I'm concerned that Trump is illuminati

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Yes, the papacy is an expression of antichrist imo; but Protestant Oracles are surely no less so?
Yes...the image to the beast, being set up now...a Protestant church / state union in America. Revelation 13:11-18. At the moment, we witness the foundations being laid. The Constitution at the moment stands as a mighty bulwark in the way between any possibility of a church/state union in the US. Right? Many would like to believe that. But there are many also who firmly believe the constitution forbids nothing of the sort. We are living in fascinating times.
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Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
Have you read the part in Revelation 13 that speaks of an image to the beast being set up? The beast itself is a union of church and state. The Vatican RCC system. The papacy. The image, set up by the second beast, the false prophet, is also a church /state union, which enforces loyalty to the first beast , the RCC. That second beast, which 'grew up like a lamb (Christlike offering freedom and independence of thought in contrast to the dragon) ended up speaking like a dragon. Speaking of coercion. Threatening persecution. Becoming a despotic power rather than republican which guarantees minorities are protected. Starting to ring a bell? Yes, that second beast is America, which will set up an image to the first beast, a church/state union (but Protestant) which will enforce loyalty to Rome through the implementation of the mark. Rome's own precious created baby...Sunday sacredness.

I'm still trying to grasp Rev. 13. What is the significance of blasphemy and diadems being on the heads of the beast? If the beast itself is the church/state union, and the second beast is America, then who is the false prophet? So at some point you're saying that America will set up an image to the the church/state union and the image is supposed to be resting on Sunday rather than Saturday, the real day God ordained as the day of rest? It doesn't click because people are supposed to receive a mark on their foreheads or hand, which many thought would be RFID chips.


Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
At the moment, we witness the foundations being laid
The Constitution at the moment stands as a mighty bulwark in the way between any possibility of a church/state union in the US. Right? Many would like to believe that.
ha well, i guess to certain perceptions maybe, as you say.
"Those who say religion has nothing to do with politics do not know what religion is." - Mahatma

so i am not sure i even understand what ppl mean when they say "separation of church and state" in one breath,
and "in God we trust" in the next, tbh
or i understand only too well, and i gotta agree with you "interesting times" lol
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Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
So at some point you're saying that America will set up an image to the the church/state union
hi def even lol, count the pixels and see :)
people are supposed to receive a mark on their foreheads or hand
"everything they think, and everything they do (by the 'right hand,' a specific hand, right)."

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
hi def even lol, count the pixels and see :)
"everything they think, and everything they do (by the 'right hand,' a specific hand, right)."
Everything they think and do, so it's there thought patens and by there hand as in signing off giving orders.
It will be a mans works, Politically Correct Socialism, all people will become subservient to the gods of Political Correctness, you are owned part of the system nothing but a number. not regarded as a human, just a function of Political madness.

There is nothing Correct about anything that is Political, so the term political correct is a farce, they do not respect the truth at all. because the truth is not in them and they are from there Father of lies and were murders from the beginning.



ha well, i guess to certain perceptions maybe, as you say.
"Those who say religion has nothing to do with politics do not know what religion is." - Mahatma

so i am not sure i even understand what ppl mean when they say "separation of church and state" in one breath,
and "in God we trust" in the next, tbh
or i understand only too well, and i gotta agree with you "interesting times" lol
I actually think the US Supreme Court believe the constitution was written with a light pencil and an eraser at the ready for readers.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2018
United States
While elective office I tangled with accusations the separation of church and state. I'd met opening prayers and refused to stop when challenged.

The constitution states freedom of religious expression is protected speech.

It also says that no state religion and established. That simply means that no denomination are sect can be made illegal an official religion of the state.

Wall of separation is not in the constitution.

And I really ticked that a atheist off when my document by definition Federal law atheism is a religion.

Might as well throw another grenade in the room. I don't know any official's, ect, in the democrat party that are Christians.

It is democrat, not democratic party.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2018
United States
i def agree, but ppl are easily overwhelmed here, and in my experience getting ppl started down the O3 path hooks them up with the ppl that are hip to proper nutrition if they are committed, plus the O3 eventually causes an increase in the absorption of the other essentials, even if that is mostly the job for the gut bacteria. O3 is just the easiest in, in my experience. Very tough to get ppl to address Candida infections, etc

Hello bbyrd009,

I see. Appreciate the explanation. A genuine candida overgrowth can be a very tough battle. It can change forms from what I read many years ago. I am not anti-omega-3, but only meant to suggest that a more well rounded approach is even better.

