Are Your Beliefs Absolute Truths?

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Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Absolute truth
is something that is true at all times and in all places.
It is something that is always true no matter what the circumstances.
It is a fact that cannot be changed.

For example, there are no round squares.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
Absolute truth
is something that is true at all times and in all places. It is something that is always true no matter what the circumstances. It is a fact that cannot be changed. For example, there are no round squares.
Are there not any round squares? For this to be true without a doubt would we not have to assume that our eyes could be trusted to tell our brain the truth and that our brain could and would correctly be able to analyze what was supposedly perceived and draw correct conclusions. Similarly how trustworthy are our other senses and our brain, really?

If our perceptions are in error, how likely are our conclusions to correct ones? If our brain is not what we believe it is...then?

So where do we start in search of this absolute truth? Perhaps here...

"But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him." Heb 11:6

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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
Absolute truth
is something that is true at all times and in all places.
It is something that is always true no matter what the circumstances.
It is a fact that cannot be changed.

For example, there are no round squares.

I am sure that many on lots of forums will declare that what they post is Absolute Truth.

You and I both know that it is not true.
We each believe what we believe, according to how we each interpret the scriptures.
Some declare that they " know" that they have it right ...I think that is impossible. We do not have perfect vision or insight. Paul says ...
1 Cor 13 9 "For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.
10 But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.
....For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known."

We do and cannot Those that say they do...are deceived.

My two cents..


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
Amen...nothing at all is original...everything we have comes from someone or something else...indeed " food for thought" :D

Philip James

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
I believe that God is Absolute Truth,

And that therefore the things He's revealed and spoken to men are Absolute Truth (God does not lie)

I do not believe that i as yet have a perfect understanding of that Absolute Truth, but God , in His mercy, continues to educate me day by day...

And i look forward eagerly to that day , when we will know fully, just as we are known...

Peace and Love!


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2012
The way you can tell that relativism is mainstream, is that there is no such thing as rational debate. In the absence of objective truth, there can be no debate, for a debate is dependent on the assumption that there is something to debate. A debate can only take place if there is such a thing as truth to be debated, and without that basic assumption, one person's opinion on a matter must be as valid as the next person's. In the absence of objective truth, the only way to make a decision is utilitarianism or sentimentality.

By "objective truth," we do not simply mean verbal propositions that we believe to be factual. By "objective truth" we mean more than a philosophical treatise, a theological creed, or a political constitution. Instead, by "objective truth" we mean a cohesive and integrated system of thought which makes sense of every aspect of reality. This cohesive system of thought even makes room for that which is unpredictable and inexplicable by allowing for certain uncertainties. Finally, this "objective truth" is not only a statement of truth propositions and a cohesive system of analysis and integration, but it is also a model for life, a code of behavior, a chart for relationships, and a blueprint for community co-existence. In other words, for this truth to be true it must wear working clothes. It does so not only to prove its practicality, but also to prove its durability. The truth must work and keep working. It must be alive and active and real.

This cohesive, integrated system of thought which we regard to be true is what has been destroyed by the poison of relativism, and the result of relativism can only be dictatorship. The strong must prevail. Nietzsche was right in a way he did not foresee. Nihilism will produce the übermensch not because it should, but because it must. It must because there is no other alternative to the nihilism of relativism than the triumph of the superman. If all is relative who wins the argument? The strongest.

The most terrifying aspect to this truth is that the indifferent will cry out for the domination of the superman. Most dictatorships are welcomed for what they offer. In the lack of objective truth and objective morality what the strongman says is true and what the strongman does is good. Suddenly out of the quicksand of relativism salvation comes. A light shines in the darkness. If the dictator cannot bring meaning out of the mindlessness, at least he can bring order out of the chaos. If he cannot bring beauty out of the beastliness, at least he can promise security in the midst of terror. If he cannot bring morality out of the morass at least he can impose law on the lawless.

This is why, in the end times, "the abomination of desolation will stand in the holy place." The antichrist will stand there and he will be worshipped and adored for he will save his people from their relativism. He will promise to deliver them from their self created hell while still allowing them all their decadent pleasures. He will be someone at last to believe in and serve and they will fall at his feet like a million gibbering gollums, longing to be his devotees, his debauchees, his supplicating victims, and his willing slaves.
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Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
This cohesive, integrated system of thought which we regard to be true is what has been destroyed by the poison of relativism, and the result of relativism can only be dictatorship. The strong must prevail. Nietzsche was right in a way he did not foresee. Nihilism will produce the übermensch not because it should, but because it must. It must because there is no other alternative to the nihilism of relativism than the triumph of the superman. If all is relative who wins the argument? The strongest.
this is what comes of accepting a Hegelian Dialectic--an implied winner and loser--as Absolute Truth, imo. The implication is that there is only one correct way to proceed in the moment, and that determinism can always predict that way. And of course there has to be a Determiner, right; someone has to Determine.
This is why, in the end times, "the abomination of desolation will stand in the holy place." The antichrist will stand there and he will be worshipped and adored for he will save his people from their relativism.
this is why the Revelation is seen and not seen, bc the time (and manner) of the Abomination is incorrectly determined imo. It comes at the end, all right; your end, when you assume the place of Determiner, having accepted someone else's definitions as Absolute Truth, usually.

