A Blood-Soaked Path Through History

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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
So the cross on top of the pagan phallus in St Peters square is a sign that in the heart of he who placed it there paganism has been overcome by Church? Or that paganism is the foundation stone of Church?
It shows the victory of the cross over paganism.
Beautiful symbol . . .


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
And what of the phallus in front of St. John Lateran... Does that have a cross on top of it?
They are a holy sanctified penis dedicated to the service of mankind?
Yup - the pagan obelisk near St. John's Lateran Church is also topped with a cross to show the victory of Christ over paganism. I am happy to have visited BOTH St. Peters and St. John's . . .


Nope - and NOBODY ever said it would.
That's yet another one of your anti-Catholic whoppers . . .
So what then is your justification for a phallus on your front yard if wearing a cross doesn't change the nature of the adultery? How does a cross on top of a pagan pornographic symbol of idolatry sanctify that, but doesn't sanctify our own personal transgressions? How does wearing religious vestments sanctify spiritual adultery with the kings of the earth?


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
First of all - you failed to answer the question.
NOWHERE does the Catholic Church teach that salvation is ONLY found in the Roman Rite. This is a LIE of your own concoction.

Secondly - Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus is a BIBLICAL statement.
YOUR problem is that you don't have a clue as to what Christ's Church is. Allow me to educate you . .

- Jesus established ONE Church (Matt. 16:16-19). He prayed fervently that this Church remain ONE - as He and the Father are ONE (John 17:20-23). There is NO other.
- Jesus is Truth itself (John 14:6).
- Jesus promised His Church that the Holy Spirit would guide her to ALL Truth (John 16:12-15).
- The Church is the Pillar and Foundation of Truth (1 Tim. 3:15).
- The Church is the Body of Christ and He is the Head (1 Cor. 12:12-31, Eph. 4:3-6, Col. 1:8).
- The Church is the FULLNESS of Christ (Eph. 1:22-23).
- Jesus identifies His very SELF with His Church (Acts 9:4-5).
- Jesus gave the Church supreme Authority on earth and whatever it ordains on earth is also ordained in heaven (Matt. 16:18-19, 18:15-18, Luke 10:16, John 20:21-23).

In other words, my Scripturally-illiterate friend- Christ's Church, which is His BODY - is CHRIST on earth.

We are saved BY the blood of Christ.
We are saved THROUGH His Body, His Church.

As to your final lie (in RED) - the Pope never stated that having a personal relationship with Jesus was "dangerous". He stated that CLAIMING to have a "personal" relationship with Him, while rejecting His Church is dangerous.

Looks like YOU need to sit down and read 1 Cor. 12 all the way through . . .
I grow tired of your unChristlike disrespect and stubbornness.

1) First of all - you failed to answer the question. NOWHERE does the Catholic Church teach that salvation is ONLY found in the Roman Rite. This is a LIE of your own concoction.
You asked for proof that the RCC says there's no salvation outside the church and I presented proof out of your church's very own writings.

2) Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus is a BIBLICAL statement. YOUR problem is that you don't have a clue as to what Christ's Church is. Allow me to educate you . .

You are not able to educate me in anything as long as the textbooks you use are taken from "the Roman DUNGHILL of decretals". That Latin phrase is NOT Biblical because the Bible was NOT WRITTEN IN LATIN, but Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. RCC Bibles are satanic corruptions and aren't worth the paper they're written on.

3) As for the Scriptures you presented, I fully accept them. As for your interpretations of them, I reject them as fully as I reject the "authority" of the "man of sin" who sits enthroned in the Vatican.

> The church Jesus founded was not built on the small, unstable "Petros" pebble, by which He referred to Peter, but on "Petra", that "giant stone of immense proportion" - Peter's confession: "Thou art the Christ; the Son of the Living God."

