Divorce and Remarriage

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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2018
United States
I hope that I didn't convey in my response that I thought you were mad! Heavens no. I've had people think that of me because I believe in the Bible. I know that there are some things that God wants of me that I'm still working on. I'm just trying to find out how exactly one does go "in the Spirit" as Paul did. Or was that only meant for him as he wrote down Revelations? I don't know. I have a longing - a very deep inner longing - to get to a higher place with God. I have been unable to find the exact path - if that makes sense to you.

It may be taking every thought captive as Dave said - since my husband said the same thing and it strikes a chord. Thinking God's thoughts; thinking holy thoughts, rather than all the random thoughts that reverberate and sometimes go down the wrong path.

You will not "go in the Spirit" by what you do. He holds out His scepter and you touch it. Just wait in trust, that's what He's working you towards. Every single exercise or test is geared toward growing your trust and getting you to cease from anxious thoughts.


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2018
United States
So, please tell us how much the vet bill is. The woman is asking for your coat as well. We will give it to her. Or...don't even tell us how much the vet bill is , just pm us your address if we ask for it. Put me on the list. I want your name and address. I have some I can send and it will not harm me in any way to do so.

Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
Yes, how much is the vet bill. Maybe we all can chip in to help you pay it. If everyone gives a little as they can, it will burden none of us. You can give us a post office box or send your address in pm to whoever of us say we can help.

Sorry I missed the post and can't find it. The vet bill is $1500. I do not want anyone to give any money. We're not broke, but I have high medical bills. My treatments are $1k apiece and I need 18. I've been waiting on the insurance but if they even approve it we'll have to pay $18,000. All I wanted was guidance on what others thought would be the fair thing to do. My one relative said she would pay the bill if the dog had ran into the neighbor's yard and attacked it but their cat was in our yard. My husband said he thinks they ran the bill up thinking we were going to pay for it. He said they had the cat x-rayed twice and had the vet keep the cat there for "observation." And the cat scratched the heck out of the dogs eyes. The dog lay on the edge of our bedsheets and my husband held it up and it was soaked in blood. We didn't take the dog to the vet or we could have run up a bill like that and presented it to them. My husband checked the cat over and said there were no bite marks on it. My husband didn't trust the vet and said he thinks that the neighbor told the vet: "Don't worry about what it costs, someone else is paying for it." $1500 is a lot.

I don't want to disparage them because they've been good to us, but their son was on drugs and used to knock on our door bugging for money. He was chased by police and would hide in our yard and we had cops all over our yard. You put up with some things to get along. But it seems that no matter what we do it isn't enough. My husband left me here alone without a car to appease them. We spent money on gas and tolls for my husband to drive halfway across the country. We already spent a good deal trying to appease them but they're acting like it's not enough. I told my husband the saying: "And those who cry Appease! Appease! Were hanged by those they tried to please."

It just seems that they aren't counting the cost we already paid and because we appeased them now they're demanding more. Some people - the more you give the more they want.

I don't know if I'm thinking selfishly or fairly. I just wonder if others think that we're responsible for the bill, if we're responsible for half of it, or if we already spent money on gas and tolls and now it's the neighbor's responsibility to pick up the tab for their own cat.

It hurt that they're pushing this and they know I'm struggling - it's as if they only care about money. They are both better off than we are financially which is what hurts. He was a lawyer and she a teacher and they both have good income from retirement. I was injured and unable to get SSD so we have been on one paycheck for awhile. I don't know why they don't pay for their own cat. I may be wrong and may be thinking selfishly. I don't know. That's why I wanted others opinions on what the godly thing to do is.
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Waiting on him

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2018
North America
United States
Sorry I missed the post and can't find it. The vet bill is $1500. I do not want anyone to give any money. We're not broke, but I have high medical bills. My treatments are $1k apiece and I need 18. I've been waiting on the insurance but if they even approve it we'll have to pay $18,000. All I wanted was guidance on what others thought would be the fair thing to do. My one relative said she would pay the bill if the dog had ran into the neighbor's yard and attacked it but their cat was in our yard. My husband said he thinks they ran the bill up thinking we were going to pay for it. He said they had the cat x-rayed twice and had the vet keep the cat there for "observation." And the cat scratched the heck out of the dogs eyes. The dog lay on the edge of our bedsheets and my husband held it up and it was soaked in blood. We didn't take the dog to the vet or we could have run up a bill like that and presented it to them. My husband checked the cat over and said there were no bite marks on it. My husband didn't trust the vet and said he thinks that the neighbor told the vet: "Don't worry about what it costs, someone else is paying for it." $1500 is a lot.

