have gone postal a long time ago or at the very least, commit suicide.

The irony about the whole thing is.... I had series of dreams and nightmares since I was a tot of my Lord showing me what was to come. I did not knew they were prophetic dreams until later on. I take them as the Lord's way of reassuring me that Jesus is Lord and He knew this was going to happen and to trust Him. And I admit, since He did all that to help me trust Him, I still need Him to keep me from being "baited".

Psalm 37 has been a scriptural reference to let them get away with hurting me and defrauding me and not to return evil for evil. And since it is impossible for me to live peaceably with all men, I just know better now and withdraw from interacting with society as much as I can.

And since it is on God to minister, I really do not know how long I should be doing outreach in serving Him when there is a commandment to withdraw when no one is hearing me nor His words in preparing themselves to be ready before He comes, and I rely on Him to help me withdraw when the time comes, because following Him is beyond me to comprehend which is why I am trusting Him as my Friend to enable me to be His friend in following Him.


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2015
United States
i understand, and many prophets felt the same way right; go read what they were told imo. Which will not seem like much help in the moment i guess, but they are. Be in heaven with the Lord right here imo. But don't expect "Life, more abundantly" to be defined in the way you might expect either; the way your parents likely try to define it.

Learn to be happy with nothing. Which is admittedly really hard after you have been spoiled for xx years. But then anything you do get is gravy, see. The Bible is really light on this, not sure why, but "fasting" is the way it is presented to us.

i could suggest other stuff, but if it isn't for you it wouldn't matter anyway. Do you have a dog? Follow it around until you figure out why it is happier than you are :) dogs are great lessons in gratefulness imo

but mostly imo go read what the prophets who wanted to die were told, and go from there imo. Heaven is not some place that may only be attained after death, as Christ makes plain. The kingdom is beside you, or within you, right now. Those are the two choices for heaven

"all go to the same place"
"you and your sons will be here with me"

Well, not fighting for this life is Him helping me to quit all things and be content with nothing even when they do take it all away. I am content to depart by starvation or by thirst when homeless if that be the Lord's will for my end, but I hope in Him to take me before the net is sprung on me.

I am glad and I have His peace knowing He is in me and is with me always. He will carry me all the way Home because He is my Friend.


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2015
United States
he is giving you good advice imo, and i know this will come as a bit of a shock, but no one really pays you that much attention ok.
you do not even come up on anyone's radar, for the most part

that is codependence fwiw

Well, the 2 of you guys can pray for me, but as it is, reality has a different scenario that is not the norm that you 2 think I am going through.

You both know cyber bullying exists. Those bullies hide behind technology to do evil for what they will not do face to face. Imagine if what I say is true, then who holds those people back in check? Who monitors them to put an end to this type of bullying?

If they have access to my thoughts, and watching me 24/7 , then they have all information necessary to commit identity theft or commit a crime and frame me. So if the government is aware of such "experiments" going on that is getting out of control of accountability, then they need to step in.

But if my enemies are handing out apps for how this bullying is spreading, then I reckon to keep it secret, the government will have to end me.

Fine by me. Even so, come Lord Jesus.

I am content for what I have even if I do not have the same liberty in America as everybody else does; even a convicted criminal on parole has more of a life than I do. As much as everything should worry me and depress me and antagonize me, it doesn't. That is His peace in me.

The scripture says for us to rejoice in our persecution. I am not jumping up and down with joy over this, but I am sure that I will when I am in Heaven.