> The RCC is not the church Jesus founded - the RCC is the counterfeit apostate "synagogue of Satan" which Paul, John, and others prophesied would arise within the ranks of His true church; a church that was preserved by His faithful in the wilderness and persecuted by Satanic agencies headquartered in the Vatican.

> The RCC is not guided by the Holy Spirit into all truth, but by the "spirits of devils working miracles" into satanic error of every stripe and type, such as directing the minds of men away from Jesus toward the "Vicar of Christ" and "Mary" who is the devil and Satan, directing people to false mediators instead of the "one Mediator between God and man, the Man Christ Jesus", as well as countless other RCC satanic errors.

> The only pillar and foundation the RCC can be is that of the synagogue of Satan because the truth is no where to be found within the walls of any RCC church.

> Though Jesus did not concede His authority to anyone - He granted authority to church leadership to handle church affairs necessary to the preservation and proliferation of the Gospel, but NEVER to lord itself over the lives of the members. The church is a BOTTOM UP organization, not a TOP DOWN tyrannical regime which is a perfect description of the RCC. Jesus never granted His church the power to torture, murder, confiscate member possessions, grant members eternal life or condemnation, etc. The power to "bind and loose" is predicated on God's express revealed will in the Scriptures, not the whims of some psuedo priesthood.

> Christ's church is identified as the church that "keeps the commandments of God and has the faith and testimony of Jesus". The RCC makes it their boast that they have power to change God's laws. What more proof is necessary than this to demonstrate the demonic mindset of the RCC leadership.

> To argue that the RCC doesn't require loyalty to the pope and the RCC is simply a denial of history, when not that long ago you could be put to death for claiming that the Eucharist is just "Dead Bread".
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It shows the victory of the cross over paganism.
Beautiful symbol . . .
Permit me to let you in on a little secret...paganism has never been overcome by the cross. Individual pagans or heathen have had their lives radically changed by the cross, and their sins cleansed as a result of the shed blood of Christ, but BoL, paganism still lives. Evidence of the flourishing life of paganism is everywhere. From those phallus in Rome, London, and Washington....

to the remnants of ancient paganismLondon, Wahington, Rome..pngteufelshc3b6rner.png Catholic-Procession-3106987.jpg article-2605045-1D1F3FFF00000578-430_964x625.jpg still extant in modern Catholicism.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
United States
Permit me to let you in on a little secret...paganism has never been overcome by the cross. Individual pagans or heathen have had their lives radically changed by the cross, and their sins cleansed as a result of the shed blood of Christ, but BoL, paganism still lives. Evidence of the flourishing life of paganism is everywhere. From those phallus in Rome, London, and Washington....

to the remnants of ancient paganismView attachment 2502View attachment 2503 View attachment 2504 View attachment 2505 still extant in modern Catholicism.
Just looked up the pointed hoods and capes?

Roman Catholics in Spain and Portugal parading around the streets, in what is dress from the inquisition period.

Called the "Capirote", different colors were inquisition punishment, "Red" was death.

Of course the Popes allows this hatred to continue.

"Brotherhoods In We Kill For Catholicism""

Imagine, parading around in Catholic inquisition garb in 2018, really?

100% Hatred, Blessed By The Pope!

Wikipedia: Capirote
Page issues


Procession of the Reales Cofradías Fusionadas in Malaga, has more than 900 nazarenos