I don't want to disparage them because they've been good to us, but their son was on drugs and used to knock on our door bugging for money. He was chased by police and would hide in our yard and we had cops all over our yard. You put up with some things to get along. But it seems that no matter what we do it isn't enough. My husband left me here alone without a car to appease them. We spent money on gas and tolls for my husband to drive halfway across the country. We already spent a good deal trying to appease them but I feel it's not enough. I told my husband the saying: "And those who cry Appease! Appease! Were hanged by those they tried to please."

It just seems that they aren't counting the cost we already paid and because we appeased them now they're demanding more. Some people - the more you give the more they want.

I don't know if I'm thinking selfishly or fairly. I just wonder if others think that we're responsible for the bill, if we're responsible for half of it, or if we already spent money on gas and tolls and now it's the neighbor's responsibility to pick up the tab for their own cat.

It hurt that they're pushing this and they know I'm struggling - it's as if they only care about money. They are both better off than we are financially which is what hurts. He was a lawyer and she a teacher and they both have good income from retirement. I was injured and unable to get SSD so we have been on one paycheck for awhile. I don't know why they don't pay for their own cat. I may be wrong and may be thinking selfishly. I don't know. That's why I wanted others opinions on what the godly thing to do is.
The Godly thing to do is would be to provide your neighbors name and address.


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2018
United States
SG, I am eager to send help. You are refusing my help. You've given your coat. She is asking for your shirt as well. I want you to change your mind and let me help with that, but I will not say more. I am hoping you will pm me an address, and will go ask the vet if he will accept payments, but I will not say anything more and you can talk the matter over with God.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
Sorry I missed the post and can't find it. The vet bill is $1500. I do not want anyone to give any money. We're not broke, but I have high medical bills. My treatments are $1k apiece and I need 18. I've been waiting on the insurance but if they even approve it we'll have to pay $18,000. All I wanted was guidance on what others thought would be the fair thing to do. My one relative said she would pay the bill if the dog had ran into the neighbor's yard and attacked it but their cat was in our yard. My husband said he thinks they ran the bill up thinking we were going to pay for it. He said they had the cat x-rayed twice and had the vet keep the cat there for "observation." And the cat scratched the heck out of the dogs eyes. The dog lay on the edge of our bedsheets and my husband held it up and it was soaked in blood. We didn't take the dog to the vet or we could have run up a bill like that and presented it to them. My husband checked the cat over and said there were no bite marks on it. My husband didn't trust the vet and said he thinks that the neighbor told the vet: "Don't worry about what it costs, someone else is paying for it." $1500 is a lot.

I don't want to disparage them because they've been good to us, but their son was on drugs and used to knock on our door bugging for money. He was chased by police and would hide in our yard and we had cops all over our yard. You put up with some things to get along. But it seems that no matter what we do it isn't enough. My husband left me here alone without a car to appease them. We spent money on gas and tolls for my husband to drive halfway across the country. We already spent a good deal trying to appease them but they're acting like it's not enough. I told my husband the saying: "And those who cry Appease! Appease! Were hanged by those they tried to please."

It just seems that they aren't counting the cost we already paid and because we appeased them now they're demanding more. Some people - the more you give the more they want.

I don't know if I'm thinking selfishly or fairly. I just wonder if others think that we're responsible for the bill, if we're responsible for half of it, or if we already spent money on gas and tolls and now it's the neighbor's responsibility to pick up the tab for their own cat.

