Be Rapture Ready Or Be Left Behind!! Your Choice!!

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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
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No, as long as we are in this body, we will have that sticky nature. When this body is changed, only then will be perfect. But now we have Him in measure.

When a man has Truthfully Submitted himself TO the Lord, the Lord Converts the man.

Once the Lord has Converted the man the man has been made Perfect-LY WHOLE TO Walk in the spirit and prepared TO BE claimed. (Redeemed).

Once the Lord Calls Up His Church, His Church is Raised, Perfect-ED / Glorified and Shall SEE the Lord as He IS IN His Glory.


When a man IS Converted IN PERFECTION / WHOLE... The man "KNOWS" the Lord, has a relationship "WITH" the Lord, Can "HEAR" the Lord.

When the man IS Raised in PERFECTED GLORY.... The man Can "SEE" the Lord, Without Cover (ie IN "HIS" Glory).

God Bless,

Willie T

Heaven Sent
Staff member
Sep 14, 2017
St. Petersburg Florida
United States
Even Peter, forty years AFTER Pentecost, had to be called out by Paul for discriminating against the Gentiles at a meal in the church when he ignored them and instead ate with the visiting Hebrew heads of power.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
I think you are right in some part many do see the Rapture as escapism, and happily acknowledge it as such. "Who wouldn't want to escape?" they ask. And...that's fair enough...most people being honest with themselves would say they would want to escape what they say is going to happen in the Tribulation.
I think, from my point of view, I'd want to raise two issues here. Is it more important to people to escape hardship or to finally be face to face with their Savior? it actually bad to want the promises that are coming for those who have been faithful?
Paul says in 1 Cor 9:24:
Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it.

And then in Philippians 3:14,
I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

There will be rewards in heaven, apart from seeing Christ, which is the greatest, of course. I don't think it's necessarily wrong for us to look forward to the things God has in store for fact, it might be ungrateful!

Amen! :)
Good post. I like your balance of vision in it.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2016
No, as long as we are in this body, we will have that sticky nature. When this body is changed, only then will be perfect. But now we have Him in measure.

Thanks for clarifying for me, and I agree that until we are changed we will struggle with this 'corruptible' flesh.
It's hard not to be impatient, isn't it? We have Christ in part now, which is wonderful, amazing...the mercy and grace we receive is beyond comprehension, really. But knowing that a time will come where we will leave behind all that frustrates us, or grieves or hurts us, and have full fellowship with really is hard to wait. But it does help give you a certain perspective while waiting, which I'm grateful for.


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2016
Amen! :)
Good post. I like your balance of vision in it.
Thanks. I think a balance must be struck, because deal with it we must! I know some don't like looking at the end times, and conversely some are obsessed with it. The bible talks about both, so, should we!
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Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2016
Yeah, it sure sounds like that is what he is saying.
Well, sort of, but I tell you what, if there's one thing I've learned here, it's never assume you understand what someone is saying. So, if find it's best to try and check!
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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
Well, sort of, but I tell you what, if there's one thing I've learned here, it's never assume you understand what someone is saying. So, if find it's best to try and check!

That made me laugh out loud very true!! :D


Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
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United States
Even Peter, forty years AFTER Pentecost, had to be called out by Paul for discriminating against the Gentiles at a meal in the church when he ignored them and instead ate with the visiting Hebrew heads of power.

That was a Trespass, which is what "Wrongs" between men are.

Scripture says men are to deal between themselves with Trespasses between men or have the Church settle a dispute.

We have no National Church for our nation to settle such a matter; instead we have a court system to settle the dispute of Trespasses between men.

Scripture says IF a man forgives another their Trespasses, so also Will God forgive the one who forgave.

And Forgiveness does not mean being relieved of the consequences. :rolleyes: Just as we can be forgiven, yet that does not relieve us from our consequence of our appointment with death.

God Bless,

Willie T

Heaven Sent
Staff member
Sep 14, 2017
St. Petersburg Florida
United States
That was a Trespass, which is what "Wrongs" between men are.

Scripture says men are to deal between themselves with Trespasses between men or have the Church settle a dispute.

We have no National Church for our nation to settle such a matter; instead we have a court system to settle the dispute of Trespasses between men.