Brotherhood with green capirotes in Malaga

Brotherhood of Saint Rochus with velvet capirotes
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"St. Thomas (Aquinas) . . says that the Roman Empire has not ceased, but is changed from the temporal into the spiritual. . . It was, then, the Apostolic Church, which, spreading throughout the nations, already combined together by the power of the heathen empire of Rome, quickened them with a new life. . . the temporal power in the old heathen empire of Rome, and the spiritual power in the supernatural kingdom of God met together. . . these two powers were blended and fused together; they became one authority, the emperor ruling from his throne within the sphere of his earthly jurisdiction, and the Supreme Pontiff ruling likewise from a throne of a higher sovereignty over the nations. . . the material power which once reigned in Rome [was] consecrated and sanctified by the investiture of the Vicar of Jesus Christ with temporal sovereignty over the city where he dwelt. And now for these twelve hundred years the peace, the perpetuity and faithfulness of the Christian civilization of Europe, has been owing solely in its principle to this consecration of the power and authority of the great empire of Rome, taken up of old, perpetuated, preserved, as I have said, by the salt which had been sprinkled from heaven, and continued in the person of the Supreme Pontiff, and in that order of Christian civilization of which he has been the creator. (Cardinal Manning, The Temporal Power of the Vicar of Jesus Christ, pp. 123-128)
You must have demanded proof at least half a dozen times that the RCC is Roman. Now that I have furnished said proof, from your own historian and one of the most exalted saints, you duly ignore it and take the conversation in another direction. Why am I not surprised.

A new Rome ascends slowly above the horizon. It is the heir of the religion which it has overthrown;
And even if Dr. Barry was infallible - which he certainly was not - YOU emphasized the wrong part of his quote. the true emphasis is in RED above.
Interesting. An heir is a child of a royal parent inheriting his parent's throne. Regardless of whether the child assassinated his own parent, he is still the child...and still the heir...as the RCC is the child of pagan Rome...and was the heir, as you pointed out above, to his parents throne. This transaction and transition of power and authority was aptly described and prophesies of in Revelation 13 in this manner...
2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.
3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.
4 And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?

Who was this dragon power that gave the beast his power, seat, and authority? In Revelation12:4...and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born... we are given a vision of the true church, before which the dragon waited that he might kill the Messiah. I know the RCC teach this woman to be Mary, but for the sake of this lesson it doesn't matter. It is the dragon that concerns us. The dragon is Satan...but he used a pagan state power in an attempt to murder Jesus...in this case the Roman appointed puppet/king Herod while the child was still in Bethlehem. Thus Rome was the human agent of the dragon. Yet we are told this dragon gave the beast his power, seat and authority. When did pagan Rome aka the dragon, give anyone his throne, power, and great authority? When the western empire was vacated by Constantine and the Catholic religion made the state religion. This was enforced by law through JustinianII and others throughout the east and west, to the great pain and suffering of those who chose not to recognise the councils and decrees of man that sought despotic power over the consciences of men. Such as the so-called Arians (proof they were in fact heretics is hard to come by when demands for independent evidence is made) and the Monophysites. Later of course this practice continued in the west in particular through such great "saints" as Clovis and Charlamagne. And of course Hitler. Nazi-Church-altar.jpg

The RCC is not the child of God.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
Permit me to let you in on a little secret...paganism has never been overcome by the cross. Individual pagans or heathen have had their lives radically changed by the cross, and their sins cleansed as a result of the shed blood of Christ, but BoL, paganism still lives. Evidence of the flourishing life of paganism is everywhere. From those phallus in Rome, London, and Washington....

to the remnants of ancient paganismView attachment 2502View attachment 2503 View attachment 2504 View attachment 2505 still extant in modern Catholicism.
Amen. Paganism is the religion of choice by world leaders, secret society "think tanks", and even CHRISTIAN leaders like those in the World Council of Churches.[/QUOTE]


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
It shows the victory of the cross over paganism.
Beautiful symbol . . .
No, Dead Bread, it is homage to the Sun god, just like the priest's tonsure, the Poseidon "fish hat", the "holy water" sprinkling, the crescent and moon (pagan symbol of the union of the male/female deity), etc. Get a copy of "The Two Babylons" by Alexander Hislop and you'll find that just about every symbol and practice in Roman Catholicism can be traced directly to pagan Sun god worship.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
You must have demanded proof at least half a dozen times that the RCC is Roman. Now that I have furnished said proof, from your own historian and one of the most exalted saints, you duly ignore it and take the conversation in another direction. Why am I not surprised.

