Gods Standard is...

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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
Paul was to present every man perfect in Christ.
Colossians 1:28
28 Whom we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom; that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus:

Perfect is a place. A realm. It is Christ living through us...from perfection.

Sound doctrine teaches this place as a place where the faithful IN Christ walk.

Hebrews 5:14 King James Version (KJV)
14 But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age (perfect), even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.

Translations are not the original words from God. The above statement "of full age" is the word teleos...or perfect. So then those who have experienced His walk understand sound doctrine. Those who have never experienced the power of this new life in Him...won't.
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Hope in God

Well-Known Member
May 29, 2019
United States
It is not like we know nothing of perfection, for our spirits, upon the moment they are justified and quickened, are made perfect. It is the only part of our threefold makeup that becomes perfect once we turn to Christ and repent. We are taught through Paul's writing that the spirit of a just man is made perfect. (Heb. 12:23) By this work, it is made free from the penalty of sin.
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
By this work, it is made free from the penalty of sin.

The wages of sin is always death. The universe and God have not taken a 180. You have a way of understanding that is fundamentally flawed.

We are to be set free from sin....the sin factory which is in our flesh. We need a new operating system. The old one was flawed. But the new one is perfect when we abide in Him.

Hope in God

Well-Known Member
May 29, 2019
United States
I'm not speaking of the soulish realm, but the spirit. It is in the soul that all our battling takes place, not in our spirits for they are made perfect when we are justified. That sin factory is located in the soul, not the spirit.

I have noticed an error within some belief systems that believes the words "filthiness of the flesh and spirit" means the part that was justified when we were saved. It is, rather, relating to attitude, as David wrote, "take not they holy spirit from me," he too was writing of his attitude.

You might believe a person can lose their salvation. IF so, I can understand your confusion.
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
You asked for thoughts Nancy, so here goes, (oy vey, but no fair laughing) :):) LoL

It is true God’s standard is perfection, but why?

May I propose;

Because for the expression of love.

For love to be expressed and received forever, between two or more persons. Perfection is the only ground that can both give and receive such a wonder. Perfection being the highest expression of a thing, and God’s desire was to give the highest expression of every good thing. Therefore perfection in all things is a mandatory necessity. Because God is love and for Him to fully express the love that is He Himself to all for all eternity, perfection is the only ground that could receive such a expression. Without actually exploding into a flame of fire, ( i.e. hell.)


Much love in Christ, Not me
Thanks for the reply NM. Yeah, I think we would explode into a flame of fire without Christ and the HS living in us!
"It is true God’s standard is perfection, but why?" <---Because He is perfect? Perfection personified! Perfect in ALL His ways ♥
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
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it's crap ok, sorry Helen elohim
I said "you are elohim"
Want a skin, then confess just like them! :D
Wanna hide behind that tree, don't confess
We just don't care, with our hands in the air...

oh no the rhyming pls pls don't get me started
I should way be in bed and i won't get to sleep for hours lol

I think when God checks us out--as if btw--He sees elohim,
unless they are hiding somewhere i tell you what
9So the LORD God called out to the man and said to him, "Where are you?"
Adam and Eve, rather than own up to what they did just hid, and when found they just played the blame game. (sry for the rhyme lol) No confession there...
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
I'm not speaking of the soulish realm, but the spirit. It is in the soul that all our battling takes place, not in our spirits for they are made perfect when we are justified. That sin factory is located in the soul, not the spirit.

Granted. But we are not a spirit but a soul. Having a perfect spirit is of no use to us if it doesn't convert our souls. It is our souls that will be judged not our spirits.

The spirit within us is a potential that can save our souls.

James 1:21 Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and every expression of evil, and humbly receive the word planted in you, which can save your souls.

I have noticed an error within some belief systems that believes the words "filthiness of the flesh and spirit" means the part that was justified when we were saved. It is, rather, relating to attitude, as David wrote, "take not they holy spirit from me," he too was writing of his attitude.

Attitude is very important. But that is on the soulish level. IOW our part of the covenant to hold up. But God's Spirit is His presence...the part that God fulfills in His covenant.

ou might believe a person can lose their salvation. IF so, I can understand your confusion.

The confusion arises when we think that a gift of the spirit justifies our lack of a godly walk in our souls. We will be judged harder for having received of His Spirit...not more leniently. So then you are looking at this all wrong. Nobody is judged for having a gift more leniently...but more severely. Judgment begins at the house of God. The spirit returns to whom sent it...in order to reveal the true condition of the soul.

Nobody is going to be judged by grace...but by works.... hence your confusion here.


Not me

Well-Known Member
May 8, 2019
California, Ca.
United States
Thanks for the reply NM. Yeah, I think we would explode into a flame of fire without Christ and the HS living in us!
"It is true God’s standard is perfection, but why?" <---Because He is perfect? Perfection personified! Perfect in ALL His ways ♥

Yes He is prefect in all His ways.!

And Praise be to Him, for He has promised to prefect that which concerns us.

Blessings as we get to know Him deeper and deeper.