It hurt that they're pushing this and they know I'm struggling - it's as if they only care about money. They are both better off than we are financially which is what hurts. He was a lawyer and she a teacher and they both have good income from retirement. I was injured and unable to get SSD so we have been on one paycheck for awhile. I don't know why they don't pay for their own cat. I may be wrong and may be thinking selfishly. I don't know. That's why I wanted others opinions on what the godly thing to do is.

For us to pay is taking away your opportunity to bear fruit. Yes, we could bear the burden and bear fruit with you which could also be good. But God has allowed you to be in this place with your neighbor for your good. They(your neighbor) may be producing evil against you and your husband but evil does not overcome evil but instead good overcomes evil. Bear His fruit. We will help for sure but don’t want to take this opportunity to bear Spiritual fruit away from you.

Dave L

Does not the verse above pertain to the coming out of the world. To forsake all (the natural) and to be born from above (the heavenly)? All means all. there is command to leave Mother and Father YET to Honour Mother and Father. When Jesus Christ said Mark 3:33-35
[33] And he answered them, saying, Who is my mother, or my brethren? [34] And he looked round about on them which sat about him, and said, Behold my mother and my brethren! [35] For whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my brother, and my sister, and mother.

...He signified a change of house from the earthly habitation to the Heavenly habitation? His Father God and His Mother the New Jerusalem which is above all. Yet His tenderness for Mary and no doubt Joseph still evident. His coming out of the world yet He came not to condemn the world but to save it.

Hebrews 13:4-9 is God’s marriage bed, is it not? “Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge. [5] Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. [6] So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me. [7] Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the word of God: whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation. [8] Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. [9] Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines. For it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace; not with meats, which have not profited them that have been occupied therein.”

It is good for the heart to be established with grace...not the doctrines of men which have not profited them that have been occupied with them...GRACE which is the doctrine of God that the Son said was not His doctrine but the doctrine of the One who sent HIM.

Revelation 2:20-22
[20] Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols. [21] And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not. [22] Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds.

here is a bed of adultery (against God) defiled and “unclean”, a bed Jezebel is cast into for she teaches those to eat things sacrificed to idols...

He (Jesus Christ)came to set at “Liberty” those held captive. These are the Sons of God which the creation in the bondage of corruption groans to be delivered into the “Liberty” of. Paul spoke often on eating of those things sacrificed to idols...yet also spoke of those weak who thought it was a sin.

Question: are you preaching Grace or captivity again to bondage? Those set at Liberty in Christ...are free. Acts 11:9 But the voice answered me again from heaven, What God hath cleansed, that call not thou common.
It depends on how much you love Jesus or how much you love your sin.


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2018
United States
The Godly thing to do is would be to provide your neighbors name and address.

Hahaha wouldn't that be funny! Checks begin to pour into their mailbox instead of SG's mailbox, with a note to please apply it toward the vet bill! Maybe...that's what God WANTS, for them to see it and pour hot coals on their heads to soften their hearts for Him to begin His strange work!
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Waiting on him

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2018
North America
United States
For us to pay is taking away your opportunity to bear fruit. Yes, we could bear the burden and bear fruit with you which could also be good. But God has allowed you to be in this place with your neighbor for your good. They(your neighbor) may be producing evil against you and your husband but evil does not overcome evil but instead good overcomes evil. Bear His fruit. We will help for sure but don’t want to take this opportunity to bear Spiritual fruit away from you.
Agreed 100%.. still wouldn’t hurt to send these poor individuals a love offering for their sufferings.


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2018
United States
For us to pay is taking away your opportunity to bear fruit. Yes, we could bear the burden and bear fruit with you which could also be good. But God has allowed you to be in this place with your neighbor for your good. They(your neighbor) may be producing evil against you and your husband but evil does not overcome evil but instead good overcomes evil. Bear His fruit. We will help for sure but don’t want to take this opportunity to bear Spiritual fruit away from you.

She is cash strapped. It is not bearing fruit for her to pay money she doesn't have. It is bearing fruit for her to learn to accept our help and to have a change of heart about the matter. The money is just money.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2018
United States
Hahaha wouldn't that be funny! Checks begin to pour into their mailbox instead of SG's mailbox, with a note to please apply it toward the vet bill! Maybe...that's what God WANTS, for them to see it and pour hot coals on their heads to soften their hearts for Him to begin His strange work!