Interesting. An heir is a child of a royal parent inheriting his parent's throne. Regardless of whether the child assassinated his own parent, he is still the child...and still the heir...as the RCC is the child of pagan Rome...and was the heir, as you pointed out above, to his parents throne. This transaction and transition of power and authority was aptly described and prophesies of in Revelation 13 in this manner...
2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.
3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.
4 And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?

Who was this dragon power that gave the beast his power, seat, and authority? In Revelation12:4...and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born... we are given a vision of the true church, before which the dragon waited that he might kill the Messiah. I know the RCC teach this woman to be Mary, but for the sake of this lesson it doesn't matter. It is the dragon that concerns us. The dragon is Satan...but he used a pagan state power in an attempt to murder Jesus...in this case the Roman appointed puppet/king Herod while the child was still in Bethlehem. Thus Rome was the human agent of the dragon. Yet we are told this dragon gave the beast his power, seat and authority. When did pagan Rome aka the dragon, give anyone his throne, power, and great authority? When the western empire was vacated by Constantine and the Catholic religion made the state religion. This was enforced by law through JustinianII and others throughout the east and west, to the great pain and suffering of those who chose not to recognise the councils and decrees of man that sought despotic power over the consciences of men. Such as the so-called Arians (proof they were in fact heretics is hard to come by when demands for independent evidence is made) and the Monophysites. Later of course this practice continued in the west in particular through such great "saints" as Clovis and Charlamagne. And of course Hitler. View attachment 2507

The Papacy
is not the child of God.
The Papacy has also been observed as "the ghost of the deceased Roman Empire, sitting crowned upon the grave thereof." Even the irreligious can can't miss the tie that binds the Papacy to Paganism.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
United States
Amen. Paganism is the religion of choice by world leaders, secret society "think tanks", and even CHRISTIAN leaders like those in the World Council of Churches.
Were on the same page, but I believe the "Wolf In Sheep's Clothing" extends beyond the World Council Of Churches.

I truly believe the Liberal Leftist agenda is in a state of reversal, with and luck Kennedy will retire soon, and a conservative majority Supreme Court will be established.

The Liberal Agenda will be dismantled over the next 10 years quickly I believe, as this court will be in effect for 20-30 years.

3 months ago, Bermuda in the British Commonwealth "Repealed Same Sex Marriage"!


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
United States
The Papacy has also been observed as "the ghost of the deceased Roman Empire, sitting crowned upon the grave thereof." Even the irreligious can can't miss the tie that binds the Papacy to Paganism.
I believe much in the RCC is paganism, and alive today, just a couple mentions below.

The dress in the hat "The miter" is derived directly from the miters of the ancient pagan fish-god dagon and the goddess Cybele.

The "Monstrance" blazing sun that holds the Eucharist comes from the "Egyptian" mysteries.

"Two Babylons" Alexander Hyslop is a good read.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
No, Dead Bread, it is homage to the Sun god, just like the priest's tonsure, the Poseidon "fish hat", the "holy water" sprinkling, the crescent and moon (pagan symbol of the union of the male/female deity), etc. Get a copy of "The Two Babylons" by Alexander Hislop and you'll find that just about every symbol and practice in Roman Catholicism can be traced directly to pagan Sun god worship.
"Two Babylons" Alexander Hyslop is a good read.
You don't know HOW happy I am to see you admitting to having read this pile of manure by Alexander Hislop. I'm even more amused that you put so much faith in it. Sorry to burst your bubble - but allow me to educate you . . .

Hislop's book, "The Two Babylons" was based on his own opinions and made up stories - NOT fact.
As a matter of fact, many of his followers learned that lesson the HARD way.

One of them, Ralph Woodrow, put so much stock in Hislop's garbage that he wrote his own follow-up book called "Babylon Mystery Religion". Unfortunately for Woodrow - he did some actual research afterward and discovered - much to his horror - that he was just as wrong as his mentor. He promptly took his embarrassing book out of print.