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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2018
United States
wadr what do you expect a Passing Away to look like?

Unpleasant. Distasteful. But still able to made even worse by how it is handled.

pleased to meet you; hope you guessed my name

You'll find no sympathy for the devil here.

i mean stand around and let believers assure you that things are getting worse by the second if you like, and blame it all on Muslims too if you want, it's certainly popular here just like in Tx i guess, at least in Alief

Society on the mainland has been on a morally downward track for as long as I can remember. Its only accelerating. Filth, such a porn, is a prime example. The US produces that garbage and then sends it around the world. Hollyweird too. Corruption, violence, mistreatment of others, crime of all sorts. Most places getting shot up are not by Muslims. I know of Alief, but not sure of the reference? Its not the worst, but is not one of the safer parts of town either. I see plenty of violence and anti-God stuff from all quarters. See reports of alleged people of faith blessing 'centers of choice' (abortion clinics).

Do you really not see this as worsening morals and bad for society? How about fulfillment to prophecy? Do you see a reversal to better days? Something of the Kingdom Now variety?
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2018
United States
ah, what was "enriched?" sorry, i can't find it

That the awful omega-6:eek:mega-3 ratios present in the base food stuffs (oats, wheat, etc) of those products acts to offset omega-3 intake. Do you see 1100mg of omega-3 -per serving as existing in a vacuum? What amount of omega-6 is contained in the oats? More or less than 1100mg? So even those 'enriched' (with omega-3) foods may still be at an undesirable O6:O3 ratio. Gobbling up your supplemental O3 intake just to balance it. Though with enough high O3 sources you can overcome nearly anything. If ratios are the prime focus.

And not hating on oats as much as I am on the, IMO, over emphasis of omega-3s. Because there are other sources of inflammation. And other sources of anti-inflammatory agents. Oats atrocious O6:O3 ratio is mitigated by my personal experience of my great grandmother eating a bowl each morning and living to 100. With no additional omega-3 intake to offset it. Suggesting that there are many other important nutritional issues besides those ratios

hey, i love meat ok, but i also recognize that we consume way too much of it already, hence my current position there
plus the dangers of CAFO protein are not really being addressed there, which that beef is not CAFO, see, CAFO beef does not have that profile, so CAFO beef is being inferred but the profile there is for grass-fed beef, etc

I do too. Or did. Haven't touched any flesh foods or eggs or dairy in over two months. My symptoms of inflammation are long gone. So is high blood pressure. Vision has cleared. Mobility in joints and range of motion are vastly improved. Energy much improved. All without omega-3 supplementation either. Just my experience. FWIW.

bam eat some wild-caught salmon, eat some sardines
once or twice a week

well, i can say that i am practicing what i am preaching, and inflammation particularly is what i don't have any of, i didn't quite get what is producing the inflammation you ref? But that is a central point, so imo if i am just being blind there and you were clear on where this inflammation is coming from, my apologies. i'll go read again, i might catch it

Not a texter so not sure what "bam" means? "By all means"?? It does not obscure your point to me whatever it means.

It just seemed so counterintuitive that if you are seeking no inflammation then why consume so many inflammation producing food stuffs? Intake of large quantities of omega-3 sources serve to rebalance the ratios realized from heavy consumption of foods naturally high in omega-6.

I agree that O3 intake is important, but also avoiding excess O6, is too. This was your ratio argument back when I had my [alleged] "oops" moment. It then seemed likely that you were unaware of the high amounts of O6 that those foods have. My original idea of getting into other things far beyond this, like antioxidants and other things was cut short when I decided to post what I had thus far at that point and get back to real life issues. Which had piled up due to my inordinate amount of time reading and posting multiple threads. Sorry for the delay getting back to this. Been real busy.

Will have to research the fish oil spiking issue. Thanks for the tip. Came across that web site and information very late in the day and in the process if churning out that info much earlier than I had intended to. Was shocked by that huge disparity in effectiveness that I felt omitting it would be incorrect. It has made me consider consuming that small bit of animal fat for the benefits. We definitely eat too much meat as part of the standard American diet for optimal health. I know that I did.

I have become a big follower of Dr Michael Greger who advocates veganism. Not the religion, the dietary practice. Though he may have underlying motivations, he often critiques college students who are vegans for the social cause aspect primarily, but subsist on a diet of beer and french fries. Which is obviously not a healthy diet, but technically it is vegan.