Much love in Christ, Not me
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
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He does, and in Christ with the help of the Holy Spirit that is our goal. But it is a goal we will never achieve this side of heaven although being washed in the blood of the Lamb God sees us as sinless and holy.
Amen Pat,
What you wrote here, above, is what I was trying to explain to some on here. I think we must needs to use more complicated words :D
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
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Jesus is perfection. His perfection is His gift to us. But that gift remains IN Him. We need to go to Him to get it. We walk in His life as we abide in Him. But this is very difficult because we love our lives too dearly. We don't want to surrender our lives for another person to take over...even if it is Jesus Himself. The cost is just too high.

So then consequently God's standards have been reduced to what we can do in our own power...at a safe distance from God...always learning and getting "better" but never able to enter into what is already waiting for us right now in His perfection by faith.

People like the free stuff...the easy way. We like that somewhere inside of us Jesus is alive and makes an occasional appearance (maybe on sundays?)

But there is a whole realm to walk in by grace through faith....which is in HIS world, His kingdom.

But which world do we feel attached to? Do we adopt God's kingdom as our own world? Do we adopt Jesus Christ as OUR identity? Will we really exchange our lives for His so that His light might shine through us?

Or do we only seek to benefit somehow by God's generosity...because He is selfless even if we choose not to be as He is...while leaving God to live in His world and we in ours?

What is a safe distance to keep God away from us...I mean so that we don't "lose" ourselves?

There is a walk which Jesus gives to us...already perfected...His walk which is ours by grace through faith. But it costs us everything to get through that narrow door and walk that walk. That's the problem. We want heaven...but not now.

We choose to live our own lives...in hope that God will be generous towards us even as we refuse to forsake what we already have...for Him.

Thanks for the reply Epi,
Good post. Just want to comment on this:
"But there is a whole realm to walk in by grace through faith....which is in HIS world, His kingdom." “The Kingdom of God Is Within You” or, in the "midst" of you. We are also to seek the Kingdom as well as pray for His Kingdom to come upon Earth. The Holy Spirit helps us to obey Gods laws which once the Kingdom has come, will (I would think?) have to be followed or, will we not have achieved perfection by then? After Jesus second coming will not His faithful be with Him to usher it in? Just some thoughts...okay guys, tear it apart! lol.
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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
You're right of course, but without the Holy Spirit to impart them to us and give us understanding they are just words to those who do not have the enlightenment brought about by the Holy Spirit.
Even before the Holy Spirit is given to anyone, He -- God the Holy Spirit -- uses the Gospel to convict and convince sinners to repent and be converted. See Acts 2. Enlightenment comes later regarding the deep things of God through the Holy Spirit.

Willie T

Heaven Sent
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Sep 14, 2017
St. Petersburg Florida
United States
Isn't is odd that whenever someone wants to "prove" we are to follow God's mystic leading instead of His written words... the first thing they direct us to is His "WRITTEN WORDS."
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
Thanks for the reply Epi,
Good post. Just want to comment on this:
"But there is a whole realm to walk in by grace through faith....which is in HIS world, His kingdom." “The Kingdom of God Is Within You” or, in the "midst" of you. We are also to seek the Kingdom as well as pray for His Kingdom to come upon Earth. The Holy Spirit helps us to obey Gods laws which once the Kingdom has come, will (I would think?) have to be followed or, will we not have achieved perfection by then? After Jesus second coming will not His faithful be with Him to usher it in? Just some thoughts...okay guys, tear it apart! lol.

And thank you for your reply Nancy. :)

There is a conundrum you are bringing up. If the kingdom of God is in heaven...how can it be also in us? Well, the doorway or access point to that heavenly realm is in us. Christ in you. But just having that doorway in us doesn't "save" us from this world. We need to go through it.

So even as the whole journey happens physically within us, there are different dimensions accessible to us from within. There is the carnal level that most of will never depart from. What is familiar is also what is comfortable. Even having Christ in us doesn't change that. We need to go to Christ and enter into Him...then we come into a new world...a spiritual realm. We can live from there. But to remain there takes a lot of renewing of the mind...since we are so used to handle our daily affairs ourselves. Seeing through new eyes and new faculties is a challenge for the supremacy of seeing and perceiving as we always have up till then. ...by the power of our carnal senses.

But the kingdom of God is accessible from within. Not something that was always there...but through the indwelling Spirit by Christ.

Who dares to enter into Him?


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
Isn't is odd that whenever someone wants to "prove" we are to follow God's mystic leading instead of written words... the first they direct us to is His "WRITTEN WORDS."

We are fortunate to have a common departure point....the written word. But from there there are many flights of fancy...as well as journeys into the mysteries of God. Our task is to get on the right track! :)


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
He does, and in Christ with the help of the Holy Spirit that is our goal. But it is a goal we will never achieve this side of heaven although being washed in the blood of the Lamb God sees us as sinless and holy.
Ephesians 4
20 But ye have not so learned Christ;
21 If so be that ye have heard him, and have been taught by him, as the truth is in Jesus:
22 That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts;
23 And be renewed in the spirit of your mind;
24 And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.

Hi Pearl, I like this passage for the clarity it gives to this fact. "After God" is to say, in God's likeness, or patterned after God. So we have a new man that we can put on who has been created in righteousness and true holiness.

This is the same as putting on Christ. Christ in me/you, the hope of glory.

Much love!
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