And of course we know how God multiplies the fish and loaves, so I wouldn't be surprised if it will be more than enough and they write her a check for the extra that will take some of the burden of her treatment costs! Oh I am so eager to help in this!!

Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
Thank you sovereign grace but Dave has made his views quite clear that he thinks I am going to hell - even in his response to you - does it hurt, of course because another Christian is condemning me - however it at least enables me to know who to avoid !!

I know it hurts - and it hurts to be at odds with another believer. You remember that not long ago it was others arguing on here. I know that it stings which is why I hoped everyone would just agree to disagree. I feel responsible because I asked Dave to expound - he did not offer it. If you're secure in the Lord with your relationship then what another believer thinks doesn't really matter. Each of us has our own relationship with God. He knows what you endured and why you did what you did. It's not like it was you who committed adultery. No one can judge another because they don't know how deep the pain went.

I had another believer do something very very very evil to my family. I had others point an accusatory finger at me and demand that I had to forgive. I had the evildoer lie and join with a family member to condemn me. I am an independent person and I think for myself and I was not about to be ganged up on to try to force me to absolve the evildoer. I ended up cutting off the people. Months passed and one who had ganged up on me showed up at my door. He finally admitted that I was right - that the person committed a vile evil knowingly. I asked why it took so long to admit it. He said: "Well I was afraid she (the evildoer) wouldn't talk to me." It actually made it worse because he went along with the evildoer to save his own skin. It disgusted me. He died and I cut off the entire bunch. Some didn't commit the evil but they maintained a relationship with the evildoer.

So I've been in the trenches and only God knows the depth of what you feel. I know what Scripture says but some wounds are so deep and so lasting and so utterly evil that it's next to impossible to forgive. Sometimes only time can heal a wound that deep so I know that you can have a depth of pain there. Someone can condemn me for not "forgiving" yet I tried and the best I could manage was to not be around the evildoer and anyone that associate with her. Besides that she has an evil heart and I don't trust her. And I believe that she is regenerated.

I just hope that this can be dropped. It's not going in a good place and we all know it.

Dave L


I know it hurts - and it hurts to be at odds with another believer. You remember that not long ago it was others arguing on here. I know that it stings which is why I hoped everyone would just agree to disagree. I feel responsible because I asked Dave to expound - he did not offer it. If you're secure in the Lord with your relationship then what another believer thinks doesn't really matter. Each of us has our own relationship with God. He knows what you endured and why you did what you did. It's not like it was you who committed adultery. No one can judge another because they don't know how deep the pain went.

I had another believer do something very very very evil to my family. I had others point an accusatory finger at me and demand that I had to forgive. I had the evildoer lie and join with a family member to condemn me. I am an independent person and I think for myself and I was not about to be ganged up on to try to force me to absolve the evildoer. I ended up cutting off the people. Months passed and one who had ganged up on me showed up at my door. He finally admitted that I was right - that the person committed a vile evil knowingly. I asked why it took so long to admit it. He said: "Well I was afraid she (the evildoer) wouldn't talk to me." It actually made it worse because he went along with the evildoer to save his own skin. It disgusted me. He died and I cut off the entire bunch. Some didn't commit the evil but they maintained a relationship with the evildoer.

So I've been in the trenches and only God knows the depth of what you feel. I know what Scripture says but some wounds are so deep and so lasting and so utterly evil that it's next to impossible to forgive. Sometimes only time can heal a wound that deep so I know that you can have a depth of pain there. Someone can condemn me for not "forgiving" yet I tried and the best I could manage was to not be around the evildoer and anyone that associate with her. Besides that she has an evil heart and I don't trust her. And I believe that she is regenerated.

I just hope that this can be dropped. It's not going in a good place and we all know it.
I'm still waiting for you to be honest and clarify your question so I can respond. Instead of slandering me for my ignorance of what you are getting at.