Am trying to heal myself through diet. I went so far as to follow something initially that even Greger discourages due to potential electrolyte imbalances. The Kempner rice diet. White rice (yes, I know white rice vs brown rice...) combined with fruit and fruit juices, uses table sugar to lower protein content from 8% to %5 to further reduce the protein load on the kidneys. (I did not use the sugar. Or that much fruit either. No juice.) A diet which Dr John McDougall uses sparingly. Another person that I follow, but who wrote "The Starch Solution". So is a big advocate of most grains and so on. If it sounds like I am confused then that is because I am. Especially after this week. Both from this forum and more of my own research. There is likely a lot more going on that just the O6:O3 ratio. I agree improving that is a top priority, but apparently not a cure all.

I have compromised my health due to not following what I knew to do. So I am seeking any reasonable approach that can cure me outside of medicine. Which I am willing to pursue as a last resort.

All O3 is ultimately plant based in origin. It just seems that animal sources have already done the conversion from ALA to the better humanly absorbed forms. Nothing really magical about it. Grass for the cows and algae for the sea food.

I agree with the most whole food (Dr Greger will make issue of plant based whole foods) Biblically permissible is best. I am not advocating cessation from animal based products for any religious or social reasons. (Or really at all) Not what the apostle Paul referred to. In my compromised case it seems best. Not a dietary approach, but more of a therapy. If I reverse my conditions through diet then I do not know if I will stick to being strictly vegan as I am now? But I will always eat 'clean' from now on. And have had to eliminate even most of the vegan 'go to' foods such as peanut butter, tofu and other filling plant based foods. Peanut butter was the food I was referring to about learning about due to the issues that you raised. Its O6:O3 is like 5000:1 or infinity:1. It may be the absolute worst?! Avoiding it further improved my results. I also read about walnuts being a good source and it is what I was using. Until I saw the poor ratio along with all those other foods. Not sure if even this strict version of veganism is going to work? If not, I may be truly done for??

I only meant to try and balance some of the things being said and to contribute. People should gather all the info that they can and make the decisions that they are ultimately responsible for anyway. I care about people, but not about their choices. If I would want anyone to know anything is that somewhat like sin, poor dietary choices, we seem to get away with for awhile. But as cells reproduce with inferior nutrition they reproduce in an inferior manner. Insuring more rapid aging and raising the potential for serious disease. No doubt O3 minimizes that. Like many other things.

Otherwise, I was the typical Texas meat eating type. I just ended up going through a long period of depression and ate garbage. When later
I ate my own concocted anti-inflammatory dish the cessation of inflammation did wonders for the depression. That included a huge amount of red meat at the time. But I did not achieve this using omega-3s. Though I may add them to this current austere diet?

Hope this clears things up and does people some good. No doubt your information has.

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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2018
United States
bbyrd009 posted this first... true or not, I don't know! :)
....View attachment 4538

Heard that quote in a fairly recent PBS special on Twain. Its humorous even if its accuracy is uncertain.

I do believe people's votes count. (A common refrain these days... "vote early, vote often!") But so does everyone else's. Election results just reflect the change in values of the majority. Minus any corruption. Your (SG & everyone else's) vote counts, but it gets offset.

Missed all you guys from that one thread. Still progressing in my spiritual recovery.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2009
Be not concerned of things you cannot change, the world is deceived, and the world loves it, look up at the one who is the author and finisher of your faith, for in the days that are about to befall us all, no man will be able to stand up and help you, You will be on you own, and if you are not in Him, tahn you will truly be on your own.


While elective office I tangled with accusations the separation of church and state. I'd met opening prayers and refused to stop when challenged.

The constitution states freedom of religious expression is protected speech.

It also says that no state religion and established. That simply means that no denomination are sect can be made illegal an official religion of the state.

Wall of separation is not in the constitution.

And I really ticked that a atheist off when my document by definition Federal law atheism is a religion.

Might as well throw another grenade in the room. I don't know any official's, ect, in the democrat party that are Christians.