Scripture says IF a man forgives another their Trespasses, so also Will God forgive the one who forgave.

And Forgiveness does not mean being relieved of the consequences. :rolleyes: Just as we can be forgiven, yet that does not relieve us from our consequence of our appointment with death.

God Bless,
So once you become a Christian, sinning is no longer sinning? It is just a mild form of being naughty... called "a trespass?"
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Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2016
That made me laugh out loud very true!! :D
Ha! The amount of times I've said, "say what?" *insert goggle eyed emoji*
It's a little humbling, actually, to read, re-read, and then read again, something and just simply...not...get...what someone is talking about. Seemingly they are using English, which, you know, I speak as well; but have no blessed clue what their point is. Byyrd is particularly bad for me...I think we exist in different planes...communication wise!
Ah keeps us on our toes. And humble. Or frustrated. Probably both.
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Active Member
May 18, 2016
United States
No one in this present 2000 year period of the Gentile Calling of Heaven, found only in Paul's post-Acts epistles, will take part in the rapture.The rapture in 100% for Israel. The only Gentiles taking part are those in the Acts church, who were all part of Israel, since they were all grafted into Israel. Today's "rapture" is called the "appearing". It is infinitely better than the rapture, since those in the Appearing will immediately appear with Christ in Heaven, whereas, in the rapture, the resurrected saints will meet Christ in the air at His Second Coming and return with Him to the earth. At least, that's what the Bible says. It's impossible that He will take all those saints to Heaven, because no Jew ever had a hope of going to Heaven (Search and see) and there will be a ton of Jews in the rapture. Many , many more Jews than Gentiles. Search for "appearing" and "appear" in Eph, Phil, Col, 1&2Tim, Titus, and Philemon to see the true hope and Calling that is available to those who God has given the eyes to SEE them in scripture, which is as plain as the nose on your face..

I think the Appearing will take place in about 2063, when the 2000 years are up. The rapture will take place after Israel's 500-700 year earthly Kingdom of Heaven and at the end of the tribulation, right before the Millennium.

Satan aspired to be elevated to the highest Heaven, where Christ now sits at the right hand of God. It so happens that we Gentiles today, at least the ones who can SEE the hope of this calling, found only in Paul's post-Acts epistles, will go to that exact same place - Compare Eph 1:20 (where Christ ascended to) with Eph 2:6 (where we will be resurrected to, at the "appearing" - see Col 3:1-4). I believe that this fake non-2nd coming coming, is Satan's ploy to keep everyone from SEEING their true hope in Eph and Col. and going to the place in Heaven where he wanted to go, but was rebuked. Look at Eph 1:17-18 in Paul's prayer, where he prays that God will enlighten the eyes of your understanding, so that you can SEE the hope of your calling. If Heaven were automatic, he would not have needed to pray that.

There is NOTHING in Paul's Acts epistles directly for anyone today. There is NOTHING in Acts. itself, directly for anyone today. Acts was 100% Israel. You are all Gentiles. Everything in Acts came crashing down the instant Israel ceased to become a nation, when Paul pronounced the curse of Isa 6:9-10 in Acts 28:25-27. The only books in the entire Bible TO and ABOUT Gentiles are Paul's 7 post-Acts epistles. In the other 59 books, starting at Gen 12, which are ALL, 100%, Israel, no group ever had a Hope of going to Heaven. The New Jerusalem is not the Highest Heaven, It comes down from Heaven and docks on the New Earth.

All of you have a Calling of the Highest Heaven, but few will be chosen unless you dump the fake rapture, the fake Gifts, anything else the fake denominational church (Jewish synagogue) system tells you is yours, but really isn't, and find you far greater blessing in Paul's after-Acts books.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
No one in this present 2000 year period of the Gentile Calling of Heaven, found only in Paul's post-Acts epistles, will take part in the rapture.The rapture in 100% for Israel.
This is completely FALSE. The Church consists of redeemed Jews and Gentiles from all nations, and it is the Church which will be raptured.

Looks like you enjoy promoting false doctrines.
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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
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United States
So once you become a Christian, sinning is no longer sinning? It is just a mild form of being naughty... called "a trespass?"

Sin is What?