When your beliefs have become Absolute Truths, you can be confident that you are practicing the Abomination of Desolation, and you will be worshipped and adored by yourself. Worship from anyone else is simply assumed and perceived, and any indications of lack of worship by others is condemned.

I guess i prolly don't even have to list any examples right? We all have a little Sheldon inside of us i guess
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Philip James

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
When your beliefs have become Absolute Truths, you can be confident that you are practicing the Abomination of Desolation, and you will be worshipped and adored by yourself

Is it not Absolute Truth , that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God?
That he suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified died and was buried?
That he rose again and ascended into heaven?

Yes it is, whether i believe those things or not.

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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
@Philip James What is "Absolute" truth anyway?

TRUTH is either true or it is not.
That is like saying "Perfect perfection".

The ONLY "absolute" truth IS Jesus Christ Himself.

All the rest, "we understand IN PART, and we see IN PART"......and when HE which is perfect is come...then...

Jesus Christ is the ONLY solid truth that we have...all the rest is beliefs, opinions and 'in-part' understanding.
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Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Is it not Absolute Truth , that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God?
no, that is not an Absolute Truth, sorry. We won't even get into the fact that Jesus cannot be Quoted saying that; in fact He deems Himself "Son of Man" right, so you're basically Arguing with Jesus i guess. Plus we won't even get into Him giving His glory to us...

see, all kinds of valid argument keeping your AT a belief, regardless of whether i happen to believe the same or not
Yes it is, whether i believe those things or not.
that is what you want to believe, but that does not make it truth wadr. That is why we call them "beliefs." You are just using another common assumption to assert your belief as AT; "even if i didn't believe it, it would still be true" is not an argument, see, it is a justification
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Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2012
It is an absolute truth that Jesus is God. It has nothing to do with belief, although I believe it to be an absolute truth. What has been divinely revealed by God are absolute truths.
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Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
It is an absolute truth that Jesus is God. It has nothing to do with belief, although I believe it to be an absolute truth. What has been divinely revealed by God are absolute truths.
um, so you don't see any circularity to your argument there?
do we need to review the def of AT again?
or is it the def of "belief" that we need to look at?


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2012
um, so you don't see any circularity to your argument there?
do we need to review the def of AT again?
or is it the def of "belief" that we need to look at?
I believe the Bible contains absolute truth, in spite of the limitations of human language. A definition of absolute truth is found in post #7. If you call that circular it could be that you are spinning.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2012
Love for the truth was a favorite theme of Pope John Paul II. “Let us seek the truth about Christ and about his Church!...Let us love the Truth, proclaim the Truth! O Christ, show us the Truth! Be the only Truth for us!” – Agenda for the Third Millennium Pope John Paul II

The Holy Father’s enthusiasm for the truth however is not shared by the secular world. In fact, its citizens, in general, harbor a distinct fear of the truth. This fear may be analyzed on three different levels:

1) that the truth would impose unwanted moral responsibilities on them;

2) that any association with the truth would occasion an air of pretentiousness;

3) that any claim to the truth might expose them to being wrong.

They prefer freedom from moral responsibility, absence of any “holier than thou” attitude and exemption from the possible embarrassment of being in error. Their fears, however, take them from the very light and meaning they long for, and plunge them into a dark void were they are trapped by a misery of their own making. Their flight from the truth is also an entrance into a world of gloom.

These three fears are ill fated, as well as ill founded. First of all, truth is our only avenue to real freedom. “You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” John 8:32

Ignorance may at times be blissful, but it is never illuminating. St. Augustine once remarked that he had met many people who had been deceived, but never met anyone who wanted to be deceived.

We have a natural hunger for the truth of things. No one ever asks for the wrong time. It is always the “right” time and the truth about things we want to learn.
Untruth is not helpful, but truth is like a beacon that shows us the way. This is why the Pope titled his great encyclical on the freeing function of truth as Veritas Splendor (Truth’s Splendor).

When we are lost we want to learn the truth about our situation so that we can be liberated from our confusion. The truth makes us free; untruth binds us to bewilderment.

The truth about ourselves awakens us to our moral responsibilities, but we need this awakening in order to become whom we truly are, to advance toward our destiny, to build a meaningful life.

We should welcome the truth that illuminates our moral responsibilities with the same enthusiasm that a person who is lost in the woods and welcomes a compass and a map.