It is democrat, not democratic party.
You rightly say that the constitution forbids the government from establishing a religion, or outlawing a religion. I agree. A good thing to. You then say there is no wall of separation. My friend, the establishment clause is the separation. It doesn't stop individual Christians within government from putting their perspective and wisdom into policy and practice. Daniel in Babylon served in such a way. Using his godly influence, Daniel influenced the entire kingdom, and the king was converted.
But what separation means is not what you think it means. Separation means that no legislation shall be passed that favours any particular sect or religious persuasion. When it comes to matters of conscience, the government must keep its hands off. The RCC during the dark ages failed to do that. Using the state as it's personal baseball bat the RCC enforced religious doctrine upon all citizens of the state at the cost of millions of lives. I fear that the current situation in the US will be a carbon copy of that scenario. Trump has a coterie of evangelical pastors and preachers giving counsel and advice on how to run the nation. Of such counsel was limited to personal matters regarding Trump's Christian ethos, then okay. But I doubt this is the case. How long before Christian doctrine is introduced that alienates minorities and brings about penalties for disobedience? Then the Constitution will be abandoned, and good judgements will fall on the nation . God cherished religious freedom. God established America to preserve religious freedom for all who come, and insured people such as Madison and Jefferson to enshrine freedom in the law, and in the manner of Republican governance. Sadly, I believe it's days are numbered. The nation that grew up like a Lamb, is more speaking as the Dragon.


That the awful omega-6:eek:mega-3 ratios present in the base food stuffs (oats, wheat, etc) of those products acts to offset omega-3 intake. Do you see 1100mg of omega-3 -per serving as existing in a vacuum? What amount of omega-6 is contained in the oats? More or less than 1100mg? So even those 'enriched' (with omega-3) foods may still be at an undesirable O6:O3 ratio. Gobbling up your supplemental O3 intake just to balance it. Though with enough high O3 sources you can overcome nearly anything. If ratios are the prime focus.

And not hating on oats as much as I am on the, IMO, over emphasis of omega-3s. Because there are other sources of inflammation. And other sources of anti-inflammatory agents. Oats atrocious O6:O3 ratio is mitigated by my personal experience of my great grandmother eating a bowl each morning and living to 100. With no additional omega-3 intake to offset it. Suggesting that there are many other important nutritional issues besides those ratios

I do too. Or did. Haven't touched any flesh foods or eggs or dairy in over two months. My symptoms of inflammation are long gone. So is high blood pressure. Vision has cleared. Mobility in joints and range of motion are vastly improved. Energy much improved. All without omega-3 supplementation either. Just my experience. FWIW.

Not a texter so not sure what "bam" means? "By all means"?? It does not obscure your point to me whatever it means.

It just seemed so counterintuitive that if you are seeking no inflammation then why consume so many inflammation producing food stuffs? Intake of large quantities of omega-3 sources serve to rebalance the ratios realized from heavy consumption of foods naturally high in omega-6.

I agree that O3 intake is important, but also avoiding excess O6, is too. This was your ratio argument back when I had my [alleged] "oops" moment. It then seemed likely that you were unaware of the high amounts of O6 that those foods have. My original idea of getting into other things far beyond this, like antioxidants and other things was cut short when I decided to post what I had thus far at that point and get back to real life issues. Which had piled up due to my inordinate amount of time reading and posting multiple threads. Sorry for the delay getting back to this. Been real busy.

Will have to research the fish oil spiking issue. Thanks for the tip. Came across that web site and information very late in the day and in the process if churning out that info much earlier than I had intended to. Was shocked by that huge disparity in effectiveness that I felt omitting it would be incorrect. It has made me consider consuming that small bit of animal fat for the benefits. We definitely eat too much meat as part of the standard American diet for optimal health. I know that I did.

I have become a big follower of Dr Michael Greger who advocates veganism. Not the religion, the dietary practice. Though he may have underlying motivations, he often critiques college students who are vegans for the social cause aspect primarily, but subsist on a diet of beer and french fries. Which is obviously not a healthy diet, but technically it is vegan.

Am trying to heal myself through diet. I went so far as to follow something initially that even Greger discourages due to potential electrolyte imbalances. The Kempner rice diet. White rice (yes, I know white rice vs brown rice...) combined with fruit and fruit juices, uses table sugar to lower protein content from 8% to %5 to further reduce the protein load on the kidneys. (I did not use the sugar. Or that much fruit either. No juice.) A diet which Dr John McDougall uses sparingly. Another person that I follow, but who wrote "The Starch Solution". So is a big advocate of most grains and so on. If it sounds like I am confused then that is because I am. Especially after this week. Both from this forum and more of my own research. There is likely a lot more going on that just the O6:O3 ratio. I agree improving that is a top priority, but apparently not a cure all.

I have compromised my health due to not following what I knew to do. So I am seeking any reasonable approach that can cure me outside of medicine. Which I am willing to pursue as a last resort.