1) A violation of the Law...unto the Hebrews and Jews, before Jesus fulfilled the Law.

2) Disbelief in God.

Isn't a Converted man Forgiven of His sin?
Isn't a Converted man KEPT faithful unto TO God forever via Gods Indwelling Power?
Isn't it impossible for a Converted man to Again Not believe, thus sin against God?

What say you?

God Bless,


Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
This is completely FALSE. The Church consists of redeemed Jews and Gentiles from all nations, and it is the Church which will be raptured.

Looks like you enjoy promoting false doctrines.

The important missing information IS;

All "people" WHO are Jews WHO "Continue" according TO the Law...
AND ALL Jews AND Gentile's WHO Believe "AND" Become Converted IN CHRIST...
ARE "Called ISRAEL" ... ie. "Gods People."

God Bless,


My eldest granddaughter showing the result of her
Feb 27, 2008
Melbourne Australia
First, to be ready for the rapture you need to be a born again believer that has confessed his sins and repented and accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior and are looking for His return and if you are not you will be left behind to try to live through the years of the great tribulation judgments against a evil world with the anti_christ ruling the world.

The first command given on the day of pentecost was to repent, be baptised for the forgiveness of sins and receiving the Holy Spirit. No mention about accepting him as your saviour.

And Jesus last words were "Go into all the world and MAKE DISCIPLES, baptising them in the name...." Again, no mention of accepting him as saviour.


Active Member
May 18, 2016
United States
This is completely FALSE. The Church consists of redeemed Jews and Gentiles from all nations, and it is the Church which will be raptured.

Looks like you enjoy promoting false doctrines.

I've noticed that, instead of battling with sound scripture, you always use insults and other types of faulty reasoning and argumentation. If what I'm teaching is false, prove I'm wrong with scripture, rightly divided, of course. If it's not rightly divided, it's worthless, as proof.

Anyone that believes anything from the Acts period, including Paul's Acts epistles, is for us today, is promoting false doctrine. That includes every mainstream denominational church on the planet. Tradition-al Christianity is full of false doctrine. NO mainstream denominational preacher rightly divides (correctly cuts) God's word of truth, 2Tim 2:15. Anyone who does not correctly cut God's Word is brim full of false doctrine, by definition. You and I are Gentiles. Acts is 100% Israel. Except for things like Christ and Salvation, NOTHING ever given to Israel was given to us Gentiles and NOTHING ever given to Gentiles has been given to Israel.

Do you obey 2Tim 2:15. If so, where and why exactly do you make that one straight cut through God's word, in order to be approved unto God and eliminate the need to feel ashamed - all in 2Tim 2:15. The only place to Divide God's Word, RIGHTLY, is at the very end of Acts. It's the only place in the Bible where it's 100% Israel on one side of the cut and 100% Gentiles on the other side of the cut. Then, eliminate everything from your doctrine that was given to Israel, in the 59 all-Israel books on the Israel side of the cut, and keep everything given to you, found only in Paul's 7 all-Gentile post-Acts books. Very simple. Please note that all 66 books are written FOR us, for our learning, for reproof, for correction, for our instruction in righteousness. Right Division does not mean the elimination of these books - God Forbid!! They are all treasures. It means the elimination of all those 100s of things that were given to Israel, only, that we Gentiles have mis-appropriated as our own, mainly because we have been taught to do so by our extremely corrupt denominational system. As a rule, these churches are great as far as salvation is concerned (with some exceptions) but, after that, very little truth is taught. Not intentionally, though, since they were taught the same lies that they now teach. Also, since they are supporting their families by preaching whatever is required by the denomination they work for. They get some leeway, but there are limits. A Baptist preacher that correctly preaches there is no hell, man does not have a soul (he IS a soul - Gen 2:7) and that water baptism is not truth for today, would have a hard time holding onto his job.