Ralph Woodrow now runs a website APOLOGIZING for this blunder:

He also wrote an article for the Protestant publication, The Christian Research Journal:
The Two Babylons - Christian Research Institute

THANK YOU for exposing your ignorance.
I suggest you both do your HOMEWORK before embarrassing yourself any further . . .
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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
United States
You don't know HOW happy I am to see you admitting to having read this pile of manure by Alexander Hislop. I'm even more amused that you put so much faith in it. Sorry to burst your bubble - but allow me to educate you . . .

Hislop's book, "The Two Babylons" was based on his own opinions and made up stories - NOT fact.
As a matter of fact, many of his followers learned that lesson the HARD way.

One of them, Ralph Woodrow, put so much stock in Hislop's garbage that he wrote his own follow-up book called "Babylon Mystery Religion". Unfortunately for Woodrow - he did some actual research afterward and discovered - much to his horror - that he was just as wrong as his mentor. He promptly took his embarrassing book out of print.

Ralph Woodrow now runs a website APOLOGIZING for this blunder:

He also wrote an article for the Protestant publication, The Christian Research Journal:
The Two Babylons - Christian Research Institute

THANK YOU for exposing your ignorance.
I suggest you both do your HOMEWORK before embarrassing yourself any further . . .
Who Is The Roman Catholic Church Really Worshiping?

The Zucchetti which is worn by Catholic priests, cardinals and the Pope, represents respect, fear and submission to Cybele, the Mother Goddess of Rome.

The Cap of Cybele is one of the oldest and most sacred pagan religious symbols of humanity, dating back to 2,000 B.C.

The skull cap was worn by the sun priests of Egypt.

It is a thin, slightly rounded skullcap now commonly known by various titles including the Yarmulke (Jewish) and Kufi (Muslims).

The Roman Catholic Church calls it the Zucchetti.

Vatican Hill was the site of the largest ancient temple to Cybele. Ashtoreth the goddess of fertility, sexuality and war; was known as Cybele in Rome.

The Bible warns against worshiping her, “Then the children of Israel again did evil in the sight of the LORD, and served the Baals and the Ashtoreths.” Judges 10:6

The Bible declares “For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 11:7

Ask yourself, why do Catholic priests, Bishops and the Pope, wear the Cap of Cybele?

The Mitre hat that is worn by Catholic priests, cardinals and the Pope, represents Dagon the Babylonian fish god.

The ancient Babylonians worshiped Dagan, the god of agriculture, plenty (food) and good fortune.

The Babylonian priests wore a headdress that represented the worship of Cybele and Dagon. It featured an open-fish mouth on the head, with the rest of the fish body forming a cloak.

In the Roman Empire, it was worn by the head priest of Cybele (the Magna Mater) or the Great Queen Mother Goddess.

Today the Catholic Cardinals, Bishops and the Pope all wear the open fish-mouth mitre, which represents the worship of Cybele and Dagon.

The Mitre hat of Dagan is always worn over the Kippa of Ashtoreth/Cybele, as you can see in the picture of Pope Francis I.

God warned the Jews not to worship the gods of Babylon, ” I will pronounce My judgments on them concerning all their wickedness, whereby they have forsaken Me and have offered sacrifices to other gods, and worshiped the works of their own hands.” Jeremiah 1:16

Ask yourself, why do Catholic Cardinals, Bishops and the Pope, all wear the mitre of Dagan?

The Obelisk in St. Peter’s Square represents the worship of the Sun god.

Obelisks were prominent in the architecture of the ancient Egyptians, who placed them at the entrance of a temple, marking it as a zone of sun worship.

They represent the Sun God Ra, the Egyptians’ greatest deity; the creator of humanity, the source of all heat and light, the being on which man was totally dependent.