All O3 is ultimately plant based in origin. It just seems that animal sources have already done the conversion from ALA to the better humanly absorbed forms. Nothing really magical about it. Grass for the cows and algae for the sea food.

I agree with the most whole food (Dr Greger will make issue of plant based whole foods) Biblically permissible is best. I am not advocating cessation from animal based products for any religious or social reasons. (Or really at all) Not what the apostle Paul referred to. In my compromised case it seems best. Not a dietary approach, but more of a therapy. If I reverse my conditions through diet then I do not know if I will stick to being strictly vegan as I am now? But I will always eat 'clean' from now on. And have had to eliminate even most of the vegan 'go to' foods such as peanut butter, tofu and other filling plant based foods. Peanut butter was the food I was referring to about learning about due to the issues that you raised. Its O6:O3 is like 5000:1 or infinity:1. It may be the absolute worst?! Avoiding it further improved my results. I also read about walnuts being a good source and it is what I was using. Until I saw the poor ratio along with all those other foods. Not sure if even this strict version of veganism is going to work? If not, I may be truly done for??

I only meant to try and balance some of the things being said and to contribute. People should gather all the info that they can and make the decisions that they are ultimately responsible for anyway. I care about people, but not about their choices. If I would want anyone to know anything is that somewhat like sin, poor dietary choices, we seem to get away with for awhile. But as cells reproduce with inferior nutrition they reproduce in an inferior manner. Insuring more rapid aging and raising the potential for serious disease. No doubt O3 minimizes that. Like many other things.

Otherwise, I was the typical Texas meat eating type. I just ended up going through a long period of depression and ate garbage. When later
I ate my own concocted anti-inflammatory dish the cessation of inflammation did wonders for the depression. That included a huge amount of red meat at the time. But I did not achieve this using omega-3s. Though I may add them to this current austere diet?

Hope this clears things up and does people some good. No doubt your information has.

Hi brother. I see you are on a road of discovery with regards natural remedies. I am half way vegan, and like you, find the health benefits unarguable. Here is a web site to an expert in the field, and I believe you may learn much from him. He speaks publically all over the world, and his approach covers mental spiritual and physical wellbeing.
Nedley Health Solutions Home


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2018
United States
Hi brother. I see you are on a road of discovery with regards natural remedies. I am half way vegan, and like you, find the health benefits unarguable. Here is a web site to an expert in the field, and I believe you may learn much from him. He speaks publically all over the world, and his approach covers mental spiritual and physical wellbeing.
Nedley Health Solutions Home

Hey brakelite. Thanks. I will check this out.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2018
United States
Be not concerned of things you cannot change, the world is deceived, and the world loves it, look up at the one who is the author and finisher of your faith, for in the days that are about to befall us all, no man will be able to stand up and help you, You will be on you own, and if you are not in Him, tahn you will truly be on your own.

Hello mjrheath. I'm not too concerned about things that I cannot change. However, I am a bit concerned about things that can change me!

Yes, as the days grow more evil, I cling all the more to Christ. It is only in Him that I know the ultimate result will be good. Meanwhile trying to rescue as many as possible by sharing the Gospel. But that far away look is more and more common. Its like the deception is already here and carrying people away in their minds and hearts. Before people seemed content to reject faith in God as non-religious people. Now it is more like previously non-spiritual people are finding some sort of spirituality that they don't even understand.
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Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Society on the mainland has been on a morally downward track for as long as I can remember. Its only accelerating.
hmm, things were better yesterday than today then?
Do you really not see this as worsening morals and bad for society?
no i don't, wadr, what i do see is that perspective put in my face 100 times a day, seems a very popular notion with the MSM, etc. The world is a vastly better place than it was 100 years ago for pretty much every human on it, by any measure you might care to use, near as i can tell? we just did this btw, some true believer sky is falling thread, is America going down the tubes or whatever, fwiw no one could respond
How about fulfillment to prophecy? Do you see a reversal to better days? Something of the Kingdom Now variety?
imo the eye is the lamp of the body, and most believers don't realize that that can be read more than one way, due to the clever (dialectic) misdirection there at "eye," which makes us think "outward." Outward only, iow. so imo all prophecies are fulfilled on personal levels, even if they will also manifest in the world i guess too, and i don't believe anyone can ID any better days, even though most ppl think they can, imo this is an expression of their desire that everything remain Republican and static and etc, and that they hate change?