Anyone promoting or believing Satan's false doctrine of a pre-trib second, second, coming, coming, that actually takes all the faithful, resurrected saints from Acts and the OT, a lot of Jews and a few Gentiles, has sacrificed his calling of Heaven, which is only obtainable by faith. All those billions of people with no calling, like yourself (unless you repent and start rightly dividing God's Word), will be in the white throne judgment and will end up on the New Earth, assuming he passed muster at the judgment. Like I said before, Jews have never had a hope of Heaven. Therefore, since OT Jews make up the bulk of those people raptured, it is impossible that Christ will take them to Heaven. Like the Bible says, at the last trump (7th trump of Revelation), at the end of the tribulation, Christ, at his one and only 2nd coming, will meet the resurrected saints in the air and then everyone will return to earth, and then, the Millennium will start. I know that this cannot be backed up 100%, but only about 80%. On the other hand, the second second coming, pre-trib, with some obscure trumpet in Leviticus, where people that don't have a calling of Heaven are taken up to Heaven, has ZERO backing in scripture - absolutely none, unless you illegally stretch, manipulate, and warp the scriptures, like Satan wants you to do. That way, he can keep you out of Heaven, where he thinks he belongs.

Those that believe they will take part in the rapture have been lied to, all of their lives. Rom, Thess, Cor, and Gal are not truth for today, as far as telling us about what we have been given, like our Hope and out Calling.. Everything Paul taught in Acts was based on the OT, Ac 26:22, which has essentially nothing to do with any Gentiles as a group, except for future blessings from Israel. Everything Paul taught in his 7 epistles written after-Acts had been hid in God from every age and generation, in the form of a mystery, a secret - Eph 3:9, Col 1:26. Acts teaches the New Jerusalem and after-Acts teaches the Highest Heaven, where Christ sits at the right hand of God. Acts teaches the rapture and after-Acts teaches the "Appearing". In either case, you can't have both. In fact, you can never have the New Jerusalem or the rapture - different time- different people.

The church in Acts will ultimately be in the rapture, maybe 800 years from now, after the Kingdom and the tribulation. But that church was set aside at the end of Acts, like Israel and everything associated with Israel. The church in Acts, plus the 12. plus jillions of faithful Jews from the OT, will be the Bride. The present day church, made up of Gentiles and a few Jews who believe in Christ, are the ACTUAL body of Christ, where Christ is the Head - Eph 5:30. They will make up the bridegroom. They are the "new man". Eph 2:15, 4:24, Col 3:10. Only in today's atrocious Satanic society can a man become a bride.

Salvation today, in this period of pure grace, is on an individual basis. There is no Israel today. In God's eyes, today, the Jews are as Gentiles and both are equals, individually. This, of course, will change and my guess it will revert back in about 2063, when the 2000 year period, starting when Israel was set aside, is over. From then on, through Elijah's restoration, the earthly Kingdom, the tribulation, the Millennium, the New Earth, and the New Jerusalem, everything will again be Israel. Except, that is, we Gentiles who have had the guts to get rid of all the stolen Jewish junk that the Denominational Church System has been brainwashing us with, and focus ONLY on the infinitely better things we Gentiles have really been given, found ONLY in Paul's 7 post-Acts books.
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Active Member
May 18, 2016
United States
The first command given on the day of pentecost was to repent, be baptised for the forgiveness of sins and receiving the Holy Spirit. No mention about accepting him as your saviour.

And Jesus last words were "Go into all the world and MAKE DISCIPLES, baptising them in the name...." Again, no mention of accepting him as saviour.

The problem is that you and I are Gentiles and not Jews. From Gen 12 thru Malachi, as far as God's blessings were concerned, it was 100% Israel and ZERO% Gentiles, as a group - there were very very few individual exceptions to this. During Christ's ministry, it was the same. Christ said He was sent ONLY to the lost sheep of the House of Israel - Mt 15:24. A couple of Gentiles were ministered to by Christ, but he never preached His Kingdom gospel to them. During Acts, the saved Gentiles shared in a few of Israel's blessings, but they never had anything of their own - they were part of Israel because they were grafted into Israel. The only purpose in their being in the church was to provoke Israel to jealousy, so they might repent.

The only purpose of Acts was to convert Israel into their acceptance of Christ as the promised Messiah. Christ said in Mt 23:39 that He wouldn't return (and also set up their Kingdom) until they accepted Him. Also see Ac 3:19-21.