An Egyptian obelisk sits in front of the Pantheon of ancient Rome, which housed statues of their pagan gods. The obelisk was originally constructed by Pharaoh Ramses II for the Temple of Ra in Heliopolis. It was brought to Rome in ancient times where it was used near a shrine to the Egyptian god Isis.

The Pantheon was dedicated to pan theos, meaning “all the gods.” When it became a Roman Catholic Church, it was dedicated to the Virgin Mary and all the martyrs.

The most well-known Egyptian obelisk was re-erected in 1586 A.D., in front of St. Peter’s Basilica. It is surrounded by a sun wheel, with the points lining up with the Vernal Equinox, the Summer Solstice and the Winter Solstice.

During the sunrise on the Vernal Equinox, the sun causes the obelisk to cast its shadow towards the dome of St. Peter’s Basilica, which represents the sexual union of the sun god and moon goddess.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
So what then is your justification for a phallus on your front yard if wearing a cross doesn't change the nature of the adultery? How does a cross on top of a pagan pornographic symbol of idolatry sanctify that, but doesn't sanctify our own personal transgressions? How does wearing religious vestments sanctify spiritual adultery with the kings of the earth?
That YOU only see the pagan symbol speak VOLUMES about your lack of faith.

These things were conquered by Christianity - whether YOU choose to accept it or not..
Again - at your wedding, when you slipped the ring on your wife's finger - HOW many people present celebrated the pagan origins of that ring??

How many times have YOU told your boss that you refuse to meet with him on Monday or Yuesday or Wednesday or Thursday or Friday because they are names after pagan gods?
Wind chimes?
Eye make-up?
Neck ties?

have pagan origins.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
United States
That YOU only see the pagan symbol speak VOLUMES about your lack of faith.

These things were conquered by Christianity - whether YOU choose to accept it or not..
Again - at your wedding, when you slipped the ring on your wife's finger - HOW many people present celebrated the pagan origins of that ring??

How many times have YOU told your boss that you refuse to meet with him on Monday or Yuesday or Wednesday or Thursday or Friday because they are names after pagan gods?
Wind chimes?
Eye make-up?
Neck ties?

have pagan origins.
I suppose the symbolic dress displayed below is a big fairy tale also :)

Roman Catholics in Spain and Portugal parading around the streets, in what is dress from the inquisition period.

Called the "Capirote", different colors were inquisition punishment, "Red" was death.

Of course the Pope allows this hatred to continue.

"Brotherhoods In We Kill For Catholicism""

Imagine, parading around in Catholic inquisition garb in 2014- 2018, really?

This brotherhood inquisition house is next to the Catholic Church In Malaga.

100% Hatred, Blessed By The Pope!

Wikipedia: Holy Week in Malaga (in Spanish Semana Santa en Málaga), is the annual commemoration of the Passion of Jesus Christ that takes place during the last week of Lent, the week immediately before Easter.

Wikipedia: Capirote
Page issues


Procession of the Reales Cofradías Fusionadas in Malaga, has more than 900 nazarenos

Brotherhood with green capirotes in Malaga

Brotherhood of Saint Rochus with velvet capirotes
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
Who Is The Roman Catholic Church Really Worshiping?

The Zucchetti which is worn by Catholic priests, cardinals and the Pope, represents respect, fear and submission to Cybele, the Mother Goddess of Rome.

The Cap of Cybele is one of the oldest and most sacred pagan religious symbols of humanity, dating back to 2,000 B.C.

The skull cap was worn by the sun priests of Egypt.

It is a thin, slightly rounded skullcap now commonly known by various titles including the Yarmulke (Jewish) and Kufi (Muslims).

The Roman Catholic Church calls it the Zucchetti.

Vatican Hill was the site of the largest ancient temple to Cybele. Ashtoreth the goddess of fertility, sexuality and war; was known as Cybele in Rome.

The Bible warns against worshiping her, “Then the children of Israel again did evil in the sight of the LORD, and served the Baals and the Ashtoreths.” Judges 10:6

The Bible declares “For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 11:7

Ask yourself, why do Catholic priests, Bishops and the Pope, wear the Cap of Cybele?