Secondly, the fear that any discovery of truth would make us pretentious is also counterproductive. Truth is not of our own making. Even Christ proclaimed that the truth He illuminated did not spring from Him alone. “My teaching is not mine, but His who sent me” (John 17:6)

Truth is not subjective. It represents the objective order of things. The person who comes to know something of the truth, then should experience humility, not vanity, for he discovers something that is not his.

Christ was emphatic in his denunciation of the Pharisees who claimed to know something of the truth but behaved with a pretentious snobbery. Truth is not he cause of Pharisaism, vanity is.

And both Christ and his Church are unrelenting in their advocacy of humility and in their condemnation of vanity. In fact, it may be far less tolerant of Pharisaism than the secular world. Consider, for example, the comment, “I hate anything fake,” made by Britney Spears, a veritable icon of artificiality and pretense. The secular world awards this kind of duplicity with celebrity.

Thirdly, there is the rather spineless fear that in perusing the truth, we might fall into the embarrassing predicament of being wrong. Again, there is nothing wrong that can reasonably justify this anxiety. We all make mistakes. Not to try something for fear of making a mistake is akin to a paralyzing neurosis that would discourage one from trying anything.

Some people avoid marriage because they fear divorce. Others avoid friendship because they fear rejection. The pursuit of truth presupposes a certain amount of courage. If nothing is ventured, as the maxim goes, nothing is gained.

The fact that truth is indispensable for a meaningful life does not mean that it is always agreeable. Mounting the bathroom scale can be a breathless ascent, because the anxious weight-watcher knows that this simple piece of machinery tells the truth. But he disconcerting truth that one is overweight may be exactly what one needs if exercising and dieting are to follow. The freedom that health offers may need to be preceded by the disagreeable truth that one is too fat.

Truth is as natural to our minds as oxygen is to our lungs and food is to our digestive system. It is a great mistake to regard the teaching of truth as an imposition. The Church does not, nor can she, “impose” truth.

Rather, she endeavors to propose truths to those who are disposed to receive them. The Vatican’s Declaration of Religious Liberty states that, “The truth cannot impose itself except by virtue of its own truth, as it wins over the mind with gentleness and power.

The Church as Guardian of the Truth and Teacher of the Word provides food for hungry minds. She does not impose the truth; no more than do Christians impose food on hungry bodies when they practice this corporeal act of mercy.

She guards it because it needs to be protected against the contamination of error. She teaches it because it is more nourishing than error. Moreover, the truth enables her to teach realistically about the truth of Christ, the truth of the Catholic Church, and the truth of man. Apostles are ministers of love, but they are also servants of the truth.

By Dr. Donald DeMarco, Professor of Philosophy, St. Jerome’s College at U. of Waterloo, he is married with 5 children.

Taken from The Bread of Life Magazine, July / Aug. Volume 26 Number 3, with minor editing by me.
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Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
A definition of absolute truth is found in post #7.
so iow the def in post 1, you don't like that one, so you got a better def, that maybe everyone does not agree with, but then hey they aren't you?
Love for the truth
ha, we can't even agree on a definition of truth, apparently. I guess yours is "my beliefs, and not your beliefs?"

means i can't disagree with you, right, or else i am one of "them" basically.
i mean isn't that how this always goes?
"i loves me some Jesus, therefore if you don't agree with me, you must love satan."
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Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2012
so iow the def in post 1, you don't like that one, so you got a better def, that maybe everyone does not agree with, but then hey they aren't you?
ha, we can't even agree on a definition of truth, apparently. I guess yours is "my beliefs, and not your beliefs?"

means i can't disagree with you, right, or else i am one of "them" basically.
i mean isn't that how this always goes?
"i loves me some Jesus, therefore if you don't agree with me, you must love satan."
This has nothing to do with post #15.


Millennial Christian
Staff member
Jul 19, 2015
The Land of Aus
Absolute truth
is something that is true at all times and in all places.
It is something that is always true no matter what the circumstances.
It is a fact that cannot be changed.

For example, there are no round squares.

Jesus is always truth no matter what the circumstances.
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Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
This has nothing to do with post #15.
i like post 15 as far as it goes ok, but it assumes that the truth can be determined, and by the blind no less.
and how is this truth determined? The way you have demonstrated here, right?
see, this is why we have a "standard" definition of Absolute Truth; the one you are currently i guess rejecting?
i mean hopefully you get that i did not make that up, right
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Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Jesus is always truth no matter what the circumstances.
well, so is God, right, but while i might agree that my belief is these are both expressions of truth, how you define them makes all the difference.

If "Jesus" is just someone that you have made into a god so that you can 'worship' Him, then Jesus is going to hide from you, and your Greek notions of the def of "worship," as per Scripture. Nehushtan is most often the truth there i guess, or i can not guess and say that one must at least get some understanding of what it means to break up Nehushtan as a priest (you).

which btw i doubt that part is even for you, you seem to have done most of this work already, regardless of whether you might label the terms differently or not

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