Most certainly, the purpose of Acts was NOT to establish a Church. The Greek word translated church, ekklesia, is a generic word meaning assembly. The same word was used of the pagan silversmiths in Ac 19. Church, as used in scripture, is an emotional word that has no similarities with what we call "churches" today. Actually, our mainstream denominational are, in essence, Jewish synagogues teaching Jewish doctrine to unsuspecting Gentiles. Once they help you get saved, the fellowship you get when attending them is their only benefit. I would be shocked if more than 50% of what they teach is Truth For Today. Of course, any non-truth should be thought of as a lie, whether, or not, the preacher knows it's a lie. It's his job to discover the truth and preach it to you.

Throughout Bible history, God has never dealt with Jews and Gentiles in the same way. In fact, except for Christ, I can think of nothing that was ever given to the Jews that was also given to the Gentiles - and visa versa. The main purpose of obeying right division, 2Tim 2:15, is to make a straight cut through God's word and divide what was given to Israel from those things given to you and I, the Gentiles of today.

If you read carefully, you'll see that there were zero Gentiles at Pentecost. In fact, the first Gentiles allowed into the all-Jewish Acts church was Cornelius, in Acts 10, 8 years after Pentecost. Except for Christ and salvation, nothing EVER given to Israel was given to the Gentiles. Acts was 100% Jewish, since every saved Gentile during Acts was grafted into Israel and was, therefore, part of Israel's program. Israel was set aside, along with everything associated with Israel at the end of Acts - Ac 28:25-27. ONLY in Paul's all-Gentile 7 epistles written after Acts, will you find today's Gentile (only) hope, calling, and rules and directions regarding the far, far better things that we Gentiles have been given.
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Active Member
May 18, 2016
United States
The important missing information IS;

All "people" WHO are Jews WHO "Continue" according TO the Law...
AND ALL Jews AND Gentile's WHO Believe "AND" Become Converted IN CHRIST...
ARE "Called ISRAEL" ... ie. "Gods People."

God Bless,
Not one believing Gentile today is part of Israel in any way, whatsoever. There is no Israel today and there hasn't been for 1955 years. Abraham is absolutely not our Father. We are not spiritual Israel. The New Jerusalem is not our mother. We Gentiles today are the only people in the entire Bible that have ever had a hope of going to Heaven. This all-Gentile church of today is found only in Paul's 7 books written after Acts, the ONLY books that are ABOUT us and TO us today The other 59 books are 100% about and to Israel, ONLY. They are all FOR us, but NONE are TO us or ABOUT us.

Willie T

Heaven Sent
Staff member
Sep 14, 2017
St. Petersburg Florida
United States
Not one believing Gentile today is part of Israel in any way, whatsoever. There is no Israel today and there hasn't been for 1955 years. Abraham is absolutely not our Father. We are not spiritual Israel. The New Jerusalem is not our mother. We Gentiles today are the only people in the entire Bible that have ever had a hope of going to Heaven. This all-Gentile church of today is found only in Paul's 7 books written after Acts, the ONLY books that are ABOUT us and TO us today The other 59 books are 100% about and to Israel, ONLY. They are all FOR us, but NONE are TO us or ABOUT us.
Uh.... every single one of the Apostles, and Jesus too, was a Jew.... not a Gentile.
And, who are the billions of descendants Abraham was promised?
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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
The first command given on the day of pentecost was to repent, be baptised for the forgiveness of sins and receiving the Holy Spirit. No mention about accepting him as your saviour.

And Jesus last words were "Go into all the world and MAKE DISCIPLES, baptising them in the name...." Again, no mention of accepting him as saviour.

A man Giving a true confession of Heartful Belief, IS a THAT mans Acceptance Of Thee Lord God, AND that mans Authority For that man to Exercise his Freewill TO give Thee Lord God Spiritual Control Over That mans Life, effecting, that mans Salvation and Rebirth and Foreverness with Thee Lord God To Be accomplished.

You mention the "Disciples".
"They" are the Informers/Teachers/Witnesses.

The VOW however IS Between;
Thee Lord God And Individual men, where both partitions Must be in Agreement.

A man Becomes a disciple, prepared to inform others, once they themselves are in agreement AND committed by VOW to thee Lord God....which The Seal of that being accomplished IS when the individual receives the Holy Spirit.

Deut 11:18
Rom 10:9
Rom 10:10

God Bless,