The Mitre hat that is worn by Catholic priests, cardinals and the Pope, represents Dagon the Babylonian fish god.

The ancient Babylonians worshiped Dagan, the god of agriculture, plenty (food) and good fortune.

The Babylonian priests wore a headdress that represented the worship of Cybele and Dagon. It featured an open-fish mouth on the head, with the rest of the fish body forming a cloak.

In the Roman Empire, it was worn by the head priest of Cybele (the Magna Mater) or the Great Queen Mother Goddess.

Today the Catholic Cardinals, Bishops and the Pope all wear the open fish-mouth mitre, which represents the worship of Cybele and Dagon.

The Mitre hat of Dagan is always worn over the Kippa of Ashtoreth/Cybele, as you can see in the picture of Pope Francis I.

God warned the Jews not to worship the gods of Babylon, ” I will pronounce My judgments on them concerning all their wickedness, whereby they have forsaken Me and have offered sacrifices to other gods, and worshiped the works of their own hands.” Jeremiah 1:16

Ask yourself, why do Catholic Cardinals, Bishops and the Pope, all wear the mitre of Dagan?

The Obelisk in St. Peter’s Square represents the worship of the Sun god.

Obelisks were prominent in the architecture of the ancient Egyptians, who placed them at the entrance of a temple, marking it as a zone of sun worship.

They represent the Sun God Ra, the Egyptians’ greatest deity; the creator of humanity, the source of all heat and light, the being on which man was totally dependent.

An Egyptian obelisk sits in front of the Pantheon of ancient Rome, which housed statues of their pagan gods. The obelisk was originally constructed by Pharaoh Ramses II for the Temple of Ra in Heliopolis. It was brought to Rome in ancient times where it was used near a shrine to the Egyptian god Isis.

The Pantheon was dedicated to pan theos, meaning “all the gods.” When it became a Roman Catholic Church, it was dedicated to the Virgin Mary and all the martyrs.

The most well-known Egyptian obelisk was re-erected in 1586 A.D., in front of St. Peter’s Basilica. It is surrounded by a sun wheel, with the points lining up with the Vernal Equinox, the Summer Solstice and the Winter Solstice.

During the sunrise on the Vernal Equinox, the sun causes the obelisk to cast its shadow towards the dome of St. Peter’s Basilica, which represents the sexual union of the sun god and moon goddess.
And it looks nothing like a Jewish yarmilke??

The symbol of the FISH is the earliest christian symbol of Christ there is. It is emblazoned on early Christian graffiti in catacoms and elsewhere.

Obelisk in Rome

Topped with a Christian Cross symbolizing Christianity's VICTORY over paganism.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
You don't know HOW happy I am to see you admitting to having read this pile of manure by Alexander Hislop. I'm even more amused that you put so much faith in it. Sorry to burst your bubble - but allow me to educate you . . .

Hislop's book, "The Two Babylons" was based on his own opinions and made up stories - NOT fact.
As a matter of fact, many of his followers learned that lesson the HARD way.

One of them, Ralph Woodrow, put so much stock in Hislop's garbage that he wrote his own follow-up book called "Babylon Mystery Religion". Unfortunately for Woodrow - he did some actual research afterward and discovered - much to his horror - that he was just as wrong as his mentor. He promptly took his embarrassing book out of print.

Ralph Woodrow now runs a website APOLOGIZING for this blunder:

He also wrote an article for the Protestant publication, The Christian Research Journal:
The Two Babylons - Christian Research Institute

THANK YOU for exposing your ignorance.
I suggest you both do your HOMEWORK before embarrassing yourself any further . . .
Whoa whoa, now you've gone and done it...you've revealed just how loose your hold is upon reality. Has your blind allegiance to the Whore of Babylon left you unable to see that deception is the co-mingling of truth and error? Nobody will drink poison from a glass marked XXX, but if you mixed a little poison in a nice refreshing glass of orange juice, some might just drink it...in much the same way you papists have drunk the poison KoolAid of the Papacy.

The devil will never come out and admit that he is who he is...it is only by his ACTIONS that he betrays himself. He appeared to my Lord as an angel of light after He fasted 40 days but exposed himself as the arch enemy by soliciting worship from Jesus. Are you so naive as to think that the only way to prove that the Papal Whore is the Antichrist of Scripture is if the Papal Whore openly admits to such? No, my poor deceived, confused, pathetic devotee to the Whore of Babylon, it is only by her ACTIONS that she betrays herself as the whore that she is. Alexander Hislop's book does a magnificent job exposing the Papal Whore for who she really is.

And you, Dead Bread, do a magnificent job exposing yourself as weak and pathetically impotent by arguing that Hislop's book would only be legit if the RCC convened a council and took a vote affirming that she is nothing more than Babylonian Pagan Sun worship perfected (which development I presume would not lessen your sad devotion to her in the least), and then attempt to discredit Hislop by the works of others. If only you would apply your "guilt by association" standard to the sad history of your own church - murderers, extortioners, liars, idolaters, pedophile priests and the cardinals and popes who cover their crimes, etc. - perhaps you might discover what the great Protestant Reformers knew only too well - that in searching for the identify of Antichrist, look no further than the Papacy - the union of the church of Rome and the secular State.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
Were on the same page, but I believe the "Wolf In Sheep's Clothing" extends beyond the World Council Of Churches.

I truly believe the Liberal Leftist agenda is in a state of reversal, with and luck Kennedy will retire soon, and a conservative majority Supreme Court will be established.

The Liberal Agenda will be dismantled over the next 10 years quickly I believe, as this court will be in effect for 20-30 years.

3 months ago, Bermuda in the British Commonwealth "Repealed Same Sex Marriage"![/QUOTE]

We know the pendulum has to swing all the way over to the right in order that our country "shall repudiate every principle of its Constitution as a Protestant and republican government." Just a matter of time before religious laws force us to choose between allegiance to God or the Papal system.

Philip James

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
Whoa whoa, now you've gone and done it...you've revealed just how loose your hold is upon reality. Has your blind allegiance to the Whore of Babylon left you unable to see that deception is the co-mingling of truth and error? Nobody will drink poison from a glass marked XXX, but if you mixed a little poison in a nice refreshing glass of orange juice, some might just drink it...in much the same way you papists have drunk the poison KoolAid of the Papacy.

The devil will never come out and admit that he is who he is...it is only by his ACTIONS that he betrays himself. He appeared to my Lord as an angel of light after He fasted 40 days but exposed himself as the arch enemy by soliciting worship from Jesus. Are you so naive as to think that the only way to prove that the Papal Whore is the Antichrist of Scripture is if the Papal Whore openly admits to such? No, my poor deceived, confused, pathetic devotee to the Whore of Babylon, it is only by her ACTIONS that she betrays herself as the whore that she is. Alexander Hislop's book does a magnificent job exposing the Papal Whore for who she really is.

And you, Dead Bread, do a magnificent job exposing yourself as weak and pathetically impotent by arguing that Hislop's book would only be legit if the RCC convened a council and took a vote affirming that she is nothing more than Babylonian Pagan Sun worship perfected (which development I presume would not lessen your sad devotion to her in the least), and then attempt to discredit Hislop by the works of others. If only you would apply your "guilt by association" standard to the sad history of your own church - murderers, extortioners, liars, idolaters, pedophile priests and the cardinals and popes who cover their crimes, etc. - perhaps you might discover what the great Protestant Reformers knew only too well - that in searching for the identify of Antichrist, look no further than the Papacy - the union of the church of Rome and the secular State.

Wow, thats a nice tirade....
So you think the Church and state should never be one?
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